#' Class MArrayLM2
#' Class \code{MArrayLM2}
#' @name MArrayLM2-class
#' @rdname MArrayLM2-class
#' @exportClass MArrayLM2
# Linear model fit
representation("MArrayLM") # , varComp="data.frame", sigGStruct='list')
setIs("MArrayLM2", "LargeDataObject")
setAs(from = "MArrayLM", to = "MArrayLM2", function(from) {
structure(from, class = "MArrayLM2")
# define S3 version of these functions
#' Residuals for result of dream
#' Residuals for result of dream
#' @param object See \code{?stats::residuals}
#' @param y \code{EList} object used in \code{dream()}
#' @param ... See \code{?stats::residuals}
#' @param type compute either response or pearson residuals
#' @rawNamespace S3method("residuals", MArrayLM2)
#' @export
residuals.MArrayLM2 <- function(object, y, ..., type = c("response", "pearson")) {
stopifnot(is(object, "MArrayLM2"))
type <- match.arg(type)
if (is.null(object$residuals)) {
stop("Residuals were not computed, must run:\n dream(...,computeResiduals=TRUE)")
if (!missing(y)) {
# subset to intersecting features
featureIds <- intersect(rownames(object$residuals), rownames(y))
object <- object[featureIds, ]
object$residuals <- object$residuals[featureIds, , drop = FALSE]
y <- y[featureIds, , drop = FALSE]
if (!all.equal(dim(object$residuals), dim(y))) {
stop("Dimension of object and y must be the same")
if (!all.equal(rownames(y), rownames(object))) {
stop("rownames of object and y must be the same")
if (!all.equal(colnames(y), colnames(object$residuals))) {
stop("colnames of object and y must be the same")
residResponse <- object$residuals
if (type == "response") {
result <- residResponse
} else if (type == "pearson") {
if (missing(y)) {
stop("Original EList required to fit pearson residuals")
# from lmer() fit
# residuals(fitlmer, type="response") * sqrt(w) / sqrt(1-h)
if (!is.null(y$weights)) {
w <- y$weights
} else {
w <- 1
# with linear mixed model, hatvalues can be effectively 1
# so add a small value, sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), to keep this
# value positive
result <- residResponse * sqrt(w) / sqrt(1 - object$hatvalues + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
# #' @importFrom limma residuals.MArrayLM
# # @export
# residuals.MArrayLM = function( object, ...){
# if( is.null(object$residuals) ){
# # use residuals computed by limma
# res = limma::residuals.MArrayLM( object, ...)
# }else{
# # use precomputed residuals
# res = object$residuals
# }
# res
# }
# S4 methpds
#' residuals for MArrayLM
#' residuals for MArrayLM
#' @param object MArrayLM object from dream
#' @param y \code{EList} object used in \code{dream()}
#' @param ... other arguments, currently ignored
#' @param type compute either response or pearson residuals
#' @return results of residuals
#' @export
"residuals", "MArrayLM",
function(object, y, ..., type = c("response", "pearson")) {
stopifnot(is(object, "MArrayLM"))
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "response" & !missing(y)) {
residResponse <- residuals.MArrayLM(object, y = y, ...)
if (is.null(object$residuals)) {
stop("Residuals were not computed, must run:\n dream(...,computeResiduals=TRUE)")
if (!missing(y)) {
if (!all.equal(dim(object$residuals), dim(y))) {
stop("Dimension of object and y must be the same")
if (!all.equal(rownames(y), rownames(object))) {
stop("rownames of object and y must be the same")
if (!all.equal(colnames(y), colnames(object$residuals))) {
stop("colnames of object and y must be the same")
residResponse <- object$residuals
if (type == "response") {
result <- residResponse
} else if (type == "pearson") {
# from glm() fit
# residuals(fitlm, type="response") * sqrt(fitlm$weights) / sqrt(1-h)
if (!is.null(y$weights)) {
w <- y$weights
} else {
w <- 1
result <- residResponse * sqrt(w) / sqrt(1 - object$hatvalues)
#' residuals for MArrayLM2
#' residuals for MArrayLM2
#' @param object MArrayLM2 object from dream
#' @param y \code{EList} object used in \code{dream()}
#' @param ... other arguments, currently ignored
#' @param type compute either response or pearson residuals
#' @return results of residuals
#' @export
"residuals", "MArrayLM2",
function(object, y, type = c("response", "pearson"), ...) {
residuals.MArrayLM2(object, y = y, ..., type = type)
# Evaluate contrasts for linear mixed model
# Evaluate contrasts for linear mixed model
# @param fit model fit
# @param L contrast matrix
# @param ddf Specifiy "Satterthwaite" or "Kenward-Roger" method to estimate effective degress of freedom for hypothesis testing in the linear mixed model. Note that Kenward-Roger is more accurate, but is *much* slower. Satterthwaite is a good enough approximation for most datasets.
# @return
# df, sigma, beta, SE of model
# @details If the Kenward-Roger covariance matrix is not positive definite, the Satterthwaite method is used
# @export
# @docType methods
# @rdname eval_lmm-method
# @importFrom lmerTest contest
# @importFrom lme4 fixef
# @importFrom stats sigma
# .eval_lmm = function( fit, L, ddf ){
# j = 1
# # evaluate each contrast
# # cons = lmerTest::contest(fit, L, ddf=ddf)
# # cons = foreach( j = 1:ncol(L), .combine=rbind) %do% {
# # lmerTest::contest(fit, L[,j], ddf=ddf)
# # }
# cons = lapply( seq(ncol(L)), function(j){
# contest(fit, L[,j], ddf=ddf)
# })
# cons = do.call(rbind, cons)
# df = as.numeric(cons[,'DenDF'])
# if(ddf == "Kenward-Roger"){
# # KR
# V = pbkrtest::vcovAdj.lmerMod(fit, 0)
# # if matrix is not PSD
# if( min(diag(as.matrix(V))) < 0){
# warning("The adjusted Kenward-Roger covariance matrix is not positive definite.\nUsing Satterthwaite approximation instead")
# # Satterthwaite
# V = vcov(fit)
# }
# # df = pbkrtest::get_Lb_ddf(fit, L)
# }else{
# # Satterthwaite
# V = vcov(fit)
# # df = as.numeric(contest(fit, L, ddf="Sat")['DenDF'])
# }
# # sigma = attr(lme4::VarCorr(fit), "sc")
# # get contrasts
# # beta = as.matrix(sum(L * fixef(fit)), ncol=1)
# # colnames(beta) = "logFC"
# # beta = foreach( j = 1:ncol(L), .combine=rbind) %do% {
# # as.matrix(sum(L[,j] * fixef(fit)), ncol=1)
# # }
# beta = lapply( seq(ncol(L)), function(j){
# as.matrix(sum(L[,j] * fixef(fit)), ncol=1)
# })
# beta = do.call(rbind, beta)
# colnames(beta) = "logFC"
# rownames(beta) = colnames(L)
# # SE = as.matrix(sqrt(sum(L * (V %*% L))), ncol=1)
# # colnames(SE) = "logFC"
# # SE = foreach( j = 1:ncol(L), .combine=rbind) %do% {
# # as.matrix(sqrt(sum(L[,j] * (V %*% L[,j]))), ncol=1)
# # }
# SE = lapply( seq(ncol(L)), function(j){
# as.matrix(sqrt(sum(L[,j] * (V %*% L[,j]))), ncol=1)
# })
# SE = do.call(rbind, SE)
# colnames(SE) = "logFC"
# rownames(SE) = colnames(L)
# # pValue = 2*pt(as.numeric(abs(beta / SE)), df, lower.tail=FALSE)
# pValue = as.numeric(cons[,'Pr(>F)'])
# list( cons = cons,
# df = df,
# sigma = sigma(fit),
# beta = beta,
# SE = SE,
# pValue = pValue,
# vcov = V )
# }
#' @importFrom methods is
.checkNA <- function(exprObj) {
if (is(exprObj, "sparseMatrix") || is(exprObj, "matrix")) {
countNA <- sum(!is.finite(exprObj))
} else {
# is.finite is not defined for data.frames, so convert to matrix first
countNA <- sum(!is.finite(as.matrix(exprObj)))
# check if values are NA
# countNA = sum(!is.finite(exprObj)) # sum(is.nan(exprObj))
if (countNA > 0) {
stop("There are ", countNA, " NA/NaN/Inf values in exprObj\nMissing data is not allowed")
# check if all genes have variance
rv <- apply(exprObj, 1, var)
if (any(rv == 0)) {
idx <- which(rv == 0)
stop(paste("Response variable", idx[1], "has a variance of 0"))
#' Compute standard post-processing values
#' These values are typically computed by eBayes
#' @param fit result of dream (MArrayLM2)
#' @param sigma vector of standard errors used to compute t-statistic. Can be maximum likelihood estimates, or posterior means
#' @return MArrayLM2 object with values computed
#' @importFrom stats pchisq pf
#' @keywords internal
.standard_transform <- function(fit, sigma = fit$sigma) {
# If fit$df.prior is not defined, set df.prior to zero
if (!is.null(fit$df.prior)) {
fit$df.total <- fit$df.residual + fit$df.prior
} else {
fit$df.total <- fit$df.residual
# t-test
out <- fit
out$t <- fit$coefficients / fit$stdev.unscaled / sigma
out$p.value <- 2 * pt(abs(out$t), df = fit$df.total, lower.tail = FALSE)
# out$p.value.loge <- log(2) + pt(abs(out$t), df=fit$df.total, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE )
# F-test
if (!is.null(out$design) && is.fullrank(out$design)) {
# only evaluate F-stat on real coefficients, not contrasts
realcoef <- colnames(out)[colnames(out) %in% colnames(out$design)]
realcoef <- realcoef[realcoef != "(Intercept)"]
if (is.null(realcoef) || (length(realcoef) == 0)) {
# this happends when only the intercept term is included
warning("No testable fixed effects were included in the model.\n Running topTable() will fail.")
} else {
df <- rowMeans(out[, realcoef]$df.total)
F.stat <- classifyTestsF(out[, realcoef], df = df, fstat.only = TRUE)
out$F <- as.vector(F.stat)
df1 <- attr(F.stat, "df1")
df2 <- attr(F.stat, "df2")
if (df2[1] > 1e6) { # Work around bug in R 2.1
out$F.p.value <- pchisq(df1 * out$F, df1, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
out$F.p.value <- pf(out$F, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
# if fit$df.prior does not exist, then remove the df.total term
if (is.null(fit$df.prior)) {
out$df.total <- NULL
#' Subseting for MArrayLM2
#' Enable subsetting on MArrayLM2 object. Same as for MArrayLM, but apply column subsetting to df.residual and cov.coefficients.list
#' @param object MArrayLM2
#' @param i row
#' @param j col
#' @name [.MArrayLM2
#' @return subset
#' @rawNamespace S3method("[", MArrayLM2)
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @rdname subset.MArrayLM2-method
#' @aliases subset.MArrayLM2,MArrayLM2-method
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
function(object, i, j) {
if (nargs() != 3) {
stop("Two subscripts required", call. = FALSE)
if( !missing(j) ){
if( is.logical(j) ) j <- which(j)
if( !missing(i) ){
if( is.logical(i) ) i <- which(i)
# apply standard MArrayLM subsetting
obj <- as(object, "MArrayLM")
if (!missing(j)) {
obj <- obj[, j]
if (!missing(i)) {
obj <- obj[i, ]
# custom code to deal with df.total, df.residual and rdf
if (is.null(ncol(object$df.total))) {
if (!missing(i)) {
obj$df.total <- object$df.total[i]
} else {
obj$df.total <- object$df.total
} else {
tmp <- object$df.total
if (!missing(i)) {
tmp <- object$df.total[i, , drop = FALSE]
if (!missing(j)) {
tmp <- tmp[, j, drop = FALSE]
obj$df.total <- tmp
if (is.null(ncol(object$df.residual))) {
if (!missing(i)) {
obj$df.residual <- object$df.residual[i]
} else {
obj$df.residual <- object$df.residual
} else {
tmp <- object$df.residual
if (!missing(i)) {
tmp <- object$df.residual[i, , drop = FALSE]
if (!missing(j)) {
tmp <- tmp[, j, drop = FALSE]
obj$df.residual <- tmp
if (!is.null(object$rdf)) {
if (!missing(i)) {
names(object$rdf) <- rownames(object)
obj$rdf <- object$rdf[i]
names(obj$rdf) <- c()
} else {
obj$rdf <- object$rdf
if (!is.null(object$edf)) {
if (!missing(i)) {
names(object$edf) <- rownames(object)
obj$edf <- object$edf[i]
# names(obj$edf) <- c()
} else {
obj$edf <- object$edf
if (!is.null(object$logLik)) {
if (!missing(i)) {
names(object$logLik) <- rownames(object)
obj$logLik <- object$logLik[i]
# names(obj$logLik) <- c()
} else {
obj$logLik <- object$logLik
# obj$pValue = object$pValue[i,j]
obj$s2.prior <- object$s2.prior
obj$df.prior <- object$df.prior
obj <- as(obj, "MArrayLM2")
# copy gene-specific covariance, if it exists
if (!is.null(object$cov.coefficients.list)) {
if (!missing(i)) {
if (is.numeric(i)) {
# extract by index
obj$cov.coefficients.list <- object$cov.coefficients.list[i]
} else {
# extract by matching feature name
idx <- match(i, rownames(object))
obj$cov.coefficients.list <- object$cov.coefficients.list[idx]
} else {
obj$cov.coefficients.list <- object$cov.coefficients.list
# name cov.coefficients.list using names of the whole object
names(obj$cov.coefficients.list) <- rownames(obj)
if (is.null(obj$df.total)) {
obj$df.total <- rowMeans(obj$df.residual)
# subset residuals and hatvalues
obj$residuals = obj$residuals[rownames(obj),,drop=FALSE]
obj$hatvalues = obj$hatvalues[rownames(obj),,drop=FALSE]
# the F-statistic and p-value are evaluated when subsetting is applied
# so need to apply df2 here
# If columns have been subsetted, need to re-generate F
if (!is.null(obj[["F"]]) && !missing(j)) {
F.stat <- classifyTestsF(obj, df = obj$df.total, fstat.only = TRUE)
obj$F <- as.vector(F.stat)
df1 <- attr(F.stat, "df1")
df2 <- attr(F.stat, "df2")
if (df2[1] > 1e6) {
obj$F.p.value <- pchisq(df1 * obj$F, df1, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
obj$F.p.value <- pf(obj$F, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
setGeneric("eBayes", function(
fit, proportion = 0.01, stdev.coef.lim = c(0.1, 4),
trend = FALSE, robust = FALSE, winsor.tail.p = c(0.05, 0.1), legacy = NULL) {
eBayes(fit, proportion, stdev.coef.lim, trend, robust, winsor.tail.p, legacy)
#' eBayes for MArrayLM2
#' eBayes for result of linear mixed model for with \code{dream()} using residual degrees of freedom approximated with \code{rdf.merMod()}
#' @param fit fit
#' @param proportion proportion
#' @param stdev.coef.lim stdev.coef.lim
#' @param trend trend
#' @param robust robust
#' @param winsor.tail.p winsor.tail.p
#' @param legacy legacy
#' @return results of eBayes using approximated residual degrees of freedom
#' @export
#' @rdname eBayes-method
#' @aliases eBayes,MArrayLM2-method
#' @importFrom limma eBayes
#' @seealso \code{dream()}, \code{rdf.merMod()}, \code{limma::eBayes()}
"eBayes", "MArrayLM2",
function(fit, proportion = 0.01, stdev.coef.lim = c(0.1, 4),
trend = FALSE, robust = FALSE, winsor.tail.p = c(0.05, 0.1), legacy = NULL) {
# limma::eBayes() uses df.residual as the residual degrees of freedom,
# while dream() uses rdf.
# For linear models these values are always equal,
# but for linear mixed models, rdf must be computed separately
# save df for test statistics
df.test <- fit$df.residual
fit$df.residual <- fit$rdf
# Use limma::eBayes() but with new df.residual values
fit_eb <- limma::eBayes(
fit = fit,
proportion = proportion,
stdev.coef.lim = stdev.coef.lim,
trend = trend,
robust = robust,
winsor.tail.p = winsor.tail.p,
legacy = legacy
# re-set to the df.residual of the test statistics
fit_eb$df.residual <- df.test
fit_eb$rdf <- fit$rdf
# Calculate p-values using estimated degrees of freedom
# and posterior variance estimates
.standard_transform(fit_eb, sigma = sqrt(fit_eb$s2.post))
#' Compare p-values from two analyses
#' Plot -log10 p-values from two analyses and color based on donor component from variancePartition analysis
#' @param p1 p-value from first analysis
#' @param p2 p-value from second analysis
#' @param vpDonor donor component for each gene from variancePartition analysis
#' @param dupcorvalue scalar donor component from duplicateCorrelation
#' @param fraction fraction of highest/lowest values to use for best fit lines
#' @param xlabel for x-axis
#' @param ylabel label for y-axis
#' @return ggplot2 plot
#' @examples
#' # load library
#' # library(variancePartition)
#' library(BiocParallel)
#' # load simulated data:
#' # geneExpr: matrix of gene expression values
#' # info: information/metadata about each sample
#' data(varPartData)
#' # Perform very simple analysis for demonstration
#' # Analysis 1
#' form <- ~Batch
#' fit <- dream(geneExpr, form, info)
#' fit <- eBayes(fit)
#' res <- topTable(fit, number = Inf, coef = "Batch3")
#' # Analysis 2
#' form <- ~ Batch + (1 | Tissue)
#' fit2 <- dream(geneExpr, form, info)
# fitEB2 = eBayes( fit2 )
#' res2 <- topTable(fit2, number = Inf, coef = "Batch3")
#' # Compare p-values
#' plotCompareP(res$P.Value, res2$P.Value, runif(nrow(res)), .3)
#' @export
# @docType methods
#' @rdname plotCompareP-method
plotCompareP <- function(p1, p2, vpDonor, dupcorvalue, fraction = .2, xlabel = bquote(duplicateCorrelation ~ (-log[10] ~ p)), ylabel = bquote(dream ~ (-log[10] ~ p))) {
if (length(unique(c(length(p1), length(p2), length(vpDonor)))) != 1) {
stop("p1, p2 and vpDonor must have the same number of entries")
if (length(dupcorvalue) != 1) {
stop("dupcorvalue must be a scalar")
df2 <- data.frame(p1 = -log10(p1), p2 = -log10(p2), vpDonor = vpDonor, delta = vpDonor - dupcorvalue)
N <- nrow(df2)
c1 <- sort(df2$delta)[N * fraction]
c2 <- sort(df2$delta)[length(df2$delta) - N * fraction]
l1 <- lm(p2 ~ p1, df2[df2$delta >= c2, ])
l2 <- lm(p2 ~ p1, df2[df2$delta <= c1, ])
df_line <- data.frame(rbind(coef(l1), coef(l2)))
colnames(df_line) <- c("a", "b")
df_line$type <- c("darkred", "navy")
lim <- c(0, max(max(df2$p1), max(df2$p2)))
# xlab("duplicateCorrelation (-log10 p)") + ylab("dream (-log10 p)")
ggplot(df2, aes(p1, p2, color = vpDonor)) +
geom_abline() +
geom_point(size = 2) +
theme_bw(17) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1, plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
xlim(lim) +
ylim(lim) +
xlab(xlabel) +
ylab(ylabel) +
geom_abline(intercept = df_line$a, slope = df_line$b, color = df_line$type, linetype = 2) +
name = "Donor", colours = c("blue", "green", "red"),
values = rescale(c(0, dupcorvalue, 1)),
guide = "colorbar", limits = c(0, 1)
#' Multiple Testing Genewise Across Contrasts
#' For each gene, classify a series of related t-statistics as up, down or not significant.
#' @param object numeric matrix of t-statistics or an 'MArrayLM2' object from which the t-statistics may be extracted.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @details Works like limma::classifyTestsF, except object can have a list of covariance matrices object$cov.coefficients.list, instead of just one in object$cov.coefficients
#' @seealso \code{limma::classifyTestsF}
# @export
signature = "object",
function(object, ...) {
#' Multiple Testing Genewise Across Contrasts
#' For each gene, classify a series of related t-statistics as up, down or not significant.
#' @param object numeric matrix of t-statistics or an 'MArrayLM2' object from which the t-statistics may be extracted.
#' @param cor.matrix covariance matrix of each row of t-statistics. Defaults to the identity matrix.
#' @param df numeric vector giving the degrees of freedom for the t-statistics. May have length 1 or length equal to the number of rows of tstat.
#' @param p.value numeric value between 0 and 1 giving the desired size of the test
#' @param fstat.only logical, if 'TRUE' then return the overall F-statistic as for 'FStat' instead of classifying the test results
#' @details Works like limma::classifyTestsF, except object can have a list of covariance matrices object$cov.coefficients.list, instead of just one in object$cov.coefficients
#' @seealso \code{limma::classifyTestsF}
#' @importFrom stats qf
# @export
"classifyTestsF", "MArrayLM2",
function(object, cor.matrix = NULL, df = Inf, p.value = 0.01, fstat.only = FALSE) {
# Use F-tests to classify vectors of t-test statistics into outcomes
# Gordon Smyth
# 20 Mar 2003. Last revised 6 June 2009.
# Method intended for MArrayLM objects but accept unclassed lists as well
if (is.list(object)) {
if (is.null(object$t)) stop("tstat cannot be extracted from object")
computeCorrMat <- ifelse(is.null(cor.matrix), TRUE, FALSE)
if (missing(df) && !is.null(object$df.prior) && !is.null(object$df.residual)) {
df <- object$df.prior + object$df.residual
tstat <- as.matrix(object$t)
} else {
tstat <- as.matrix(object)
ngenes <- nrow(tstat)
ntests <- ncol(tstat)
if (ntests == 1) {
if (fstat.only) {
fstat <- tstat^2
attr(fstat, "df1") <- 1
attr(fstat, "df2") <- df
} else {
p <- 2 * pt(abs(tstat), df, lower.tail = FALSE)
return(new("TestResults", sign(tstat) * (p < p.value)))
# F test of multiple coefficients
if (ngenes != length(object$cov.coefficients.list)) {
msg <- paste0("Number of genes does not equal number of elements in cov.coefficients.list\n", ngenes, " != ", length(object$cov.coefficients.list))
fstat <- rep(NA, ngenes)
names(fstat) <- rownames(tstat)
result <- matrix(0, ngenes, ntests, dimnames = dimnames(tstat))
for (i in seq_len(ngenes)) {
if (computeCorrMat) {
if (is.null(object$cov.coefficients.list)) {
C <- object$cov.coefficients
} else {
C <- object$cov.coefficients.list[[i]]
# subset based on coefficient names
C <- C[colnames(object), colnames(object)]
cor.matrix <- cov2cor(C)
} else {
cor.matrix <- cov2cor(cor.matrix)
# cor.matrix is estimated correlation matrix of the coefficients
# and also the estimated covariance matrix of the t-statistics
if (is.null(cor.matrix)) {
r <- ntests
Q <- diag(r) / sqrt(r)
} else {
E <- eigen(cor.matrix, symmetric = TRUE)
r <- sum(E$values / E$values[1] > 1e-8)
Q <- limma:::.matvec(E$vectors[, 1:r], 1 / sqrt(E$values[1:r])) / sqrt(r)
# Return overall moderated F-statistic only
if (fstat.only) {
fstat[i] <- drop((tstat[i, , drop = FALSE] %*% Q)^2 %*% array(1, c(r, 1)))
if (i == 1) {
attr(fstat, "df1") <- r
attr(fstat, "df2") <- df[i]
# Return TestResults matrix
qF <- qf(p.value, r, df[i], lower.tail = FALSE)
if (length(qF) == 1) qF <- rep(qF, ngenes)
x <- tstat[i, ]
if (any(is.na(x))) {
result[i, ] <- NA
} else if (crossprod(crossprod(Q, x)) > qF[i]) {
ord <- order(abs(x), decreasing = TRUE)
result[i, ord[1]] <- sign(x[ord[1]])
for (j in 2:ntests) {
bigger <- ord[1:(j - 1)]
x[bigger] <- sign(x[bigger]) * abs(x[ord[j]])
if (crossprod(crossprod(Q, x)) > qF[i]) {
result[i, ord[j]] <- sign(x[ord[j]])
} else {
if (fstat.only) {
new("TestResults", result)
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