
Defines functions run_model_check_mixed

# Check that lm/lmer model is valid
# Throw warning if
# 	1) Intercept is ommited
# 	2) Any coefficient is NA
# 	3) a categorical variable is modeled as a fixed effect
  signature = "fit",
  function(fit, dreamCheck = FALSE, ...) {

  "checkModelStatus", "lm",
  function(fit, dreamCheck = FALSE, ...) {
    # if no intercept is specified
    if (length(which(names(coef(fit)) == "(Intercept)")) == 0) {
      txt <- "No Intercept term was specified in the formula"

    # if any coefficient is NA
    if (any(is.na(coef(fit)))) {
      stop("The variables specified in this model are redundant,\nso the design matrix is not full rank")

    # Check condition number of covariance matrix
    condNum <- kappa(cov2cor(as.matrix(vcov(fit)))) # exact=TRUE

    if (condNum > 1e8) {
      stop(paste0("Condition number (", format(condNum, digits = 1), ") is very high.\nCovariates in the formula are so strongly correlated that the\nparameter estimates from this model are not meaningful.\nDropping one or more of the covariates will fix this problem"))

  "checkModelStatus", "lmerMod",
  function(fit, dreamCheck = FALSE, ...) {
    run_model_check_mixed(fit, dreamCheck)

  "checkModelStatus", "glmerMod",
  function(fit, dreamCheck = FALSE, ...) {
    run_model_check_mixed(fit, dreamCheck)

#' @importFrom aod negbin
  "checkModelStatus", "negbin",
  function(fit, dreamCheck = FALSE, ...) {
    # run_model_check( fit, showWarnings, dream, colinearityCutoff, immediate )

#' @importFrom lme4 isSingular
run_model_check_mixed <- function(fit, dreamCheck = FALSE) {
  # if no intercept is specified, give warning
  if (!dreamCheck && length(which(colnames(fit@pp$X) == "(Intercept)")) == 0) {
    txt <- "No Intercept term was specified in the formula."

  # if any coefficient is NA
  if (dreamCheck && any(is.na(coef(fit)))) {
    stop("The variables specified in this model are redundant,\nthe design matrix is not full rank")

  # Check condition number of covariance matrix
  condNum <- kappa(cov2cor(as.matrix(vcov(fit)))) # exact=TRUE

  if (condNum > 1e8) {
    stop(paste0("Condition number (", format(condNum, digits = 1), ") is very high.\nCovariates in the formula are so strongly correlated that the\nparameter estimates from this model are not meaningful.\nDropping one or more of the covariates will fix this problem"))

  # check that factors are random and continuous variables are fixed

  # remove backticks with gsub manually
  # solve issue that backticks are conserved is some but not all parts of lmer()

  # Simplified testing of random versus fixed effects
  # allows (A|B) only where A is continuous

  # variables fit by regression
  testVar <- attr(attr(fit@frame, "terms"), "term.labels")
  testVar <- gsub("`", "", testVar)

  # get type for each variable
  # keep only tested variables
  varType <- attr(attr(fit@frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")[-1]
  varType <- varType[testVar]

  # random effects
  randVar <- names(fit@flist)

  # fixed effects
  # starting with all variables, remove random variables
  fixedVar <- setdiff(testVar, randVar)

  for (i in 1:length(varType)) {
    # if factor is not random
    if (!dreamCheck && varType[i] %in% c("factor", "character") && (!names(varType)[i] %in% randVar)) {
      txt <- paste("Categorical variables modeled as fixed effect:", paste(names(varType)[i], collapse = ", "), "\n  Must model either _all_ or _no_ categorical variables as random effects here")

    # If numeric/double is not fixed
    if (!dreamCheck && varType[i] %in% c("numeric", "double") && (!names(varType)[i] %in% fixedVar)) {
      stop(paste("Continuous variable cannot be modeled as a random effect:", names(varType)[i]))

  # show convergance message, if model is not singular
  if (!is.null(fit@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) && !isSingular(fit)) {
GabrielHoffman/variancePartition documentation built on Jan. 6, 2025, 6:01 a.m.