## Package to normalize Illumina Infinium Human Methylation
## 450 BeadChip (Illumina 450K) with multiple tissues or cell types.
## Signal tables are organized with columns for samples and row for positions
## Inversely quantiles columns have quantiles as columns and rows as samples
## construct control probe summaries, averages by type of control probe
## then specifically create columns by cell type
constructProbCovMat <- function(controlred, controlgrn, cp.types,cell_type){
## For one control type, return the mean signal intensity
## per color per sample
getMeanProbesIntensity <- function(x){
## means for each of the 2 signals and the 15 type of control probe
## mat.by.ct is 30 columns
mat.by.ct <- do.call(cbind,lapply(unique(cp.types),getMeanProbesIntensity))
## now add additional sets of 30 columns, each specific to one cell type
ctl.covmat <- mat.by.ct
for(ct in unique(cell_type)){
ctl.covmat <- cbind(ctl.covmat, copy)
## This function allow to get a list of quantile between 0 and 1 that are more
## densely distributed at the extremes
buildQuantileList <- function(nCpG){
qntllist <- c(seq((0.5)/nCpG, 0.0009, 0.0001), seq(0.001, 0.009, 0.001),
seq(0.01,0.99,0.002), seq(0.991,0.999,0.001),
seq(0.9991 ,(nCpG-0.5)/nCpG,0.0001 ))
qntllist <- c(qntllist, (nCpG - 0.5)/nCpG) ## add one more at the top end!
## This function allow to calculate Beta for two consistent tables
## to avoid dividing by zero Illumina uses 100!
## But for instance minfi package use 0 by default
calcBeta <- function(A,B,offset=100) {
return((2^B-1)/(2^A + 2^B-2 + offset))
## Validation graphs allowing to choose the number of components
## look better with no more than 8 components
## ncv.fold correspond to
plotValidate <- function(quantiles, qntllist, ctl.covmat, numcompmax,
signaltype, ncv.fold=10, type.fits="PCR"){
if (type.fits=="PCR") method.mvr <- "svdpc"
else if (type.fits=="PLS") method.mvr <- "kernelpls"
else stop("type.fits must be PCR or PLS")
# TODO determine a minimum number of sample
mat <- array(NA, dim=c(ns, ncol=nqnt, numcompmax))
## potential for speedup by using an apply function here somehow?
for (j in (1:ncol(quantiles))) {
cvindex <- sample(ceiling((1:ns)/(ns/ncv.fold)))
for (k in (1:ncv.fold)) {
wh.cv <- which(cvindex==k) ## Here is a list of unique samples
tempfit <- pls::mvr(quantiles[-wh.cv,j] ~ ctl.covmat[-wh.cv,],
method = method.mvr)
mat[wh.cv, j, ] <- predict(tempfit, newdat = ctl.covmat[wh.cv,])
rmse <- t(apply(mat, 3, function(x) sqrt(colSums((x-quantiles)^2))))
sq <- 2; while (max(rmse[,sq])>1.3*max(rmse[,0.4*nqnt])) sq<-sq+1
matplot(qntllist[sq:nqnt], sqrt(t(rmse)[sq:nqnt,]),
type='l', lty=1, col=rainbow(numcompmax),
xlab = 'Percentiles', ylab='RMSE')
text(0.6, max(sqrt(rmse[,sq:nqnt])), cex=1.0,
paste(type.fits,", ",signaltype,sep=" "))
## on a numeric matrix return the quantile normalized matrix
## http://davetang.org/muse/2014/07/07/quantile-normalisation-in-r
quantileNormalization <- function(mat){
averagePerQuantiles=rowMeans(data.frame(apply(mat, 2, sort)))
return(apply(mat_ranked,2,function(x) averagePerQuantiles[x]))
## Main function of the package, apply a fit to a signal according to a number
## of component
## !! TO DO !! Add special treatment of Y chromosome. See Fortin et al.
funtooNormApply <- function(signal, quantiles, qntllist,
ctl.covmat, ncmp=4, type.fits="PCR"){
if (type.fits=="PCR") method.mvr <- "svdpc"
else if (type.fits=="PLS") method.mvr <- "kernelpls"
else stop("type.fits must be PCR or PLS")
## Fitting the model
regression <- function(x) pls::mvr(x ~ ctl.covmat,
prediction <- apply(quantiles,2,regression)
rankmat <- (apply(signal,2, rank) - 0.5)/nrow(signal)
predmat <- sapply(1:ncol(signal),function(x){
#' Function to measure intra-replicate agreement for methylation data.
#' @param Beta : Matrix with beta-values, rows corresponding to probes, columns
#' corresponding to samples.
#' @param individualID : a vector where 2 replicates have the exact same value
#' for two technical replicates. Order of samples should nmatch the samples
#' (columns) in Beta
#' @details We expect that the values returned by the agreement function after
#' normalization by funtooNorm to be smaller than before.
#' @return The average value of the square distance between replicates:
#' a measure of agreement between replicates in methylation data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' agreement(cbind(rnorm(n = 10),rnorm(n = 10),rnorm(n = 10)),c(1,1,1))
agreement <- function(Beta, individualID) {
# List of duplicated values
sum.over.pt <- 0
for (id.rep in listOfReplicates) {
# Subtable of replicate
mat.temp <- Beta[, which(individualID == id.rep)]
# tall pair of columns for general case
# square differece beween each pair of value
#Adding a score for each pair
sum.over.pt <- sum.over.pt + sum(colMeans(mat.diffs))
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