#' @inherit getGenomeAndAnnotation
#' @keywords internal
get_genome_fasta <- function(genome, output.dir, organism, assembly,
assembly_type, db, gunzip) {
if (genome != FALSE) { # If not auto detect
if (is.logical(genome)) { # Then download
message("- Download genome (fasta)")
if (db == "ensembl") {
message(paste("Starting", paste(assembly_type, collapse = "|"),
"genome retrieval of", organism, "from ensembl: "))
genome <- tryCatch(biomartr:::getENSEMBL.Seq(assembly, type = "dna",
release = NULL,
id.type = assembly_type,
path = output.dir)[1],
error = function(e) {
if (is.logical(genome) || genome == FALSE) {
stop("Genome could not be download, do you have internet.
If so, debug to find the reason.")
} else {
if (gunzip) genome <- R.utils::gunzip(genome, overwrite = TRUE)
} else {
genome <- biomartr::getGenome(db = db, organism,
path = output.dir, gunzip = gunzip,
mute_citation = TRUE)
} else if (is.character(genome)) { # Use hard drive file
message("- Using pre-existing genome (fasta)")
is_compressed <- tools::file_ext(genome) == "gz"
if (is_compressed) genome <- R.utils::gunzip(genome, overwrite = TRUE)
if (any(genome == "Not available") | is.logical(genome))
stop("Could not find genome, check spelling!")
message("Making .fai index of genome")
message("Genome fetch and fasta indexing complete")
} else { # check if it already exists
genome <- grep(pattern = organism,
x = list.files(output.dir, full.names = TRUE),
value = TRUE)
if (db == "refseq") {
genome <- grep(pattern = "\\.fna", x = genome, value = TRUE)
} else genome <- grep(pattern = "\\.fa", x = genome, value = TRUE)
genome <- grep(pattern = "\\.fai", x = genome, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
if (length(genome) != 1) {
if (length(genome) > 1) {
if (db == "refseq") {
genome <- grep(pattern = "_refseq", x = genome, value = TRUE)
} else genome <- grep(pattern = "\\.dna", x = genome, value = TRUE)
if (length(genome) > 1) {
warning("Found multiple candidates for pre downloaded genome,
setting to FALSE!
You can update path manually in the returned object")
genome <- FALSE
} else if (length(genome) == 0) genome <- FALSE
#' @inherit getGenomeAndAnnotation
#' @param genome character path, default NULL.
#' Path to fasta genome, corresponding to the gtf. must be indexed
#' (.fai file must exist there).
#' If you want to make sure chromosome naming of the GTF matches the genome
#' and correct seqlengths. If value is NULL or FALSE, it will be ignored.
#' @inheritParams makeTxdbFromGenome
#' @keywords internal
get_genome_gtf <- function(GTF, output.dir, organism, assembly,
db, gunzip, genome, optimize = FALSE,
uniprot_id = FALSE,
gene_symbols = FALSE,
pseudo_5UTRS_if_needed = NULL,
remove_annotation_outliers = TRUE) {
if (GTF != FALSE) { # If GTF should be processed
if (is.logical(GTF)) { # If download
message("- Download annotation (gtf/gff3)")
is_compressed <- gunzip
if (db == "ensembl") {
gtf <- biomartr:::getENSEMBL.gtf(organism = assembly, type = "dna",
path = output.dir)
} else {
message("Some refseq gffs are malformed, like Arabidopsis thaliana,",
" and might crash during gff reading step!",
" Until this is fixed in rtracklayer, check out example",
" in ?getGenomeAndAnnotation on how to rescue those gffs")
gtf <-biomartr::getGFF(db = db, organism = assembly,
path = output.dir, reference = TRUE,
remove_annotation_outliers = remove_annotation_outliers,
mute_citation = TRUE)
} else if (is.character(GTF)) { # File already exists
message("- Using pre-existing annotation (gtf/gff3)")
gtf <- GTF # It already exists
is_compressed <- tools::file_ext(gtf) == "gz"
if (is_compressed) # unzip gtf file
gtf <- R.utils::gunzip(gtf, overwrite = TRUE)
makeTxdbFromGenome(gtf, genome, organism, optimize, gene_symbols,
uniprot_id, pseudo_5UTRS_if_needed)
} else { # Try to auto detect, else set to FALSE
gtf <- auto_detect_gtf_in_dir(organism, output.dir, db)
auto_detect_gtf_in_dir <- function(organism, output.dir, db) {
gtf <- grep(pattern = organism,
x = list.files(output.dir, full.names = TRUE),
value = TRUE)
if (db == "ensembl") {
gtf <- grep(pattern = "\\.gtf|\\.gff3", x = gtf, value = TRUE)
} else gtf <- grep(pattern = "\\.gff", x = gtf, value = TRUE)
gtf <- grep(pattern = "\\.db$", x = gtf, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
if (length(gtf) != 1) {
warning("Found multiple candidates for pre downloaded gtf,
setting to FALSE!")
gtf <- FALSE
#' Fix a malformed gff file
#' Basically removes all info lines with character length > 32768 and
#' save that new file.
#' @param gff character, path to gtf, can not be gzipped!
#' @return path of fixed gtf
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # fix_malformed_gff("my_bad_gff.gff")
fix_malformed_gff <- function(gff) {
new_gff <- paste0(remove.file_ext(gff), "_trimmed.gff")
call <- paste("cat", gff, "| awk '{ if (length($0) < 32768) print }' >", new_gff)
#' @inherit getGenomeAndAnnotation
#' @keywords internal
get_noncoding_rna <- function(ncRNA, output.dir, organism, gunzip) {
if (is.logical(ncRNA)) return(ncRNA)
if (ncRNA != "") {
if (ncRNA == "auto") {
a <- biomartr::getENSEMBLInfo()
ncRNA <- a[grep(organism, a$name, TRUE),]$common_name
if (length(ncRNA) == 0) stop("ncRNA was auto,",
"but could not find organism")
message(paste0("ncRNA auto: organism common name:",
message("Downloading ncRNA's")
file <- "http://www.noncode.org/datadownload/NONCODEv5_"
org <- ncRNA
extension <- ".fa.gz"
out <- paste0(output.dir, "/NONCODE_ncRNA_",org, extension)
download.file(paste0(file, org, extension), destfile = out)
ncRNA <- out
if (gunzip) # unzip gtf file
ncRNA <- R.utils::gunzip(ncRNA, overwrite = TRUE)
#' @inherit getGenomeAndAnnotation
#' @keywords internal
get_phix_genome <- function(phix, output.dir, gunzip) {
if (phix) {
message("Downloading phix genome")
if (Sys.info()[1] == "Linux") { # Faster version for Linux
phix <- paste0(output.dir, "/Escherichia_virus_phiX174.fa.gz")
tryCatch(download.file(phix.url, destfile = phix,
method = "wget", extra = "--passive-ftp"),
error = function(e, phix.url) {
phix.url <- "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/000/819/615/GCF_000819615.1_ViralProj14015/GCF_000819615.1_ViralProj14015_genomic.fna.gz"
download.file(phix.url, destfile = phix,
method = "wget")
} else {
phix <- biomartr::getGenome(db = "refseq", "Escherichia phage phiX174",
path = output.dir, gunzip = FALSE)
if (gunzip) # unzip phix file
phix <- R.utils::gunzip(phix, overwrite = TRUE)
#' Download Silva SSU & LSU sequences
#' Version downloaded is 138.1. NR99_tax (non redundant)
#' If it fails from timeout, set higher timeout: options(timeout = 200)
#' @inheritParams get_phix_genome
#' @return filepath to downloaded file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' output.dir <- tempdir()
#' # get_silva_rRNA(output.dir)
get_silva_rRNA <- function(output.dir) {
silva <- paste0(output.dir, "/rRNA_SSU&LSU_silva_138.1.fasta.gz")
if (file.exists(silva)) {
message("Silva rRNA file already found, will not download")
message("Downloading silva rRNA SSU & LSU (version 138.1)")
silva.ssu.url <- "https://www.arb-silva.de/fileadmin/silva_databases/release_138_1/Exports/SILVA_138.1_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta.gz"
download.file(silva.ssu.url, destfile = silva)
silva.lsu.url <- "https://www.arb-silva.de/fileadmin/silva_databases/release_138_1/Exports/SILVA_138.1_LSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta.gz"
download.file(silva.lsu.url, destfile = silva, mode = "a")
get_rRNA <- function(rRNA, output.dir) {
if (!(rRNA %in% c("", FALSE, TRUE, "silva"))) {
if (!file.exists(rRNA)) stop(paste("local rRNA file is specified, but does not exist:",
} else if (rRNA == "silva") rRNA <- get_silva_rRNA(output.dir)
get_tRNA <- function(tRNA) {
if (!(tRNA %in% c("", FALSE, TRUE))) {
if (!file.exists(tRNA)) stop(paste("local tRNA file is specified, but does not exist:",
contaminants_download <- function(tRNA, rRNA, phix, ncRNA, output.dir,
organism, gunzip) {
tRNA <- get_tRNA(tRNA)
rRNA <- get_rRNA(rRNA, output.dir)
phix <- get_phix_genome(phix, output.dir, gunzip)
ncRNA <- get_noncoding_rna(ncRNA, output.dir, organism, gunzip)
conts <- as.character(c(phix, ncRNA, tRNA, rRNA))
names(conts) <- c("phix", "ncRNA", "tRNA", "rRNA")
contaminants_processing <- function(conts, gtf, genome,
merge_contaminants, output.dir) {
# If any defined contaminants
any_contaminants <- any(!(conts %in% c("", FALSE)))
if (any_contaminants) {
message("- Processing contaminants")
# Find which contaminants to find from gtf:
non_gtf_contaminants <- conts[!(conts %in% c(TRUE, FALSE, ""))]
gtf_contaminants <- conts[conts == TRUE]
total_seqs <- DNAStringSet()
if (length(gtf_contaminants) > 0) {
if (is.logical(gtf) | is.logical(genome))
stop("gtf or genome not specified, so impossible to find gtf contaminants!")
# Make fasta file of those contaminants
gtf.imp <- importGtfFromTxdb(gtf)
txdb <- loadTxdb(paste0(gtf, ".db"))
tx <- loadRegion(txdb)
# Loop through the gtf contaminants
for (t in names(gtf_contaminants)) {
valids <- gtf.imp[grep(x = gtf.imp$transcript_biotype, pattern = t)]
if (length(gtf.imp) == 0) {
warning(paste("Found no transcripts in gtf of type:", t))
valid_tx <- tx[unique(valids$transcript_id)]
seqs <- txSeqsFromFa(valid_tx, genome, TRUE, TRUE)
path.cont <- paste0(output.dir, "/", t, ".fasta")
writeXStringSet(seqs, path.cont)
total_seqs <- c(total_seqs, seqs)
gtf_contaminants[t] <- conts[t] <- path.cont
if (merge_contaminants & any_contaminants) {
message("Merging contaminant genomes:")
for (cont in non_gtf_contaminants)
total_seqs <- c(total_seqs, readDNAStringSet(cont))
all_contaminants <- paste(c(names(non_gtf_contaminants),
names(gtf_contaminants)), collapse = "_")
all_cont <- paste0("merged_contaminants_", all_contaminants, ".fasta")
all_cont <- file.path(output.dir, all_cont)
writeXStringSet(total_seqs, filepath = all_cont)
output <- c(gtf, genome, all_cont)
names(output) <- c("gtf", "genome", "contaminants")
} else {
output <- c(gtf, genome, conts)
names(output) <- c("gtf", "genome", names(conts))
output <- output[!(output %in% c("", "TRUE","FALSE"))]
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