##' @title Download clinical data in GDC
##' @description Download clinical data in GDC
##' either by providing the manifest file or
##' specifying the project id and data type
##' @param manifest menifest file that is downloaded from the GDC cart.
##' If provided, files whose UUIDs are in the manifest file will be
##' downloaded via gdc-client, otherwise, \code{project id} argument
##' should be provided to download data automatically.
##' Default is \code{NULL}
##' @param project.id project id in GDC
##' @param directory the folder to save downloaded files.
##' Default is \code{'Clinical'}
##' @param write.manifest logical, whether to write out the manifest file
##' @param method method that is used to download data. Either
##' \code{'GenomicDataCommons'} which is a well established method
##' developed in the \pkg{GenomicDataCommons'} package, or alternatively
##' \code{'gdc-client'} which uses the \code{gdc-client} tool developed
##' by GDC. Default is \code{'gdc-client'}.
##' @return downloaded files in the specified directory
##' @export
##' @author Ruidong Li and Han Qu
##' @examples
##' ####### Download Clinical data by manifest file #######
##' manifest <- 'Clinical.manifest.txt'
##' \dontrun{gdcClinicalDownload(manifest = manifest,
##' directory = 'Clinical')}
##' ####### Download Clinical data by project id #######
##' project <- 'TCGA-PRAD'
##' \dontrun{gdcClinicalDownload(project.id = project,
##' write.manifest = TRUE,
##' directory = 'Clinical')}
gdcClinicalDownload <- function(manifest=NULL, project.id,
directory='Clinical', write.manifest=FALSE, method='gdc-client') {
data.type = 'Clinical'
if (! is.null(manifest)) {
} else {
url <- gdcGetURL(project.id=project.id, data.type=data.type)
manifest <- read.table(paste(url, '&return_type=manifest', sep=''),
header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
systime <- gsub(' ', 'T', Sys.time())
systime <- gsub(':', '-', systime)
manifile <- paste(project.id, data.type, 'gdc_manifest',
systime, 'txt', sep='.')
write.table(manifest, file=manifile, row.names=FALSE,
sep='\t', quote=FALSE)
if (method=='GenomicDataCommons') {
ex <- manifest$filename %in% dir(directory)
nonex <- ! ex
numFiles <- sum(ex)
if(numFiles > 0) {
message (paste('Already exists',numFiles,'files !',sep=' '))
if (sum(nonex) > 0 ) {
message (paste('Download the other',
sum(nonex), 'files !', sep=' '))
manifest <- manifest[nonex,]
fnames = lapply(manifest$id,gdcdata,
} else {
} else {
fnames = lapply(manifest$id,gdcdata,
} else if (method=='gdc-client') {
if (write.manifest == FALSE) {
##' @title Merge clinical data
##' @description Merge clinical data in \code{.xml} files
##' that are downloaded from GDC to a dataframe
##' @param path path to downloaded files for merging
##' @param key.info logical, whether to return the key clinical
##' information only. If \code{TRUE}, only clinical information
##' such as age, stage, grade, overall survial, etc. will be returned
##' @param organized logical, whether the clinical data have already
##' been organized into a single folder (eg., data downloaded by the
##' 'GenomicDataCommons' method are already organized).
##' Default is \code{FALSE}.
##' @importFrom XML xmlParse
##' @importFrom XML xmlApply
##' @importFrom XML getNodeSet
##' @importFrom XML xmlValue
##' @importFrom XML xmlName
##' @return A dataframe of clinical data with rows are patients
##' and columns are clinical traits
##' @export
##' @author Ruidong Li and Han Qu
##' @examples
##' ####### Merge clinical data #######
##' path <- 'Clinical/'
##' \dontrun{clinicalDa <- gdcClinicalMerge(path=path, key.info=TRUE)}
gdcClinicalMerge <- function(path, key.info=TRUE, organized=FALSE) {
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#if (endsWith(path, '/')) {
# path = substr(path, 1, nchar(path)-1)
message ('############### Merging Clinical data ###############\n')
if (organized==TRUE) {
filenames <- file.path(path, getXMLFile(path),
fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
} else {
folders <- file.path(path, dir(path), fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
folders <- folders[dir.exists(folders)]
filenames <- file.path(folders, unlist(lapply(folders, function(v)
getXMLFile(v))), fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
df <- lapply(filenames, function(fl) parseXMLFun(fl))
traits <- unique(names(unlist(df)))
xmlMatrix <- do.call('cbind', lapply(df, function(v) v[traits]))
rownames(xmlMatrix) <- traits
colnames(xmlMatrix) <- xmlMatrix['bcr_patient_barcode',]
xmlMatrix[xmlMatrix==""]<- "NA"
xmlMatrix<- data.frame(xmlMatrix)
if (key.info== TRUE){
line1<- xmlMatrix[c("age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis",
"ethnicity", "gender", "race","clinical_stage",
"clinical_T","clinical_N", "clinical_M", "gleason_grading",
"gleason_score", "primary_pattern","secondary_pattern",
### days_to_death
num3<- grep("^days_to_death", rownames(xmlMatrix))
t3<- xmlMatrix[num3,]
line2<- data.frame(t(apply(t3, 2, function(v) max(as.numeric(v)))))
line2[line2<=0]<- NA
rownames(line2)<- "days_to_death"
### days_to_last_followup
num4<- grep("^days_to_last_followup", rownames(xmlMatrix))
t4<- xmlMatrix[num4,]
line3<- data.frame(t(apply(t4, 2, function(v) max(as.numeric(v)))))
line3[line3<=0]<- NA
rownames(line3)<- "days_to_last_followup"
### vital_status
num11<- grep("^vital_status", rownames(xmlMatrix))
t11<- xmlMatrix[num11,]
line5<- data.frame(t(apply(t11, 2, max)))
line5[line5=='0']<- NA
rownames(line5)<- "vital_status"
### age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis
line6<- xmlMatrix[c("initial_pathologic_diagnosis_method",
"pathologic_stage","pathologic_T", "pathologic_M","pathologic_N",
### days_to_new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment
if (xmlMatrix['disease_code',1]=='LAML') {
#line7 <- data.frame(t(rep(NA, ncol(xmlMatrix))))
#rownames(line7)<- "days_to_new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment"
cleantable<- rbind(line1, line2, line3, line5, line6)
} else {
num5<- grep("^days_to_new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment",
t5<- xmlMatrix[num5,]
line7<- data.frame(t(apply(t5, 2, function(v) min(as.numeric(v)))))
line7[line7==999999 | line7<=0]<- NA
rownames(line7)<- "days_to_new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment"
### new_neoplasm_event_type
num6<- grep("^new_neoplasm_event_type", rownames(xmlMatrix))
t6<- xmlMatrix[num6,]
# t6[is.na(t6)]<-"0"
line8<- NULL
for (i in seq_len(ncol(t6))) {
t6.1<- t6[which(t6[,i] != "NA"),i]
t6.1<- paste(t6.1,collapse=",")
line8<- append(line8,t6.1)
line8[line8==""]<- "NA"
colnames(line8) <- colnames(t6)
### new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment
num7<- grep("^new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment",
t7<- xmlMatrix[num7,]
t7.1<- data.frame(t((colSums(t7=="YES"))))
rownames(t7.1)<- "new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment_yes"
t7.2<- data.frame(t((colSums(t7=="NO"))))
rownames(t7.2)<- "new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment_no"
line9<- rbind(t7.1,t7.2)
if (xmlMatrix['disease_code',1] %in% c('DLBC','PCPG','TGCT')) {
cleantable<- rbind(line1, line2, line3, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9)
} else {
#### additional_pharmaceutical_therapy
num<- grep("^additional_pharmaceutical_therapy", rownames(xmlMatrix))
t1<- xmlMatrix[num,]
t1.1<- data.frame(t((colSums(t1=="YES"))))
rownames(t1.1)<- "additional_pharmaceutical_therapy_yes"
t1.2<- data.frame(t((colSums(t1=="NO"))))
rownames(t1.2)<- "additional_pharmaceutical_therapy_no"
line10<- rbind(t1.1,t1.2)
### additional_radiation_therapy
num2<- grep("^additional_radiation_therapy", rownames(xmlMatrix))
t2<- xmlMatrix[num2,]
t2.1<- data.frame(t((colSums(t2=="YES"))))
rownames(t2.1)<- "additional_radiation_therapy_yes"
t2.2<- data.frame(t((colSums(t2=="NO"))))
rownames(t2.2)<- "additional_radiation_therapy_no"
line11<- rbind(t2.1,t2.2)
########## rbind #########
cleantable<- rbind(line1, line2, line3, line5, line6, line7,
line8, line9, line10, line11)
#names(cleantable)<- names(line3)
#colnames(line7)<- names(line3)
#cleantable<- rbind(cleantable, line3, line7)
cleantable <- data.frame(t(cleantable), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(cleantable) <- gsub('.', '-', rownames(cleantable),
filter <- grep('^NA',colnames(cleantable))
if (length(filter) > 0) {
cleantable <- cleantable[,-filter]
} else{
parseXMLFun <- function(fl) {
doc<-xmlParse(file = fl)
test1<- xmlApply(getNodeSet(doc, "//*"), xmlValue)
test2<- xmlApply(getNodeSet(doc, "//*"), xmlName)
names(test1) <- make.names(unlist(test2), unique = TRUE)
test1 <- unlist(test1)[-c(1:2)]
return (test1)
getXMLFile <- function(folder) {
files <- dir(folder)
xmlFile <- files[endsWith(files, '.xml')]
return (xmlFile)
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