# Author: W. Jenny Shi
# About: This script builds upon the PMA package (by Daniela Witten et al) to
# allow coefficients for canonical correlation in the objective function and
# to include quantitative phenotype input in the sparse multiple canonical
# correlation analysis (SmCCA). All functions below are internal.
# Note: The phenotype input is assumed to be continuous.
### Main function for performing SmCCA
myMultiCCA <- function(xlist, penalty=NULL, ws=NULL, niter=25,
type="standard", ncomponents=1, trace=TRUE,
standardize=TRUE, CCcoef = NULL){
# Perform sparse multiple canonical correlation analysis (SmCCA) for a list
# of data inputs.
# xlist: A list of length K, where K is the number of data sets on which to
# perform SmCCA. Dataset k should be a matrix of dimension $n \times p_k$,
# where $p_k$ is the number of features in data set k. If some quantitative
# phenotype information is included in the list, it should be the last
# element of the list and of dimension $n \times 1$.
# penalty: The penalty terms to be used. Can be a single value (if the same
# penalty term is to be applied to each data set) or a K-vector, indicating
# a different penalty term for each data set. There are 2 possible
# interpretations for the penalty term: If type = "standard" then this is
# an L1 bound on $w_k$, and it must be between 1 and $\sqrt(p_k)$ ($p_k$ is
# the number of features in matrix $X_k$). If type = "ordered" then this is
# the parameter for the fussed lasso penalty on $w_k$.
# type: Either "standard" or "ordered" to indicate if the columns are
# unordered or ordered. If type = "standard", then a lasso penalty is aplied
# to v, to enforce sparsity. If type = "ordered" (generally used for CGH
# data), then a fused lasso penalty is applied, to enforce both sparsity and
# soothness. This argument can be a vector of lenght K (if different data
# sets are of different types) or it can be a single value "standard" or
# "ordered" (if all data sets are of the same type).
# ncomponents: Number of factors to output. Default is 1.
# niter: Number of iterations to be perfromed. Default is 25.
# ws: A list of length K. The kth element contains the first ncomponents
# columns of the v matrix of the SVD of $X_k$. If NULL, then the SVD of
# $X_1, ..., X_K$ will be computed inside the MultiCCA function. However,
# if you plan to run this function multiple times, then save a copy of the
# argument so that it does not need to be re-computed.
# trace: Logical. Whether to print out progress.
# standardize: Whether to center and scale the columns of $X_1, ..., X_K$.
# Default is TRUE.
# CCcoef: Optional coefficients for the pairwise canonical correlations (CC).
# If CCcoef = NULL (default), then the objective function is the total sum
# of all pairwise CC. It can also be a coefficient vector that follows the
# column order of combn(K, 2).
if(ncol(xlist[[length(xlist)]]) > 1){
# The Kth data set in xlist is a one dimensional phenotype
call <- match.call()
K <- length(xlist)
pair_CC <- utils::combn(K, 2)
num_CC <- ncol(utils::combn(K, 2))
# Check canonical correlation coefficients.
if(is.null(CCcoef)){CCcoef <- rep(1, num_CC)}
if(length(CCcoef) != num_CC){
stop(paste0("Invalid coefficients for pairwise canonical correlations.
Please provide ", num_CC, " numerical values for CCcoef.
Be sure to match combn(K,2) column order."))
# Check data type.
if(length(type)==1){# Expand a single type to a vector of length(xlist).
if(type != "standard"){
stop("The phenotype data must be continuous and follow the type 'standard'. ")
type <- rep(type, K)}
stop("Type must be a vector of length 1, or length(xlist)")}
stop("Each element of type must be standard and not ordered.")}
# Standardize or not.
if(standardize){xlist <- lapply(xlist, scale)}
# Initialize weights.
makenull <- FALSE
for(i in seq_len(K)){
if(ncol(ws[[i]])<ncomponents) makenull <- TRUE
if(makenull) ws <- NULL
ws <- list()
for(i in seq_len(K)){
ws[[i]] <- matrix(svd(xlist[[i]])$v[,seq_len(ncomponents)], ncol=ncomponents)
# ws[[K]] <- 1
ws.init <- ws
# Check penalties.
penalty <- rep(NA, K)
penalty[type=="standard"] <- 4 # this is the default value of sumabs
for(k in seq_len(K)){
stop("Current version requires all element types to be standard (not ordered).")
if(length(penalty)==1) penalty <- rep(penalty, K)
if(sum(penalty<1 & type=="standard")){
stop("Cannot constrain sum of absolute values of weights to be less than
for(i in seq_len(K)){
if(type[i]=="standard" && penalty[i]>sqrt(ncol(xlist[[i]]))){
stop("L1 bound of weights should be no more than sqrt of the number of
columns of the corresponding data set.", fill=TRUE)
ws.final <- ws.init
for(i in seq_len(K)){
ws.final[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow=ncol(xlist[[i]]), ncol=ncomponents)
cors <- NULL
for(comp in seq_len(ncomponents)){
ws <- list()
for(i in seq_len(K)) ws[[i]] <- ws.init[[i]][,comp]
# ws[[K]] <- 1
curiter <- 1
crit.old <- -10
crit <- -20
storecrits <- NULL
while(curiter<=niter && abs(crit.old-crit)/abs(crit.old)>.001 &&
crit.old <- crit
crit <- myGetCrit(xlist, ws, pair_CC, CCcoef)
storecrits <- c(storecrits,crit)
if(trace) cat(curiter, fill=FALSE)
curiter <- curiter+1
for(i in seq_len(K)){
ws[[i]] <- myUpdateW(xlist, i, K, penalty[i], ws, type[i], ws.final,
pair_CC, CCcoef)
for(i in seq_len(K)) ws.final[[i]][,comp] <- ws[[i]]
cors <- c(cors, myGetCors(xlist, ws, pair_CC, CCcoef))
out <- list(ws=ws.final, ws.init=ws.init, K=K, call=call, type=type,
penalty=penalty, cors=cors)
class(out) <- "MultiCCA"
# The Kth data set in xlist is a one dimensional phenotype
call <- match.call()
K <- length(xlist)
pair_CC <- utils::combn(K, 2)
num_CC <- ncol(utils::combn(K, 2))
# Check canonical correlation coefficients.
if(is.null(CCcoef)){CCcoef <- rep(1, num_CC)}
if(length(CCcoef) != num_CC){
stop(paste0("Invalid coefficients for pairwise canonical correlations.
Please provide ", num_CC, " numerical values for CCcoef.
Be sure to match combn(K,2) column order."))
# Check data type.
if(length(type)==1){# Expand a single type to a vector of length(xlist).
if(type != "standard"){
stop("The phenotype data must be continuous and follow the type 'standard'. ")
type <- rep(type, K)}
stop("Type must be a vector of length 1, or length(xlist)")}
stop("Each element of type must be standard and not ordered.")}
# Standardize or not.
if(standardize){xlist <- lapply(xlist, scale)}
# Initialize weights.
makenull <- FALSE
for(i in seq_len(K-1)){
if(ncol(ws[[i]])<ncomponents) makenull <- TRUE
if(makenull) ws <- NULL
ws <- list()
for(i in seq_len(K-1)){
ws[[i]] <- matrix(svd(xlist[[i]])$v[,seq_len(ncomponents)], ncol=ncomponents)
ws[[K]] <- 1
ws.init <- ws
# Check penalties.
penalty <- rep(NA, K)
penalty[type=="standard"] <- 4 # this is the default value of sumabs
for(k in seq_len(K-1)){
stop("Current version requires all element types to be standard (not ordered).")
if(length(penalty)==1) penalty <- rep(penalty, K)
if(sum(penalty<1 & type=="standard")){
stop("Cannot constrain sum of absolute values of weights to be less than
for(i in seq_len(K-1)){
if(type[i]=="standard" && penalty[i]>sqrt(ncol(xlist[[i]]))){
stop("L1 bound of weights should be no more than sqrt of the number of
columns of the corresponding data set.", fill=TRUE)
ws.final <- ws.init
for(i in seq_len(K-1)){
ws.final[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow=ncol(xlist[[i]]), ncol=ncomponents)
cors <- NULL
for(comp in seq_len(ncomponents)){
ws <- list()
for(i in seq_len(K-1)) ws[[i]] <- ws.init[[i]][,comp]
ws[[K]] <- 1
curiter <- 1
crit.old <- -10
crit <- -20
storecrits <- NULL
while(curiter<=niter && abs(crit.old-crit)/abs(crit.old)>.001 &&
crit.old <- crit
crit <- myGetCrit(xlist, ws, pair_CC, CCcoef)
storecrits <- c(storecrits,crit)
if(trace) cat(curiter, fill=FALSE)
curiter <- curiter+1
for(i in seq_len(K-1)){
ws[[i]] <- myUpdateW(xlist, i, K, penalty[i], ws, type[i], ws.final,
pair_CC, CCcoef)
for(i in seq_len(K-1)) ws.final[[i]][,comp] <- ws[[i]]
cors <- c(cors, myGetCors(xlist, ws, pair_CC, CCcoef))
out <- list(ws=ws.final, ws.init=ws.init, K=K, call=call, type=type,
penalty=penalty, cors=cors)
class(out) <- "MultiCCA"
# Internal functions called by myMultiCCA. #
myUpdateW <- function(xlist, i, K, sumabsthis, ws, type="standard", ws.final,
pair_CC, CCcoef){
# Update canonical weights for the ith data set.
# xlist: Data list.
# i: Data set index.
# K: Total number of data sets.
# sumabsthis: Penalty for the ith data set.
# ws: First ncomponents columns of the v matrix of the SVD of $X_k$'s.
# type: Type of data sets.
# ws.final: Current weight matrix.
# pair_CC: The output of combn(K, 2). A two-row table that include indices for
# pairwise canonical correlaltions between members of xlist.
# CCcoef: Optional coefficients for the pairwise canonical correlations (CC).
tots0 <- vapply(seq_len(length(CCcoef)), function(x){
pairx <- pair_CC[ , x]
Xi <- xlist[[i]]
if(pairx[1] != i & pairx[[2]] != i){
y <- rep(0, ncol(Xi))
if(pairx[1] == i){j <- pairx[2]}
if(pairx[2] == i){j <- pairx[1]}
Xj <- xlist[[j]]
# diagmat is the diagonal correlation matrix calculated using previous
# canonical directions.
# If phenotype is included, only the first canonical direction is used.
# diagmat is therefore a zero matrix.
diagmat <- (t(ws.final[[i]])%*%t(Xi))%*%(Xj%*%ws.final[[j]])
diagmat[row(diagmat)!=col(diagmat)] <- 0
y <- t(Xi)%*%(Xj%*%ws[[j]]) -
y <- y * CCcoef[x]
}, numeric(ncol(xlist[[i]])))
tots <- rowSums(tots0)
sumabsthis <- BinarySearch(tots, sumabsthis)
w <- soft(tots, sumabsthis)/l2n(soft(tots, sumabsthis))
} else {
stop("Current version requires all element types to be standard (not ordered).")
myGetCrit <- function(xlist, ws, pair_CC, CCcoef){
# Compute the matrix form SmCCA objective function value for given weights.
# ws: First ncomponents columns of the v matrix of the SVD of $X_k$'s.
crits <- apply(pair_CC, 2, function(x){
i <- x[1]
j <- x[2]
y <- t(ws[[i]])%*%t(xlist[[i]])%*%xlist[[j]]%*%ws[[j]]
crit <- sum(crits * CCcoef)
myGetCors <- function(xlist, ws, pair_CC, CCcoef){
# Compute total weighted canonical correlations for given weights.
# xlist: Data list.
# pair_CC: The output of combn(K, 2). A two-row table that include indices for
# pairwise canonical correlaltions between members of xlist.
# CCcoef: Optional coefficients for the pairwise canonical correlations (CC).
CCs <- apply(pair_CC, 2, function(x){
i <- x[1]
j <- x[2]
y <- stats::cor(xlist[[i]]%*%ws[[i]], xlist[[j]]%*%ws[[j]])
if(is.na(y)){y <- 0}
Cors <- sum(CCs * CCcoef)
BinarySearch <- function(argu,sumabs){
# Update sumabs so that the L1 norm of argu equals given penalty.
if(l2n(argu)==0 || sum(abs(argu/l2n(argu)))<=sumabs) return(0)
lam1 <- 0
lam2 <- max(abs(argu))-1e-5
iter <- 1
while(iter < 150){
su <- soft(argu,(lam1+lam2)/2)
lam2 <- (lam1+lam2)/2
} else {
lam1 <- (lam1+lam2)/2
if((lam2-lam1)<1e-6) return((lam1+lam2)/2)
iter <- iter+1
warning("Didn't quite converge")
l2n <- function(vec){
# Computes the L2 norm. If the norm is zero, set it to 0.05.
a <- sqrt(sum(vec^2))
if(a==0) a <- .05
soft <- function(x,d){
# Soft thresholding.
return(sign(x)*pmax(0, abs(x)-d))
# Additional internal functions for ordered data #
# ChooseLambda1Lambda2()
# FLSA()
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