
Defines functions QcConfigFeatures.save_config QcConfigFeatures.parse QcConfigFeatures.files QcConfigFeatures.GRanges QcConfigFeatures.null QcConfigFeatures .process_assessment .process_overlaps .process_features .check_QcConfigFeatures

Documented in QcConfigFeatures QcConfigFeatures.files QcConfigFeatures.GRanges QcConfigFeatures.null QcConfigFeatures.parse QcConfigFeatures.save_config

.check_QcConfigFeatures = function(object){
  errors <- character()
  #is_null can't be invalid
  #check attributes are present
    msg = "'name' attribute must be present in meta_data"
    errors = c(errors, msg)
    msg = "'name_split' attribute must be present in meta_data"
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  #check attributes are valid
    msg = paste0("'name' values must be unique. Following have been duplicated: ", paste(unique(object$meta_data$name[duplicated(object$meta_data$name)]), collapse = ", "))
    errors = c(errors, msg)
    msg = paste0("'name_split' values must be unique. Following have been duplicated: ", paste(unique(object$meta_data$name_split[duplicated(object$meta_data$name_split)]), collapse = ", "))
    errors = c(errors, msg)
    msg = "'name' attribute must be a factor."
    errors = c(errors, msg)
    msg = "'name_split' attribute must be a factor."
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  #check to_run and reference
  if(!all(object@to_run %in% object@meta_data[[object@run_by]])){
    msg = paste0("Items in to_run are missing from '", object@run_by, "'. Missing:\n",
                 paste0(setdiff(object@to_run, object@meta_data[[object@run_by]]), collapse = "\n"))
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  if(!all(object@to_run_reference %in% object@meta_data[[object@run_by]])){
    msg = paste0("Items in to_run_reference are missing from '", object@run_by, "'. Missing:\n",
                 paste0(setdiff(object@to_run_reference, object@meta_data[[object@run_by]]), collapse = "\n"))
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  if(length(object@to_run) == 0){
    msg = "Length of to_run must be greater than 1 or nothing will be run."
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors

#' QcConfigFeatures
#' @slot feature_load_FUN function.
#' @slot n_peaks numeric.
#' @slot consensus_fraction numeric.
#' @slot consensus_n numeric.
#' @rdname QcConfigFeatures
#' @export
setClass("QcConfigFeatures", contains = "QcConfig",
         representation = list(
           feature_load_FUN = "function",
           n_peaks = "numeric",
           balance_groups = "logical",
           consensus_fraction = "numeric",
           consensus_n = "numeric",
           loaded_features = "list",
           overlap_gr = "list",
           overlap_extension = "numeric",
           assessment_gr = "list"
         validity = .check_QcConfigFeatures)

setMethod("initialize","QcConfigFeatures", function(.Object,...){
  .Object <- callNextMethod()
  .Object@loaded_features = list()
  .Object@overlap_gr = list()
  .Object@assessment_gr = list()

#' @export
setMethod("plot", "QcConfigFeatures", definition = function(x).plot_QcConfig(x))

setMethod("names", "QcConfigFeatures",
            c("loaded_features", "overlapped_features", "assessment_features", 
              "meta_data", "run_by", "to_run", "to_run_reference", "color_by", "color_mapping",
              "consensus_fraction", "consensus_n")

setMethod("$", "QcConfigFeatures",
          function(x, name)
            switch (name,
                    loaded_features = x@loaded_features,
                    overlapped_features = x@overlap_gr,
                    assessment_features = x@assessment_gr,
                    n_peaks = x@n_peaks,
                    consensus_fraction = x@consensus_fraction,
                    consensus_n = x@consensus_n,
                    meta_data = x@meta_data,
                    run_by = x@run_by,
                    to_run = x@to_run,
                    to_run_reference = x@to_run_reference,
                    color_by = x@color_by,
                    color_mapping = as.list(x@color_mapping)

setReplaceMethod("$", "QcConfigFeatures",
                 function(x, name, value)
                   warn_msg = "This assignment is not supported.  No effect."
                   switch (name,
                           loaded_features = warning(warn_msg),
                           overlapped_features = warning(warn_msg),
                           assessment_features = warning(warn_msg),
                           meta_data = {
                             value = .enforce_file_var(value)
                             value = .enforce_name_var(value)
                             value = .enforce_found_order(value)
                             x@meta_data = value
                           n_peaks = {
                             x@assessment_gr = list()
                             x@n_peaks = value
                           consensus_n = {
                             x@overlap_gr = list()
                             x@assessment_gr = list()
                             x@consensus_n = value
                           consensus_fraction = {
                             x@overlap_gr = list()
                             x@assessment_gr = list()
                             x@consensus_fraction = value
                           run_by = {
                             x@run_by = value
                             if(!all(x@to_run %in% x@meta_data[[x@run_by]])){
                               message("Updating to_run to all items in '", x@run_by, "'.")
                                 x@to_run = levels(x@meta_data[[x@run_by]])
                                 x@to_run = unique(x@meta_data[[x@run_by]])
                             if(!all(x@to_run_reference %in% x@meta_data[[x@run_by]])){
                               message("Clearing to_run_reference.")
                               x@to_run_reference = character()
                           to_run = {
                             x@to_run = value
                             if(any(x@to_run %in% x@to_run_reference)){
                               message("Removing to_run items from to_run_reference. Removed:\n",
                                       paste0(intersect(x@to_run_reference, x@to_run), collapse = "\n"))
                               x@to_run_reference = setdiff(x@to_run_reference, x@to_run)
                           to_run_reference = {
                             x@to_run_reference = value
                             if(any(x@to_run_reference %in% x@to_run)){
                               message("Removing to_run_reference items from to_run. Removed:\n",
                                       paste0(intersect(x@to_run_reference, x@to_run), collapse = "\n"))
                               x@to_run = setdiff(x@to_run, x@to_run_reference)
                           color_by = {
                             x@color_by = value
                             message("Applying option SQC_COLORS for updated color_mapping.")
                             x$color_mapping = getOption("SQC_COLORS")
                           color_mapping = {
                             value = unlist(value)
                             col_lev = unique(x@meta_data[[x@color_by]])
                               if(length(value) >= length(col_lev)){
                                 value = value[seq_along(col_lev)]
                                 stop("Insufficient colors supplied. Mapping requires at least ", length(col_lev), ".")
                               names(value) = col_lev
                               if(!all(names(value) %in% col_lev)){
                                 stop(paste(collapse = "\n",
                                            c("Missing name values from color mapping. Required:", 
                                              setdiff(col_lev, names(value)))))
                             x@color_mapping = value

.process_features = function(meta_dt, feature_load_FUN, 
                             bfc = new_cache(), 
                             force_overwrite = getOption("SQC_FORCE_CACHE_OVERWRITE", FALSE)){
  bfcif(bfc, digest_args(), force_overwrite = force_overwrite,  function(){
    loaded_features = feature_load_FUN(meta_dt$file)
    names(loaded_features) = as.character(meta_dt$name_split)
    if(length(loaded_features) == 0){
      stop("Somehow, no files were loaded. Report this issue at https://github.com/FrietzeLabUVM/ssvQC/issues")   

.process_overlaps = function(loaded_features, 
                             bfc = new_cache(), 
                             force_overwrite = getOption("SQC_FORCE_CACHE_OVERWRITE", FALSE)){
  bfcif(bfc, digest_args(), force_overwrite = force_overwrite, function(){
    overlap_gr = seqsetvis::ssvOverlapIntervalSets(loaded_features, ext = overlap_extension)
    overlap_gr = sort(overlap_gr)
    overlap_gr = seqsetvis::prepare_fetch_GRanges_names(overlap_gr)
    if(length(overlap_gr) == 0){
      stop("No regions in overlap. Check your input or report this issue at https://github.com/FrietzeLabUVM/ssvQC/issues")   

.process_assessment = function(feat_list, 
                               consensus_n, bfc = new_cache(), 
                               force_overwrite = getOption("SQC_FORCE_CACHE_OVERWRITE", FALSE)){
  bfcif(bfc, digest_args(), force_overwrite = force_overwrite, function(){
    f_consensus = floor(consensus_fraction * length(feat_list))
    n_consensus = min(length(feat_list), max(consensus_n, f_consensus))
    #olap_gr is a strict overlap, not consensus
    if(n_consensus == 1){
      asses_gr.full = olap_gr
      asses_gr.full = ssvConsensusIntervalSets(feat_list, min_number = consensus_n, min_fraction = consensus_fraction, ext = overlap_extension)
      #olap_gr should still limit assessment event when consensus is independently applied
      asses_gr.full = IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(asses_gr.full, olap_gr)
    if(n_peaks >= length(asses_gr.full)){
      assessment_gr = asses_gr.full
        assessment_gr = sort(sampleCap(asses_gr.full, n_peaks))
        df = as.data.frame(mcols(asses_gr.full))
        n_peaks.per = floor(n_peaks / ncol(df))
        sel_i = sort(unique(unlist(lapply(seq_len(ncol(df)), function(i){
          x = df[,i]
          sampleCap(which(x), n_peaks.per)
        assessment_gr = asses_gr.full[sel_i]
    if(length(assessment_gr) == 0){
      stop("No regions in assessment. Maybe loosen consensus requirements or report this issue at https://github.com/FrietzeLabUVM/ssvQC/issues")   

#' QcConfigFeatures
#' @param config_df data.frame defining configuration parameters. At a minimum,
#'   paths to valid files in either the first column or a column named "file".
#'   Additional columns defined by color_by and run_by parameters have a big
#'   impact on the configuration.
#' @param run_by character that defines the column of config_df that groups the features.  The default of "All" will simply group all features into a single comparison.
#' @param color_by character that defines the column of config_df that controls color mapping. The default of "file" will assign a unique color to every feature set.
#' @param color_mapping named character vector that maps values of color_by to valid R colors, i.e. "red" or "#FF0000". 
#' @param feature_load_FUN function that takes a vector of file paths and returns list of GRanges.
#' @param n_peaks Number of features to sample from full overlap of feature sets for use in fetching signal.
#' @param balance_groups If TRUE, will attempt to represent imbalanced groups more equally
#' @param consensus_fraction number [0,1] to adjust number of overlap required for consensus dynamically.
#' @param consensus_n number from 1 to number of feature sets to statically set threshold for consensus.
#' @param to_run group name to run
#' @param to_run_reference group name to included in all runs
#' @param overlap_extension bp to extends regions by before calculating overlaps
#' @param process_features if TRUE, features are loaded and overlapped to generate assement regions as part of creating QcConfigFeatures object
#' @param is_null if TRUE this object will be treated as NULL
#' @return QcConfigFeatures object
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigFeatures
#' @examples
#' feature_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_peak_config.csv")
#' config_df = .parse_config_body(feature_config_file)
#' config_df$file = file.path(system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata"), config_df$file)
#' feature_conf = QcConfigFeatures(config_df, process_features = TRUE)
QcConfigFeatures = function(config_df,
                            run_by = "All",
                            to_run = NULL,
                            to_run_reference = NULL,
                            color_by = "file",
                            color_mapping = NULL,
                            feature_load_FUN = NULL,
                            n_peaks = 1e3,
                            balance_groups = FALSE,
                            overlap_extension = 0,
                            consensus_fraction = getOption("SQC_CONSENSUS_FRACTION", 0),
                            consensus_n = getOption("SQC_CONSENSUS_N", 1),
                            process_features = getOption("SQC_PROCESS_FEATURES", TRUE),
                            is_null = FALSE){
  config_df = .enforce_file_var(config_df)
  config_df = .enforce_name_var(config_df)
  if(!run_by %in% colnames(config_df)){
    if(run_by == "All"){
      config_df[[run_by]] = run_by
      stop("run_by ", run_by, " was not in column names.")    
  if(!color_by %in% colnames(config_df)){
    stop("color_by ", color_by, " was not in column names.")
      color_names = names(color_mapping)
    }else if(is.factor(config_df[[color_by]])){
      color_names = levels(config_df[[color_by]])
      color_names = unique(config_df[[color_by]])
    stopifnot(length(color_names) == length(color_mapping))
    names(color_mapping) = color_names
      color_names = levels(config_df[[color_by]])
      color_names = unique(config_df[[color_by]])
    color_mapping = seqsetvis::safeBrew(length(color_names))
    names(color_mapping) = color_names
  stopifnot(config_df[[color_by]] %in% names(color_mapping))
    file_paths = config_df[["file"]]
    file_formats = guess_feature_file_format(file_paths)
    stopifnot(length(unique(file_formats)) == 1)
    feature_load_FUN = get_feature_file_load_function(file_paths[1])[[1]]
    to_run = as.character(unique(config_df[[run_by]]))
  stopifnot(all(to_run %in% config_df[[run_by]]))
    to_run_reference = character()
  stopifnot(all(to_run_reference %in% config_df[[run_by]]))
  obj = new("QcConfigFeatures",
            meta_data =  config_df,
            run_by = run_by,
            to_run = to_run,
            to_run_reference = to_run_reference,
            color_by = color_by,
            color_mapping = color_mapping,
            feature_load_FUN = feature_load_FUN,
            n_peaks = n_peaks,
            balance_groups = balance_groups,
            overlap_extension = overlap_extension,
            consensus_fraction = consensus_fraction,
            consensus_n = consensus_n,
            is_null = is_null)
    obj = .prepFeatures(obj)

#' QcConfigFeatures null placeholder
#' @return QcConfigFeatures object
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigFeatures
#' @examples
#' QcConfigFeatures.null()
QcConfigFeatures.null = function(){
  qc = suppressWarnings({QcConfigFeatures(data.frame(file = "null", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), process_features = FALSE, is_null = TRUE)})

#' QcConfigFeatures.GRanges
#' @param query_gr either a list of GRanges of a GRanges object.  GRanges object will be handled differently if its mcols are a membership table as generated by seqsetvis::sssvOverlapIntervalSets or seqsetvis::ssvConsensusIntervalSets.
#' @param n_peaks number of peaks to subset for 
#' @param run_separately If TRUE, each item is considered a separate group. Default is TRUE.
#' @param sample_names Unique names to use per GRanges in list or columns in membership table.  Do not set if single GRanges does not have memb table.
#' @param sample_names.split Unique names to use per GRanges in list or columns in membership table.  Do not set if single GRanges does not have memb table.
#' @param group_names vector of group names to assign from according to groups
#' @param group_colors vector of colors to use per group
#' @param balance_groups If TRUE, will attempt to represent imbalanced groups more equally
#' @param overlap_extension bp to extends regions by before calculating overlaps
#' @param consensus_n An integer number specifying the absloute minimum of input grs that must overlap for a site to be considered consensus.
#' @param consensus_fraction A numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the fraction of grs that must overlap to be considered consensus.
#' @param process_features if TRUE, features are loaded and overlapped to generate assement regions as part of creating QcConfigFeatures object
#' @return A QcConfigFeatures object based only on input query_gr.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' np_file = system.file("extdata/MCF10A_CTCF_random100.narrowPeak", package = "ssvQC")
#' query_gr = seqsetvis::easyLoad_narrowPeak(np_file)[[1]]
#' qc_feature.gr = QcConfigFeatures.GRanges(query_gr)
#' qc_feature.gr
QcConfigFeatures.GRanges = function(query_gr, 
                                    n_peaks = 2000,
                                    run_separately = TRUE,
                                    sample_names = NULL,
                                    sample_names.split = NULL,
                                    group_names = NULL,
                                    group_colors = NULL,
                                    balance_groups = FALSE,
                                    overlap_extension = 0,
                                    consensus_fraction = getOption("SQC_CONSENSUS_FRACTION", 0),
                                    consensus_n = getOption("SQC_CONSENSUS_N", 1),
                                    process_features = getOption("SQC_PROCESS_FEATURES", TRUE)){
  stopifnot(is(query_gr, "list") | is(query_gr, "GRanges"))
  #3 scenarios, list of GRanges to overlap, already overlapped GRanges with memb table in mcols, or single GRanges
  #list of GRanges
      sample_names = names(query_gr)
      group_names = rep("query", length(query_gr))
      group_colors = get_group_colors(group_names)
      names(group_colors) = group_names
    config_df = data.frame(file = as.character(seq_along(query_gr)), 
                           group = group_names, 
                           All = "All", 
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    #memb table  
  }else if(all(sapply(mcols(query_gr), is, class2 = "logical")) & ncol(mcols(query_gr)) > 0){
      sample_names = colnames(mcols(query_gr))
      group_names = rep("query", ncol(mcols(query_gr)))
      group_colors = get_group_colors(group_names)
      names(group_colors) = group_names
    config_df = data.frame(file = as.character(seq_len(ncol(mcols(query_gr)))), 
                           group = group_names, 
                           All = "All", 
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    #just a GRanges
      sample_names = "query"
      group_names = "query"
      group_colors = get_group_colors(group_names)
      names(group_colors) = group_names
    config_df = data.frame(file = "query", 
                           group = group_names, 
                           All = "All", 
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    config_df$name = basename(config_df$file)  
    config_df$name = sample_names
    config_df$name_split = gsub("[_\\. ]", "\n", config_df$name)
    config_df$name_split = sample_names.split
  config_df$name = factor(config_df$name, levels = unique(config_df$name))
  config_df$name_split = factor(config_df$name_split, levels = unique(config_df$name_split))
  run_by = ifelse(run_separately, "group", "All")
  obj = new("QcConfigFeatures",
            meta_data =  config_df,
            run_by = run_by,
            to_run = unique(config_df[[run_by]]),
            to_run_reference = character(),
            color_by = "group",
            color_mapping = group_colors,
            feature_load_FUN = function(...){stop("Peaks should be loaded already")},
            n_peaks = n_peaks,
            balance_groups = balance_groups,
            overlap_extension = overlap_extension,
            consensus_fraction = consensus_fraction,
            consensus_n = consensus_n,
            is_null = FALSE
  #3 scenarios, list of GRanges to overlap, already overlapped GRanges with memb table in mcols, or single GRanges
  #list of GRanges
    loaded = query_gr
    loaded = split(loaded, group_names)
    names(loaded) = paste0(names(loaded), "_features")
    obj@loaded_features = loaded
    #memb table  
  }else if(all(sapply(mcols(query_gr), is, class2 = "logical")) & ncol(mcols(query_gr)) > 0){
    loaded = lapply(seq_len(ncol(mcols(query_gr))), function(i){query_gr[mcols(query_gr)[,i]]})
    names(loaded) = colnames(mcols(query_gr))
    loaded = split(loaded, group_names)
    names(loaded) = paste0(names(loaded), "_features")
    obj@loaded_features = loaded
    obj@overlap_gr = list(query_features = query_gr)
    #just a GRanges
    loaded = list(list(query_gr))
    names(loaded) = paste0(group_names, "_features")
    names(loaded[[1]]) = sample_names
    overlapped = loaded 
    mcols(overlapped[[1]][[1]]) = NULL
    overlapped[[1]][[1]]$query = TRUE
    colnames(mcols(overlapped[[1]][[1]])) = sample_names
    overlapped = lapply(overlapped, function(x)x[[1]])
    obj@loaded_features = loaded
    obj@overlap_gr = overlapped
    obj = .prepFeatures(obj)

#' QcConfigFeatures for files
#' @param file_paths character paths to files
#' @param run_separately If TRUE, each item is considered a separate group. Default is TRUE.
#' @param groups numeric vector of group assignments. 1 is first item in group_names, 2 is second, etc. Default is seq_along(file_path)
#' @param group_names vector of group names to assign from according to groups
#' @param group_colors vector of colors to use per group
#' @param n_peaks number of peaks to subset for
#' @param balance_groups If TRUE, will attempt to represent imbalanced groups more equally
#' @param consensus_n An integer number specifying the absloute minimum of input grs that must overlap for a site to be considered consensus.
#' @param consensus_fraction A numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the fraction of grs that must overlap to be considered consensus.
#' @return a QcConfigFeatures object
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigFeatures
#' @examples
#' np_files = dir(system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata"), pattern = "Peak$", full.names = TRUE)
#' object = QcConfigFeatures.files(np_files, balance_groups = TRUE)
#' object = ssvQC.prepFeatures(object)
#' plot(object)
#' object = QcConfigFeatures.files(np_files, 
#'   group_names = c("10A", "AT1", "CA1"), 
#'   sample_names = c("MCF10A_CTCF", "MCF10AT1_CTCF", "MCF10CA1a_CTCF"))
#' object = ssvQC.prepFeatures(object)
#' plot(object)
QcConfigFeatures.files = function(file_paths,
                                  file_paths.input = character(),
                                  run_separately = TRUE,
                                  sample_names = NULL,
                                  sample_names.split = NULL,
                                  group_names = NULL,
                                  group_name.input = "input",
                                  group_colors = NULL,
                                  feature_load_FUN = NULL,
                                  n_peaks = 1e3,
                                  balance_groups = FALSE,
                                  overlap_extension = 0,
                                  consensus_fraction = getOption("SQC_CONSENSUS_FRACTION", 0),
                                  consensus_n = getOption("SQC_CONSENSUS_N", 1),
                                  process_features = getOption("SQC_PROCESS_FEATURES", TRUE)){
    group_names = paste(seq_along(file_paths), basename(file_paths))
    group_colors = get_group_colors(group_names)
    names(group_colors) = group_names
    feature_load_FUN = get_feature_file_load_function(file_paths[1])[[1]]
  config_df = data.frame(file = c(as.character(file_paths), file_paths.input), 
                         group = c(group_names, rep(group_name.input, length(file_paths.input))), 
                         All = "All", 
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    config_df$name = basename(config_df$file)  
    config_df$name = sample_names
    config_df$name_split = gsub("[_\\. ]", "\n", config_df$name)
    config_df$name_split = sample_names.split
  config_df$name = factor(config_df$name, levels = unique(config_df$name))
  config_df$name_split = factor(config_df$name_split, levels = unique(config_df$name_split))
  run_by = ifelse(run_separately, "group", "All")
  obj = new("QcConfigFeatures",
            meta_data =  config_df,
            run_by = run_by,
            to_run = unique(config_df[[run_by]]),
            to_run_reference = intersect(group_name.input, config_df$group),
            color_by = "group",
            color_mapping = group_colors,
            feature_load_FUN = feature_load_FUN,
            n_peaks = n_peaks,
            balance_groups = balance_groups,
            overlap_extension = overlap_extension,
            consensus_fraction = consensus_fraction,
            consensus_n = consensus_n,
            is_null = FALSE
    obj = .prepFeatures(obj)

#' QcConfigFeatures.parse
#' See the example feature config file system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_peak_config.csv").
#' Or create a config file using QcConfigFeatures.save_config after making one using a different method.
#' @param feature_config_file A valid feature config file.
#' @return A QcConfigFeatures object
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigFeatures
#' @examples
#' feature_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_peak_config.csv")
#' object = QcConfigFeatures.parse(feature_config_file)
#' plot(object)
QcConfigFeatures.parse = function(feature_config_file,
                                  process_features = getOption("SQC_PROCESS_FEATURES", TRUE)){
  peak_config_dt = .parse_config_body(feature_config_file)
  valid_feature_var = c("main_dir", "overlap_extension", "n_peaks", "balance_groups", "consensus_n", 
                        "consensus_fraction", "color_by", "color_mapping", "run_by", "to_run", "to_run_reference", "is_null")
  cfg_vals = .parse_config_header(feature_config_file, valid_feature_var)
    choose_file_path = function(main_dir, files){
      abs_path = files
      rel_path = file.path(main_dir, files)
      ifelse(file.exists(rel_path), rel_path, abs_path)
    peak_config_dt$file = choose_file_path(cfg_vals[["main_dir"]], peak_config_dt$file)
    cfg_vals[["main_dir"]] = NULL
    stop(paste(c("Files specified in config do not exist:", 
                 peak_config_dt$file[!file.exists(peak_config_dt$file)]), collapse = "\n  "))
  tfun = function(config_dt, 
                  main_dir = NULL, 
                  n_peaks = 1e3, 
                  balance_groups = FALSE,
                  overlap_extension = 0,
                  consensus_n = 1, consensus_fraction = 0, 
                  color_by = NULL, color_mapping = NULL, 
                  run_by = NULL, to_run = NULL, to_run_reference = NULL, is_null = FALSE){
    QcConfigFeatures(config_df = config_dt, 
                     run_by = run_by, 
                     to_run = to_run,
                     to_run_reference = to_run_reference,
                     color_by = color_by, 
                     color_mapping = color_mapping, 
                     n_peaks = n_peaks, 
                     balance_groups = balance_groups,
                     overlap_extension = overlap_extension,
                     consensus_fraction = consensus_fraction,
                     consensus_n = consensus_n,
                     process_features = process_features,
                     is_null = is_null)
  do.call(tfun, c(list(config_dt = peak_config_dt), cfg_vals))

#' @return Invisibly returns path to written config file.
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigFeatures
#' @examples
#' feature_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_peak_config.csv")
#' feature_config = QcConfigFeatures.parse(feature_config_file)
QcConfigFeatures.save_config = function(object, file){
  slots_to_save = c(
  kvp_slots = "color_mapping"
  # QcConfigFeatures.parse(file)
  .save_config(object, file, slots_to_save, kvp_slots)
FrietzeLabUVM/ssvQC documentation built on March 25, 2024, 12:24 a.m.