# Runs Power Analysis for microbial abundances
#' Build a configuration for power analysis.
#' This can be saved and passed on to others to ensure reproducibility.
#' @param ... Any arguments are used to update the default configuration. See
#' the example below. Optional.
#' @return A list with the parameters used in power analysis.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' config <- config_power(fraction_differential = 0.1)
config_power <- config_builder(list(
fraction_differential = 0.5,
method = "permanova",
type = "categorical",
depth = "auto",
n = ceiling(2 ^ seq(2, 7, length.out = 12) / 2) * 2,
effect_size = seq(0, 0.9, by = 0.1),
threads = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
pval = 0.05,
n_power = 8,
n_groups = 8,
min_mu = 1e-3,
min_mu_over_phi = 1
memory_use <- function(config, n_taxa) {
size <- 8 * max(config$n) * config$n_power * config$n_groups *
n_taxa * config$threads
class(size) <- "object_size"
get_corncob_pars <- function(ps, threads = getOption("mc.cores", 1)) {
if (!requireNamespace("corncob", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Power Analysis requires `corncob` to be installed.")
clean <- corncob::clean_taxa_names(ps)
tnames <- attr(clean, "original_names")
names(tnames) <- taxa_names(clean)
apfun <- parse_threads(threads)
pars <- apfun(taxa_names(clean), function(taxon) {
r <- tryCatch(corncob::bbdml(
formula = reformulate("1", taxon),
phi.formula = ~ 1,
data = clean),
error = function(e) list(mu.resp = NA, phi.resp = NA))
cn <- otu_table(clean)[, taxon]
data.table(mu = r$mu.resp[1], phi = r$phi.resp[1],
mean_reads = mean(cn), min_reads = min(cn),
max_reads = max(cn), prevalence = mean(cn > 0),
taxon = taxon)
}) %>% rbindlist()
pars[, taxon := tnames[taxon]]
setkey(pars, "taxon")
#' Plot the Betabinomial fits for all taxa in a phyloseq object
#' @param ps A phyloseq object containing data for a reference experiment.
#' This should assume absence of any differential effect (all variation is
#' random).
#' @param bins number of bins to use for histograms. Defaults to Sturges rule.
#' @return A ggplot2 plot object shwoing the fits for each taxon.
#' @export
plot_bb_fits <- function(ps, bins = NULL) {
ps <- rarefy_even_depth(ps, min(sample_sums(ps), 10000))
pars <- get_corncob_pars(ps)
cns <- as(otu_table(ps), "matrix") %>%
as.data.table() %>%
melt(value.name = "count", variable.name = "taxon",
measure.vars = taxa_names(ps)) %>%
if (is.null(bins)) {
bins <- (log2(nsamples(ps)) + 1) %>% ceiling()
dens <- pars[, .(
mu, phi,
count = seq(min_reads, max_reads, by = 1),
d = VGAM::dbetabinom(seq(min_reads, max_reads, by = 1),
sample_sums(ps)[1], mu, phi)
), by = "taxon"]
pl <- ggplot(cns, aes(x = count)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = stat(density)), bins = bins) +
geom_line(data = dens, aes(x = count, y = d), size = 1,
color = "royalblue") +
facet_wrap(~ taxon, scales = "free") +
labs(x = "#reads", y = "density")
sample_corncob <- function(pars, sig_taxa, type, scale,
size = 10000, reps = 1000) {
n <- length(scale)
last <- pars[, sort(unique(taxon))[uniqueN(taxon)]]
p <- sapply(pars$taxon, function(taxon) {
if (taxon %in% sig_taxa) {
p <- rep(pars[taxon, mu] * scale, reps)
} else {
p <- rep(pars[taxon, mu], length(scale) * reps)
colnames(p) <- pars$taxon
p[, last] <- pars[, sum(mu)] - rowSums(p[, 1:(ncol(p) - 1)])
p <- sapply(1:ncol(p), function(i) {
taxon <- colnames(p)[i]
VGAM::rbetabinom(n = n * reps, size = size, prob = p[, i],
rho = pars[taxon, phi])
colnames(p) <- pars$taxon
snames <- paste0("sample_", 1:n)
p <- lapply(1:reps, function(i) {
x <- p[(1 + (i - 1) * n) : (i * n), ]
rownames(x) <- snames
mwtest <- function(counts, taxa) {
first <- 1:(nrow(counts) / 2)
second <- (nrow(counts) / 2) : nrow(counts)
p <- counts / rowSums(counts)
res <- lapply(taxa, function(ta) {
ctrl <- p[first, ta] + 0.5
case <- p[second, ta] + 0.5
te <- suppressWarnings(
wilcox.test(ctrl, case))
data.table(taxa = ta, pval = te$p.value)
}) %>% rbindlist()
res[, "pval" := p.adjust(pval, method = "fdr")]
res[is.na(pval), "pval" := 1]
corncob_test <- function(counts, v, sig_taxa) {
sdata <- data.frame(v = v)
rownames(sdata) <- rownames(counts)
taxa <- matrix(colnames(counts), ncol = 1)
colnames(taxa) <- "taxon"
rownames(taxa) <- colnames(counts)
ps <- phyloseq(
otu_table(counts, taxa_are_rows = FALSE),
res <- lapply(rownames(taxa), function(ta) {
p <- tryCatch(
corncob::bbdml(reformulate("v", ta), ~ 1, ps),
corncob::bbdml(reformulate("1", ta), ~ 1, ps)
error = function(e) 1,
warning = function(w) 1
data.table(taxa = ta, pval = p)
}) %>% rbindlist()
res[, "tp" := !is.na(pval) & taxa %in% sig_taxa]
res[is.na(pval), "pval" := 1]
res[, pval := p.adjust(pval, method = "fdr")]
#' Run a power analysis for microbe abundances from a reference sample.
#' @param ps A phyloseq object containing data for a reference experiment.
#' This should assume absence of any differential effect (all variation is
#' random).
#' @param ... A configuration as described by \code{\link{config_power}}.
#' @return An artifact with an entry `power` that quantifies the power
#' over many n and effect size.
#' @export
power_analysis <- function(ps, ...) {
config <- config_parser(list(...), config_power)
apfun <- parse_threads(config$threads)
if (config$depth == "auto") {
if ("data.table" %in% class(ps)) {
stop("If passing parameters you need to specify depth.")
config$depth <- sample_sums(ps) %>% median() %>% ceiling()
flog.info("Using median depth from reference data (%d).",
if ("data.table" %in% class(ps)) {
pars <- ps
n_taxa <- nrow(pars)
setkey(pars, "taxon")
} else {
flog.info("Estimating corncob model parameters for %d taxa...",
pars <- get_corncob_pars(ps, config$threads)
pars <- pars[
!is.na(mu) &
mu > config$min_mu &
mu / phi > config$min_mu_over_phi
n_taxa <- ntaxa(ps)
ps <- prune_taxa(pars$taxon, ps)
"Succesfully estimated parameters for %d/%d taxa. ",
"<mu> = %.3g, <phi> = %.3g."),
nrow(pars), n_taxa, pars[, mean(mu)], pars[, mean(phi)])
comb <- expand.grid(list(n = config$n,
effect_size = config$effect_size))
fraction <- config$fraction_differential
last <- pars[, sort(unique(taxon))[uniqueN(taxon)]]
taxa <- pars[taxon != last, taxon]
sig_taxa <- sample(taxa, fraction * nrow(pars) - 1)
sig_taxa <- c(sig_taxa, last)
flog.info(paste("Estimating power for %d n/effect combinations.",
"%d/%d taxa are truly differential."), nrow(comb),
floor(fraction * nrow(pars)), nrow(pars))
flog.info("Will need at least %s of memory.",
memory_use(config, nrow(pars)) %>% format(unit = "auto"))
if (config$method == "permanova") {
if (!requireNamespace("vegan", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("PERMANOVA requires `vegan` to be installed.")
power <- apfun(1:nrow(comb), function(i) {
co <- as.numeric(comb[i, ])
if (config$type == "categorical") {
scale <- c(rep(1, co[1] / 2), rep(1 - co[2], co[1] / 2))
v <- c(rep("control", co[1] / 2), rep("changed", co[1] / 2))
} else {
v <- seq(0, 1, length.out = co[1])
scale <- 1 - v * co[2]
counts <- sample_corncob(pars, sig_taxa, config$type, scale,
config$depth, config$n_power * config$n_groups)
p <- lapply(counts, function(co) {
res <- suppressMessages(
vegan::adonis2(co ~ v, data = data.frame(v = v)))
data.table(r2 = res[1, "R2"], pval = res[1, "Pr(>F)"])
}) %>% rbindlist()
p[, "replicate" := rep(1:config$n_groups, config$n_power)]
p <- p[, .(n = co[1], effect = co[2], r2 = mean(r2),
power = mean(pval < config$pval)), by = "replicate"]
p <- p[, .(n = co[1], effect = co[2], r2 = mean(r2),
r2_sd = sd(r2),
power = mean(power), power_sd = sd(power))]
flog.info(paste("Power for n=%d and effect=%.3g is %.3g ",
"(reported R2=%.3g)."),
as.integer(co[1]), co[2], p$power, p$r2)
} else if (config$method == "corncob") {
power <- apfun(1:nrow(comb), function(i) {
co <- as.numeric(comb[i, ])
if (config$type == "categorical") {
scale <- c(rep(1, co[1] / 2), rep(1 - co[2], co[1] / 2))
v <- c(rep("control", co[1] / 2), rep("changed", co[1] / 2))
} else {
v <- seq(0, 1, length.out = co[1])
scale <- 1 - v * co[2]
counts <- sample_corncob(pars, sig_taxa, config$type, scale,
config$depth, config$n_power * config$n_groups)
if (config$type == "categorical") {
v <- factor(v)
p <- lapply(counts, function(cn) {
corncob_test(cn, v, sig_taxa)
}) %>% rbindlist()
p[, "replicate" := rep(1:config$n_groups, config$n_power),
by = "taxa"]
p <- p[, .(power = mean(pval[tp] < config$pval),
fdr = (
sum(pval[!taxa %in% sig_taxa] < config$pval) /
sum(pval < config$pval))
by = "replicate"]
p[is.finite(fdr) == FALSE, "fdr" := 0]
p <- p[, .(n = co[1], effect = co[2],
mu = pars[, mean(mu)], phi = pars[, mean(phi)],
mean_reads = pars[, mean(mean_reads)],
prevalence = pars[, mean(prevalence)],
power = mean(power), power_sd = sd(power),
fdr = mean(fdr), fdr_sd = sd(fdr)),
flog.info("Power for n=%d and effect=%.3g is %.3g. FDR is %.3g.",
as.integer(co[1]), co[2], p$power, p$fdr)
} else if (config$type == "categorical") {
power <- apfun(1:nrow(comb), function(i) {
co <- as.numeric(comb[i, ])
scale <- c(rep(1, co[1] / 2), rep(1 - co[2], co[1] / 2))
counts <- sample_corncob(pars, sig_taxa, config$type, scale,
config$depth, config$n_power * config$n_groups)
p <- lapply(counts, function(co) {
mwtest(co, colnames(co))
}) %>% rbindlist()
p[, "replicate" := rep(1:config$n_groups, config$n_power),
by = "taxa"]
p <- p[, .(power = mean(pval[taxa %in% sig_taxa] < config$pval),
fdr = (
sum(pval[!taxa %in% sig_taxa] < config$pval) /
sum(pval < config$pval))
by = "replicate"]
p[is.finite(fdr) == FALSE, "fdr" := 0]
p <- p[, .(n = co[1], effect = co[2],
mu = pars[, mean(mu)], phi = pars[, mean(phi)],
mean_reads = pars[, mean(mean_reads)],
prevalence = pars[, mean(prevalence)],
power = mean(power), power_sd = sd(power),
fdr = mean(fdr), fdr_sd = sd(fdr)),
flog.info("Power for n=%d and effect=%.3g is %.3g. FDR is %.3g.",
as.integer(co[1]), co[2], p$power, p$fdr)
power <- rbindlist(power)
if (config$method == "permanova") {
power[, "asym_r2" := r2[n == max(n)], by = "effect"]
power[, "asym_r2_sd" := r2_sd[n == max(n)], by = "effect"]
power[, "fdr" := mean(power[effect == 0]) / mean(power), by = "n"]
power[, "fdr_sd" := mean(power_sd[effect == 0]) / mean(power), by = "n"]
power[effect == 0, "fdr" := NA]
power[effect == 0, "fdr_sd" := NA]
artifact <- list(
power = power,
steps = c("power_analysis"),
parameters = pars,
phyloseq = ps
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