
Defines functions .reformatAb dashNotDot lowerNoDash upperSquish gsubAb addID defaultQuery qryToLong makeQueryTable

Documented in addID dashNotDot defaultQuery gsubAb lowerNoDash makeQueryTable upperSquish

# makeQueryTable ----

#'Separate Antibody/Antigen names into component parts
#'Given a data.frame containing Antigen/Antibody names, reformat
#'the names into possible gene names and return the data.frame in long format.
#'@param df A data.frame or tibble.
#'@param ab (character(1), default: "Antigen") Name of column in df containing
#'antibody names
#'@param id (default: "ID") Name of column in df containing IDs for each row.
#'@param control_col (character(1), default: NA)  Optional name of a logical
#'column indicating whether an antibody is an isotype control.  If present,
#'controls will be removed to avoid spurious matches as they usually do not
#'react against human genes.
#'@param fun Optional custom function for formatting antigen names.  Must take
#' an argument "ab" giving the column name (as above) as its only argument.
#' Other arguments can be prefilled e.g. with purrr::partial.
#'@param verbose (logical, default: TRUE) If TRUE, prints a message when
#'@importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'A tibble with columns containing the original ID, "name", the name of the
#'formatting method that was applied, and "value", the result of applying the
#'formatting method to the original antigen. The value "Antigen" in the name
#'column contains the original antigen value, with some minor formatting such
#'as converting Greek symbols to Latin characters.
#'df <- data.frame(Antigen = c("KLRG1 (MAFA)", "KLRG1", "CD3 (CD3E)",
#'                             "HLA.A.B.C", "HLA-A/B/C", "NKAT2",
#'                             "CD66a.c.e", "CD66a_c_e", "CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1)"),
#'                 ID = LETTERS[1:9])
makeQueryTable <- function(df, ab="Antigen", id="ID",
                           control_col=NA, fun=NA, verbose=TRUE){

    if (isTRUE(verbose)){
        message("Making query table\n")

    if (! all(c(ab, id) %in% colnames(df))){
        stop(sprintf("%s and %s must be columns in df", ab, id))

    # Remove controls
    if (! is.na(control_col)) {
        df <- dplyr::filter(df, ! (!!sym(control_col)))

    if (is.na(fun)) query_fun <- defaultQuery

    cn <- colnames(df)

    funs <- query_fun(ab = ab)
    df <- magrittr::freduce(df, funs)

    # Make a list of column names that are query terms
    query_cols <- c(ab, setdiff(colnames(df), cn)) # New columns + original ab
    query_cols <- setdiff(query_cols, id) # minus ID column

    # Convert to long format
    df <- qryToLong(df, query_cols)

    # Remove redundant entries
    df <- dplyr::group_by(df, !!sym(id), .data$value) %>%
        dplyr::slice(1) %>%


# qryToLong ----
# Convert wide query table to long format
qryToLong <- function(df, query_cols){
    df <- df %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = all_of(query_cols)) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$value)) %>%

# defaultQuery ----
#' Default list of functions for making an antibody query table
#'@param ab (character(1), default "Antigen") Name of the column in df
#' containing Antigen/Antibody names
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@returns A list of partial formatting functions, where the name the antibody
#'column and all arguments except the data.frame are pre-filled.
#'function_list <- defaultQuery()
defaultQuery <- function(ab="Antigen"){

    # Default transformation sequence for making query table ----

    # Add a check that all columns to act on are either in the table or created
    # earlier in the pipeline?

    nc <- "Antigen_split"
    split_merge_str <- sprintf('grepl("TCR", %s)', nc)

    qry <- list(purrr::partial(gsubAb, ab=!!ab), # Remove A/antis
               purrr::partial(gsubAb, ab=!!ab, pattern="\\s[Rr]ecombinant"),
               purrr::partial(splitUnnest, ab=!!ab, new_col=!!nc),# Brackets
               # Commas, | or _
               purrr::partial(splitUnnest, ab=!!nc, split=", ?|_|\\|"),
               # / _ or . if at least 3 on each side and not TCR
               purrr::partial(splitUnnest, exclude="TCR",
               purrr::partial(.reformatAb, ab=!!nc),
               purrr::partial(separateSubunits, ab=!!nc, new_col="subunit"),
               purrr::partial(splitMerge, ex=!!split_merge_str, f=formatTCR,
                              tcr="greek_letter", verbose=FALSE),
               purrr::partial(formatIg, ig="greek_letter")


# addID ----
#'add ID column
#'Adds an ID column to a data frame
#'Pastes a group of columns together to form an ID column.  If pasted values do
#'not uniquely identify rows, adds a number to the end.  If ID column already
#'exists, this function will check if the ID uniquely identifies rows and will
#'do nothing if this is the case.  If the ID column exists and does not uniquely
#'identify rows, it will be regenerated and overwritten.
#'@param df A data.frame or tibble
#'@param id_cols (character(n)) Names of columns to paste to form ID column
#'@param new_col (character(1), default: "ID") Name of new ID column
#'@param warn (TRUE/FALSE, default: TRUE) If TRUE, warn if IDs are not unique
#'@param sep (Default: __) Delimiter to use for pasting columns to form ID
#'@param overwrite Should new_col be regenerated if it already exists in df?
#'(logical(1), default: TRUE)
#'@param verbose Should program status messages be printed?  Default: TRUE
#'@return df with an extra ID column
#'@importFrom dplyr mutate group_by all_of
#'@importFrom dplyr n syms
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@returns df with an additional ID column, by default named "ID", which
#'uniquely identifies each row.  The ID column is created by pasting together
#'the columns named in id_cols, and adding numbers if this is insufficient
#'to uniquely identify rows.
#'df <- data.frame(Study = c("A", "B", "B"),
#'                 Antigen = c("CD4","CD8","CD8"))
addID <- function(df, id_cols=c("Antigen", "Study"), new_col="ID",
                  warn=TRUE, sep="__", overwrite=TRUE, verbose=TRUE){

    # Check id_cols exist in df
    if (! all(id_cols %in% colnames(df))){ stop("All id_cols must be in df") }

    # If new_col exists in df, check if it is an valid ID column
    # (assuming that one row should have one ID)
    if (new_col %in% colnames(df)){
        # If ID column already exists, check that it uniquely identifies rows
        if (! any(is.na(df[[new_col]])) &
            length(unique(df[[new_col]])) == nrow(df) & isTRUE(verbose)){
            message(sprintf("ID column %s already uniquely identifies rows",
        if (! isTRUE(overwrite)){
            # If ID column already exists, it's not complete and we
            # shouldn't overwrite it, stop.
            .stopIfColExists(df, new_col)

    df <- df %>%
        dplyr::mutate(!!new_col :=
                          do.call(paste, c(!!syms(id_cols), sep = sep))) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(!!sym(new_col)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(n = n(),
                      i = dplyr::row_number(),
                      !!new_col := ifelse(n == 1, !!sym(new_col),
                                     paste(!!sym(new_col), .data$i, sep = sep)))

    if (isTRUE(warn) & max(df[, "n"]) > 1){
        warning("ID columns do not uniquely identify rows, row numbers added.")

    df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-dplyr::any_of(c("n", "i")))


# gsubAb ----
#'Convenience function to remove a pattern from a column in a data.frame
#'Remove a pattern from a column, either modifying in place or creating a new
#'column.  The default pattern removes the prefix "anti-" or "Anti-", optionally
#'followed by Human or human, then optionally a space or underscore
#'@param df A data.frame or tibble
#'@param ab (character(1), default "Antigen) Name of the column to remove
#'prefixes from
#'@param pattern (character(1)) A regular expression for matching in column ab.
#'@param replacement (character(1)) Replacement value, default "" (i.e. remove)
#'@param new_col (character(1), default NA Name of the column to add to df.
#'If NA, column ab is modified
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@returns df, where prefixes such as "anti-human" have been removed from column
#'df <- data.frame(Antigen = c("anti-Human CD8", "anti-mouse CD8"))
gsubAb <- function(df, ab="Antigen", pattern="[Aa]nti-([Hh]uman)?([ _]?)",
                   replacement = "", new_col = NA){
    if (is.na(new_col)) new_col <- ab
    df <- dplyr::mutate(df, !!new_col := gsub(pattern, replacement, !!sym(ab)))


# upperSquish ----
#' Convert values to uppercase and remove punctuation
#' Convert a character vector to uppercase and remove dashes, spaces and dots.
#' Values are NA if the new value is identical to the original value and are
#' only converted if there the original value has 2 segments separated by,
#' punctuation, e.g. "IFN-g" would become "IFNG" but "IFN-g R alpha-chain" would
#' have new value NA.  Punctuation is not removed if it separates groups of
#' numbers, e.g. "CD3.1"
#'@param ab (character(n)) A vector of strings to transform
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@return The character vector ab, converted to uppercase and with some patterns
#'of punctuation removed.  NAs are returned in positions where entries of ab
#'are unchanged by formatting.
#'upperSquish(c("CD3-A", "IL-2Rb", "CD4"))
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@returns A character vector of the same length as the input vector, where
#'entries have been converted to upper case and punctuation that matches
#'common gene name alias patterns has been removed.
#'upperSquish(c("CD3-A", "IL-2Rb"))
upperSquish <- function(ab){
    p1 <- "(^[A-z]+[0-9]?)[-\\. ]?([A-z]+)$" # e.g. CD3-A
    p2 <- "(^[A-z]+)[-\\. ]?([A-z0-9]+)$" # e.g. IL-2Rb
    x <- gsub(p1, "\\1\\2", ab)
    x <- toupper(gsub(p2, "\\1\\2", x))
    return(.noDups(x, ab))

# lowerNoDash ----
#' Convert values to lowercase and replace - with space
#' Convert a character vector to lowercase and replace - with spaces.
#' Values are NA if the new value is identical to the original value.
#'@param ab (character(n)) A vector of strings to transform
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@returns The character vector ab, converted to lowercase.  NAs are returned
#'in positions where entries of ab are unchanged by formatting.
lowerNoDash <- function(ab){
    result <- gsub("-", " ", tolower(ab))
    return(.noDups(result, ab))

# dashNotDot ----
#' Convert dashes (-) to dots(.)
#' Convert a character vector to lowercase and replace "-" with "."
#' Values are NA if the new value is identical to the original value.
#'@param ab (character(n)) A vector of strings to transform
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@returns A character vector of the same length as the input vector ab, with
#' dots (".") replaced by dashes ("-") and NA where entries are unchanged
#'dashNotDot(c("IL.2R", "CD4"))
dashNotDot <- function(ab){
    return(.gsubNA("\\.", "-", toupper(ab)))

# .reformatAb ----
# Perform a default sequence of reformatting operations
.reformatAb <- function(df, ab = "Antigen"){
    result <- df %>%
        dplyr::mutate(greek_word = replaceGreekSyms(!!sym(ab), "sym2word"),
                      greek_letter = greekToLetter(!!sym(ab)),
                      upper_no_dash = upperSquish(.data$greek_letter),
                      lower_no_dash = lowerNoDash(.data$greek_letter),
                      dash_not_dot = dashNotDot(.data$greek_letter))
HelenLindsay/AbNames documentation built on June 6, 2023, 1:18 p.m.