# Deep Deconvolution
# Author: Liyang Song <songliyang@westlake.edu.cn>
# Adviser: Jian Yang, Xiwei Sun
# Copyright: Jian Yang
#' Cell-type level deconvolution
#' @param bulk A matrix containing bulk RNA-Seq data. Each row corresponds to a certain gene and each column to a certain sample.
#' @param sce A 'Seurat' object containing the single-cell RNA-Seq data. Meta data of the 'Seurat' object must includes 'cellType' and 'sampleID'.
#' @param gene A character vector of the gene names to use as signature for the deconvolution. We summarized signature genes for the 64 human cell-types. please see 'sg'.
#' @param data_type A character of the type of the single-cell RNA-Seq data, including 'count', 'tpm', 'rpkm','fpkm', and 'cpm'.
#' @param select.ct A character vector of the names of the target cell-types. The default value is NULL. With default value, all cell-types in the single-cell data will be used.
#' @param RanSplit A character (or character vector) to split the random components. The default value is NULL. With default value, all cells, excepting those in target the cell-type, will be fitted as one random component.
#' @param ct.cell.size A character vector of the cell-size (total mRNA amount) of the selected cell-types. The default value is NULL.
#' @param BatchCorrect A Boolean variable to determine whether to run 'ComBat' to correct batch effects between single-cell RNA-Seq and bulk RNA-Seq or not. The default value is FALSE.
#' @param Filter A Boolean variable to determine whether to filter the outlier in single-cell data or not. The default value is FALSE.
#' @param SF Scaling factor. The default value is 1e+3.
#' @param ncpu The number of CPU cores to be used.
#' @param iter_max The maximum iterations of REML.
#' @return A list with elements:
#' *ct.pro: matrix of cell-type proportions estimated by mixed linear model (sample x cell-type);
#' *ct.pro.p: matrix of p value (χ²(df=1)) for the cell-type proportions estimated by the mixed linear model (sample x cell-type);
#' *cellSize: vector of cell sizes with labeled cell-type names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MLM)
#' ct.es = CTdcv(bulk = example.bulk,sce = example.sce,gene = example.gene,data_type = 'count')
CTdcv = function(bulk,sce,gene=NULL,data_type, select.ct = NULL, RanSplit=NULL, ct.cell.size = NULL,BatchCorrect=F,Filter=T,SF=1e+3,ncpu=NULL,iter_max=1000){
print("Thanks for using MLM to perform bulk deconvolution analysis.")
#Checking the correct format of the reference single-cell data input
if (!(data_type %in% c('count','tpm','rpkm','cpm','fpkm'))){
stop('Please input correct data_type: count/tpm/rpkm/cpm/fpkm.')
if(!("Seurat" %in% class(sce))){
stop('Please input Seurat Object.')
if (is.na(match(RanSplit,colnames(sce@meta.data)))){
stop('Do not know how to split randomp components, please check your MetaData: Seurat_Obj@meta.data.')
if(!'sampleID' %in% colnames(sce@meta.data)){
stop('Please input sampleID, check your MetaData: Seurat_Obj@meta.data.')
if(!'cellType' %in% colnames(sce@meta.data)){
stop('Please input cellType, check your MetaData: Seurat_Obj@meta.data.')
stop('MLM can not work with only one cell type inputted.')
if(is.na(table(sce$cellType %in% select.ct)['TRUE'])){
stop('No cell types selected. Please check the select.ct!')
sce = sce
select.ct = unique(sce$cellType)
MetaData = sce@meta.data
exprsData = as.matrix(sce@assays$RNA@counts)
bulk = bulk[rowSums(bulk)>0,]
#finding signature gene
print('Finding signature genes with "FindMarkers".')
gene = SignatureGenerator(sce[,sce$cellType %in% select.ct])
#Checking the signature genes input
commonGene = intersect(rownames(exprsData),rownames(bulk))
gene = intersect(commonGene,gene)
stop('Too few signature genes (signature genes < 10).')
bulk = as.matrix(bulk)[commonGene,]
exprsData = exprsData[commonGene,]
MetaData$cellType = as.vector(MetaData$cellType)
MetaData$sampleID = as.vector(MetaData$sampleID)
#Preparing for the basic running information (fixed/random components, cell size...)
print("Data preparing.")
Info = basis(bulk = bulk, exprsData = exprsData, MetaData=MetaData, ct.cell.size = ct.cell.size,
data_type=data_type,gene=gene,BatchCorrect = BatchCorrect,Filter=Filter,SF=SF)
base = Info$base[,select.ct]
bulk = Info$bulk
data_cellType = Info$data_cellType
cellSize = Info$cellSize
type_n = length(data_cellType)
#Preparing for the random components
rancmp = sapply(seq(1,type_n), function(i){
Z_new = data_cellType
Z_new[i] = NULL
Rest = matrix(unlist(Z_new),nrow = length(gene))
cellName = unlist(lapply(Z_new,colnames))
colnames(Rest) = cellName
rancmp = sapply(seq(1,type_n)[colnames(base) %in% select.ct],function(i){rancmp[[i]]})
ct_name = colnames(base)
bk_name = colnames(bulk)
#Run cell-type level deconvolution parallelly
ncpu = max(1, parallel::detectCores() - 1)
print(paste(paste("Running cell-type level deconvolution with",ncpu,sep=" "),'cores.',sep=" "))
cl = parallel::makeCluster(ncpu)
parallel::clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("RunReml", "base", "bulk","rancmp","MetaData","RanSplit","iter_max", "bk_name"),
pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = ncol(bulk), style = 3)
progress = function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
opts = list(progress = progress)
`%dopar2%` = foreach::`%dopar%`
runNumber = NULL
estimate = foreach::foreach(runNumber = 1:ncol(bulk), .options.snow = opts) %dopar2% {
r = RunReml(runNumber,base=base,bulk=bulk,rancmp=rancmp,MetaData=MetaData, RanSplit=RanSplit, iter_max,bk_name)
b = r['b',]
p = r['p',]
setTxtProgressBar(pb, runNumber)
b = t(sapply(1:length(estimate), function(o){estimate[[o]][,1]}))
p = t(sapply(1:length(estimate), function(o){estimate[[o]][,2]}))
colnames(b) = colnames(p) = ct_name
rownames(b) = rownames(p) = bk_name
#Adjusting for the cell size when count matrix inputted
b = sweep(b,2,cellSize[colnames(b)],'/')
b = sweep(b,1,rowSums(b),'/')
warning("The estimated cell type proportions are not comparable among different cell types!")
#Adjusting the negative value
if(min(b)<0){b = b + abs(min(b))}
return(list('ct.pro'=b,'ct.pro.p'=p,'cellSize'= cellSize))
#' @keywords internal
RunReml = function(sid,base, bulk, rancmp, MetaData, RanSplit, iter_max, bk_name){
x = as.matrix(base)
y = bulk[,sid]
type_n = ncol(x)
result = sapply(seq(1,type_n),function(id){
fixcmp = as.matrix(x[,id])
if (!is.null(RanSplit)){
# Splitting random components based on the inputted RanSplit
sepInfo = MetaData[intersect(colnames(rancmp[[id]]),rownames(MetaData)),RanSplit]
Z = sapply(unique(sepInfo),function(sid){
rancmp[[id]][,sepInfo %in% sid]
Z = list(rancmp[[id]])
start = rep(var(y)/(length(Z)+1),(length(Z)+1))
mlmfit = reml(start,X = fixcmp,y = y,Z = Z,maxiter = iter_max)
b = mlmfit[[1]]
p = 1-pchisq((b*b)/diag(mlmfit[[2]]),df=1)
varcmp = mlmfit[[3]]
colnames(result) = colnames(x)
#' Single-cell level deconvolution
#' @param bulk A matrix containing bulk RNA-Seq data. Each row corresponds to a certain gene and each column to a certain sample.
#' @param sce A 'Seurat' object containing the single-cell RNA-Seq data. Meta data of the 'Seurat' object must includes 'cellType' and 'space'.
#' @param select.ct A character (or character vector) of the names of the target cell-types. The default value is NULL. With default value, all cell-types in the single-cell data will be used.
#' @param ncpu The number of CPU cores to be used.
#' @param smoothing A Boolean variable to determine whether to smooth the BLUP along cell-space or not. The default value is TRUE.
#' @param gene A character vector of the gene names to use as signature for the deconvolution.The default value is NULL. With default, MLM will select genes to differentiate cells in the target cell-type with ANOVA.
#' @param SF Scaling factor. The default value is 1e+3.
#' #Gene selecting
#' @param op A numeric variable to determine the overlapping between cell-clusters. The default value is 0.2.
#' @param maxgene A numeric variable to determine the maximum number of genes to be selected. The default value is 1e+3.
#' @param nbin A numeric variable to determine the number of cell-clusters. The default value is 0.2.
#' @return A list with cell_density-cell_name matrix:
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MLM)
#' SCdcv(bulk = example.bulk,sce = example.sce,select.ct = 'alpha')
SCdcv = function(bulk,sce,select.ct,ncpu=NULL,smoothing=TRUE,gene=NULL,op=0.2,maxgene=1000,nbin=0.1,SF=1e+3){
print("Thanks for using MLM to perform bulk deconvolution analysis.")
#Checking the correct format of the reference single-cell data input
if(!("Seurat" %in% class(sce))){
stop('Please input Seurat Object.')
if(!'cellType' %in% colnames(sce@meta.data)){
stop('Please input cellType, check your MetaData: Seurat_Obj@meta.data.')
if(!'space' %in% colnames(sce@meta.data)){
stop('Please input space, check your MetaData: Seurat_Obj@meta.data.')
if(is.na(table(sce$cellType %in% select.ct)['TRUE'])){
stop('No cell types selected. Please check the select.ct!')
select.ct = unique(sce$cellType)
#Preparing the reference
space = as.matrix(sce$space)
cellType = as.matrix(sce$cellType)
exprsData = as.matrix(sce@assays$RNA@counts)
bulk = bulk
exprsDataS = as.matrix(sweep(exprsData,2,colSums(exprsData)+1e-200,'/')*SF)
bulkS = as.matrix(sweep(bulk,2,colSums(bulk)+1e-200,'/')*SF)
result = list()
i = 1
for (ct in select.ct){
currCT =names(cellType[which(cellType==ct),])
currSpace = as.matrix(space[currCT,])
currExpS = as.matrix(exprsDataS[,currCT])
currType = as.matrix(cellType[currCT,])
#Choose genes
print('selecting genes')
gene = geneSelect(exprsData=currExpS,cellType=currType,space=currSpace, bulk=bulk,op = op,maxgene,nbin)
gene = intersect(intersect(gene,rownames(bulk)),rownames(exprsData))
print(paste(length(gene),'genes were selected to do deep deconvolution.'))
#Generate fix components
if (length(unique(cellType))==1){
fixcmp = as.matrix(rep(1,length(gene)))
fixcmp = sapply(unique(cellType)[-which(unique(cellType)==ct)], function(ty){
fixcmp = as.matrix(cbind(fixcmp, rep(1,length(gene))))
rownames(fixcmp) = gene
#Generate random components & bulk
rancmp = list(currExpS[gene,])
currbulk = bulkS[gene,]
#Run single-cell level deconvolution parallelly
ncpu = max(1, parallel::detectCores() - 1)
print(paste(paste("Running single-cell level deconvolution with",ncpu,sep=" "),'cores.',sep=" "))
cl = parallel::makeCluster(ncpu)
parallel::clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("reml2", "fixcmp", "rancmp",'currbulk'),
pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = ncol(currbulk), style = 3)
progress = function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
opts = list(progress = progress)
`%dopar2%` = foreach::`%dopar%`
runNumber = NULL
estimate = foreach::foreach(runNumber = 1:ncol(currbulk), .options.snow = opts) %dopar2% {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, runNumber)
y <- currbulk[,runNumber]
Vi = reml2(X = fixcmp,y = y,Z = rancmp,maxiter=1e+4,start=rep((var(y)/2),2))
deepcp = t(sapply(estimate,function(e){e}))
colnames(deepcp) = colnames(currExpS)
rownames(deepcp) = colnames(bulk)
chosenNeigList = lapply(1:nrow(currType),function(cellIndex){
cellDist = abs(currSpace[cellIndex,]- currSpace)
chosenRepeats = order(as.numeric(cellDist),decreasing = F)[1:10]
chosenRepeats = chosenRepeats[!is.na(chosenRepeats)]
deepcp = t(do.call(rbind,lapply(1:length(chosenNeigList),function(cell){rowMeans(deepcp[,chosenNeigList[[cell]]])})))
deepcp = t(sapply(1:ncol(bulk),function(i){predict(loess(deepcp[i,]~currSpace,span = 0.85))}))
colnames(deepcp) = colnames(currExpS)
rownames(deepcp) = colnames(bulk)
#Scaling the result
deepcp = deepcp + abs(min(deepcp))
deepcp = sweep(deepcp,1,rowSums(deepcp),'/')
result[[i]] = deepcp
i = i+1
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