
Defines functions dropRedundantTerms

Documented in dropRedundantTerms

#' Drop redundant terms from the model
#' Detect co-linear fixed effects and drop the last one
#' @param formula original formula
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param tol tolerance to test difference of correlation from 1 or -1
#' @return a formula, possibly with terms omitted.
#' @examples
#' # Valid formula
#' dropRedundantTerms(~ group + extra, sleep)
#' @importFrom stats terms update.formula reformulate as.formula cor
#' @importFrom lme4 nobars
#' @importFrom Matrix summary
#' @export
dropRedundantTerms <- function(formula, data, tol = 1e-3) {
  stopifnot(is(formula, "formula"))
  stopifnot(is(data, "data.frame"))

  # only retain columns used in the formula
  # Therefore, NA values in variable not used in the formula are ok
  data <- data[, colnames(data) %in% unique(all.vars(formula)), drop = FALSE]
  data <- droplevels(data)

  # throw error if variable is not in data
  checkFormula(formula, data)

  # get terms from formula
  trmf <- terms(formula)
  intercept <- attr(trmf, "intercept")
  fterms <- attr(trmf, "term.labels")

  # remove response
  form2 <- update.formula(formula, NULL ~ .)

  # create design matrix
  dsgn <- model.matrix(nobars(form2), data)

  # drop intercept
  idx <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(dsgn))
  if (!is.na(idx)) dsgn <- dsgn[, -idx, drop = FALSE]

  # identify redundant pairs of variables
  M <- as(cor(dsgn), "sparseMatrix")
  M[is.na(M)] <- 0
  M[lower.tri(M, diag = TRUE)] <- 0
  df <- summary(M)
  df <- df[1 - abs(df$x) < tol, , drop = FALSE]

  if (nrow(df) == 0) {

  excludeVar <- colnames(dsgn)[df$j]

  # find terms with bars, and add back parentheses
  i <- which(fterms %in% findbars(formula)[])
  fterms[i] <- paste0("(", fterms[i], ")")

  if (length(excludeVar) > 0) {
    # replace each exclude term with with intercept
    # gsub can overwrite other variables
    fterms_new <- fterms
    for (x in excludeVar) {
      # make sure string goes to end, or end followed by )
      fterms_new <- gsub(paste0(x, "$"), "1", fterms_new)
      fterms_new <- gsub(paste0(x, "\\)"), "1)", fterms_new)

    fterms_new <- unique(fterms_new)

    fterms_new <- fterms_new[fterms_new != ""]
    fterms_new <- fterms_new[fterms_new != "1"]
  } else {
    fterms_new <- fterms

  # remove V:1 or 1:V or | 1
  exclude <- grep(":1|1:|\\| 1", fterms_new)

  if (length(exclude) > 0) {
    fterms_new <- fterms_new[-exclude]

  # get response to add back
  response <- all.vars(update.formula(formula, . ~ NULL))
  if (attr(trmf, "response") == 0) response <- NULL

  # convert to formula
  if (length(fterms_new) > 0) {
    form_new <- reformulate(fterms_new, response = response)
  } else {
    form_new <- ~1

  # if no intercept in original formula, remove it here
  if (intercept == 0) {
    form_new <- update.formula(form_new, ~ . - 1)

  environment(form_new) <- environment(formula)
GabrielHoffman/dreamlet documentation built on Nov. 23, 2024, 12:28 a.m.