
Defines functions .dups rm_ambiguous .freducePartial .toString .printf .noDups .wordGrep .gsubNA .tempColName .stopIfColExists

Documented in .freducePartial .printf .stopIfColExists .tempColName .toString

# .stopIfColExists ----
#' Warn if a column already exists in a data.frame
#'@param df A data.frame or tibble
#'@param new_col character(n) Name of a column(s) to add to df
#'@keywords internal
#'@returns Returns TRUE invisibly if "new_col" is not already in df.
#'Otherwise, raises an error and prompts the user to supply a different value.
.stopIfColExists <- function(df, new_col){
    # Check if new_col(s) already exists in df, stop if so

    if (any(new_col %in% colnames(df))){
        cols_exist <- toString(intersect(new_col, colnames(df)))
        msg1 <- sprintf("Column(s) %s already exists in data.frame.\n",
        new_col <- deparse(substitute(new_col))
        msg2 <- sprintf("Please supply a different value for %s", new_col)
        stop(msg1, msg2)

# .tempColName ----
#' Create a name for a temporary column in a data.frame
#' Returns a name that does not already exist in columns of a data.frame
#'@param df A data.frame or tibble
#'@param n (default 1) How many temporary column names are needed?
#'@param nm (character(1), default "TEMP") Prefix for temporary column names
#'@keywords internal
#'@returns Returns a name for a temporary column in df that isn't the name
#'of an existing column.
.tempColName <- function(df, n=1, nm="TEMP"){
    cn <- colnames(df)
    i <- 1
    temp_col <- nm
    res <- character()

    while(length(res) < n){
        if (! nm %in% cn) res <- c(res, nm)
        nm <- sprintf("%s%s", temp_col, i)
        i <- i + 1


# .gsubNA ----
# Wrapper for gsub, returns NA (or option provided) if pattern was not matched
.gsubNA <- function(pattern, replacement, x, no_match=NA){
    res <- gsub(pattern, replacement, x)
    return(.noDups(res, x, no_match))

# .wordGrep ----
# Grep requiring search string is a word
# Wrapper for grepl requiring that search string is either surrounded by spaces
# or appears at the start or the end of the search string.  Does not cover full
# stops at the end of sentences
.wordGrep <- function(pattern, x){
    grep_cmd <- sprintf("(^|\\s)%s($|\\s|\\.\\s|\\.$)", pattern)
    grepl(grep_cmd, x)

# .noDups ----
# Compares one vector to a reference, sets to NA if equal to the reference
.noDups <- function(x, reference, no_match=NA){
    x[x == reference] <- no_match

# .printf ----
#' Wrapper for sprintf, doesn't convert NA to character
#'@param pattern A pattern to use with sprintf
#'@param ... Extra arguments for sprintf
#'@keywords internal
#'@returns Returns the character vector resulting from applying sprintf to
#'"pattern" for each of the arguments in ..., but with NA arguments remaining
#'NA instead of being used to fill the placeholders in "pattern".
#'.printf("HELLO %s", c("WORLD", NA))
#'# Compare with sprintf:
#'sprintf("HELLO %s", c("WORLD", NA))
.printf <- function(pattern, ...){
    dots <- list(...)
    res <- sprintf(pattern, ...)
    any_na <- apply(data.frame(dots), 1, function(y) any(is.na(y)))
    res[any_na] <- NA

# .toString ----
#' Wrapper for toString, doesn't convert NA to character and
#' only concatenates unique values
#'@param x Character vector for toString
#'@returns A character vector, length 1, where elements of x are concatenated
#'by ", ", but NAs are not included in the result.
#'.toString(c("HELLO", "WORLD", NA))
#'# Compare results with:
#'toString(c("HELLO", "WORLD", NA))
.toString <- function(x){
    res <- toString(unique(x[! is.na(x)]))
    res <- dplyr::na_if(res, "")

# .freducePartial ----
#' Create a list of partial functions and apply in sequence
#' Apply a function f repeatedly to different columns of a data.frame.  Assumes
#' that ellipsis arguments contain (only) one vector entry and that function f
#' should be applied sequentially to each of these entries.  Does not work with
#' unquoted column names
#' @param df A data.frame or tibble
#' @param f Function that returns a (mutated) data.frame
#' @param cls character(1) Name of entry in ... for iterating.
#' @param ... Extra arguments for f
#' @importFrom purrr partial
#' @importFrom magrittr freduce
#' @keywords internal
#' @returns The result of applying function f sequentially to each of cls,
#' usually a data.frame.  Sequential application is key here, when we use
#' [.freducePartial()] a column in cls may not exist in df until f is
#' applied to the previous cls.
.freducePartial <- function(df, f, cls, ...){
    dots <- list(...)

    stopifnot(cls %in% names(dots))

    col_vals <- dots[[cls]]
    dots[[cls]] <- NULL

    partials <- lapply(col_vals, function(x){
        args <- c(structure(c(f, x), names = c(".f", cls)), dots)
        do.call(purrr::partial, args)

    result <- magrittr::freduce(df, partials)

# rm_ambiguous ----
# For adding new data into gene alias table.  Note doesn't check temp col name
# gp - name of column to group by
# id - name of column to check for duplications
rm_ambiguous <- function(df, gp, id){
    df %>% dplyr::group_by({{ gp }}) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(n_genes=dplyr::n_distinct( {{ id }} )) %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$n_genes == 1) %>%
        dplyr::select(-.data$n_genes) %>%

# .dups ----
# Get duplicated values from either direction
.dups <- function(x){
    duplicated(x) | duplicated(x, fromLast=TRUE)
HelenLindsay/AbNames documentation built on June 6, 2023, 1:18 p.m.