##' @title Download RNA data in GDC
##' @description Download gene expression quantification
##' and isoform expression quantification data from GDC
##' either by providing the manifest file or by sepcifying
##' the project id and data type
##' @param manifest menifest file that is downloaded from the GDC cart.
##' If provided, files whose UUIDs are in the manifest file
##' will be downloaded via gdc-client, otherwise, \code{project} and
##' \code{data.type} arguments should be provided to download
##' data automatically. Default is \code{NULL}
##' @param project.id project id in GDC
##' @param data.type one of \code{'RNAseq'} and \code{'miRNAs'}
##' @param directory the folder to save downloaded files.
##' Default is \code{'Data'}
##' @param write.manifest logical, whether to write out the manifest file
##' @param method method that is used to download data. Either
##' \code{'GenomicDataCommons'} which is a well established method
##' developed in the \pkg{GenomicDataCommons'} package, or alternatively
##' \code{'gdc-client'} which uses the \code{gdc-client} tool developed
##' by GDC. Default is \code{'gdc-client'}.
##' @importFrom GenomicDataCommons gdcdata
##' @importFrom DT datatable
##' @return Downloaded files in the specified directory
##' @export
##' @author Ruidong Li and Han Qu
##' @examples
##' ####### Download RNA data by menifest file #######
##' manifest <- 'RNAseq.manifest.txt'
##' \dontrun{gdcRNADownload(manifest=manifest)}
##' ####### Download RNA data by project id and data type #######
##' project <- 'TCGA-PRAD'
##' \dontrun{gdcRNADownload(project.id=project, data.type='RNAseq')}
gdcRNADownload <- function(manifest=NULL, project.id, data.type,
directory='Data', write.manifest=FALSE, method='gdc-client') {
if (! is.null(manifest)) {
} else {
url <- gdcGetURL(project.id=project.id, data.type=data.type)
manifest <- read.table(paste(url, '&return_type=manifest', sep=''),
header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
systime <- gsub(' ', 'T', Sys.time())
systime <- gsub(':', '-', systime)
manifile <- paste(project.id, data.type, 'gdc_manifest',
systime, 'txt', sep='.')
write.table(manifest, file=manifile, row.names=FALSE,
sep='\t', quote=FALSE)
if (method=='GenomicDataCommons') {
ex <- manifest$filename %in% dir(directory)
nonex <- ! ex
numFiles <- sum(ex)
if(numFiles > 0) {
message (paste('Already exists',numFiles,'files !',sep=' '))
if (sum(nonex) > 0 ) {
message (paste('Download the other',
sum(nonex), 'files !', sep=' '))
manifest <- manifest[nonex,]
fnames = lapply(manifest$id,gdcdata,
} else {
} else {
fnames = lapply(manifest$id,gdcdata,
} else if (method=='gdc-client') {
if (write.manifest == FALSE) {
downloadClientFun <- function(os) {
if (os == 'Linux') {
adress <- paste('https://gdc.cancer.gov/files/public/file/',
destfile = './gdc-client_v1.6.0_Ubuntu_x64-py3.7_0.zip')
} else if ( os== 'Windows') {
adress <- paste('https://gdc.cancer.gov/files/public/file/',
destfile = './gdc-client_v1.6.0_Windows_x64-py3.7_0.zip')
} else if (os == 'Darwin') {
adress <- paste('https://gdc.cancer.gov/files/public/file/',
download.file(adress, destfile = './gdc-client_v1.6.0_OSX_x64_1.zip')
manifestDownloadFun <- function(manifest=manifest,directory) {
### download gdc-client
if (! file.exists('gdc-client') & !file.exists('gdc-client.exe')) {
manifestDa <- read.table(manifest, sep='\t', header=TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ex <- manifestDa$filename %in% dir(paste(directory,
dir(directory), sep='/'))
nonex <- ! ex
numFiles <- sum(ex)
if(numFiles > 0) {
message (paste('Already exists', numFiles, 'files !', sep=' '))
if (sum(nonex) > 0 ) {
message (paste('Download the other',
sum(nonex), 'files !', sep=' '))
manifestDa <- manifestDa[nonex,]
manifest <- paste(manifestDa$id, collapse =' ')
system(paste('./gdc-client download ', manifest, sep=''))
} else {
} else {
system(paste('./gdc-client download -m ', manifest, sep=''))
#### move to the directory
files <- manifestDa$id
if (directory == 'Data') {
if (! dir.exists('Data')) {
} else {
if (! dir.exists(directory)) {
dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE)
file.move(files, directory)
file.move <- function(files, directory) {
file.copy(from=files, to=directory, recursive = TRUE)
unlink(files, recursive=TRUE)
gdcGetURL <- function(project.id, data.type) {
urlAPI <- 'https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/files?'
if (data.type=='RNAseq') {
data.category <- 'Transcriptome Profiling'
data.type <- 'Gene Expression Quantification'
workflow.type <- 'HTSeq - Counts'
} else if (data.type=='miRNAs') {
data.category <- 'Transcriptome Profiling'
data.type <- 'Isoform Expression Quantification'
workflow.type <- 'BCGSC miRNA Profiling'
} else if (data.type=='Clinical') {
data.category <- 'Clinical'
data.type <- 'Clinical Supplement'
workflow.type <- NA
} else if (data.type=='pre-miRNAs') {
data.category <- 'Transcriptome Profiling'
data.type <- 'miRNA Expression Quantification'
workflow.type <- 'BCGSC miRNA Profiling'
project <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"cases.',
project.id, '"]}}', sep='')
dataCategory <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"files.',
'data_category","value":"', data.category, '"}}', sep='')
dataType <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"files.data_type",',
'"value":"', data.type, '"}}', sep='')
workflowType <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"files.',
'analysis.workflow_type","value":"', workflow.type, '"}}', sep='')
if (is.na(workflow.type)) {
dataFormat <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"files.',
'data_format","value":"', 'BCR XML', '"}}', sep='')
content <- paste(project, dataCategory, dataType, dataFormat, sep=',')
} else {
content <- paste(project, dataCategory, dataType,
workflowType, sep=',')
filters <- paste('filters=',URLencode(paste('{"op":"and","content":[',
content, ']}', sep='')),sep='')
expand <- paste('analysis', 'analysis.input_files', 'associated_entities',
'cases', 'cases.diagnoses','cases.diagnoses.treatments',
'cases.demographic', 'cases.project', 'cases.samples',
'cases.samples.portions', 'cases.samples.portions.analytes',
'cases.samples.portions.slides', sep=',')
expand <- paste('expand=', expand, sep='')
payload <- paste(filters, 'pretty=true', 'format=JSON',
'size=10000', expand, sep='&')
url <- paste(urlAPI, payload, sep='')
return (url)
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