## default control for lmer fits
vpcontrol <- lme4::lmerControl(
calc.derivs = FALSE,
check.rankX = "stop.deficient",
check.conv.singular =
lme4::.makeCC("ignore", tol = 1e-4)
vpcontrol.NM <- lme4::lmerControl(
optimizer = "Nelder_Mead",
calc.derivs = FALSE,
check.rankX = "stop.deficient",
check.conv.singular =
lme4::.makeCC("ignore", tol = 1e-4)
#' @importFrom lme4 lmer refit
#' @importFrom stats update
run_lmm_on_gene <- function(obj, formula, data, control, na.action, REML, fxn, fit.init = NULL, dreamCheck = FALSE, varTol = 1e-5, rescaleWeights=TRUE) {
# if sparseMatrix, convert to matrix
if (is(obj$E, "dgCMatrix")) {
obj$E <- as.matrix(obj$E)
# append data
w.local <- NULL
data$y.local <- c(obj$E)
data$w.local <- c(obj$weights)
# scale regression weights
if( rescaleWeights ){
data$w.local <- data$w.local / mean(data$w.local)
form.local <- update(formula, y.local ~ .)
if (var(data$y.local, na.rm = TRUE) < varTol) {
stop(paste0("response variance < ", varTol))
if (.isMixedModelFormula(formula)) {
if (!is.null(fit.init)) {
# if fit.init is passed, use refit
# issue with stopping criteria. fixed with new lmer() call
fit <- refit(fit.init,
newresp = data$y.local,
newweights = data$w.local,
control = control
} else {
# fit linear mixed model from scratch
fit <- lmer(form.local, data,
weights = w.local,
control = control,
na.action = na.action,
# lmerTest::as_lmerModLmerTest() and
# our as_lmerModLmerTest2() uses a strict convergence test
# based on the approximate Hessian.
# https://github.com/runehaubo/lmerTestR/blob/35dc5885205d709cdc395b369b08ca2b7273cb78/R/lmer.R#LL174C8-L174C25
# lme4::lmer() is more permissive.
# So run a second optimizer to avoid edge cases where the
# first optimizer produces a negative approximate Hessian.
# Initialize to previous parameter values to accelerate
# convergence
fit <- refit(fit, control = control)
} else {
fit <- lm(form.local, data,
weights = w.local,
na.action = na.action
# check fit for errors
checkModelStatus(fit, dreamCheck)
# run post-processing function on model fit
res <- fxn(fit)
# run analysis on each batch
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpstopOnError<- bptry bplapply SerialParam
run_lmm_on_batch <- function(obj, form, data, control, na.action, REML, fxn, fit.init = NULL, dreamCheck = FALSE, varTol = 1e-5, rescaleWeights=TRUE) {
# create list with one gene per entry
exprList <- lapply(seq(nrow(obj)), function(j) {
new("EList", list(
E = obj$E[j, , drop = FALSE],
weights = obj$weights[j, , drop = FALSE]
# only use 1 thread internally then reset to original value
n_max_threads <- omp_get_max_threads()
# run iterator
# bplapply is much faster for small chunks than
# bpiterate using an iterator
BPPARAM <- SerialParam(stop.on.error = FALSE)
# BPPARAM$exportglobals <- FALSE
res <- bptry(bplapply(exprList, run_lmm_on_gene,
form = form,
data = data,
control = control,
na.action = na.action,
fxn = fxn,
fit.init = fit.init,
dreamCheck = dreamCheck,
varTol = varTol,
rescaleWeights = rescaleWeights,
# get failed jobs
failedJobs <- (!bpok(res)) | vapply(res, is.null, logical(1))
names(res) <- rownames(obj)
# get error messages as text
# errorText = attr(res, "errors")
# errorText = sapply(errorText, function(x) x$message)
errorText <- vapply(res[failedJobs], function(x) as.character(x), character(1))
if (length(errorText) == 0) errorText <- NULL
# assign gene names to the error text
# if( !is.null(errorText) ){
# idx = as.numeric(names(errorText))
# names(errorText) = names(res)[idx]
# }
succeeded <- NULL
if (any(!failedJobs)) {
succeeded <- res[!failedJobs]
succeeded = res[!failedJobs],
errors = errorText
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpstopOnError<- bpiterate
#' @importFrom RhpcBLASctl omp_set_num_threads omp_get_max_threads
run_lmm <- function(obj, form, data, control = vpcontrol, fxn, REML = FALSE, useInitialFit = TRUE, dreamCheck = FALSE, varTol = 1e-5, rescaleWeights=TRUE, BPPARAM = SerialParam(), ...) {
stopifnot(is(BPPARAM, "BiocParallelParam"))
if (any(obj$weights < 0)) stop("All weights must be positive")
# run single fit to recycle the internal data structure
# also to run checks on data
# it.init = iterRows(obj$E, obj$weights, sizeOfChunk=1)
# Gaussian response
values <- qnorm(seq(ncol(obj)) / (ncol(obj) + 1))
it.init <- iterRows(matrix(values, nrow = 1), sizeOfChunk = 1)
errMsg <- NULL
fit.init <- tryCatch(
run_lmm_on_gene(it.init(), form, data,
control = control,
na.action = stats::na.exclude,
fxn = identity,
dreamCheck = dreamCheck
warning = function(w) errMsg <<- w$message,
error = function(e) errMsg <<- e$message
if (!is.null(errMsg)) {
res <- list(
succeeded = list(),
errors = list(),
error.initial = errMsg
if (!useInitialFit) fit.init <- NULL
# catch warnings like errors, then reset to original value
optValue <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = 2)
on.exit(options(warn = optValue))
# initialize iterator
it <- iterRows(obj$E, obj$weights,
sizeOfChunk = ceiling(nrow(obj) / BPPARAM$workers)
# iterate over batches
bpstopOnError(BPPARAM) <- FALSE
# BPPARAM$exportglobals <- FALSE
resList <- bpiterate(it, run_lmm_on_batch,
form = form,
data = data,
control = control,
na.action = stats::na.exclude,
fit.init = fit.init,
dreamCheck = dreamCheck,
varTol = varTol,
rescaleWeights = rescaleWeights,
fxn = fxn,
reduce.in.order = TRUE#,
# REDUCE = c
# when REDUCE is unspecified
succeeded = lapply(resList, function(x) x$succeeded),
errors = unlist(lapply(resList, function(x) x$errors)),
error.initial = NULL
# when REDUCE is c
# if( length(resList$succeeded) == 0){
# resList$succeeded[[1]] = NULL
# }
# resList$error.initial = NULL
# resList
filterInputData <- function(exprObj, formula, data, weights = NULL, useWeights = TRUE, isCounts = FALSE) {
# convert to data.frame, handle case where data is a tibble
# rn = rownames(data)
data <- as.data.frame(data)
# rownames(data) = rn
# make sure form is a formula
formula <- stats::as.formula(formula)
keep <- colnames(data) %in% all.vars(formula)
data <- droplevels(data[, keep, drop = FALSE])
# check that variables in the formula are all in the data
idx <- unique(all.vars(formula)) %in% colnames(data)
if (any(!idx)) {
txt <- paste(unique(all.vars(formula))[!idx], collapse = ", ")
stop("Variable in formula not found in data: ", txt)
# check dimensions of reponse and covariates
if (ncol(exprObj) != nrow(data)) {
stop("the number of samples in exprObj (i.e. cols) must be the same as in data (i.e rows)")
# check if variables in formula has NA's
hasNA <- hasMissingData(formula, data)
if (any(hasNA)) {
warning(paste("\nVariables contain NA's:", paste(names(hasNA[hasNA]), collapse = ", "), "\nSamples with missing data will be dropped.\n"), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
# drop samples with missing data in formula variables
idx <- sapply(all.vars(formula), function(v) {
idx <- unique(unlist(idx))
data <- droplevels(data[-idx, , drop = FALSE])
if( is(exprObj, "DGEList") ){
exprObj <- exprObj[, -idx]
exprObj <- exprObj[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
if( !is.null(weights) ){
if( is.matrix(weights) ){
weights <- weights[, -idx, drop = FALSE]
weights <- weights[-idx]
if (!isCounts) {
# convert exprObj to EList if not already
if (!is(exprObj, "EList")) {
W <- matrix(1, nrow(exprObj), ncol(exprObj))
exprObj <- new("EList", list(E = exprObj, weights = W))
if (!useWeights) {
exprObj$weights[] <- 1
# Ensure that exprObj$E is a matrix
if (is(exprObj, "EList") && !is.matrix(exprObj$E)) {
exprObj$E <- as.matrix(exprObj$E)
# If samples names in exprObj (i.e. columns) don't match those in data (i.e. rows)
if (!identical(colnames(exprObj), rownames(data))) {
warning("Sample names of responses (i.e. columns of exprObj) do not match\nsample names of metadata (i.e. rows of data). Recommend consistent\nnames so downstream results are labeled consistently.", immediate. = TRUE)
exprObj = exprObj,
formula = formula,
data = data,
weights = weights
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