# source("/Users/gabrielhoffman/workspace/repos/variancePartition/R/vcov.R")
test_vcov = function(){
# Fixed effect
# Fit from matrix, running dream() on subset of features
form <- ~ Age
fit = dream( geneExpr[1:2,], form, info)
fit = eBayes(fit)
A = vcov(fit, geneExpr[1:2,])
B = vcov(lm(geneExpr[1,] ~ Age, info))
checkEquals(c(A[1:2, 1:2]), c(B))
# Fit from matrix, running dream() on all features
fit = dream( geneExpr, form, info)
fit = eBayes(fit)
C = vcov(fit[1:2,], geneExpr[1:2,])
checkEquals(A, C)
# Mixed effect
# Fit from matrix, running dream() on subset of features
form <- ~ Age + (1|Batch)
fit = dream( geneExpr[1:2,], form, info)
fit = eBayes(fit)
A = vcov(fit, geneExpr[1:2,])
B = vcov(lmer(geneExpr[1,] ~ Age + (1|Batch), info))
checkEquals(c(A[1:2, 1:2]), c(as.matrix(B)), tol=1e-7)
# Fit from matrix, running dream() on all features
fit = dream( geneExpr[1:10,], form, info)
fit = eBayes(fit)
C = vcov(fit[1:2,], geneExpr[1:2,])
# Check with weights #
rownames(countMatrix) = paste0("g_", 1:nrow(countMatrix))
dge = DGEList(counts = countMatrix)
dge = calcNormFactors(dge)
# filterInputData = variancePartition:::filterInputData
# .isMixedModelFormula = variancePartition:::.isMixedModelFormula
# source("variancePartition/R/voomWithDreamWeights.R")
form <- ~ Disease
vobj = voomWithDreamWeights( dge[1:20,], form, metadata)
# Fixed effect
# Fit from matrix, running dream() on subset of features
i = 1:2
form <- ~ Disease
fit = dream( vobj[i,], form, metadata)
fit = eBayes(fit)
A = vcov(fit, vobj[i,])
w = vobj$weights[i[1],]
# w = w/mean(w)
fit.lm = lm(vobj$E[i[1],] ~ Disease, metadata, weights=w)
B = vcov(fit.lm)
checkEquals(c(A[1:2, 1:2]), c(B))
# Fit from matrix, running dream() on all features
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata)
fit = eBayes(fit)
C = vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,])
checkEquals(A, C)
checkEqualsNumeric(coef(fit.lm), coef(fit)[1,])
# check using just 1 feature
w = vobj$weights[1,]
w = w/mean(w)
fit.lm = lm(vobj$E[1,] ~ Disease, metadata, weights=w)
dit = dream(vobj[1,], ~ Disease, metadata)
A = vcov(dit, vobj[1,])
checkEqualsNumeric(vcov(fit.lm), A)
w = vobj$weights[3,]
w = w/mean(w)
fit.lm = lm(vobj$E[3,] ~ Disease, metadata, weights=w)
dit = dream(vobj[1:3,], ~ Disease, metadata)
B = vcov(dit, vobj[1:3,])[5:6,5:6]
checkEqualsNumeric(vcov(fit.lm), B)
# compute vcov for all features and subset
# dit = dream(vobj, ~ Disease, metadata)
# trace("vcov", browser, exit=browser, signature = "MArrayLM")
# undebug(variancePartition:::eval_vcov)
# devtools::reload("/Users/gabrielhoffman/workspace/repos/variancepartition")
# # vobj$weights[2,] = vobj$weights[1,]
# # vobj$weights = vobj$weights/rowMeans(vobj$weights)
# # Ignoring weights
# vcov(dit, vobj$E)[1:2,1:2]
# vcov(dit[1,], vobj$E[1,,drop=FALSE])
# # Using weights
# a = vcov(dit, vobj)[1:2,1:2]
# b = vcov(dit[1:4,], vobj[1:4,])[1:2,1:2]
# d = vcov(dit[1,], vobj[1,,drop=FALSE])
# resids = t(residuals(dit))
# W = t(vobj$weights)
# W = W / colMeans(W)
# sqrtW = sqrt(W)
# Sigma = crossprod(resids * sqrtW)
# Sigma[1,1]
# object$cov.coefficients.list
# Mixed effect
# Fit from matrix, running dream() on subset of features
form <- ~ Disease + (1|Individual)
fit = dream( vobj[1:2,], form, metadata, ddf="Sat")
fit = eBayes(fit)
A = vcov(fit, vobj[1:2,])
w = vobj$weights[1,]
f2 = lme4::lmer(vobj$E[1,] ~ Disease + (1|Individual), metadata, weights= w / mean(w) , REML=TRUE, variancePartition:::vpcontrol)
B = vcov(f2)
checkEquals(c(A[1:2, 1:2]), c(as.matrix(B)), tol=1e-7)
# Fit from matrix, running dream() on all features
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata)
fit = eBayes(fit)
C = vcov(fit[1:2,], vobj[1:2,])
# subsetting is also off?
res1 = mvTest(fit[1:2,], vobj[1:2,], coef="Disease1")
res2 = mvTest(fit, vobj, 1:2, coef="Disease1")
checkEquals(res1, res2)
# check matrix square root
# C.reconstruct = crossprod(chol(C))
# checkEqualsNumeric(c(C), c(C.reconstruct), tol=1e-2)
C.reconstruct = crossprod(variancePartition:::matrExp(C, 0.5))
checkEqualsNumeric(c(C), c(C.reconstruct), tol=1e-2)
# Check contrasts versus standard coding
# mixed model
form <- ~ 0 + Disease + (1|Individual)
L = makeContrastsDream( form, metadata, contrasts = c(Dx = "Disease1 - Disease0" ))
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata, L=L)
fit = eBayes(fit)
i = 1:2
A = vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,])
B = vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,], "Disease1")
checkEquals(A[rownames(B), rownames(B)], B)
form <- ~ Disease + (1|Individual)
fit.std = dream( vobj, form, metadata)
fit.std = eBayes(fit.std)
A = vcov(fit.std[i,], vobj[i,])
B = t(bdiag(L,L)) %*% vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,], coef=c("Disease0", "Disease1")) %*% bdiag(L,L)
C = vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Dx")
checkEqualsNumeric(array(A[c(2,4),c(2,4)]), array(B), tol=1e-3)
checkEqualsNumeric(array(A[c(2,4),c(2,4)]), array(C), tol=1e-3)
checkEqualsNumeric(array(B), array(C))
# check multivariate test
res1 = mvTest( fit.std[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Disease1", method="tstat", shrink.cov=FALSE)
res2 = mvTest( fit[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Dx", method="tstat", shrink.cov=FALSE)
# there is a VERY small difference in the covariance
checkEquals(res1, res2, tol=1e-4)
A = vcov(fit.std[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Disease1")
B = vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Dx")
# fixed effects only
form <- ~ 0 + Disease
L = makeContrastsDream( form, metadata, contrasts = c(Dx = "Disease1 - Disease0" ))
fit = dream( vobj[1:3,], form, metadata, L=L)
fit = eBayes(fit)
vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,])
form <- ~ Disease
fit.std = dream( vobj[1:3,], form, metadata)
fit.std = eBayes(fit.std)
i = 1:2
A = vcov(fit.std[i,], vobj[i,])
B = t(bdiag(L,L)) %*% vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,], coef=c("Disease0", "Disease1")) %*% bdiag(L,L)
C = vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Dx")
checkEquals(array(A[c(2,4),c(2,4)]), array(B))
checkEquals(array(A[c(2,4),c(2,4)]), array(C))
# check multivariate test
res1 = mvTest( fit.std[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Disease1", method="tstat", shrink.cov=FALSE)
res2 = mvTest( fit[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Dx", method="tstat", shrink.cov=FALSE)
checkEquals(res1, res2, tol=1e-4)
test_vcov2 = function(seed1=111, seed2=3){
n = 12000
# sim data
# X with intercept term
X = matrnorm(n,2, seed=seed1)
Y = matrnorm(n,3, seed=seed2)
rownames(X) = paste0("s_", 1:nrow(X))
rownames(Y) = paste0("s_", 1:nrow(X))
colnames(Y) = paste0("gene_", 1:ncol(Y))
colnames(X) = paste0("X_", 1:ncol(X))
X = cbind(1, X)
# Built into R
fit = lm(Y ~ X_1 + X_2, data=data.frame(X))
# dream
dit = dream(t(Y), ~ X_1 + X_2, data.frame(X))
# Manual fit
# fit regression
B = solve(crossprod(X,X)) %*% crossprod(X,Y)
checkEqualsNumeric(B, coef(fit))
checkEqualsNumeric(t(B), coef(dit))
# compute covariance
rdf = n - ncol(X)
R = Y - X %*% B
C = crossprod(R) / rdf
A = kronecker(C, solve(crossprod(X,X)), make.dimnames=TRUE)
checkEqualsNumeric(A, vcov(fit))
checkEqualsNumeric(A, vcov(dit, t(Y)))
# Approximation
Sig1 = solve(crossprod(X,X)) #* var(R[,1])
Sig2 = solve(crossprod(X,X)) #* var(R[,1])
a1 = variancePartition:::matrExp(Sig1, 0.5)
a2 = variancePartition:::matrExp(Sig2, 0.5)
v = crossprod(R[,1], R[,2])[1]/rdf
G = v * crossprod(a1, a2)
checkEqualsNumeric(A[4:6,1:3], G)
# Using only covariance
S1 = solve(crossprod(X,X)) * var(R[,1]) *(n-1) / rdf
S2 = solve(crossprod(X,X)) * var(R[,2]) *(n-1) / rdf
b1 = variancePartition:::matrExp(S1, 0.5)
b2 = variancePartition:::matrExp(S2, 0.5)
v = cor(R[,1], R[,2])
G = v * crossprod(b1, b2)
checkEqualsNumeric(A[4:6,1:3], G)
# Compare approximations
resids = t(residuals(dit))
W = matrix(1, nrow(Y), ncol(Y))
ccl = list(vcov(fit)[1:3, 1:3],
vcov(fit)[4:6, 4:6],
vcov(fit)[7:9, 7:9])
ccl = lapply(ccl, function(C){
rownames(C) = gsub("^gene.*:", "", rownames(C))
colnames(C) = rownames(C)
A_approx = variancePartition:::eval_vcov_approx( resids, W, ccl, X, coef = "X_1", contrasts=NULL)
id = c("gene_1:X_1", "gene_2:X_1", "gene_3:X_1")
checkEqualsNumeric(A_approx, A[id,id])
# trace("vcov", browser, exit=browser, signature = c("MArrayLM"))
# test behavior when there is missing data
test_vcov_NA = function(){
dge = DGEList(counts = countMatrix)
dge = calcNormFactors(dge)
form <- ~ (1|Individual)
# compute observation weights
vobj = voomWithDreamWeights( dge[1:2,], form, metadata)
# fit dream model
i = 17:19
form2 <- ~ Disease #+ (1|Individual)
metadata$Disease[i] = NA
fit = dream( vobj, form2, metadata)
fit = eBayes(fit)
A = vcov(fit, vobj[1:2,])
# drop sample from input
fit = dream( vobj[,-i], form2, metadata[-i,])
fit = eBayes(fit)
B = vcov(fit, vobj[1:2,])
# check that omitting sample internally and from input
# gives the same covariance matrix
checkEqualsNumeric(A, B)
# test extracting faetures by name
test_order = function(){
dge = DGEList(counts = countMatrix)
dge = calcNormFactors(dge)
form <- ~ Disease + (1|Individual)
vobj = voomWithDreamWeights( dge[1:20,], form, metadata)
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata)
fit = eBayes(fit)
i = rownames(fit)[15:17]
# original ordering
A = vcov(fit[i,], vobj[i,], coef="Disease1")
# subset fit and vobj differently
B = vcov(fit[10:20,][i,], vobj[1:20,][i,], coef="Disease1")
checkEqualsNumeric(A, B)
test_vcovSqrt = function(){
dge = DGEList(counts = countMatrix)
dge = calcNormFactors(dge)
# Fixed effects
form <- ~ Disease
vobj = voomWithDreamWeights( dge[1:100,], form, metadata)
# Standard analysis
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata)
fit = eBayes(fit)
idx = 1:2
V.orig = vcov(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,])
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], approx = FALSE)
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig)
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], approx = TRUE)
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol = 1e-2)
V.orig = vcov(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Disease1")
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Disease1", approx = FALSE)
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig)
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Disease1", approx = TRUE)
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol = 1e-2)
# contrasts
form <- ~ 0 + Disease
L = makeContrastsDream(form, metadata, contrasts = c(Dx = "Disease1 - Disease0"))
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata, L = L)
fit = eBayes(fit)
idx = 1:2
V.orig = vcov(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,])
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], approx = FALSE)
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol=1e-2)
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], approx = TRUE)
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol = 1e-2)
V.orig = vcov(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Dx")
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Dx", approx = FALSE)
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol=1e-2)
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Dx", approx = TRUE)
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol = 1e-2)
# Random effects
form <- ~ Disease + (1|Sex)
vobj = voomWithDreamWeights( dge[1:10,], form, metadata)
# Standard analysis
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata)
fit = eBayes(fit)
idx = 1:2
V.orig = vcov(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,])
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,])
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol = 1e-2)
V.orig = vcov(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Disease1")
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Disease1")
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol=1e-2)
# contrasts
form <- ~ 0 + Disease + (1|Sex)
L = makeContrastsDream(form, metadata, contrasts = c(Dx = "Disease1 - Disease0"))
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata, L = L)
fit = eBayes(fit)
idx = 1:2
V.orig = vcov(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,])
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,])
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol=1e-2)
V.orig = vcov(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Dx")
P = vcovSqrt(fit[idx,], vobj[idx,], coef="Dx")
checkEqualsNumeric(crossprod(P), V.orig, tol=1e-2)
test_mvTest = function(){
# normalize RNA-seq counts
dge = DGEList(counts = countMatrix)
dge = calcNormFactors(dge)
# specify formula with random effect for Individual
form <- ~ Disease + (1|Individual)
# compute observation weights
vobj = voomWithDreamWeights( dge[1:20,], form, metadata)
# fit dream model
fit = dream( vobj, form, metadata)
fit = eBayes(fit)
# Multivariate test of features 1 and 2
res1 = mvTest(fit, vobj, rownames(vobj)[1:2], coef="Disease1", method="tstat")
res2 = mvTest(fit, vobj, rownames(vobj)[3:4], coef="Disease1", method="tstat")
res3 = rbind(res1, res2)
# Test multiple sets of features
lst = list(a = rownames(vobj)[1:2], b=rownames(vobj)[3:4])
res4 = mvTest(fit, vobj, lst, coef="Disease1", method="tstat", BPPARAM=SnowParam(2))
checkEquals(res3, res4[,-1])
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