##' read jplace file
##' @title read.jplace
##' @param file jplace file
##' @return \code{jplace} instance
##' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
##' @examples
##' jp <- system.file("extdata", "sample.jplace", package="treeio")
##' read.jplace(jp)
read.jplace <- function(file) {
fields <- tree <- placements <- NULL
version <- metadata <- NULL
jtree <- fromJSON(file)
phylo <- jplace_treetext_to_phylo(jtree$tree)
placements <- extract.placement(jtree, phylo)
info <- c(jtree$metadata, version=jtree$version, parser = "read.jplace")
res <- new("jplace",
treetext = jtree$tree,
phylo = phylo,
placements = placements,
info = info,
file = filename(file)
res@data <- summarize_placement(res)
##' @importFrom dplyr summarize
##' @importFrom dplyr mutate
##' @importFrom dplyr group_by
##' @importFrom dplyr n
summarize_placement <- function(tree) {
place <- get.placements(tree, by="best")
ids <- tibble(node = nodeIds(tree, internal.only = FALSE))
group_by(place, .data$node) %>% summarize(nplace=n()) %>%
full_join(ids, by='node') %>%
mutate(nplace = ifelse(is.na(.data$nplace), 0, .data$nplace))
##' @method get.placements jplace
##' @param by one of 'best' and 'all'
##' @export
##' @rdname get-placements
##' @importFrom dplyr group_by
##' @importFrom dplyr filter
get.placements.jplace <- function(tree, by="best", ...) {
placements <- tree@placements
if (!'likelihood' %in% names(placements))
if (by == "best") {
## http://astrostatistics.psu.edu/su07/R/html/base/html/all.equal.html
## due to precision, number are identical maynot be equal,
## so use all.equal which can test nearly equal number
## if not equals, the output is a descript string of the differences
placements <- group_by(placements, .data$name) %>%
filter(.data$likelihood == min(.data$likelihood))
getplacedf <- function(places, nm){
## the first column of placements maybe a matrix or one numeric vector,
## so when it is numeric vector, the nplaces will be 1.
## and the type of nm also is various.
if (!inherits(places, "matrix")){
nplaces <- 1
} else{
nplaces <- nrow(places)
if (inherits(nm, "matrix")){
nmsize <- nrow(nm)
tmpn <- nm[,1]
if (inherits(nm, "list")){
nmsize <- length(nm)
tmpn <- vapply(nm, function(x)x[1], character(1))
if (inherits(nm, "character")){
nmsize <- length(nm)
tmpn <- as.vector(nm)
## when first column of plamcements is [[1,2,3,4,5],[3,4,5,6,7],[6,7,3,2,4]] (3 row x 5 columns matrix),
## and the n column is ["read1", "read2"] (the type of n is character vector), so
## will use "inherits(nm, "character")" block.
## this will first generate two same matrix contained 3 row x 5 columns, because the length of n is two (the nmsize argument).
places.df <- rep(list(places), nmsize)
## then this will generate the names of each matrix for the nm.
## example result is: rep(c("read1", "read2"), rep(3,2)), here 3 is nplaces (the nrow of first column of placements),
## 2 is the length of nm.
name <- rep(tmpn, rep(nplaces, nmsize))
places.df <- do.call("rbind", places.df)
places.df <- data.frame(name=name, places.df, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
mergenm <- function(n, nm){
## merge the n and nm.
## it is impossible that n and nm is empty simultaneously,
## so we will keep the column not NULL.
if(is.null(n)&&!is.null(nm)) {return(nm)}
if(is.null(nm)&&!is.null(n)) {return(n)}
stop("the placements of jplace should have corresponding name!")
extract.placement <- function(object, phylo) {
placements <- object$placements
if (ncol(placements)==2){
## when placements contained p and n two columns,
## this will process placements row by row with getplacedf function.
## The order of `p` and `n` column is not fixed. I think colnames of
## placements (`p`, `n`, `nm`) are fixed, but when column number is
## two, the `n` or `nm` is not fixed.
nameidx <- match("p", colnames(placements))
place.df <- mapply(getplacedf,
## when placements contained p ,n and nm three columns,
## first, we merge n and nm row by row.
tmpname <- mapply(mergenm,
## then, it becomes the same as two columns.
place.df <- mapply(getplacedf,
place.df <- do.call("rbind", place.df)
colnames(place.df) <- c("name", object$fields)
## place <- placements[,1]
## ids <- NULL
## if (length(placements) == 2) {
## tmpids <- placements[,2]
## }else{
## tmpids <- list(unlist(placements[,2]), unlist(placements[,3]))
## }
## ids <- vapply(tmpids, function(x) x[1], character(1))
## names(place) <- ids
## place.df <- do.call("rbind", place)
## row.names(place.df) <- NULL
## if (!is.null(ids)) {
## nn <- rep(ids, vapply(place, function(x) {
## nr <- nrow(x)
## if (is.null(nr))
## return(1)
## return(nr)
## }, numeric(1)))
## place.df <- data.frame(name=nn, place.df)
## colnames(place.df) <- c("name", object$fields)
## } else {
## colnames(place.df) <- object$fields
## }
edgeNum.df <- attr(phylo, "edgeNum")
place.df <- merge(place.df, edgeNum.df, by.x = "edge_num", by.y = "edgeNum")
place.df <- getnewplacements(place.df)
## To avoid the character column
getnewplacements <- function(placedf){
tmpfile <- tempfile()
utils::write.csv(placedf, tmpfile)
placementdf <- utils::read.csv(tmpfile, row.names=1)
## file.remove(tmpfile)
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