# Generating the Feature Matrix from a Given BAM file and a Feature FIle
#' @name sc_atac_feature_counting
#' @title generating the feature by cell matrix
#' @description feature matrix is created using a given demultiplexed BAM file and
#' a selected feature type
#' @param fragment_file The fragment file
#' @param feature_input The feature input data e.g. the .narrowPeak file for peaks of a bed file format
#' @param bam_tags The BAM tags
#' @param feature_type The type of feature
#' @param organism The organism type (contains hg19, hg38, mm10)
#' @param cell_calling The desired cell calling method; either \code{cellranger}, \code{emptydrops} or \code{filter}.
#' @param pheno_data The phenotypic data as a data frame
#' @param promoters_file The path of the promoter annotation file (if the specified organism isn't recognised).
#' @param tss_file The path of the tss annotation file (if the specified organism isn't recognised).
#' @param enhs_file The path of the enhs annotation file (if the specified organism isn't recognised).
#' @param gene_anno_file The path of the gene annotation file (gtf or gff3 format).
#' @param sample_name The sample name to identify which is the data is analysed for.
#' @param bin_size The size of the bins
#' @param yieldsize The yield size
#' @param n_filter_cell_counts An integer value to filter the feature matrix on the number of reads per cell (default = 200)
#' @param n_filter_feature_counts An integer value to filter the feature matrix on the number of reads per feature (default = 10).
#' @param exclude_regions Whether or not the regions (specified in the file) should be excluded
#' @param excluded_regions_filename The filename of the file containing the regions to be excluded
#' @param fix_chr Whether chr should be fixed or not
#' @param lower the lower threshold for the data if using the \code{emptydrops} function for cell calling
#' @param genome_size The size of the genome (used for the \code{cellranger} cell calling method)
#' @param min_uniq_frags The minimum number of required unique fragments required for a cell (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param max_uniq_frags The maximum number of required unique fragments required for a cell (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param min_frac_peak The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a peak (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param min_frac_tss The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a tss (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param min_frac_enhancer The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a enhancer sequence (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param min_frac_promoter The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a promoter sequence (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param max_frac_mito The maximum proportion of fragments in a cell that are mitochondrial (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param output_folder The output folder
#' @param create_report Logical value to say whether to create the report or not (default = TRUE).
#' @returns None (invisible `NULL`)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_atac_feature_counting(
#' fragment_file = fragment_file,
#' cell_calling = "filter",
#' exclude_regions = TRUE,
#' feature_input = feature_file)
#' }
#' @export
sc_atac_feature_counting <- function(
feature_input = NULL,
bam_tags = list(bc="CB", mb="OX"),
feature_type = "peak",
organism = "hg38",
cell_calling = "filter",
sample_name = "",
genome_size = NULL,
promoters_file = NULL,
tss_file = NULL,
enhs_file = NULL,
gene_anno_file = NULL,
pheno_data = NULL,
bin_size = NULL,
yieldsize = 1000000,
n_filter_cell_counts = 200,
n_filter_feature_counts = 10,
exclude_regions = FALSE,
excluded_regions_filename = NULL,
output_folder = NULL,
fix_chr = "none",
lower = NULL,
min_uniq_frags = 3000,
max_uniq_frags = 50000,
min_frac_peak = 0.3,
min_frac_tss = 0,
min_frac_enhancer = 0,
min_frac_promoter = 0.1,
max_frac_mito = 0.15,
create_report = FALSE
) {
. <- V1 <- V2 <- V3 <- init <- peakStart <- seqnames <- peakEnd <- CB <- chromosome <- chrS <- feature <- barcode <- NULL
init_time <- Sys.time()
available_organisms <- c("hg19",
if(!is.null(organism)) stopifnot(organism %in% available_organisms)
stopifnot(fix_chr %in% c("none", "excluded_regions", "feature", "both"))
if(is.null(output_folder)) {
output_folder <- file.path(getwd(), "scPipe-atac-output")
message("Output directory has not been provided. Saving output in\n", output_folder)
if (!dir.exists(output_folder)){
message("Output directory does not exist. Creating...", output_folder)
# initiate log file and location for stats in scPipe_atac_stats
log_and_stats_folder <- paste0(output_folder, "/scPipe_atac_stats/")
dir.create(log_and_stats_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
log_file <- paste0(log_and_stats_folder, "log_file.txt")
stats_file <- paste0(log_and_stats_folder, "stats_file_align.txt")
if(!file.exists(log_file)) file.create(log_file)
# file.create(stats_file)
# timer
"sc_atac_feature_counting starts at ",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
############# feature type is genome_bin ####################
if(feature_type == 'genome_bin'){
# TODO: test the format of the fasta file here and stop if not proper format
message("`genome bin` feature type is selected for feature input. reading the genome fasta file ...")
# index for feature_input is created if not found in the same directory as the feature_input
message("Index for ", feature_input, " is being created... ")
bin_size <- 2000
message("Default bin size of 2000 is selected")
out_bed_filename <- paste0(output_folder, "/", sub('\\..[^\\.]*$', '', basename(feature_input)), ".bed") # remove extension and append output folder
if(file.exists(out_bed_filename)) {
message(out_bed_filename, " file already exists. Replacing!")
rcpp_fasta_bin_bed_file(feature_input, out_bed_filename, bin_size)
# Check if file was created
if(file.exists(out_bed_filename)) {
message("Generated the genome bin file:\n", out_bed_filename)
else {
stop("File ", out_bed_filename, "file was not created.")
## End if is.null
} else{
# Use organism data sizes saved in repository
organism_files <- list.files(system.file("extdata/annotations/", package = "scPipe", mustWork = TRUE))
sizes_filename_aux <- grep(pattern = organism, x = organism_files, value = TRUE) %>%
grep(pattern <- "size", x = ., value = TRUE)
sizes_filename <- system.file(paste0("extdata/annotations/", sizes_filename_aux), package = "scPipe", mustWork = TRUE)
sizes_df <- utils::read.table(sizes_filename, header = FALSE, col.names = c("V1", "V2"))
sizes_df_aux <- sizes_df %>%
dplyr::group_by(V1) %>%
dplyr::mutate(V3 = floor(V2/bin_size),
V4 = bin_size*V3) %>%
out_bed <- purrr::map_df(seq_len(nrow(sizes_df_aux)), function(i){
aux_i <- sizes_df_aux %>% dplyr::slice(i)
seq_aux_end <- seq(from = bin_size, to = aux_i$V4, by = bin_size)
seq_aux_init <- seq_aux_end - bin_size + 1
if(seq_aux_end[length(seq_aux_end)] == aux_i$V2){
last_row_init <- c()
last_row_end <- c()
} else{
last_row_init <- seq_aux_end[length(seq_aux_end)] + 1
last_row_end <- aux_i$V2
options(scipen = 999) # To prevent scientific notation
out_df <- dplyr::tibble(init = c(seq_aux_init, last_row_init),
end = c(seq_aux_end, last_row_end)
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(name = aux_i$V1, .before = init)
utils::write.table(out_bed, file = out_bed_filename, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# Check if file was created
if(file.exists(out_bed_filename)) {
message("Generated the genome bin file:\n", out_bed_filename)
else {
stop("File ", out_bed_filename, "file was not created.")
} else{
stop("Either organism or feature_input should be provided.")
} # End else is.null(genome_size)
# feature_input <- genome_bin
############################## feature type is peak #####################
if(feature_type == 'peak' || feature_type == 'tss' || feature_type == 'gene'){
message("`peak`, `tss` or `gene` feature_type is selected for feature input")
############################### fix_chr in feature file
if(fix_chr %in% c("feature", "both")){
out_bed_filename_feature <- paste0(output_folder, "/",
), "_fixedchr.bed"
) # remove extension and append output folder
# Try to read first 5 rows of feature_input file to see if the format is correct
feature_head <- utils::read.table(feature_input, nrows = 5)
if(ncol(feature_head) < 3){
stop("Feature file provided does not contain 3 columns. Cannot append chr")
# warning("Feature file provided does not contain 3 columns. Cannot append chr")
# break;
rcpp_append_chr_to_bed_file(feature_input, out_bed_filename_feature)
# Check if file was created
if(file.exists(out_bed_filename_feature)) {
message("Appended 'chr' to feature file and output created in:", out_bed_filename_feature)
feature_input <- out_bed_filename_feature
else {
stop("File ", out_bed_filename_feature, "file was not created.")
############################### fix_chr in excluded regions
if(fix_chr %in% c("excluded_regions", "both")){
out_bed_filename_excluded_regions <- paste0(output_folder, "/",
), "_fixedchr.bed"
) # remove extension and append output folder
# Try to read first 5 rows of excluded_regions file to see if the format is correct
excluded_regions_head <- utils::read.table(excluded_regions_filename, nrows = 5)
if(ncol(excluded_regions_head) < 3){
stop("excluded_regions file provided does not contain 3 columns. Cannot append chr")
# warning("excluded_regions file provided does not contain 3 columns. Cannot append chr")
# break
rcpp_append_chr_to_bed_file(excluded_regions_filename, out_bed_filename_excluded_regions)
# Check if file was created
if(file.exists(out_bed_filename_excluded_regions)) {
message("Appended 'chr' to excluded_regions file and output created in:", out_bed_filename_excluded_regions)
excluded_regions_filename <- out_bed_filename_excluded_regions
else {
stop("File ", out_bed_filename_excluded_regions, "file was not created.")
} # end if excluded_regions
############################### end fix_chr
###################### generate the GAlignment objects from BAM and features ######################
############## generate the GAalignment file from the feature_input file
message("Creating Galignment object for the feature input ...")
if(feature_type != 'genome_bin'){
feature.gr <- rtracklayer::import(feature_input)
} else {
feature.gr <- rtracklayer::import(out_bed_filename)
############################### exclude regions
number_of_lines_to_remove <- 0
if(is.null(excluded_regions_filename) & !is.null(organism)){
## If excluded_regions_filename is null but organism is not, then read the file from system
organism_files <- list.files(system.file("extdata/annotations/", package = "scPipe", mustWork = TRUE))
excluded_regions_filename_aux <- grep(pattern = organism, x = organism_files, value = TRUE) %>%
grep(pattern = "blacklist", x = ., value = TRUE)
excluded_regions_filename <- system.file(paste0("extdata/annotations/", excluded_regions_filename_aux), package = "scPipe", mustWork = TRUE)
excluded_regions.gr <- rtracklayer::import(excluded_regions_filename)
overlaps_excluded_regions_feature <- IRanges::findOverlaps(excluded_regions.gr, feature.gr, maxgap = -1L, minoverlap = 0L) # Find overlaps
lines_to_remove <- as.data.frame(overlaps_excluded_regions_feature)$subjectHits # Lines to remove in feature file
number_of_lines_to_remove <- length(lines_to_remove)
if(number_of_lines_to_remove > 0){ # If there are lines to remove
feature.gr.df <- as.data.frame(feature.gr)
lines_to_keep <- setdiff(seq_len(nrow(feature.gr.df)), lines_to_remove)
feature.gr <- feature.gr[lines_to_keep, ]
} # End if(number_of_lines_to_remove > 0)
} else{
warning("Parameter exclude_regions was TRUE but no known organism or excluded_regions_filename provided. Proceding without excluding regions.")
} # End if(exclude_regions)
# Check if organism is pre-recognized and if so then use the package's annotation files
if (organism %in% c("hg19", "hg38", "mm10")) {
message(organism, "is a recognized organism. Using annotation files in repository.")
anno_paths <- system.file("extdata/annotations/", package = "scPipe", mustWork = TRUE)
promoters_file <- file.path(anno_paths, paste0(organism, "_promoter.bed.gz"))
tss_file <- file.path(anno_paths, paste0(organism, "_tss.bed.gz"))
enhs_file <- file.path(anno_paths, paste0(organism, "_enhancer.bed.gz"))
} else if (!all(file.exists(c(promoters_file, tss_file, enhs_file)))) {
stop("One of the annotation files could not be located. Please make sure their paths are valid.")
# Create bins used for TSS enrichment plot
tss_df <- data.table::fread(tss_file, select=c(seq_len(3)), header = FALSE, col.names = c("chr", "start", "end"))
range <- 4000
bin_size <- 100
n_bins <- range/bin_size-1
bins_df_all <- get_all_TSS_bins(tss_df, range, bin_size)
bins_df_all.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(bins_df_all, keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
bin_hits <- c() # used to store all overlaps with bins
############## read in the aligned and demultiplexed BAM file
# Helper utility function for adding matrices
add_matrices <- function(...) {
a <- list(...)
cols <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(a, colnames))))
rows <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(a, rownames))))
nrows <- length(rows)
ncols <- length(cols)
newms <- lapply(a, function(m) {
b <- as(as(m, "dgCMatrix"), "dgTMatrix")
s <- cbind.data.frame(i = b@i + 1, j = b@j + 1, x = b@x)
i <- match(rownames(m), rows)[s$i]
j <- match(colnames(m), cols)[s$j]
dims=c(nrows, ncols),
dimnames=list(rows, cols))
Reduce(`+`, newms)
unique_feature.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(as.data.frame(dplyr::distinct(data.frame(feature.gr), seqnames, start, end)))
# unique_feature.gr <- data.frame(feature.gr) %>% dplyr::distinct(seqnames, start, end) %>% as.data.frame() %>% GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame()
min_feature_width <- min(GenomicAlignments::ranges(feature.gr)@width)
fragments <- data.table::fread(fragment_file, select=seq_len(5), header = FALSE, col.names = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "barcode", "count"))
fragments.gr <- fragments %>% GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
# Compute overlaps with feature
peak.overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = fragments.gr,
subject = unique_feature.gr,
type = "any",
ignore.strand = TRUE)
# Compute overlaps with bins for TSS enrichment plot
message("Generating TSS plot data")
median_feature_overlaptss <- stats::median(GenomicAlignments::ranges(bins_df_all.gr)@width)
maxgaptss <- 0.51*median_feature_overlaptss
tss_bin_overlaps <- GenomicAlignments::findOverlaps(query = bins_df_all.gr,
subject = fragments.gr,
type = "any",
ignore.strand = TRUE)
bin_hits <- S4Vectors::queryHits(tss_bin_overlaps)
num_overlaps <- length(peak.overlaps)
barcodes <- fragments[S4Vectors::queryHits(peak.overlaps), ]$barcode
features <- data.frame(unique_feature.gr[S4Vectors::subjectHits(peak.overlaps), ]) %>%
dplyr::select(seqnames, start, end) %>%
tidyr::unite("range", start:end, sep="-") %>%
tidyr::unite("feature", seqnames:range, sep=":")
# Chunk size
chunk_size <- yieldsize
i <- 1
message("Generating feature-barcode fragment count matrix")
# Iterate over chunks
feature_matrix <- NULL
while (i <= num_overlaps) {
temp_mat <- as.matrix(table(feature = features$feature[i:(i + chunk_size-1)],
barcode = barcodes[i:(i + chunk_size-1)]))
if (is.null(feature_matrix)) {
feature_matrix <- Matrix::Matrix(temp_mat)
} else {
feature_matrix <- add_matrices(feature_matrix, Matrix::Matrix(temp_mat))
i <- i + chunk_size
average_number_of_lines_per_CB <- sum(feature_matrix)/ncol(feature_matrix)
message("Average no. of fragments per barcode: ", average_number_of_lines_per_CB, "\n")
saveRDS(feature_matrix, file = file.path(output_folder, "unfiltered_feature_matrix.rds"))
message("Raw feature matrix generated: ", file.path(output_folder, "unfiltered_feature_matrix.rds") )
################ Initiate log file
log_and_stats_folder <- paste0(output_folder, "/scPipe_atac_stats/")
dir.create(log_and_stats_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
log_file <- paste0(log_and_stats_folder, "log_file.txt")
if(!file.exists(log_file)) file.create(log_file)
write(c("Average number of reads per cell barcode:", average_number_of_lines_per_CB, "\n"),
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
write(c("Number of regions removed from feature input due to being invalid:", number_of_lines_to_remove, "\n"),
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
"Raw matrix generated at ",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
message("Calculating TSS enrichment scores")
# Create a matrix where the rows are TSSs and the columns are the bins
mat <- matrix(0, nrow(tss_df), n_bins)
for (i in seq_len(length(bin_hits))) { # populate matrix with hits
tss_index <- (bin_hits[i]-1) %/% n_bins
bin <- (bin_hits[i]-1) %% n_bins
mat[tss_index+1, bin+1] <- mat[tss_index+1, bin+1]+1
mat_non_zero <- mat[rowSums(mat) != 0,]
# Calculate TSS enrichment scores
tss_dists <- seq(-range/2+bin_size, range/2-bin_size, bin_size)
flank_read_depth <- (mat_non_zero[,1]+mat_non_zero[,ncol(mat_non_zero)])/2 # Used to normalise
norm_read_depths <- stats::na.omit(mat_non_zero/flank_read_depth) # also ignore rows where flanks have no overlaps
aggregate_tss_scores <- colMeans(norm_read_depths)
tsse <- max(aggregate_tss_scores)
tss_plot_data <- data.frame(dists = tss_dists,
agg_tss_scores = aggregate_tss_scores)
utils::write.csv(tss_plot_data, file = file.path(log_and_stats_folder, "tss_plot_data.csv"))
# generate quality control metrics for cells
message("Generating QC metrics for cells\n")
sc_atac_create_cell_qc_metrics(frags_file = fragment_file,
peaks_file = feature_input,
promoters_file = promoters_file,
tss_file = tss_file,
enhs_file = enhs_file,
output_folder = output_folder)
cell_qc_metrics_file <- file.path(output_folder, "cell_qc_metrics.csv")
"Cell QC metrics generated at ",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
# Cell calling
matrixData <- sc_atac_cell_calling(mat = feature_matrix,
cell_calling = cell_calling,
output_folder = output_folder,
genome_size = genome_size,
cell_qc_metrics_file = cell_qc_metrics_file,
lower = lower,
min_uniq_frags = min_uniq_frags,
max_uniq_frags = max_uniq_frags,
min_frac_peak = min_frac_peak,
min_frac_tss = min_frac_tss,
min_frac_enhancer = min_frac_enhancer,
min_frac_promoter = min_frac_promoter,
max_frac_mito = max_frac_mito)
"Cell calling completed at ",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
# filter the matrix based on counts per cell
if (n_filter_cell_counts > 0) {
message("Cells with less than ", n_filter_cell_counts, " counts are filtered out.")
"cells with less than ",
n_filter_cell_counts," counts are filtered out.",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
filtered_indices <- base::colSums(Matrix::as.matrix(matrixData), na.rm=TRUE) > n_filter_cell_counts
message("Number of cells to remove:", sum(!filtered_indices))
if (length(filtered_indices[filtered_indices == TRUE]) >= 10) { # only use if resulting matrix isn't too small
matrixData <- as.matrix(matrixData[, filtered_indices]) # all the remaining columns
} else {
message("No cells were filtered out since otherwise there would be too few left.")
} else {
message("No cells were filtered out based on counts.")
# filter the matrix based on counts per feature
if (n_filter_feature_counts > 0) {
message("features with less than ", n_filter_feature_counts, " counts are filtered out.")
"features with less than ",
n_filter_feature_counts," counts are filtered out.",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
filtered_indices <- base::rowSums(Matrix::as.matrix(matrixData), na.rm=TRUE) > n_filter_feature_counts
message("Number of features to remove:", sum(!filtered_indices))
if (length(filtered_indices[filtered_indices == TRUE]) >= 10) {
matrixData <- matrixData[filtered_indices,] # all the remaining rows
} else {
message("No features were filtered out since otherwise there would be too few left.")
} else {
message("No features were filtered out based on counts.")
# Update cell QC metrics to include whether the cell was kept or not
cqc <- read.csv(file.path(output_folder, "cell_qc_metrics.csv"))
cqc$cell_called <- cqc$bc %in% colnames(matrixData)
write.csv(cqc, file.path(output_folder, "cell_qc_metrics.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
# converting the NAs to 0s if the sparse option to create the sparse Matrix properly
message("making sparse")
sparseM <- Matrix::Matrix(matrixData, sparse=TRUE)
# # add dimensions of the sparse matrix if available
# if(cell_calling != FALSE){
# barcodes <- utils::read.table(paste0(output_folder, '/non_empty_barcodes.txt'))$V1
# features <- utils::read.table(paste0(output_folder, '/non_empty_features.txt'))$V1
# dimnames(sparseM) <- list(features, barcodes)
# }
message("Sparse matrix generated")
saveRDS(sparseM, file = paste(output_folder, "/sparse_matrix.rds", sep = ""))
# Matrix::writeMM(obj = sparseM, file=paste(output_folder, "/sparse_matrix.mtx", sep =""))
message("Sparse count matrix is saved in\n", output_folder,"/sparse_matrix.mtx")
# generate and save jaccard matrix
# jaccardM <- locStra::jaccardMatrix(sparseM)
# message("Jaccard matrix generated")
# saveRDS(jaccardM, file = paste(output_folder,"/jaccard_matrix.rds",sep = ""))
# message("Jaccard matrix is saved in\n", paste(output_folder,"/jaccard_matrix.rds",sep = "") )
# generate and save the binary matrix
matrixData[matrixData>0] <- 1
saveRDS(matrixData, file = paste(output_folder,"/binary_matrix.rds",sep = ""))
message("Binary matrix is saved in:\n", output_folder,"/binary_matrix.rds")
###### calculate the TF-IDF matrices here : TO-DO
# following can be used to plot the stats and load it into sce object ########
# (from https://broadinstitute.github.io/2020_scWorkshop/data-wrangling-scrnaseq.html)
counts_per_cell <- Matrix::colSums(sparseM)
counts_per_feature <- Matrix::rowSums(sparseM)
features_per_cell <- Matrix::colSums(sparseM>0)
cells_per_feature <- Matrix::rowSums(sparseM>0)
# generating the data frames for downstream use
info_per_cell <- data.frame(counts_per_cell = counts_per_cell) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "cell") %>%
data.frame(features_per_cell = features_per_cell) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "cell"),
by = "cell"
info_per_feature <- data.frame(counts_per_feature = counts_per_feature) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "feature") %>%
data.frame(cells_per_feature = cells_per_feature) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "feature"),
by = "feature"
# Add annotation overlap information to the feature information data frame
message("Computing feature QC metrics")
features_in_matrix <- unique_feature.gr[paste(GenomicRanges::seqnames(unique_feature.gr), GenomicRanges::ranges(unique_feature.gr), sep=":") %in% info_per_feature$feature]
pro.gr <- rtracklayer::import(promoters_file)
enhs.gr <- rtracklayer::import(enhs_file)
tss_df <- data.table::fread(tss_file, select=c(seq_len(3)), header = FALSE, col.names = c("chr", "start", "end"))
tss.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tss_df)
pro.overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = features_in_matrix,
subject = pro.gr,
type = "any",
ignore.strand = TRUE)
enhs.overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = features_in_matrix,
subject = enhs.gr,
type = "any",
ignore.strand = TRUE)
tss.overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = features_in_matrix,
subject = tss.gr,
type = "any",
ignore.strand = TRUE)
pro.hits <- seq(length(features_in_matrix)) %in% S4Vectors::queryHits(pro.overlaps)
enhs.hits <- seq(length(features_in_matrix)) %in% S4Vectors::queryHits(enhs.overlaps)
tss.hits <- seq(length(features_in_matrix)) %in% S4Vectors::queryHits(tss.overlaps)
info_per_feature <- cbind(info_per_feature,
promoter_overlaps = pro.hits,
enhancer_overlaps = enhs.hits,
tss_overlaps = tss.hits)
if (!is.null(gene_anno_file) && file.exists(gene_anno_file)) {
gene_anno.gr <- rtracklayer::import(gene_anno_file)
gene.overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = features_in_matrix,
subject = gene_anno.gr,
type = "any",
ignore.strand = TRUE)
gene.hits <- seq(length(features_in_matrix)) %in% S4Vectors::queryHits(gene.overlaps)
intergenic <- !(pro.hits | enhs.hits | tss.hits | gene.hits)
info_per_feature <- cbind(info_per_feature, gene_overlaps = gene.hits, intergenic = intergenic)
"Feature quality control metrics produced at ",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
utils::write.csv(info_per_cell, paste0(log_and_stats_folder, "filtered_stats_per_cell.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(info_per_feature, paste0(log_and_stats_folder, "filtered_stats_per_feature.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
message("writing to csv")
"sc_atac_feature_counting completed at ",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
# create the sce object
sc_atac_create_sce(input_folder = output_folder,
organism = organism,
sample = sample_name,
feature_type = feature_type,
pheno_data = pheno_data,
report = create_report)
end_time <- Sys.time()
message("sc_atac_feature_counting completed in ", difftime(end_time, init_time, units = "secs")[[1]], " seconds")
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