filterDirect <- function(data, prior.count=2, reference=NULL,, assay.ref=1)
# Implements the direct filtering method on the abundances of
# inter-chromosomal bin pairs. Also allows for specification of
# a reference set of bin pairs (usually larger bins from which
# the abundances can be more stably computed).
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 5 March 2015
# last modified 16 November 2015
if (!is.null(reference)) {
stopifnot(identical(reference$totals, data$totals))
scaling <- (.getBinSize(reference)/.getBinSize(data))^2
ref <- .direct_filter(reference, prior.count=prior.count, scaling=scaling, assay=assay.ref)
actual.ab <- scaledAverage(data,, prior.count=prior.count, scale=1)
return(list(abundances=actual.ab, threshold=ref$threshold, ref=ref))
.direct_filter(data, prior.count=prior.count, scaling=1,
.direct_filter <- function(data, prior.count, scaling, assay)
# Actually does all the work of the direct filtering strategy.
# It computes the abundances and identifies the median for inter-chromosomal bin pairs.
all.chrs <- seqnames(regions(data))
is.inter <- !intrachr(data)
ave.ab <- scaledAverage(data,, prior.count=prior.count, scale=scaling)
empty.ab <- .makeEmpty(data, prior.count=prior.count, scale=scaling)
threshold <- .getInterThreshold(all.chrs, ave.ab[is.inter], empty=empty.ab)
return(list(abundances=ave.ab, threshold=threshold))
.getBinSize <- function(data)
# Gets the bin size in base pairs. This should be easy for bin pairs,
# but we also allow for more exotic set-ups, e.g., Capture-C loaded
# with regionCounts where anchors are bins around probes (evenly
# sized so treatable as bin pairs, but irregularly spaced).
out <- metadata(data)$width
if (is.null(out)) { out <- median(width(regions(data))) }
.getInterThreshold <- function(all.chrs, inter.ab, empty=NA)
# Computes the threshold from inter-chromosomal interactions.
# First we get the total number of inter-chromosomal bins,
# and then we compue the median (accounting for those lost).
n.bins <- as.numeric(runLength(all.chrs))
total.bins <- sum(n.bins)
n.inter <- total.bins * (total.bins + 1L)/2L - sum(n.bins * (n.bins + 1L)/2L)
n.inter <- max(n.inter, 1L) # avoid breakage when no inter-chromosomals are available.
prop.kept <- length(inter.ab)/n.inter
if (prop.kept >= 1) {
threshold <- median(inter.ab)
} else if (prop.kept < 0.5) {
warning("insufficient inter-chromosomal pairs for reliable threshold estimation")
threshold <- empty
} else {
threshold <- quantile(inter.ab, 1-0.5/prop.kept)
names(threshold) <- NULL
.makeEmpty <- function(data, ...) {
if (!nrow(data)) {
data <- SummarizedExperiment(list(counts=matrix(0, 1, ncol(data))),
colData=colData(data), metadata=metadata(data))
} else {
data <- data[1,]
assay(data, "counts")[] <- 0
scaledAverage(data, ...)
filterTrended <- function(data, span=0.25, prior.count=2, reference=NULL,, assay.ref=1)
# Implements the trended filtering method on the abundances of
# inter-chromosomal bin pairs. Again, with allowances for a reference set.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 5 March 2015
if (!is.null(reference)) {
stopifnot(identical(reference$totals, data$totals))
scaling <- (.getBinSize(reference)/.getBinSize(data))^2
ref <- .trended_filter(reference, span=span, prior.count=prior.count, scaling=scaling, assay=assay.ref)
actual.ab <- scaledAverage(data,, prior.count=prior.count, scale=1)
actual.dist <- log10(pairdist(data, type="mid") + .getBinSize(data))
new.threshold <- approx(x=ref$log.distance, y=ref$threshold, xout=actual.dist, rule=2)$y
new.threshold[] <- ref$threshold[$log.distance)][1] # Direct threshold.
return(list(abundances=actual.ab, threshold=new.threshold, log.distance=actual.dist, ref=ref))
.trended_filter(data, span=span, prior.count=prior.count, scaling=1,
.trended_filter <- function(data, span, prior.count, scaling, assay) {
dist <- pairdist(data, type="mid")
log.dist <- log10(dist + .getBinSize(data)) # Adding an appropriate prior.
ave.ab <- scaledAverage(data,, prior.count=prior.count, scale=scaling)
# Filling in the missing parts of the interaction space.
empty <- .makeEmpty(data, prior.count=prior.count, scale=scaling)
is.intra <- !
n.intras <- sum(is.intra)
all.chrs <- seqnames(regions(data))
n.bins <- as.numeric(runLength(all.chrs))
if (sum(n.bins * (n.bins + 1L)/2L) > 2*n.intras) {
warning("too many missing regions in the intra-chromosomal interaction space to fill in")
trend.threshold <- loessFit(x=log.dist, y=ave.ab, span=span)$fitted
} else {
a.pts <- anchors(data, type="first", id=TRUE)[is.intra]
t.pts <- anchors(data, type="second", id=TRUE)[is.intra]
o <- order(a.pts, t.pts)
a.pts <- a.pts[o]
t.pts <- t.pts[o]
extra.dist <- .Call(cxx_get_missing_dist, cumsum(runLength(all.chrs)),
a.pts-1L, t.pts-1L, (start(regions(data))+end(regions(data)))/2)
extra.dist <- log10(extra.dist + .getBinSize(data))
trend.threshold <- loessFit(x=c(log.dist, extra.dist),
y=c(ave.ab, rep(empty, length(extra.dist))),
# Using the direct threshold.
is.inter <-
if (any(is.inter)) {
direct.threshold <- .getInterThreshold(seqnames(regions(data)), ave.ab[is.inter], empty=empty)
trend.threshold[is.inter] <- direct.threshold
return(list(abundances=ave.ab, threshold=trend.threshold, log.distance=log.dist))
filterDiag <- function(data, by.dist=0, by.diag=0L, dist, ...)
# Filters diagonal elements, with options for supplying
# your own distance if you've already computed it.
# Can be extended to near-diagonal elements with by.dist or by.diag,
# which compute based on distance and bin-based diagonal, respectively.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 6 October 2015
# last modified 8 December 2015
if (missing(dist)) {
dist <- pairdist(data, ...)
} else {
dist <- as.numeric(dist)
by.dist <- as.numeric(by.dist)
keep <- dist > by.dist
by.diag <- as.integer(by.diag)
if (by.diag) {
diag.level <- pairdist(data, type="diag")
keep <- keep & diag.level > by.diag
keep <- keep |
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