#' Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit
#' topTable generic
#' @param fit fit
#' @param coef coef
#' @param number number
#' @param genelist genelist
#' @param adjust.method adjust.method
#' @param sort.by sort.by
#' @param resort.by resort.by
#' @param p.value p.value
#' @param lfc lfc
#' @param confint confint
#' @return results of toptable
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @import limma
#' @rdname toptable-method
#' @aliases toptable,MArrayLM-method
setGeneric("topTable", function(fit, coef = NULL, number = 10, genelist = fit$genes, adjust.method = "BH", sort.by = "B", resort.by = NULL, p.value = 1, lfc = 0, confint = FALSE) {
#' Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit
#' topTable generic MArrayLM
#' @param fit fit
#' @param coef coef
#' @param number number
#' @param genelist genelist
#' @param adjust.method adjust.method
#' @param sort.by sort.by
#' @param resort.by resort.by
#' @param p.value p.value
#' @param lfc lfc
#' @param confint confint
#' @return results of toptable
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @import limma
#' @rdname toptable-method
#' @aliases toptable,MArrayLM-method
"topTable", "MArrayLM",
function(fit, coef = NULL, number = 10, genelist = fit$genes,
adjust.method = "BH", sort.by = "p", resort.by = NULL, p.value = 1,
lfc = 0, confint = FALSE) {
if( length(coef) > 1 & ! sort.by %in% c("F", "none")){
sort.by = "F"
limma::topTable(fit, coef = coef, number = number, genelist = genelist, adjust.method = adjust.method, sort.by = sort.by, resort.by = resort.by, p.value = p.value, lfc = lfc, confint = confint)
#' Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit
#' topTable generic MArrayLM2
#' @param fit fit
#' @param coef coef
#' @param number number
#' @param genelist genelist
#' @param adjust.method adjust.method
#' @param sort.by sort.by
#' @param resort.by resort.by
#' @param p.value p.value
#' @param lfc lfc
#' @param confint confint
#' @return results of toptable
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @import limma
#' @rdname toptable-method
#' @aliases toptable,MArrayLM2-method
"topTable", "MArrayLM2",
function(fit, coef = NULL, number = 10, genelist = fit$genes,
adjust.method = "BH", sort.by = "p", resort.by = NULL, p.value = 1,
lfc = 0, confint = FALSE) {
if (!is(fit, "MArrayLM2")) {
stop("fit must be an MArrayLM2 object")
if (is.null(fit$t) && is.null(fit$F)) {
stop("Need to run eBayes or treat first")
if (is.null(fit$coefficients)) {
stop("coefficients not found in fit object")
if (confint && is.null(fit$stdev.unscaled)) {
stop("stdev.unscaled not found in fit object")
if (is.null(coef)) {
if (is.null(fit$treat.lfc)) {
coef <- 1:ncol(fit)
cn <- colnames(fit)
if (!is.null(cn)) {
i <- which(cn == "(Intercept)")
if (length(i)) {
coef <- coef[-i]
message("Removing intercept from test coefficients")
} else {
coef <- ncol(fit)
if (length(coef) > 1) {
if (!is.null(fit$treat.lfc)) {
stop("Treat p-values can only be displayed for single coefficients")
coef <- unique(coef)
n.coef <- length(coef)
if (length(fit$coef[1, coef]) < ncol(fit)) {
# F-test is performed in subseting code by classifyTestsF()
fit <- fit[, coef]
coef <- NULL # since subsetting is performed here, don't need to do it later
if( ! sort.by %in% c("F", "none")){
sort.by = "F"
# tab = topTableF(fit, number = number, genelist = genelist,
# adjust.method = adjust.method, sort.by = sort.by,
# p.value = p.value, lfc = lfc)
tab <- limma::topTable(fit,
coef = coef,
number = number, genelist = genelist,
adjust.method = adjust.method, sort.by = sort.by,
p.value = p.value, lfc = lfc
if (nrow(tab) > 0) {
# GEH September 5, 2019
# convert p-values to F-statistics
# this corresponds to constant degrees of freedom equals Inf
tab$P.Value <- pmax(tab$P.Value, 1e-300)
tab$F.std <- qf(tab$P.Value, df1 = n.coef, df2 = Inf, lower.tail = FALSE)
fit <- unclass(fit)
ebcols <- c("t", "p.value", "lods")
if (confint) {
ebcols <- c("s2.post", "df.total", ebcols)
tab <- .topTableT(
fit = fit[c("coefficients", "stdev.unscaled")],
coef = coef, number = number, genelist = genelist, A = fit$Amean,
eb = fit[ebcols], adjust.method = adjust.method, sort.by = sort.by,
resort.by = resort.by, p.value = p.value, lfc = lfc,
confint = confint
if (nrow(tab) > 0) {
# GEH September 5, 2019
# convert p-values to z-scores
# this corresponds to constant degrees of freedom equals Inf
tab$P.Value <- pmax(tab$P.Value, 1e-300)
tab$z.std <- sign(tab$t) * qnorm(tab$P.Value / 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
.topTableT <- function(fit, coef = 1, number = 10, genelist = NULL, A = NULL, eb = NULL, adjust.method = "BH", sort.by = "B", resort.by = NULL, p.value = 1, lfc = 0, confint = FALSE, ...)
# Summary table of top genes for a single coefficient
# Gordon Smyth
# 21 Nov 2002. Forked from toptable() 1 Feb 2018. Last revised 1 Feb 2018.
# Check fit
fit$coefficients <- as.matrix(fit$coefficients)
rn <- rownames(fit$coefficients)
# Check coef is length 1
if (length(coef) > 1) {
coef <- coef[1]
warning("Treat is for single coefficients: only first value of coef being used")
# Ensure genelist is a data.frame
if (!is.null(genelist) && is.null(dim(genelist))) genelist <- data.frame(ID = genelist, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Check rownames
if (is.null(rn)) {
rn <- 1:nrow(fit$coefficients)
} else if (anyDuplicated(rn)) {
if (is.null(genelist)) {
genelist <- data.frame(ID = rn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else if ("ID" %in% names(genelist)) {
genelist$ID0 <- rn
} else {
genelist$ID <- rn
rn <- 1:nrow(fit$coefficients)
# Check sort.by
sort.by <- match.arg(sort.by, c("logFC", "M", "A", "Amean", "AveExpr", "P", "p", "T", "t", "B", "none"))
if (sort.by == "M") sort.by <- "logFC"
if (sort.by == "A" || sort.by == "Amean") sort.by <- "AveExpr"
if (sort.by == "T") sort.by <- "t"
if (sort.by == "p") sort.by <- "P"
# Check resort.by
if (!is.null(resort.by)) {
resort.by <- match.arg(resort.by, c("logFC", "M", "A", "Amean", "AveExpr", "P", "p", "T", "t", "B"))
if (resort.by == "M") resort.by <- "logFC"
if (resort.by == "A" || resort.by == "Amean") resort.by <- "AveExpr"
if (resort.by == "p") resort.by <- "P"
if (resort.by == "T") resort.by <- "t"
# Check A
if (is.null(A)) {
if (sort.by == "A") stop("Cannot sort by A-values as these have not been given")
} else {
if (NCOL(A) > 1) A <- rowMeans(A, na.rm = TRUE)
# Check for lods component
if (is.null(eb$lods)) {
if (sort.by == "B") stop("Trying to sort.by B, but B-statistic (lods) not found in MArrayLM object", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(resort.by)) if (resort.by == "B") stop("Trying to resort.by B, but B-statistic (lods) not found in MArrayLM object", call. = FALSE)
include.B <- FALSE
} else {
include.B <- TRUE
# Extract statistics for table
M <- fit$coefficients[, coef]
tstat <- as.matrix(eb$t)[, coef]
P.Value <- as.matrix(eb$p.value)[, coef]
if (include.B) B <- as.matrix(eb$lods)[, coef]
# Apply multiple testing adjustment
adj.P.Value <- p.adjust(P.Value, method = adjust.method)
# Thin out fit by p.value and lfc thresholds
if (p.value < 1 | lfc > 0) {
sig <- (adj.P.Value <= p.value) & (abs(M) >= lfc)
if (any(is.na(sig))) sig[is.na(sig)] <- FALSE
if (all(!sig)) {
genelist <- genelist[sig, , drop = FALSE]
M <- M[sig]
A <- A[sig]
tstat <- tstat[sig]
P.Value <- P.Value[sig]
adj.P.Value <- adj.P.Value[sig]
if (include.B) B <- B[sig]
rn <- rn[sig]
# Are enough rows left?
if (length(M) < number) number <- length(M)
if (number < 1) {
# Select top rows
ord <- switch(sort.by,
logFC = order(abs(M), decreasing = TRUE),
AveExpr = order(A, decreasing = TRUE),
P = order(P.Value, decreasing = FALSE),
t = order(abs(tstat), decreasing = TRUE),
B = order(B, decreasing = TRUE),
none = 1:length(M)
top <- ord[1:number]
# Assemble output data.frame
if (is.null(genelist)) {
tab <- data.frame(logFC = M[top])
} else {
tab <- data.frame(genelist[top, , drop = FALSE], logFC = M[top], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (confint) {
if (is.numeric(confint)) {
alpha <- (1 + confint[1]) / 2
} else {
alpha <- 0.975
# t = beta / s
# so s = beta/t
se <- fit$coefficients[top, coef] / eb$t[top, coef]
margin.error <- se * qt(alpha, df = eb$df.total[top])
# margin.error <- sqrt(eb$s2.post[top])*fit$stdev.unscaled[top,coef]*qt(alpha,df=eb$df.total[top])
# margin.error <- eb$sigma[top]*fit$stdev.unscaled[top,coef]*qt(alpha,df=eb$df.total[top])
tab$CI.L <- M[top] - margin.error
tab$CI.R <- M[top] + margin.error
if (!is.null(A)) tab$AveExpr <- A[top]
tab <- data.frame(tab, t = tstat[top], P.Value = P.Value[top], adj.P.Val = adj.P.Value[top])
if (include.B) tab$B <- B[top]
rownames(tab) <- rn[top]
# Resort table
if (!is.null(resort.by)) {
ord <- switch(resort.by,
logFC = order(tab$logFC, decreasing = TRUE),
AveExpr = order(tab$AveExpr, decreasing = TRUE),
P = order(tab$P.Value, decreasing = FALSE),
t = order(tab$t, decreasing = TRUE),
B = order(tab$B, decreasing = TRUE)
tab <- tab[ord, ]
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