# Base function
# Author: Liyang Song <liyang.song@ifar.ac.cn>
# Advisor: Jian Yang, Xiwei Sun
# Copyright: Liyang Song
#' @keywords internal
basis = function(exprsData,MetaData,bulk,ct.cell.size,data_type, Filter, BatchCorrect, SF, gene){
cell_name = colnames(exprsData)
countmat = exprsData
ct.id = MetaData[cell_name,]$cellType
sample.id = MetaData[cell_name,]$sampleID
ct_sample.id = paste(ct.id,sample.id, sep = '%')
if (data_type == "count"){
mean.mat = sapply(unique(ct_sample.id), function(id){
y = as.matrix(countmat[, ct_sample.id %in% id])
apply(y,1,sum, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(y)
mean.mat = sapply(unique(ct_sample.id), function(id){
y = as.matrix(countmat[, ct_sample.id %in% id])
# GeneIM = Impute(exprsData,MetaData,gene,SF)
mean.id = do.call('rbind',strsplit(unique(ct_sample.id), split = '%'))
sum.mat2 = sapply(unique(sample.id), function(sid){
sapply(unique(ct.id), function(id){
y = as.matrix(countmat[, ct.id %in% id & sample.id %in% sid])
rownames(sum.mat2) = unique(ct.id)
colnames(sum.mat2) = unique(sample.id)
# library size factor calculated from the samples:
if (is.null(ct.cell.size)){
sum.mat = rowMeans(sum.mat2, na.rm = T)
} else {
if (is.null(names(ct.cell.size))){
stop("Cell size factor vector requires cell type names...")
} else {
sum.mat = ct.cell.size
base = sapply(unique(mean.id[,1]), function(id){
y = as.matrix(mean.mat[,mean.id[,1] %in% id])
y = apply(y,1,mean, na.rm = TRUE)
y = (y / (sum(y)+1e-200))*SF
# base = sapply(GeneIM,rowMeans)
# rownames(base) = gene
# Adding an extremely small positive number (1e-200) to avoid infinity.
data_cellType = sapply(unique(ct.id), function(id){
y = countmat[, ct.id %in% id]
y = sweep(y,2,colSums(y)+1e-200,'/')*SF
if (Filter==TRUE){
y = cellFilter(y[gene, ])
return(y[gene, ])
# data_cellType = sapply(GeneIM,function(ct){
# A = cellFilter(ct)
# rownames(A) = gene
# return(A)
# })
bulk = ((bulk/(sum(bulk)+1e-200))*SF)[gene]
if(BatchCorrect==TRUE){warning('Sample Size too samll (<20 samples), cannot remove BatchEffect!')}
} else{
if (BatchCorrect==TRUE){
warning('Sample Size too samll (<20 samples), cannot remove BatchEffect!')
bulk = (sweep(bulk,2,colSums(bulk)+1e-200,'/')*SF)[gene,]
message('Removing BatchEffect with ComBat...')
bulk = (BatchCorrection(exprsData,MetaData,bulk,base,SF,gene))[gene,]
bulk = (sweep(bulk,2,colSums(bulk)+1e-200,'/')*SF)[gene,]
return(list(base = base[gene,],
data_cellType = data_cellType,
bulk = bulk,
cellSize = sum.mat))
#' @keywords internal
d <- as.matrix(dist(log(t(exprsData+1))))
diag(d) <- 1e+10
d_near<- apply(d,2,min)
d_q <- quantile(d_near,0.25) + 1.5*(quantile(d_near,0.75)-quantile(d_near,0.25))
#' @keywords internal
BatchCorrection = function(exprsData,MetaData,bulk,basis,SF,gene){
exprsData = sweep(exprsData,2,colSums(exprsData)+1e-200,'/')*SF
bulk = sweep(bulk,2,colSums(bulk)+1e-200,'/')*SF
basis = sweep(basis,2,colSums(basis)+1e-200,'/')*SF
cell_name = colnames(exprsData)
ct.id = MetaData[cell_name,]$cellType
sample.id = MetaData[cell_name,]$sampleID
cell_number = table(MetaData$sampleID)
#Estimating cell type proportion by Non-negative least squares (nnls)...
PesudoFraction = t(apply(bulk[gene,],2,function(b){
colnames(PesudoFraction) = colnames(basis)
cell_select = 1e+3 * round(sweep(PesudoFraction,1,rowSums(PesudoFraction),'/'),3)
#Constructing single-cell data-based artificial bulk RNA-Seq data by the nnls estimated cell-type proportions...
PesudoSample = apply(cell_select,1,function(psid){
Pesudo = sapply(unique(ct.id),function(id){
s = psid[id]
exprsData[gene,sample(cell_name[ct.id %in% id],s,replace=T)]
rownames(PesudoSample) = gene
Merge = log2(cbind(bulk[gene,],PesudoSample[gene,])+1)
Batch = c(rep('B',ncol(bulk)),rep('P',ncol(PesudoSample)))
Merge_new = sva::ComBat(dat=Merge[gene,], batch=Batch, par.prior=TRUE, prior.plots=F)
Merge_new = as.matrix(2^Merge_new - 1)
BulkTransfer = pmax(Merge_new[,1:ncol(bulk)],0)
return(BulkTransfer = BulkTransfer)
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