##' add tip label layer for a tree
##' 'geom_tiplab' not only supports using text or label geom to display tip labels,
##' but also supports image geom to label tip with image files or phylopics.
##' For adding tip labels to a tree with circular layout, 'geom_tiplab' will
##' automatically adjust the angle of the tip labels to the tree by
##' internally calling 'geom_tiplab2'.
##' @title geom_tiplab
##' @param mapping aes mapping
##' @param hjust horizontal adjustment, defaults to 0
##' @param offset tiplab offset, horizontal
##' adjustment to nudge tip labels, defaults to 0
##' @param align if TRUE, align all tip labels to the longest tip by adding padding characters
##' to the left side of tip labels, defaults to "FALSE"
##' with a line connecting each tip and its corresponding label, defaults to "FALSE"
##' @param linetype set linetype of the line if align = TRUE, defaults to "dotted"
##' @param linesize set line width if align = TRUE, defaults to 0.5
##' @param geom one of 'text', 'label', 'shadowtext', 'image' and 'phylopic'
##' @param as_ylab display tip labels as y-axis label,
##' only works for rectangular and dendrogram layouts, defaults to "FALSE"
##' @param ... additional parameter
##' additional parameters can refer the following parameters.
##' The following parameters for geom="text".
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{size} control the size of tip labels, defaults to 3.88.
##' \item \code{colour} control the colour of tip labels, defaults to "black".
##' \item \code{angle} control the angle of tip labels, defaults to 0.
##' \item \code{vjust} A numeric vector specifying vertical justification, defaults to 0.5.
##' \item \code{alpha} the transparency of text, defaults to NA.
##' \item \code{family} the family of text, defaults to 'sans'.
##' \item \code{fontface} the font face of text, defaults to 1 (plain), others are
##' 2 (bold), 3 (italic), 4 (bold.italic).
##' \item \code{lineheight} The height of a line as a multiple of the size of text, defaults to 1.2 .
##' \item \code{nudge_x} horizontal adjustment to nudge labels, defaults to 0.
##' \item \code{nudge_y} vertical adjustment to nudge labels, defaults to 0.
##' \item \code{check.overlap} if TRUE, text that overlaps previous text in the same layer
##' will not be plotted.
##' \item \code{parse} if TRUE, the labels will be parsed into expressions, if it is 'emoji', the labels
##' will be parsed into emojifont.
##' }
##' The following parameters for geom="label".
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{size} the size of tip labels, defaults to 3.88.
##' \item \code{colour} the colour of tip labels, defaults to "black".
##' \item \code{fill} the colour of rectangular box of labels, defaults to "white".
##' \item \code{vjust} numeric vector specifying vertical justification, defaults to 0.5.
##' \item \code{alpha} the transparency of labels, defaults to NA.
##' \item \code{family} the family of text, defaults to 'sans'.
##' \item \code{fontface} the font face of text, defaults to 1 (plain), others are
##' 2 (bold), 3 (italic), 4 (bold.italic).
##' \item \code{lineheight} The height of a line as a multiple of the size of text, defaults to 1.2.
##' \item \code{nudge_x} horizontal adjustment to nudge labels, defaults to 0.
##' \item \code{nudge_y} vertical adjustment, defaults to 0.
##' \item \code{check.overlap} if TRUE, text that overlaps previous text in the same layer
##' will not be plotted.
##' \item \code{parse} if TRUE, the labels will be parsed into expressions, if it is 'emoji', the labels
##' will be parsed into emojifont.
##' \item \code{label.padding} Amount of padding around label, defaults to 'unit(0.25, "lines")'.
##' \item \code{label.r} Radius of rounded corners, defaults to 'unit(0.15, "lines")'.
##' \item \code{label.size} Size of label border, in mm, defaults to 0.25.
##' }
##' The following parameters for geom="shadowtext", some parameters are like to geom="text".
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{bg.colour} the background colour of text, defaults to "black".
##' \item \code{bg.r} the width of background of text, defaults to 0.1 .
##' }
##' The following parameters for geom="image" or geom="phylopic".
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{image} the image file path for geom='image', but when geom='phylopic',
##' it should be the uid of phylopic databases.
##' \item \code{size} the image size, defaults to 0.05.
##' \item \code{colour} the color of image, defaults to NULL.
##' \item \code{alpha} the transparency of image, defaults to 0.8.
##' }
##' The following parameters for the line when align = TRUE.
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{colour} the colour of line, defaults to 'black'.
##' \item \code{alpha} the transparency of line, defaults to NA.
##' \item \code{arrow} specification for arrow heads,
##' as created by arrow(), defaults to NULL.
##' \item \code{arrow.fill} fill color to usse for the arrow head (if closed),
##' defaults to 'NULL', meaning use 'colour' aesthetic.
##' }
##' @return tip label layer
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_text
##' @importFrom utils modifyList
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
##' @examples
##' require(ape)
##' tr <- rtree(10)
##' ggtree(tr) + geom_tiplab()
##' @references
##' For more detailed demonstration, please refer to chapter 4.3.3 of
##' *Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees*
##' <http://yulab-smu.top/treedata-book/index.html> by Guangchuang Yu.
geom_tiplab <- function(mapping=NULL, hjust = 0, align = FALSE, linetype = "dotted",
linesize=0.5, geom="text", offset=0, as_ylab = FALSE, ...) {
structure(list(mapping = mapping,
hjust = hjust,
align = align,
linetype = linetype,
linesize = linesize,
geom = geom,
offset = offset,
as_ylab = as_ylab,
node = "external",
class = "tiplab")
geom_tiplab_as_ylab <- function(hjust = 0, position = "right", ...) {
structure(list(hjust = hjust,
position = position,
class = "tiplab_ylab"
geom_tiplab_rectangular <- function(mapping=NULL, hjust = 0, align = FALSE,
linetype = "dotted", linesize=0.5, geom="text",
offset=0, #family = "", fontface = "plain",
node="external", ...) {
params <- list(...)
if ("nudge_x" %in% names(params)){
if (offset != 0){
cli_alert_warning("Both {.code nudge_x} and {.code offset} arguments are provided.
Because they all adjust the horizontal offset of labels,
and the {.code nudge_x} is consistent with {.code ggplot2}. The
{.code offset} will be deprecated here and only the {.code nudge_x} will be used.",
wrap = TRUE)
offset <- params$nudge_x
params$nudge_x <- NULL
geom <- match.arg(geom, c("text", "label", "shadowtext", "image", "phylopic"))
if (geom == "text") {
label_geom <- geom_text2
} else if (geom == "label") {
label_geom <- geom_label2
} else if (geom == 'shadowtext') {
check_installed('shadowtext', "for `geom_tiplab()` with geom = 'shadowtext'.")
label_geom <- get_fun_from_pkg("shadowtext", "geom_shadowtext")
} else if (geom == "image") {
check_installed('ggimage', "for `geom_tiplab()` with geom = 'image'.")
label_geom <- get_fun_from_pkg("ggimage", "geom_image")
} else if (geom == "phylopic") {
check_installed('ggimage', "for `geom_tiplab()` with geom = 'phylopic'.")
label_geom <- get_fun_from_pkg("ggimage", "geom_phylopic")
nodelab <- node
x <- y <- label <- isTip <- node <- NULL
if (align == TRUE) {
self_mapping <- aes(x = max(x, na.rm=TRUE) + diff(range(x, na.rm=TRUE))/200, y = y,
label = label, node = node)#, subset = isTip)
else {
self_mapping <- aes(x = x + diff(range(x, na.rm=TRUE))/200, y= y,
label = label, node = node)#, subset = isTip)
subset <- switch(nodelab,
internal = aes_string(subset="!isTip"),
external = aes_string(subset="isTip"),
all = aes_string(subset=NULL)
self_mapping <- modifyList(self_mapping, subset)
if (is.null(mapping)) {
text_mapping <- self_mapping
} else {
if (!is.null(mapping$subset) && nodelab != "all"){
newsubset <- aes_string(subset=paste0(as.expression(get_aes_var(mapping, "subset")),
as.expression(get_aes_var(subset, "subset")))
self_mapping <- modifyList(self_mapping, newsubset)
mapping$subset <- NULL
text_mapping <- modifyList(self_mapping, mapping)
show_segment <- FALSE
if (align && (!is.na(linetype) && !is.null(linetype))) {
show_segment <- TRUE
segment_mapping <- aes(x = max(x, na.rm=TRUE),
xend = x + diff(range(x, na.rm=TRUE))/200,
y = y, yend = y,
node = node,
label = label,
subset = isTip)
if (!is.null(text_mapping))
segment_mapping <- modifyList(segment_mapping, text_mapping)
imageparams <- list(mapping=text_mapping, hjust = hjust, nudge_x = offset, stat = StatTreeData)
imageparams <- extract_params(imageparams, params, c("data", "size", "alpha", "color", "colour", "image",
"angle", "position", "inherit.aes", "by", "show.legend",
"image_fun", ".fun", "asp", "nudge_y", "height", "na.rm"))
labelparams <- list(mapping=text_mapping, hjust = hjust, nudge_x = offset, stat = StatTreeData)
labelparams <- extract_params(labelparams, params,
c("data", "size", "alpha", "vjust", "color", "colour", "angle", "alpha", "family", "fontface",
"lineheight", "fill", "position", "nudge_y", "show.legend", "check_overlap",
"parse", "inherit.aes", "na.rm", "label.r", "label.size", "label.padding",
"bg.colour", "bg.r"))
if (show_segment){
lineparams <- list(mapping = segment_mapping, linetype=linetype, nudge_x = offset, linewidth = linesize, stat = StatTreeData)
lineparams <- extract_params(lineparams, params, c("data", "color", "colour", "alpha", "show.legend", "na.rm",
"inherit.aes", "arrow", "arrow.fill", "lineend"))
do.call("geom_segment2", lineparams)
if (geom %in% c("image", "phylopic")) {
do.call("label_geom", imageparams)
} else {
do.call("label_geom", labelparams)
##' add tip label for circular layout
##' 'geom_tiplab2' will automatically adjust the angle of the tip labels
##' to the tree with circular layout
##' @title geom_tiplab2
##' @param mapping aes mapping
##' @param hjust horizontal adjustment, defaults to 0
##' @param ... additional parameter, see geom_tiplab
##' @return tip label layer
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
##' @examples
##' library(ggtree)
##' set.seed(123)
##' tr <- rtree(10)
##' ggtree(tr, layout = "circular") + geom_tiplab2()
##' @references <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/bioc-ggtree/o35PV3iHO-0>
##' @seealso [geom_tiplab]
geom_tiplab2 <- function(mapping=NULL, hjust=0, ...) {
params <- list(...)
#if ("nodelab" %in% names(params) && params[["nodelab"]]){
# # for geom_nodelab
# subset1 <- "(!isTip & (angle < 90 | angle > 270))"
# subset2 <- "(!isTip & (angle >= 90 & angle <= 270))"
# # for geom_tiplab
# subset1 <- "(isTip & (angle < 90 | angle > 270))"
# subset2 <- "(isTip & (angle >= 90 & angle <=270))"
subset1 <- "(angle < 90 | angle > 270)"
subset2 <- "(angle >= 90 & angle <=270)"
m1 <- aes_string(subset=subset1, angle="angle", node = "node")
m2 <- aes_string(subset=subset2, angle="angle+180", node = "node")
if (!is.null(mapping)) {
if (!is.null(mapping$subset)) {
newsubset1 <- paste0(as.expression(get_aes_var(mapping, "subset")), '&', subset1)
newsubset2 <- paste0(as.expression(get_aes_var(mapping, "subset")), '&', subset2)
m1 <- aes_string(angle = "angle", node = "node", subset = newsubset1)
m2 <- aes_string(angle = "angle+180", node = "node", subset = newsubset2)
m1 <- modifyList(mapping, m1)
m2 <- modifyList(mapping, m2)
#params[["nodelab"]] <- NULL
params1 <- params2 <- params
params1[["mapping"]] <- m1
params1[["hjust"]] <- hjust
params2[["mapping"]] <- m2
params2[["hjust"]] <- 1-hjust
list(do.call("geom_tiplab_rectangular", params1),
do.call("geom_tiplab_rectangular", params2)
geom_tiplab_circular <- geom_tiplab2
#' Padding taxa labels
#' This function adds padding characters to the left side of taxa labels, adjust their length to the longest label.
#' @param label taxa label
#' @param justify should a character vector be right-justified (default), left-justified, centred or left alone.
#' @param pad padding character (defaults to dots)
#' @return Taxa labels with padding characters added
#' @export
#' @author Guangchuang Yu and Yonghe Xia
#' @references <https://groups.google.com/g/bioc-ggtree/c/INJ0Nfkq3b0/m/lXefnfV5AQAJ>
#' @examples
#' library(ggtree)
#' set.seed(2015-12-21)
#' tree <- rtree(5)
#' tree$tip.label[2] <- "long string for test"
#' label_pad(tree$tip.label)
label_pad <- function(label, justify = "right", pad = "\u00B7") {
x <- format(label,
width = max(nchar(label)),
justify = justify)
len <- vapply(gregexpr("^\\s+", x),
attr, "match.length",
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
len[len<0] <- 0
y <- vapply(len,
function(i) paste0(rep(pad, each=i), collapse = ''),
FUN.VALUE = character(1))
paste0(y, label)
extract_params <- function(originparam, inputparam, defaultparam){
if (any(defaultparam %in% names(inputparam))){
args <- intersect(defaultparam, names(inputparam))
originparam <- c(originparam, inputparam[names(inputparam) %in% args])
return (originparam)
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