#' @importFrom Rbowtie bowtie_build bowtie
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpworkers bplapply
#' @importFrom GEOquery gunzip
#' @importFrom Rsamtools mergeBam sortBam countBam asBam scanBamFlag ScanBamParam filterBam scanBamWhat BamFile asSam scanBam
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignments
#' @importFrom rtracklayer export
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet width intersect
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb genome seqinfo
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom InteractionSet GInteractions
#' @importFrom IRanges narrow
#' @importFrom ShortRead ShortReadQ writeFastq
#' @importClassesFrom Rsamtools BamFile
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicAlignments GAlignments
#' @importClassesFrom GenomeInfoDb Seqinfo
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
############################################## Main functions for stage 1
# main function for aligning the reads from the fastq files and creating
# pairedEnd BAM:
Stage_1_Main_fun = function(SA_prefix, S1_fastq1_usable_dir, S1_fastq2_usable_dir,
S1_image, S1_BAMStream, S1_makeSam, S1_genome, S1_RbowtieIndexBuild, S1_RbowtieIndexDir,
S1_RbowtieIndexPrefix, S1_RbowtieRefDir, S1_AnalysisDir) {
# Take time:
Analysis.time.start = Sys.time()
# create directory for the align results only:
if (!dir.exists(S1_AnalysisDir))
# Create index if needed:
IndexesPath = BuildBowtieIndex_fun(S1_RbowtieIndexBuild = S1_RbowtieIndexBuild,
S1_RbowtieRefDir = S1_RbowtieRefDir, S1_RbowtieIndexDir = S1_RbowtieIndexDir,
S1_RbowtieIndexPrefix = S1_RbowtieIndexPrefix)
# Map the usable fastq files with zero mismatches:
SAMout12_M0 = Map_fastq_V0_main_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, S1_fastq1_usable_dir = S1_fastq1_usable_dir,
S1_fastq2_usable_dir = S1_fastq2_usable_dir, IndexesPath = IndexesPath, SA_prefix = SA_prefix)
# Convert SAM to BAM, filter and convert the unmapped to fastq again for second
# round
BAMstats12V0 = Convert_Filter_CreateFastq_main_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir,
SA_prefix = SA_prefix, SAMout12_M0 = SAMout12_M0, S1_BAMStream = S1_BAMStream)
# Map the unmapped with at most one mismatch
SAMout12_M1 = Map_fastq_V1_main_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, IndexesPath = IndexesPath,
SA_prefix = SA_prefix)
# Convert SAM to BAM again, filter out the unmapped and merge the BAM files V1,V0
BAM12 = SAMtoBAM_convert_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, SAMout12_M1 = SAMout12_M1,
SA_prefix = SA_prefix, S1_image = S1_image, BAMstats12V0 = BAMstats12V0)
# Merge BAM files from the two reads
MergedBAM = MergeBAMfiles_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, BAM12 = BAM12,
SA_prefix = SA_prefix)
# sort by Qname
SortBAMQname_fun(MergedBAM = MergedBAM)
# fix mates
PairedEndBAMpath = FixMates_main_fun(MergedBAM = MergedBAM, S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir,
S1_BAMStream = S1_BAMStream, SA_prefix = SA_prefix, S1_image = S1_image,
S1_genome = S1_genome, CalledFromConvToPE_BAM = FALSE)
# If they need the sam files, convert PairedEndBAM to two SAM files:
if (S1_makeSam) {
GetSAMFiles_fun(PairedEndBAMpath = PairedEndBAMpath, S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir,
SA_prefix = SA_prefix)
# print:
futile.logger::flog.info("=====================================", name = "SA_LogFile",
capture = FALSE)
futile.logger::flog.info("Stage 1 is done!", name = "SA_LogFile", capture = FALSE)
futile.logger::flog.info(paste("Analysis results for stage 1 are in:\n", S1_AnalysisDir),
name = "SA_LogFile", capture = FALSE)
# save time:
Analysis.time.end = Sys.time()
Total.Time = Analysis.time.end - Analysis.time.start
LogFile = paste("Total stage 1 time:", Total.Time, " ", units(Total.Time))
futile.logger::flog.info(LogFile, name = "SA_LogFile", capture = FALSE)
# done
# function for building the bowtie index iff needed.
BuildBowtieIndex_fun = function(S1_RbowtieIndexBuild, S1_RbowtieRefDir, S1_RbowtieIndexDir,
S1_RbowtieIndexPrefix) {
if (S1_RbowtieIndexBuild) {
# create folder for the index:
cat("Building bowtie index...")
if (!dir.exists(S1_RbowtieIndexDir))
# create the index, C=FALSE for colorspace index
Rbowtie::bowtie_build(references = S1_RbowtieRefDir, outdir = S1_RbowtieIndexDir,
prefix = S1_RbowtieIndexPrefix, force = TRUE, strict = TRUE, C = FALSE)
# indexes path:
IndexesPath = file.path(S1_RbowtieIndexDir, S1_RbowtieIndexPrefix)
# done
# main function for mapping the fastq files with 0 mismatch
Map_fastq_V0_main_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, S1_fastq1_usable_dir, S1_fastq2_usable_dir,
IndexesPath, SA_prefix) {
# -------align Notes: c=FALSE not cmd files input. C=FALSE not colorspace, v=0
# max mismatches, ignore qualities unless ties. m=1 for keeping unique mapped.
# k=1 report one hit per read
# map first reads
cat("========>Mapping first reads with zero mismatch...\n")
# output names:
namefastqgz1 = basename(S1_fastq1_usable_dir)
namefastq1 = paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR1.fastq", sep = "")
namesam1 = paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR1.sam", sep = "")
# run:
SAMout1 = Map_fastq_V0_sub_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, fastq_usable_dir = S1_fastq1_usable_dir,
namefastqgz = namefastqgz1, namefastq = namefastq1, namesam = namesam1, IndexesPath = IndexesPath)
# map second reads
cat("========>Mapping second reads with zero mismatch...\n")
# output names:
namefastqgz2 = basename(S1_fastq2_usable_dir)
namefastq2 = paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR1.fastq", sep = "")
namesam2 = paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR1.sam", sep = "")
# run:
SAMout2 = Map_fastq_V0_sub_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, fastq_usable_dir = S1_fastq2_usable_dir,
namefastqgz = namefastqgz2, namefastq = namefastq2, namesam = namesam2, IndexesPath = IndexesPath)
return(list(SAMout1 = SAMout1, SAMout2 = SAMout2))
# done
# function for mapping each fastq with 0 mismatch:
Map_fastq_V0_sub_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, fastq_usable_dir, namefastqgz, namefastq,
namesam, IndexesPath) {
# unzip usable fastq
cat("Unziping reads for mapping ", namefastqgz, "...", sep = "")
fastq_usable_dir_ungz = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, namefastq)
suppressMessages(GEOquery::gunzip(filename = fastq_usable_dir, overwrite = TRUE,
remove = FALSE, destname = fastq_usable_dir_ungz))
# Map usable fastq
cat("Mapping reads in ", namefastq, "...", sep = "")
SAMout = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, namesam)
Rbowtie::bowtie(sequences = fastq_usable_dir_ungz, index = IndexesPath, type = "single",
outfile = SAMout, force = TRUE, strict = TRUE, c = FALSE, C = FALSE, trim5 = 0,
trim3 = 0, quiet = TRUE, sam = TRUE, threads = BiocParallel::bpworkers(),
verbose = FALSE, chunkmbs = 500, v = 0, k = 1, m = 1)
# remove unziped fastq
cat("Removing unnecessary files...\n")
unlink(x = fastq_usable_dir_ungz, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
# main function for converting to bam, filtering, creating fastq for the
# unmapped.
Convert_Filter_CreateFastq_main_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, SA_prefix, SAMout12_M0,
S1_BAMStream) {
cat("Preparing files for mapping with at most one mismatch...")
# Create list of inputs:
Converting = list()
Converting[[1]] = list(SAMoutMR1 = SAMout12_M0[[1]], BAMoutMR1 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR1", sep = "")), BAMoutbaiMR1 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR1.bam.bai", sep = "")), BAMoutV0 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_V0.bam", sep = "")), BAMoutMR2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR2.bam", sep = "")), BAMoutbaiMR2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR2.bam.bai", sep = "")), FastqMR2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR2.fastq.gz", sep = "")))
Converting[[2]] = list(SAMoutMR1 = SAMout12_M0[[2]], BAMoutMR1 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR1", sep = "")), BAMoutbaiMR1 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR1.bam.bai", sep = "")), BAMoutV0 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_V0.bam", sep = "")), BAMoutMR2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR2.bam", sep = "")), BAMoutbaiMR2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR2.bam.bai", sep = "")), FastqMR2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR2.fastq.gz", sep = "")))
# run in parallel:
BAMstats12V0 = BiocParallel::bplapply(X = Converting, FUN = Convert_Filter_CreateFastq_sub_fun,
S1_BAMStream = S1_BAMStream)
# DOne
# function for splitting and converting files for mapping round 2:
Convert_Filter_CreateFastq_sub_fun = function(ConvertingL, S1_BAMStream) {
# Convert to BAM:
# suppress warnings for merging
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::asBam(file = ConvertingL$SAMoutMR1, destination = ConvertingL$BAMoutMR1,
overwrite = TRUE, indexDestination = TRUE))
ConvertingL$BAMoutMR1 = paste(ConvertingL$BAMoutMR1, ".bam", sep = "")
# Get the total counts:
TotReads = Rsamtools::countBam(ConvertingL$BAMoutMR1)$records
# Filter the bam file to mapped with zero mismatch and unmapped:
#-------------------------filter mapped:
# make flag for keeping the mapped only:
MappedFlag = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE,
isNotPassingQualityControls = FALSE, isDuplicate = FALSE)
# make ScanBamParam:
SBparam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = MappedFlag)
# filter, dont need index since they will be merged:
Rsamtools::filterBam(file = ConvertingL$BAMoutMR1, index = ConvertingL$BAMoutbaiMR1,
destination = ConvertingL$BAMoutV0, param = SBparam, indexDestination = FALSE)
TotmappedV0 = Rsamtools::countBam(ConvertingL$BAMoutV0)$records
#-------------------------filter umapped:
# make flag for keeping the unmapped only:
UnMappedFlag = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = TRUE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE,
isNotPassingQualityControls = FALSE, isDuplicate = FALSE)
# make ScanBamParam:
SBparam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = UnMappedFlag)
# filter, dont need index since they will be merged:
Rsamtools::filterBam(file = ConvertingL$BAMoutMR1, index = ConvertingL$BAMoutbaiMR1,
destination = ConvertingL$BAMoutMR2, param = SBparam, indexDestination = TRUE)
# Convert the umapped to fastq: Here I have to change
bam_object = Rsamtools::BamFile(file = ConvertingL$BAMoutMR2, index = ConvertingL$BAMoutbaiMR2,
yieldSize = S1_BAMStream)
fastq_to = ConvertingL$FastqMR2
repeat {
## maybe indicate progress?
len = BamToFastq(bam_object=bam_object, fastq_to=fastq_to)
if (len == 0L)
# delete unnecessary files and return:
unlink(x = c(ConvertingL$SAMoutMR1, ConvertingL$BAMoutMR1, ConvertingL$BAMoutbaiMR1,
ConvertingL$BAMoutMR2, ConvertingL$BAMoutbaiMR2), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
return(list(TotReads = TotReads, TotmappedV0 = TotmappedV0))
#function for converting Bam files to fastq.
BamToFastq = function(bam_object, fastq_to) {
#read chunk of BAM
param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what = Rsamtools::scanBamWhat())
chunk = Rsamtools::scanBam(file = bam_object, param = param)
#comvert to fastq and write:
fastq_chunk = ShortRead::ShortReadQ(sread = chunk[[1]]$seq,
quality = chunk[[1]]$qual,
id = Biostrings::BStringSet(x = chunk[[1]]$qname),
alignData = chunk[[1]]$flag)
ShortRead::writeFastq(object = fastq_chunk, file = fastq_to, mode="a",
compress = TRUE)
# main function for mapping the fastq files with 1 mismatch
Map_fastq_V1_main_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, IndexesPath, SA_prefix) {
# -------align Notes: c=FALSE not cmd files input. C=FALSE not colorspace, v=1
# max mismatches, ignore qualities unless ties. m=1 for keeping unique mapped.
# k=1 report one hit per read
# map first reads
cat("========>Mapping first reads with one mismatch...\n")
# output names:
S1_fastq1_usable_dir = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR2.fastq.gz",
sep = ""))
namefastqgz1 = basename(S1_fastq1_usable_dir)
namefastq1 = paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR2.fastq", sep = "")
namesam1 = paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR2.sam", sep = "")
# run:
SAMout1 = Map_fastq_V1_sub_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, fastq_usable_dir = S1_fastq1_usable_dir,
namefastqgz = namefastqgz1, namefastq = namefastq1, namesam = namesam1, IndexesPath = IndexesPath)
# map second reads
cat("========>Mapping second reads with one mismatch...\n")
# output names:
S1_fastq2_usable_dir = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR2.fastq.gz",
sep = ""))
namefastqgz2 = basename(S1_fastq2_usable_dir)
namefastq2 = paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR2.fastq", sep = "")
namesam2 = paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR2.sam", sep = "")
# run:
SAMout2 = Map_fastq_V1_sub_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, fastq_usable_dir = S1_fastq2_usable_dir,
namefastqgz = namefastqgz2, namefastq = namefastq2, namesam = namesam2, IndexesPath = IndexesPath)
return(list(SAMout1 = SAMout1, SAMout2 = SAMout2))
# done
# function for mapping each fastq with 1 mismatch:
Map_fastq_V1_sub_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, fastq_usable_dir, namefastqgz, namefastq,
namesam, IndexesPath) {
# unzip usable fastq
cat("Unziping reads for mapping ", namefastqgz, "...", sep = "")
fastq_usable_dir_ungz = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, namefastq)
suppressMessages(GEOquery::gunzip(filename = fastq_usable_dir, overwrite = TRUE,
remove = FALSE, destname = fastq_usable_dir_ungz))
# Map usable fastq
cat("Mapping reads in ", namefastq, "...", sep = "")
SAMout = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, namesam)
Rbowtie::bowtie(sequences = fastq_usable_dir_ungz, index = IndexesPath, type = "single",
outfile = SAMout, force = TRUE, strict = TRUE, c = FALSE, C = FALSE, trim5 = 0,
trim3 = 0, quiet = TRUE, sam = TRUE, threads = BiocParallel::bpworkers(),
verbose = FALSE, chunkmbs = 500, v = 1, k = 1, m = 1)
# remove unziped fastq
cat("Removing unnecessary files...\n")
unlink(x = c(fastq_usable_dir_ungz, fastq_usable_dir), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
# Done
# function to convert the two sam files to bam for V1, and merging the BAM v1 and
# v2
SAMtoBAM_convert_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, SAMout12_M1, SA_prefix, S1_image,
BAMstats12V0) {
cat("Preparing files for merging...")
# output/input files:
bpconvert = list()
bpconvert[[1]] = list(SAMin = SAMout12_M1$SAMout1, BAMMR2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR2", sep = "")), BAMMR2bai = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_MR2.bam.bai", sep = "")), BAMout = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1.bam", sep = "")), BAMV0 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_V0.bam", sep = "")), BAMV1 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_V1.bam", sep = "")))
bpconvert[[2]] = list(SAMin = SAMout12_M1$SAMout2, BAMMR2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR2", sep = "")), BAMMR2bai = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_MR2.bam.bai", sep = "")), BAMout = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2.bam", sep = "")), BAMV0 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_V0.bam", sep = "")), BAMV1 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_V1.bam", sep = "")))
# convert to BAM, merge and filter etc:
BAM12res = BiocParallel::bplapply(X = bpconvert, FUN = function(y) {
# suppress warnings for merging
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::asBam(file = y$SAMin, destination = y$BAMMR2,
overwrite = TRUE, indexDestination = TRUE))
# update file names:
y$BAMMR2 = paste(y$BAMMR2, ".bam", sep = "")
# Filter the bam file to mapped with 1 mismatch
# make flag for keeping the mapped only:
MappedFlag = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE,
isNotPassingQualityControls = FALSE, isDuplicate = FALSE)
# make ScanBamParam:
SBparam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = MappedFlag)
# filter, dont need index since they will be merged:
Rsamtools::filterBam(file = y$BAMMR2, index = y$BAMMR2bai, destination = y$BAMV1,
param = SBparam, indexDestination = FALSE)
TotmappedV1 = Rsamtools::countBam(y$BAMV1)$records
# merge the V1 and V0 files:
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::mergeBam(files = c(y$BAMV0, y$BAMV1), destination = y$BAMout,
overwrite = TRUE, byQname = FALSE, indexDestination = FALSE))
# unlink:
unlink(x = c(y$SAMin, y$BAMMR2, y$BAMMR2bai, y$BAMV0, y$BAMV1), recursive = TRUE,
force = TRUE)
return(list(TotmappedV1 = TotmappedV1, BAMout = y$BAMout))
# print and save statistics:
# calculate the stats:
TotReads_1 = BAMstats12V0[[1]]$TotReads
TotmappedV0_1 = BAMstats12V0[[1]]$TotmappedV0
TotmappedV0100_1 = TotmappedV0_1/TotReads_1 * 100
TotmappedV1_1 = BAM12res[[1]]$TotmappedV1
TotmappedV1100_1 = TotmappedV1_1/TotReads_1 * 100
Totunmapped_1 = TotReads_1 - TotmappedV0_1 - TotmappedV1_1
Totunmapped100_1 = Totunmapped_1/TotReads_1 * 100
TotReads_2 = BAMstats12V0[[2]]$TotReads
TotmappedV0_2 = BAMstats12V0[[2]]$TotmappedV0
TotmappedV0100_2 = TotmappedV0_2/TotReads_2 * 100
TotmappedV1_2 = BAM12res[[2]]$TotmappedV1
TotmappedV1100_2 = TotmappedV1_2/TotReads_2 * 100
Totunmapped_2 = TotReads_2 - TotmappedV0_2 - TotmappedV1_2
Totunmapped100_2 = Totunmapped_2/TotReads_2 * 100
# print:
LogFile = list()
LogFile[[1]] = "=========>Mapping statistics<========"
LogFile[[2]] = "==>Statistics for usable_1.bam:"
LogFile[[3]] = paste("Total reads processed:", TotReads_1)
LogFile[[4]] = paste("Total reads mapped with zero mismatch:", TotmappedV0_1,
"(", TotmappedV0100_1, "%)")
LogFile[[5]] = paste("Total reads mapped with one mismatch:", TotmappedV1_1,
"(", TotmappedV1100_1, "%)")
LogFile[[6]] = paste("Total reads unmapped:", Totunmapped_1, "(", Totunmapped100_1,
LogFile[[7]] = "==>Statistics for usable_2.bam:"
LogFile[[8]] = paste("Total reads processed:", TotReads_2)
LogFile[[9]] = paste("Total reads mapped with zero mismatch:", TotmappedV0_2,
"(", TotmappedV0100_2, "%)")
LogFile[[10]] = paste("Total reads mapped with one mismatch:", TotmappedV1_2,
"(", TotmappedV1100_2, "%)")
LogFile[[11]] = paste("Total reads unmapped:", Totunmapped_2, "(", Totunmapped100_2,
for (lf in seq_len(11)) futile.logger::flog.info(LogFile[[lf]], name = "SA_LogFile",
capture = FALSE)
# print and save statistics:
if (S1_image) {
Get_image_S1_P1_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, SA_prefix = SA_prefix,
TotmappedV0100_1 = TotmappedV0100_1, TotmappedV1100_1 = TotmappedV1100_1,
Totunmapped100_1 = Totunmapped100_1, TotmappedV0100_2 = TotmappedV0100_2,
TotmappedV1100_2 = TotmappedV1100_2, Totunmapped100_2 = Totunmapped100_2)
# return:
BAM12 = list(BAM1 = BAM12res[[1]]$BAMout, BAM2 = BAM12res[[2]]$BAMout)
# done
# function for plotting for stage 1 part 1: mapped/unmapped reads
Get_image_S1_P1_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, SA_prefix, TotmappedV0100_1, TotmappedV1100_1,
Totunmapped100_1, TotmappedV0100_2, TotmappedV1100_2, Totunmapped100_2) {
# Rcheck:
Value = NULL
Kind = NULL
# image dir:
S1_P1_image_dir = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_stage_1_p1_image.jpg",
sep = ""))
# create data:
S1_imagedata_1 = data.frame(Kind = c(paste("Mapped reads with zero mismatch (",
round(TotmappedV0100_1, digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""), paste("Mapped reads with one mismatch (",
round(TotmappedV1100_1, digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""), paste("Unmapped reads (",
round(Totunmapped100_1, digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""), paste("Mapped reads with zero mismatch (",
round(TotmappedV0100_2, digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""), paste("Mapped reads with one mismatch (",
round(TotmappedV1100_2, digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""), paste("Unmapped reads (",
round(Totunmapped100_2, digits = 1), "%)", sep = "")), Value = c(round(TotmappedV0100_1),
round(TotmappedV1100_1), round(Totunmapped100_1), round(TotmappedV0100_2),
round(TotmappedV1100_2), round(Totunmapped100_2)), facet = c(paste(SA_prefix,
"_usable_1.bam", sep = ""), paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1.bam", sep = ""),
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1.bam", sep = ""), paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2.bam",
sep = ""), paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2.bam", sep = ""), paste(SA_prefix,
"_usable_2.bam", sep = "")))
# plot the split:
S1_image_p1 = ggplot2::ggplot(S1_imagedata_1, ggplot2::aes(x = "", y = Value,
fill = factor(Kind))) + ggplot2::geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~facet) + ggplot2::coord_polar(theta = "y") + ggplot2::theme(axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 20, color = "black"), legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 17), axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "vertical", axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::ggtitle("Pie chart for the mapping occurence of bam files") + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")
# save:
ggplot2::ggsave(plot = S1_image_p1, file = S1_P1_image_dir, scale = 2)
# done
# function for merging the two mapped bam files: (in)
MergeBAMfiles_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, BAM12, SA_prefix) {
cat("Merging ", basename(BAM12[[1]]), ", ", basename(BAM12[[2]]), " files...",
sep = "")
# output:
MergedBAMpath = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_merged.bam",
sep = ""))
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::mergeBam(files = unlist(BAM12), destination = MergedBAMpath,
overwrite = TRUE, byQname = FALSE, indexDestination = TRUE))
cat("Removing unnecessary files...\n")
unlink(x = unlist(BAM12), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
# return:
MergedBAM = list(BAM = MergedBAMpath, BAMbai = paste(MergedBAMpath, ".bai", sep = ""))
# done
# function for sorting the merged bam by Qname (in)
SortBAMQname_fun = function(MergedBAM) {
cat("Sorting ", basename(MergedBAM$BAM), " file by Qname...", sep = "")
# output:
SortBAM = unlist(strsplit(MergedBAM$BAM, ".bam"))
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::sortBam(file = MergedBAM$BAM, destination = SortBAM,
byQname = TRUE))
# done
# main function for fixing mate-pairs (in)
FixMates_main_fun = function(MergedBAM, S1_AnalysisDir, S1_BAMStream, SA_prefix,
S1_image, S1_genome, CalledFromConvToPE_BAM) {
# initiate:
cat("Pairing reads in ", basename(MergedBAM$BAM), " file...\n", sep = "")
# counts:
TotReadsScanned = 0
TotPairsFound = 0
TotBAMReads = Rsamtools::countBam(MergedBAM$BAM)$records
SavedLastRead = NULL
# what to read:
SBparam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what = Rsamtools::scanBamWhat())
# open bam:
BAMmain = Rsamtools::BamFile(file = MergedBAM$BAM, index = MergedBAM$BAMbai,
yieldSize = S1_BAMStream, obeyQname = TRUE, asMates = FALSE)
BAMcounter = 1
BAM_path_yield_list = list()
GIntScanned = NULL
# scan and mate::
repeat {
# scan yield:
BAMyield = GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(file = BAMmain, use.names = TRUE,
param = SBparam)
# break repeat if yield empty:
if (length(BAMyield) == 0)
# take yield length:
Nyield = length(BAMyield)
TotReadsScanned = TotReadsScanned + Nyield
# add the read 1 on to iff it exists:
if (!is.null(SavedLastRead)) {
BAMyield = c(SavedLastRead, BAMyield)
# update Nyield:
Nyield = Nyield + 1
# remove dulicates because they cause problems:
DupliRM = which(duplicated(names(BAMyield)))
if (length(DupliRM) != 0) {
BAMyield = BAMyield[-DupliRM]
Nyield = Nyield - length(DupliRM)
# take names and get suffixes remove and keep the last read if it is first read:
PairedNamesRes = Get_Paired_names_fun(BAMyield = BAMyield, Nyield = Nyield)
# check last read and extract:
if (PairedNamesRes$LastRead1) {
SavedLastRead = BAMyield[Nyield]
} else {
SavedLastRead = NULL
# check if pairs found:
if (PairedNamesRes$NyieldPairs == 0) {
# go to next yield
} else {
TotPairsFound = TotPairsFound + PairedNamesRes$NyieldPairs
# split the yield in read1 and 2
BAMyieldSplit = Get_Paired_Yields_fun(BAMyield = BAMyield, PairedNamesRes = PairedNamesRes)
# add flags to the reads 1:
FlagRes = FixMatesFlags_fun(BAMyieldSplit = BAMyieldSplit, GIntScanned = GIntScanned)
GIntScanned = FlagRes$GIntScanned
BAMyieldPaired = FlagRes$BAMyieldPaired
# save to BAM format:
# add genome:
GenomeInfoDb::genome(GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(BAMyieldPaired)) = S1_genome
# save:
BAM_path_yield = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_Paired_end_",
BAMcounter, ".bam", sep = ""))
rtracklayer::export(object = BAMyieldPaired, con = Rsamtools::BamFile(BAM_path_yield),
format = "bam")
BAM_path_yield_list[[BAMcounter]] = BAM_path_yield
BAMcounter = BAMcounter + 1
# print:
TotReadsScanned100 = TotReadsScanned/TotBAMReads * 100
TotPairsFound100 = 2 * TotPairsFound/TotReadsScanned * 100
cat("||Total lines scanned: ", TotReadsScanned, "(", TotReadsScanned100,
"%)|| ", "||Total Pairs registered: ", TotPairsFound, "(", TotPairsFound100,
"% of the scanned lines)||\r", sep = "")
# close connection:
# write and cat:
LogFile = list()
LogFile[[1]] = "=========>Pairing statistics<========"
LogFile[[2]] = paste("Total reads processed: ", TotReadsScanned, "(", TotReadsScanned100,
LogFile[[3]] = paste("Total pairs registered:", TotPairsFound, "(", TotPairsFound100,
"% of the scanned lines)")
for (lf in seq_len(3)) futile.logger::flog.info(LogFile[[lf]], name = "SA_LogFile",
capture = FALSE)
# plot:
if (S1_image) {
Get_image_S1_P2_fun(S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir, SA_prefix = SA_prefix,
TotPairsFound100 = TotPairsFound100)
# Merge BAM files:
cat("Merging bam files in ", paste(SA_prefix, "_Paired_end.bam", sep = ""), "...")
PairedEndBAMpath = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_Paired_end.bam",
sep = ""))
FilesToMerge = unlist(BAM_path_yield_list)
if (length(FilesToMerge) > 1) {
PairedEndBAMpath = Rsamtools::mergeBam(files = FilesToMerge, destination = PairedEndBAMpath,
overwrite = TRUE, byQname = FALSE, indexDestination = TRUE)
} else if (length(FilesToMerge) == 1) {
# rename it:
invisible(file.rename(from = FilesToMerge, to = PairedEndBAMpath))
# bai:
PairedEndBAMpathbai = paste(PairedEndBAMpath, ".bai", sep = "")
FilesToMergebai = paste(FilesToMerge, ".bai", sep = "")
invisible(file.rename(from = FilesToMergebai, to = PairedEndBAMpathbai))
} else {
futile.logger::flog.warn(paste("WARNING: No pairs found in:\n", MergedBAM$BAM),
name = "SA_LogFile", capture = FALSE)
# delete those in BAM_path_yield_list and the usable_merged.bam/bai:
if (!CalledFromConvToPE_BAM) {
cat("Removing unnecessary files...\n")
unlink(x = c(unlist(BAM_path_yield_list), unlist(MergedBAM)), recursive = TRUE,
force = TRUE)
unlink(x = paste(unlist(BAM_path_yield_list), ".bai", sep = ""), recursive = TRUE,
force = TRUE)
# else they are deleted at ConvertToPE_BAM function.
# done
# function for getting the paired-ends of the reads
Get_Paired_names_fun = function(BAMyield, Nyield) {
# use BStringSet because it is faster:
Namesyield = Biostrings::BStringSet(x = names(BAMyield), start = 1)
NamesyieldWidth = Biostrings::width(Namesyield)
NamesyieldPref = IRanges::narrow(Namesyield, start = 1, end = NamesyieldWidth -
NamesyieldSuf = IRanges::narrow(Namesyield, start = NamesyieldWidth, end = NamesyieldWidth)
NamesyieldSuf = as.character(NamesyieldSuf)
# get read1 and read2 positions:
Which_r1 = which(NamesyieldSuf == "1")
Which_r2 = which(NamesyieldSuf == "2")
# split prefixes of read 1 and 2:
NamesyieldPref_r1 = NamesyieldPref[Which_r1]
NamesyieldPref_r2 = NamesyieldPref[Which_r2]
# find intersection of the names (those are your paires for the yield): if any of
# the two above is empty then NamesyieldPref_r12 will be empty
# length(NamesyieldPref_r12)==0
NamesyieldPref_r12 = Biostrings::intersect(NamesyieldPref_r1, NamesyieldPref_r2)
# check if the last element is read1, if it is then keep it for the next yield.
LastRead1 = FALSE
if (Nyield %in% Which_r1)
LastRead1 = TRUE
# return:
return(list(NamesyieldPref_r12 = NamesyieldPref_r12, Which_r1 = Which_r1, Which_r2 = Which_r2,
NamesyieldPref_r1 = NamesyieldPref_r1, NamesyieldPref_r2 = NamesyieldPref_r2,
LastRead1 = LastRead1, NyieldPairs = length(NamesyieldPref_r12)))
# done
# function for separating the BAMyield into two pairs
Get_Paired_Yields_fun = function(BAMyield, PairedNamesRes) {
# get names of read 1 in the intersection:
read1names = which(as.character(PairedNamesRes$NamesyieldPref_r1) %in% as.character(PairedNamesRes$NamesyieldPref_r12))
read1_id = PairedNamesRes$Which_r1[read1names]
BAMyield_r1 = BAMyield[read1_id]
# replace names without the prefix:
names(BAMyield_r1) = as.character(PairedNamesRes$NamesyieldPref_r1[read1names])
# get names of read 2 in the intersection:
read2names = which(as.character(PairedNamesRes$NamesyieldPref_r2) %in% as.character(PairedNamesRes$NamesyieldPref_r12))
read2_id = PairedNamesRes$Which_r2[read2names]
BAMyield_r2 = BAMyield[read2_id]
# replace names without the prefix:
names(BAMyield_r2) = as.character(PairedNamesRes$NamesyieldPref_r2[read2names])
# the orders should be identical but check:
if (!identical(order(names(BAMyield_r1)), order(names(BAMyield_r2)))) {
stop("Pairing BAM files failed. The names of the two BAM files are not sorted!",
call. = FALSE)
# return:
return(list(BAMyield_r1 = BAMyield_r1, BAMyield_r2 = BAMyield_r2))
# done
# function for fixing the mates flags and returning the final BAMyieldPaired
FixMatesFlags_fun = function(BAMyieldSplit, GIntScanned) {
# split:
BAMyield_r1 = BAMyieldSplit$BAMyield_r1
BAMyield_r2 = BAMyieldSplit$BAMyield_r2
# the only info I have is their strand. Take the info before adding other flags:
Read1RevStrand = which(S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$flag == 16)
Read2RevStrand = which(S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$flag == 16)
# Add +1 on all flags to make them paired: Add +64 for first in pair and +128 for
# second in pair: So add 65 on the first and 129 on the second
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$flag = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$flag + 65
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$flag = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$flag + 129
# Add +32 for the mates in reverse strand:
if (length(Read1RevStrand) != 0) {
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$flag[Read1RevStrand] = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$flag[Read1RevStrand] +
if (length(Read2RevStrand) != 0) {
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$flag[Read2RevStrand] = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$flag[Read2RevStrand] +
# Add mate positions:
Pos_r1 = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$pos
Pos_r2 = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$pos
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$mpos = Pos_r2
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$mpos = Pos_r1
# Add mate chromosome:
Chr_r1 = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$rname
Chr_r2 = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$rname
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1)$mrnm = Chr_r2
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2)$mrnm = Chr_r1
# Check dublicates:
if (is.null(GIntScanned)) {
# create the first instance:
GRscanned1 = methods::as(BAMyield_r1, "GRanges")
S4Vectors::mcols(GRscanned1) = NULL
names(GRscanned1) = NULL
GRscanned2 = methods::as(BAMyield_r2, "GRanges")
S4Vectors::mcols(GRscanned2) = NULL
names(GRscanned2) = NULL
GIntScanned = InteractionSet::GInteractions(anchor1 = GRscanned1, anchor2 = GRscanned2)
NGIntScanned = 0 #to begin with
} else {
# create new instance:
GRscanned1_new = methods::as(BAMyield_r1, "GRanges")
S4Vectors::mcols(GRscanned1_new) = NULL
names(GRscanned1_new) = NULL
GRscanned2_new = methods::as(BAMyield_r2, "GRanges")
S4Vectors::mcols(GRscanned2_new) = NULL
names(GRscanned2_new) = NULL
GIntScanned_new = InteractionSet::GInteractions(anchor1 = GRscanned1_new,
anchor2 = GRscanned2_new)
# merge with the old (take length of the old first)
NGIntScanned = length(GIntScanned)
GIntScanned = c(GIntScanned, GIntScanned_new)
# ckeck duplicates, it gives the second instance as duplicated:
Duplicated = which(duplicated(GIntScanned) == TRUE)
# add flags:
if (length(Duplicated) != 0) {
# get correct positions:
DuplPos = Duplicated - NGIntScanned
# add flag:
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1[DuplPos])$flag = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r1[DuplPos])$flag +
S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2[DuplPos])$flag = S4Vectors::mcols(BAMyield_r2[DuplPos])$flag +
# remove duplicates using Duplicated here:
GIntScanned = GIntScanned[-Duplicated]
# Merge in one and return:
BAMyieldPaired = c(BAMyield_r1, BAMyield_r2)
return(list(BAMyieldPaired = BAMyieldPaired, GIntScanned = GIntScanned))
# done
# function for plotting for stage 1 part 1: paired/unpaired reads:
Get_image_S1_P2_fun = function(S1_AnalysisDir, SA_prefix, TotPairsFound100) {
# Rcheck:
Value = NULL
Kind = NULL
# image dir:
S1_P2_image_dir = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_stage_1_p2_image.jpg",
sep = ""))
# create data:
S1_imagedata_p2 = data.frame(Kind = c(paste("Paired Reads (", round(TotPairsFound100,
digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""), paste("Unpaired Reads (", round(100 - TotPairsFound100,
digits = 1), "%)", sep = "")), Value = c(round(TotPairsFound100, digits = 1),
round(100 - TotPairsFound100, digits = 1)))
# plot the split:
S1_image_p2 = ggplot2::ggplot(S1_imagedata_p2, ggplot2::aes(x = "", y = Value,
fill = factor(Kind))) + ggplot2::geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") +
ggplot2::coord_polar(theta = "y") + ggplot2::theme(axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 20, color = "black"), legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 17), axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "vertical", axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(paste("Pie chart for ", SA_prefix, "_usable_1.sam file",
sep = "")) + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")
# save:
ggplot2::ggsave(plot = S1_image_p2, file = S1_P2_image_dir, scale = 2)
# done
# function for splitting the paired-end bam file into two sam files
GetSAMFiles_fun = function(PairedEndBAMpath, S1_AnalysisDir, SA_prefix) {
cat("Creating SAM files from paired-end BAM...")
# make mates list input:
FilterMATE = list()
FilterMATE[[1]] = list(PairedBAM = PairedEndBAMpath, PairedBAMbai = paste(PairedEndBAMpath,
".bai", sep = ""), firstmate = TRUE, BAMread = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1", sep = "")), BAMreadIndex = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1", sep = "")), SAMout = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1.sam", sep = "")))
FilterMATE[[2]] = list(PairedBAM = PairedEndBAMpath, PairedBAMbai = paste(PairedEndBAMpath,
".bai", sep = ""), firstmate = FALSE, BAMread = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2", sep = "")), BAMreadIndex = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2", sep = "")), SAMout = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,
paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2.sam", sep = "")))
# split:
BiocParallel::bplapply(X = FilterMATE, FUN = function(y) {
# make flag:
MateFlag = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isFirstMateRead = y$firstmate, isSecondMateRead = !y$firstmate,
isDuplicate = FALSE)
# make ScanBamParam:
SBparam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = MateFlag)
# filter, dont need index since they will be merged:
Rsamtools::filterBam(file = y$PairedBAM, index = y$PairedBAMbai, destination = paste(y$BAMread,
".bam", sep = ""), param = SBparam, indexDestination = TRUE)
# sort by Qname, done already
Rsamtools::sortBam(file = paste(y$BAMread, ".bam", sep = ""), destination = y$BAMread,
byQname = TRUE)
# convert to sam:
Rsamtools::asSam(file = paste(y$BAMread, ".bam", sep = ""), overwrite = TRUE,
denstination = y$SAMout)
# delete files:
unlink(x = paste(y$BAMread, c(".bam", ".bam.bai"), sep = ""), recursive = TRUE,
force = TRUE)
# done
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.