#' @title
#' Subset a \linkS4class{GenomicInteractions} object by features
#' @description
#' Subsets interactions for which at least one of the anchors overlaps with a given \linkS4class{GRanges} object.
#' Alternatively, subsets interactions based on annotated feature IDs for a particular feature.
#' @docType methods
#' @param GIObject A \linkS4class{GenomicInteractions} object.
#' @param features A \linkS4class{GRanges} or \linkS4class{GRangesList} object,
#' or a character vector containing IDs of annotated features, e.g. promoter IDs.
#' @param feature.class String containing the feature name to use if \code{features} is a character vector.
#' @return A subsetted \linkS4class{GenomicInteractions} object.
#' @examples
#' data("hic_example_data")
#' hic_example_data <- updateObject(hic_example_data)
#' data("mm9_refseq_promoters")
#' annotateInteractions(hic_example_data, list(promoter = mm9_refseq_promoters))
#' ids <- names(mm9_refseq_promoters[1:10])
#' subsetByFeatures(hic_example_data, ids, "promoter")
#' @rdname subsetByFeatures
#' @export
#' @importFrom IRanges overlapsAny
setMethod("subsetByFeatures", c("GenomicInteractions", "GRanges", "missing"), function(GIObject, features, feature.class=NULL){
i <- overlapsAny(GIObject, features)
#' @rdname subsetByFeatures
#' @export
#' @importFrom IRanges overlapsAny
setMethod("subsetByFeatures", c("GenomicInteractions", "GRangesList", "missing"), function(GIObject, features, feature.class=NULL){
i <- overlapsAny(GIObject, features)
#' @rdname subsetByFeatures
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicInteractions anchors regions
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
setMethod("subsetByFeatures", c("GenomicInteractions", "character", "character"),
function(GIObject, features, feature.class){
if(!.has_annotations(GIObject) || !feature.class %in% annotationFeatures(GIObject)) {
stop(paste(feature.class," has not been annotated on this object"))
#get regions which are annotated with given feature IDs
FUN <- function(GIObject, type) {
regs <- regions(GIObject, type=type)
ids <- mcols(regs)[[paste(feature.class, "id", sep=".")]]
which(sapply(ids, function(x) any(features %in% x)))
idx1 <- FUN(GIObject, 1)
idx2 <- FUN(GIObject, 2)
#get object index for region idx
a1 <- anchors(GIObject, type=1, id=TRUE)
a2 <- anchors(GIObject, type=2, id=TRUE)
gi_idx <- (a1 %in% idx1) | (a2 %in% idx2)
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