#' load_counts
#' @param psc peaksat_config object
#' @param min_signalValue
#' @return data.table of peak count vs read count.
#' @export
#' @examples
load_counts = function(psc, min_signalValue = 1, selection = NULL, load_partial = FALSE){
min_signalValue = min_signalValue,
type = "count",
selection = selection,
load_partial = load_partial)
#' load_widths
#' @param psc peaksat_config object
#' @param min_signalValue
#' @return data.table of peak count vs read count.
#' @export
#' @examples
load_widths = function(psc, min_signalValue = 1, selection = NULL){
min_signalValue = min_signalValue,
type = "width",
selection = selection)
#' load_novelty
#' @param psc peaksat_config object
#' @param min_signalValue
#' @return data.table of peak count vs read count.
#' @export
#' @examples
load_novelty = function(psc, min_signalValue = 1, selection = NULL){
min_signalValue = min_signalValue,
type = "novelty",
selection = selection)
#' load_peaks
#' @param psc peaksat_config object
#' @param min_signalValue
#' @return list of GRanges of peaks filtered by min_signalValue.
#' @export
#' @examples
load_peaks = function(psc, min_signalValue = 1, selection = NULL){
min_signalValue = min_signalValue,
type = "peaks",
selection = selection)
.general_load_info = function(psc, min_signalValue = 1, type = c("count", "width", "novelty", "peaks")[1], selection = NULL, load_partial = FALSE){
wds = dir(get_result_dir(psc), full.names = TRUE)
wds = wds[basename(wds) != "sub_logs"]
res_dir = get_result_dir(psc)
stat_str = sub("results_", "", basename(res_dir))
wds = file.path(res_dir, paste0("peak_saturation.", selection, "_", stat_str))
if(!all(dir.exists(wds))) stop("Invalid result directory in selection:\n", paste(wds[!all(dir.exists(wds))], collapse = "\n"))
.general_load_info.wd(wds, min_signalValue = min_signalValue, type = type, load_partial = load_partial)
#' .general_load_info.wd
#' @param wds directories to load count data from.
#' @return data.table of peak count vs read count.
#' @examples
.general_load_info.wd = function(wds, min_signalValue = 1, type = c("count", "width", "novelty", "peaks")[1], load_partial = FALSE){
wds = wds[basename(wds) != "sub_logs"]
keep = sapply(wds, function(wd){
read_count_files = dir(wd, pattern = "read_count$", full.names = TRUE)
np_files = dir(wd, pattern = "narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE)
if(length(read_count_files) == 0 || length(np_files) == 0){
if(length(read_count_files) != length(np_files)){
warning("Not all results appear to be complete.")
if(!any(keep)) stop ("No valid results found.")
peak_FUN = switch(type,
count = {
width = {
novelty = {
peaks = {
}, {
stop("Unrecognized type for peak_FUN: ", type)
if(type == "peaks"){
all_peaks = pbapply::pblapply(wds[keep], function(wd){
np_files = dir(wd, pattern = "narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE)
names(np_files) = sub("_peaks.narrowPeak", "", basename(np_files))
names(all_peaks) = sub(paste0("_", names(make_stat_arg(psc))), "", sub("^peak_saturation.", "", basename(wds[keep])))
#need to invert nested list, currently sample[sig_value], need sig_value[sample]
names(min_signalValue) = paste0("sigValue_", min_signalValue)
out_list = lapply(min_signalValue, function(min_sig){
lapply(all_peaks, function(sample_peaks){
lapply(sample_peaks, function(peak_gr){
subset(peak_gr, signalValue >= min_sig)
if(load_partial) keep = TRUE
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows" || getOption("mc.cores", 1) == 1) {
cnt_dtl = pbapply::pblapply(wds[keep], .assemble_peak_info, min_signalValue = min_signalValue, info_name = type, peak_FUN = peak_FUN)
} else {
cnt_dtl = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(wds[keep], .assemble_peak_info, min_signalValue = min_signalValue, info_name = type, peak_FUN = peak_FUN)
is_valid = !sapply(cnt_dtl, is, class2 = "try-error")
cnt_dt = data.table::rbindlist(cnt_dtl[is_valid])
.get_template = function(np_file){
suffix = "count"
odir = dirname(np_file)
ofile = file.path(odir, sub("_peaks.narrowPeak", paste0(".bam.peak_", suffix), basename(np_file)))
.get_ofile = function(np_file, min_sig, suffix = c("count", "width", "novelty")[1]){
odir = file.path(dirname(np_file), paste0("counts_signalValue_", min_sig))
dir.create(odir, showWarnings = FALSE)
ofile = file.path(odir, sub("_peaks.narrowPeak", paste0(".bam.peak_", suffix), basename(np_file)))
.assemble_peak_info = function(wd, min_signalValue = 1, info_name = c("count", "width", "novelty")[1], peak_FUN = .load_peak_counts){
read_count_files = dir(wd, pattern = "read_count$", full.names = TRUE)
np_files = dir(wd, pattern = "narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE)
names(read_count_files) = sub(".bam.+", "", basename(read_count_files))
names(np_files) = sub("_peaks.narrowPeak", "", basename(np_files))
cn = c("name", "seed", "fraction", "stat", "cutoff", "PE", "input")
.read_count_f = function(f){
dt = data.table::fread(f)
col.names = c("read_count", cn)
if(ncol(dt) != length(col.names)){
colnames(dt) = c("read_count", cn)
rc_dt = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(read_count_files, .read_count_f), idcol = "wd")
if(nrow(rc_dt) == 0){
if(info_name == "novelty"){
ofile = .get_ofile(np_files[1], min_sig = min_sig, suffix = "novelty")
pc_dt = fread(ofile)
pc_grs = lapply(np_files, peak_FUN, min_signalValue = min_signalValue)
temp_files = sapply(np_files, .get_template)
tmp_dt = rbindlist(lapply(temp_files, fread, col.names = c("V1", cn)))
tmp_dt$V1 = NULL
out_dt = copy(tmp_dt)
out_dt$peak_novelty = -1
peak_groups = lapply(seq_along(pc_grs[[1]]), function(i){
lapply(pc_grs, function(x){
names(peak_groups) = names(pc_grs[[1]])
for(nam in names(peak_groups)){
min_sig = as.numeric(nam)
grp = peak_groups[[nam]]
o = order(as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(names(grp), "\\."), function(x)x[2])))
grp = grp[o]
so_far = GRanges()
for(i in seq_along(grp)){
novel_peaks = subsetByOverlaps(grp[[i]], so_far, invert = TRUE)
n_peaks = length(novel_peaks)
out_dt$peak_novelty[i] = n_peaks
so_far = suppressWarnings({
reduce(c(so_far, grp[[i]]))
out_dt$signal_cutoff = min_sig
pc_dt = out_dt[, c("signal_cutoff", "peak_novelty", cn), with = FALSE]
fwrite(pc_dt, ofile, sep = " ")
pc_dt = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(np_files, peak_FUN, min_signalValue = min_signalValue), idcol = "wd")
cnt_dt = merge(rc_dt, pc_dt[, c("name", paste0("peak_", info_name), "signal_cutoff"), with = FALSE], by = "name")
data.table::set(cnt_dt, j = c("fraction", "rep"), value = data.table::tstrsplit(cnt_dt$name, "\\.", keep = 2:3))
cnt_dt$fraction = as.numeric(cnt_dt$fraction)/100
cnt_dt$sample = sub("peak_saturation.", "", basename(wd))
res_dir = basename(dirname(wd))
stat_suff = sub("results_", "", res_dir)
samp_names = sub("peak_saturation.", "", basename(wd))
clean_samp_names = sapply(seq_along(samp_names), function(i){
sub(paste0("_", stat_suff[i]), "", samp_names[i])
names(stat_suff) = samp_names
names(clean_samp_names) = samp_names
cnt_dt[, peak_stat := stat_suff[sample]]
cnt_dt[, sample := clean_samp_names[sample]]
cnt_dt[, c("stat_name", "stat_value") := tstrsplit(peak_stat, "_") ]
cnt_dt[, stat_value := as.numeric(stat_value)/10^nchar(stat_value)]
#loads a vector of peak_count_files
.load_peak_peaks = function(np_file, min_signalValue = 1){
message("Loading peak file: ", np_file)
if(!file.exists(np_file)) stop("couldn't find peak file: ", np_file)
.peak_gr = seqsetvis::easyLoad_narrowPeak(np_file)[[1]]
peak_grs = list()
for(i in seq_along(min_signalValue)){
min_sig = min_signalValue[i]
peak_grs[[i]] = subset(.peak_gr, signalValue >= min_sig)
#loads a vector of peak_count_files
.load_peak_counts = function(np_file, min_signalValue = 1){
cn = c("name", "seed", "fraction", "stat", "cutoff", "PE", "input")
count_files = sapply(min_signalValue, function(min_sig){
.get_ofile(np_file, min_sig, "count")
message("Loading peak file for counting: ", np_file)
if(!file.exists(np_file)) stop("couldn't find peak file: ", np_file)
.peak_gr = seqsetvis::easyLoad_narrowPeak(np_file)[[1]]
message("Using saved peak counts for: ", np_file)
count_res = list()
for(i in seq_along(min_signalValue)){
min_sig = min_signalValue[i]
ofile = .get_ofile(np_file, min_sig, "count")
dt = data.table::fread(ofile, col.names = c("peak_count", cn))
dt$signal_cutoff = min_sig
dt = dt[, c("signal_cutoff", "peak_count", cn), with = FALSE]
n_peaks = length(subset(.peak_gr, signalValue >= min_sig))
tmp_dt = fread(.get_template(np_file), col.names = c("peak_count", cn))
out_dt = copy(tmp_dt)
out_dt$peak_count = n_peaks
fwrite(out_dt, ofile, sep = " ")
out_dt$signal_cutoff = min_sig
dt = out_dt[, c("signal_cutoff", "peak_count", cn), with = FALSE]
count_res[[i]] = dt
out_dt = rbindlist(count_res)
#loads a vector of peak_width_files
.load_peak_widths = function(np_file, min_signalValue = 1){
cn = c("name", "seed", "fraction", "stat", "cutoff", "PE", "input")
width_files = sapply(min_signalValue, function(min_sig){
.get_ofile(np_file, min_sig, "width")
message("Loading peak file for totaling width: ", np_file)
if(!file.exists(np_file)) stop("couldn't find peak file: ", np_file)
.peak_gr = seqsetvis::easyLoad_narrowPeak(np_file)[[1]]
message("Using saved peak widths for: ", np_file)
width_res = list()
for(i in seq_along(min_signalValue)){
min_sig = min_signalValue[i]
ofile = .get_ofile(np_file, min_sig, "width")
dt = data.table::fread(ofile, col.names = c("peak_width", cn))
dt$signal_cutoff = min_sig
dt = dt[, c("signal_cutoff", "peak_width", cn), with = FALSE]
peak_width = sum(width(subset(.peak_gr, signalValue >= min_sig)))
tmp_dt = fread(.get_template(np_file), col.names = c("peak_width", cn))
out_dt = copy(tmp_dt)
out_dt$peak_width = peak_width
fwrite(out_dt, ofile, sep = " ")
out_dt$signal_cutoff = min_sig
dt = out_dt[, c("signal_cutoff", "peak_width", cn), with = FALSE]
width_res[[i]] = dt
out_dt = rbindlist(width_res)
.load_peak_novelty = function(np_file, min_signalValue = 1){
message("Loading peak file for novelty calculation: ", np_file)
if(!file.exists(np_file)) stop("couldn't find peak file: ", np_file)
.peak_gr = seqsetvis::easyLoad_narrowPeak(np_file)[[1]]
peak_grs = list()
for(i in seq_along(min_signalValue)){
min_sig = min_signalValue[i]
peak_grs[[as.character(min_sig)]] = subset(.peak_gr, signalValue >= min_sig)
#' show_available_results
#' @param psc
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
show_available_results = function(psc){
res = dir(get_result_dir(psc))
res = res[res != "sub_logs"]
res = sub("^peak_saturation.", "", res)
res = sub(sub("results", "", basename(get_result_dir(psc))), "", res)
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