#' @title Assembles TOP training data for all TF x cell type combinations,
#' then split training data into 10 partitions
#' @description Prepares the training data for fitting TOP models.
#' It splits training data into 10 partitions and
#' assembles training data for all TF x cell type combinations
#' for each of the partitions.
#' @param tf_cell_table A data frame listing all TF x cell type combinations
#' and the training data for each combination.
#' It should have at least three columns, with:
#' TF names, cell types, and file names of the individual training data for
#' each TF x cell type combination. The individual training data
#' should be in .rds or text (.txt, or .csv) format.
#' @param logistic_model Logical. If \code{logistic_model = TRUE},
#' prepare assembled data for the logistic version of TOP model.
#' If \code{logistic_model = FALSE}, prepare assembled data for the
#' quantitative occupancy model (default).
#' @param chip_col The column name of ChIP data in the individual training data
#' (default: \sQuote{chip}).
#' @param training_chrs Chromosomes used for training the model
#' (default: odd chromosomes, chr1, chr3, ..., chr21)
#' @param n_partitions Number of partitions to split the training data (default: 10).
#' @param n_cores Number of cores to run in parallel
#' (default: equal to \code{n_partitions}).
#' @param max_sites Max number of candidate sites to keep for
#' each TF x cell type combination (default: 50000). To reduce computation time,
#' randomly select \code{max_sites} candidate sites for
#' each TF x cell type combination, if the number of candidate sites
#' exceeds \code{max_sites}.
#' @param seed A number for the seed used when sampling sites.
#' @return A list of data frames (default: 10),
#' each containing one partition of the
#' training data with all TF x cell type combinations.
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # tf_cell_table should have three columns with:
#' # TF names, cell types, and paths to the training data files, like:
#' # | tf_name | cell_type | data_file |
#' # |:------------:|:-------------:|:------------------------:|
#' # | CTCF | K562 | CTCF.K562.data.rds |
#' # | CTCF | A549 | CTCF.A549.data.rds |
#' # | CTCF | GM12878 | CTCF.GM12878.data.rds |
#' # | ... | ... | ... |
#' # Assembles training data for the quantitative occupancy model,
#' # uses odd chromosomes for training, keeps at most 50000 candidate sites for
#' # each TF x cell type combination, and splits training data into 10 partitions.
#' assembled_training_data <- assemble_training_data(tf_cell_table,
#' logistic_model = FALSE,
#' chip_col = 'chip',
#' training_chrs = paste0('chr', seq(1,21,2)),
#' n_partitions=10,
#' max_sites = 50000)
#' # Assembles training data for the logistic version of the model
#' assembled_training_data <- assemble_training_data(tf_cell_table,
#' logistic_model = TRUE,
#' chip_col = 'chip_label',
#' training_chrs = paste0('chr', seq(1,21,2)),
#' n_partitions=10,
#' max_sites = 50000)
#' }
assemble_training_data <- function(tf_cell_table,
training_chrs=paste0('chr', seq(1,21,2)),
tf_cell_table <- as.data.frame(tf_cell_table)
if(ncol(tf_cell_table) < 3){
stop('tf_cell_table should have at least three columns! ')
colnames(tf_cell_table)[1:3] <- c('tf_name', 'cell_type', 'data_file')
cat('Assemble TOP training data...\n')
tf_list <- sort(unique(as.character(tf_cell_table$tf_name)))
celltype_list <- sort(unique(as.character(tf_cell_table$cell_type)))
cat('TFs:', tf_list, '\n')
cat('Cell types:', celltype_list, '\n')
tf_cell_table$tf_name <- factor(tf_cell_table$tf_name, levels = tf_list)
tf_cell_table$cell_type <- factor(tf_cell_table$cell_type, levels = celltype_list)
tf_cell_table <- tf_cell_table[with(tf_cell_table, order(tf_name, cell_type)),]
# Assemble training data for each partition
n_available_cores <- detectCores(logical = FALSE) - 1
n_cores <- min(n_available_cores, n_partitions)
n_cores <- min(n_cores, n_partitions)
all_training_data <- foreach(k=1:n_partitions) %dopar% {
training_data <- assemble_partition_training_data(tf_cell_table,
# Add TF and cell type indices
training_data$tf_id <- as.integer(factor(training_data$tf_name, levels = tf_list))
training_data$cell_id <- as.integer(factor(training_data$cell_type, levels = celltype_list))
tf_cell_combos <- unique(all_training_data[[1]][, c('tf_id', 'cell_id', 'tf_name', 'cell_type')])
cat(nrow(tf_cell_combos), 'TF x cell type combinations assembled in training data. \n')
# Assemble TOP training data for all TF x cell type combinations in a selected partition.
assemble_partition_training_data <- function(tf_cell_table,
training_chrs=paste0('chr', seq(1,21,2)),
seed=1) {
if(part > n_partitions || part < 1){
stop('part should be an integer less than n_partitions!')
cat('Assemble training data for partition', part, '... \n')
# Load training data for each TF x cell type combo,
# split training data into partitions,
# and select the subset (part) and combine all TF x cell type combinations
assembled_trainng_data <- list()
colnames(tf_cell_table)[1:3] <- c('tf_name', 'cell_type', 'data_file')
for(i in 1:nrow(tf_cell_table)) {
tf_name <- as.character(tf_cell_table$tf_name[i])
cell_type <- as.character(tf_cell_table$cell_type[i])
data_file <- as.character(tf_cell_table$data_file[i])
if(part == 1){
message(sprintf('Warning: data of %s in %s cell is not available! Skipped.', tf_name, cell_type))
cat('Check data file:', data_file, '\n')
if(grepl('\\.rds$', data_file, ignore.case = TRUE)){
data <- as.data.frame(readRDS(data_file))
data <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(data_file))
if(!chip_col %in% colnames(data)){
message(sprintf('Warning: data of %s in %s cell does not have %s column! Skipped.',
tf_name, cell_type, chip_col))
}else if(anyNA(data[,chip_col])){
message(sprintf('Warning: data of %s in %s cell contains missing values in %s column! Skipped.',
tf_name, cell_type, chip_col))
if(!'pwm' %in% colnames(data)){
pwm_col <- grep('pwm', colnames(data), ignore.case = TRUE)
colnames(data)[pwm_col] <- 'pwm'
stop(sprintf('No column of PWM scores found in data file %s \n', data_file))
if(length(grep('bin', colnames(data))) == 0){
bin_cols <- grep('dnase|atac', colnames(data), ignore.case = TRUE)
if(length(bin_cols) > 0){
colnames(data)[bin_cols] <- paste0('bin', 1:length(bin_cols))
stop(sprintf('No columns of DNase or ATAC bins found in data file %s \n', data_file))
data <- data.frame(data[, -grep('chip', colnames(data))], chip_label = data[, chip_col])
data <- data.frame(data[, -grep('chip', colnames(data))], chip = data[, chip_col])
# Select the training set
training_data <- data[data$chr %in% training_chrs,]
partition_size <- ceiling(nrow(training_data) / n_partitions)
partition_groups <- as.factor(ceiling(c(1:nrow(training_data))/partition_size))
data_partitions <- split(training_data, partition_groups)
training_data_partition <- data.frame(tf_name = tf_name,
cell_type = cell_type,
# Keep a smaller subset of candidate sites in training data
if(nrow(training_data_partition) > max_sites){
rows <- sample(1:nrow(training_data_partition), max_sites)
training_data_partition <- training_data_partition[rows, ]
assembled_trainng_data[[ paste(tf_name, cell_type, sep = '.') ]] <- training_data_partition
## row combine all data
assembled_trainng_data <- do.call(rbind, assembled_trainng_data)
row.names(assembled_trainng_data) <- NULL
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