# Iterative MLE
.iter_mle = function(x, y, meta_data, formula, theta = NULL,
tol, max_iter, verbose = FALSE) {
tax_id = rownames(y)
n_tax = nrow(y)
samp_id = colnames(y)
n_samp = ncol(y)
fix_eff = colnames(x)
n_fix_eff = length(fix_eff)
tformula = formula(paste0("y_crt ~ ", formula))
# Test for over-parameterization
lm_smoke = stats::lm(formula = tformula,
data = data.frame(y_crt = rnorm(n = n_samp), meta_data))
if (any(is.na(lm_smoke$coefficients))) {
stop_txt = sprintf(paste("Estimation failed for the following covariates:",
paste(names(which(is.na(lm_smoke$coefficients))), collapse = ", "),
"Please ensure that these covariates do not have missing values and check for multicollinearity before re-estimating the model",
sep = "\n"))
stop(stop_txt, call. = FALSE)
if (lm_smoke$df.residual == 0) {
stop_txt = sprintf(paste("No residual degrees of freedom! The model is over-parameterized",
"Please consider a more parsimonious model",
sep = "\n"))
stop(stop_txt, call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(theta)) {
# Sampling fractions
theta = rep(0, n_samp)
# ML fits
fits = lapply(seq_len(n_tax), function(i) {
df = data.frame(y_crt = unlist(y[i, ]) - theta, meta_data)
suppressWarnings(fit <- try(stats::lm(tformula, data = df),
silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) {fit = NA}
# Degree of freedom
dof = NULL
# Coefficients
empty_coef = rep(NA, n_fix_eff)
names(empty_coef) = fix_eff
beta = lapply(fits, function(i) {
beta_i = rep(0, length(fix_eff)) # prevent errors of missing values
coef_i = if (inherits(i, "lm")) {
} else {
beta_i[match(names(coef_i), fix_eff)] = coef_i
beta = do.call("rbind", beta)
# Iterative least square
iterNum = 0
epsilon = 100
empty_fitted = rep(NA, n_samp)
names(empty_fitted) = samp_id
while (epsilon > tol & iterNum < max_iter) {
# Updating beta
fits = lapply(seq_len(n_tax), function(i) {
df = data.frame(y_crt = unlist(y[i, ]) - theta, meta_data)
suppressWarnings(fit <- try(stats::lm(tformula, data = df),
silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) {fit = NA}
beta_new = lapply(fits, function(i) {
beta_i = rep(0, length(fix_eff)) # prevent errors of missing values
coef_i = if (inherits(i, "lm")) {
} else {
beta_i[match(names(coef_i), fix_eff)] = coef_i
beta_new = do.call("rbind", beta_new)
# Updating theta
y_crt_hat = lapply(fits, function(i) {
y_crt_hat_i = rep(0, n_samp)
fitted_i = if (inherits(i, "lm")) {
} else {
y_crt_hat_i[match(names(fitted_i), samp_id)] = fitted_i
y_crt_hat = do.call("rbind", y_crt_hat)
theta_new = colMeans(y - y_crt_hat, na.rm = TRUE)
# Iteration
epsilon = sqrt(sum((beta_new - beta)^2, na.rm = TRUE) +
sum((theta_new - theta)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
iterNum = iterNum + 1
beta = beta_new
theta = theta_new
if (verbose) {
txt = sprintf(paste0("ML iteration = ", iterNum,
", epsilon = ", signif(epsilon, 2)))
# Variance-covariance matrices
y_crt_hat = lapply(fits, function(i) {
y_crt_hat_i = rep(0, n_samp)
fitted_i = if (inherits(i, "lm")) {
} else {
y_crt_hat_i[match(names(fitted_i), samp_id)] = fitted_i
y_crt_hat = do.call("rbind", y_crt_hat)
eps = t(t(y - y_crt_hat) - theta)
XTX_inv = MASS::ginv(t(x[complete.cases(x), ]) %*% x[complete.cases(x), ])
vcov_hat = vector(mode = "list", length = n_tax)
var_hat = matrix(NA, nrow = n_tax, ncol = n_fix_eff)
for (i in seq_len(n_tax)) {
sigma2_xxT = matrix(0, ncol = n_fix_eff, nrow = n_fix_eff)
for (j in seq_len(n_samp)) {
sigma2_xxT_j = eps[i, j]^2 * x[j, ] %*% t(x[j, ])
sigma2_xxT_j[is.na(sigma2_xxT_j)] = 0.1
sigma2_xxT = sigma2_xxT + sigma2_xxT_j
vcov_hat[[i]] = XTX_inv %*% sigma2_xxT %*% XTX_inv
rownames(vcov_hat[[i]]) = fix_eff
colnames(vcov_hat[[i]]) = fix_eff
var_hat[i, ] = diag(vcov_hat[[i]])
} else {
# ML fits
fits = lapply(seq_len(n_tax), function(i) {
df = data.frame(y_crt = unlist(y[i, ]) - theta, meta_data)
suppressWarnings(fit <- try(stats::lm(tformula, data = df),
silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) {fit = NA}
# Degree of freedom
dof = vapply(fits, function(i) {
if (inherits(i, "lm")) {
} else {
}, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
dof = matrix(rep(dof, n_fix_eff), ncol = n_fix_eff, byrow = FALSE)
# Coefficients
empty_coef = rep(NA, n_fix_eff)
names(empty_coef) = fix_eff
beta = lapply(fits, function(i) {
beta_i = rep(0, length(fix_eff)) # prevent errors of missing values
coef_i = if (inherits(i, "lm")) {
} else {
beta_i[match(names(coef_i), fix_eff)] = coef_i
beta = do.call("rbind", beta)
# Variance-covariance matrices
empty_fitted = rep(NA, n_samp)
names(empty_fitted) = samp_id
y_crt_hat = lapply(fits, function(i) {
y_crt_hat_i = rep(0, n_samp)
fitted_i = if (inherits(i, "lm")) {
} else {
y_crt_hat_i[match(names(fitted_i), samp_id)] = fitted_i
y_crt_hat = do.call("rbind", y_crt_hat)
eps = t(t(y - y_crt_hat) - theta)
XTX_inv = MASS::ginv(t(x[complete.cases(x), ]) %*% x[complete.cases(x), ])
vcov_hat = vector(mode = "list", length = n_tax)
var_hat = matrix(NA, nrow = n_tax, ncol = n_fix_eff)
for (i in seq_len(n_tax)) {
sigma2_xxT = matrix(0, ncol = n_fix_eff, nrow = n_fix_eff)
for (j in seq_len(n_samp)) {
sigma2_xxT_j = eps[i, j]^2 * x[j, ] %*% t(x[j, ])
sigma2_xxT_j[is.na(sigma2_xxT_j)] = 0.1
sigma2_xxT = sigma2_xxT + sigma2_xxT_j
vcov_hat[[i]] = XTX_inv %*% sigma2_xxT %*% XTX_inv
rownames(vcov_hat[[i]]) = fix_eff
colnames(vcov_hat[[i]]) = fix_eff
var_hat[i, ] = diag(vcov_hat[[i]])
if (!is.null(dof)) {
colnames(dof) = fix_eff
rownames(dof) = tax_id
colnames(beta) = fix_eff
rownames(beta) = tax_id
names(theta) = samp_id
names(vcov_hat) = tax_id
colnames(var_hat) = fix_eff
rownames(var_hat) = tax_id
output = list(dof = dof, beta = beta, theta = theta,
vcov_hat = vcov_hat, var_hat = var_hat)
# Iterative REML
.iter_remle = function(x, y, meta_data, fix_formula, rand_formula,
lme_control = lme_control, theta = NULL,
tol, max_iter, verbose = FALSE) {
tax_id = rownames(y)
n_tax = nrow(y)
samp_id = colnames(y)
n_samp = ncol(y)
fix_eff = colnames(x)
n_fix_eff = length(fix_eff)
tformula = formula(paste0("y_crt ~ ", fix_formula, "+ ", rand_formula))
# Test for over-parameterization
lm_smoke = stats::lm(formula = formula(paste0("y ~ ", fix_formula)),
data = data.frame(y = rnorm(n = n_samp), meta_data))
if (any(is.na(lm_smoke$coefficients))) {
stop_txt = sprintf(paste("Estimation failed for the following covariates:",
paste(names(which(is.na(lm_smoke$coefficients))), collapse = ", "),
"Please ensure that these covariates do not have missing values and check for multicollinearity before re-estimating the model",
sep = "\n"))
stop(stop_txt, call. = FALSE)
if (lm_smoke$df.residual == 0) {
stop_txt = sprintf(paste("No residual degrees of freedom! The model is over-parameterized",
"Please consider a more parsimonious model",
sep = "\n"))
stop(stop_txt, call. = FALSE)
# Test for the fitting of linear mixed-effects model
# Try to run the lmerTest model
result <- lmerTest::lmer(formula = tformula,
data = data.frame(y_crt = y[1, ], meta_data),
control = lme_control)
error = function(e) {
# This block will be executed if there's an error in the above code
message <- sprintf(paste("Encountering the error for `lmerTest` package.",
"Please try to select one of your taxa and use its raw counts to fix the same linear mixed-effects model using `lmerTest` without the `ANCOMBC` package.",
"Load all necessary packages EXCEPT `ANCOMBC`, and see if the error arises due to package incompatibility or other issues.",
"The error message from `lmerTest` is as follows:",
e$message, sep = "\n"))
stop(message, call. = FALSE)
# Estimate sample-specific biases
if (is.null(theta)) {
# Initial values
theta = rep(0, n_samp)
# REML fits
fits = lapply(seq_len(n_tax), function(i) {
df = data.frame(y_crt = unlist(y[i, ]) - theta, meta_data)
fit = tryCatch(
lmerTest::lmer(tformula, data = df, control = lme_control)
error = function(e) {
# Degree of freedom
dof = NULL
# Coefficients
empty_coef = rep(NA, n_fix_eff)
names(empty_coef) = fix_eff
beta = lapply(fits, function(i) {
beta_i = rep(0, length(fix_eff)) # prevent errors of missing values
if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
summ_i = summary(i)
coef_i = summ_i$coefficients[, "Estimate"]
} else {
coef_i = empty_coef
beta_i[match(names(coef_i), fix_eff)] = coef_i
beta = do.call("rbind", beta)
# Iterative REML
iterNum = 0
epsilon = 100
empty_fitted = rep(NA, n_samp)
names(empty_fitted) = samp_id
while (epsilon > tol & iterNum < max_iter) {
# Updating beta
fits = lapply(seq_len(n_tax), function(i) {
df = data.frame(y_crt = unlist(y[i, ]) - theta, meta_data)
fit = tryCatch(
data = df,
control = lme_control)
error = function(e) {
beta_new = lapply(fits, function(i) {
beta_i = rep(0, length(fix_eff)) # prevent errors of missing values
if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
summ_i = summary(i)
coef_i = summ_i$coefficients[, "Estimate"]
} else {
coef_i = empty_coef
beta_i[match(names(coef_i), fix_eff)] = coef_i
beta_new = do.call("rbind", beta_new)
# Updating theta
y_crt_hat = lapply(fits, function(i) {
y_crt_hat_i = rep(0, n_samp)
fitted_i = if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
} else {
y_crt_hat_i[match(names(fitted_i), samp_id)] = fitted_i
y_crt_hat = do.call("rbind", y_crt_hat)
theta_new = colMeans(y - y_crt_hat, na.rm = TRUE)
# Iteration
epsilon = sqrt(sum((beta_new - beta)^2, na.rm = TRUE) +
sum((theta_new - theta)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
iterNum = iterNum + 1
beta = beta_new
theta = theta_new
if (verbose) {
txt = sprintf(paste0("REML iteration = ", iterNum,
", epsilon = ", signif(epsilon, 2)))
# Residuals
empty_resid = rep(NA, n_samp)
names(empty_resid) = samp_id
eps = lapply(fits, function(i) {
eps_i = rep(0, n_samp)
if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
summ_i = summary(i)
resid_i = summ_i$residuals
} else {
resid_i = empty_resid
eps_i[match(names(resid_i), samp_id)] = resid_i
eps = do.call("rbind", eps)
# Variance-covariance matrices
empty_vcov = matrix(NA, nrow = n_fix_eff, ncol = n_fix_eff)
colnames(empty_vcov) = fix_eff
rownames(empty_vcov) = fix_eff
vcov_hat = lapply(fits, function(i) {
Sigma_hat_i = diag(0.1, nrow = n_fix_eff)
colnames(Sigma_hat_i) = fix_eff
rownames(Sigma_hat_i) = fix_eff
if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
summ_i = summary(i)
vcov_hat_i = as.matrix(summ_i$vcov)
} else {
vcov_hat_i = empty_vcov
Sigma_hat_i[match(rownames(vcov_hat_i), fix_eff),
match(colnames(vcov_hat_i), fix_eff)] = vcov_hat_i
var_hat = lapply(vcov_hat, function(i) {
var_hat = do.call("rbind", var_hat)
} else {
# REML fits
fits = lapply(seq_len(n_tax), function(i) {
df = data.frame(y_crt = unlist(y[i, ]) - theta, meta_data)
fit = tryCatch(
lmerTest::lmer(tformula, data = df, control = lme_control)
error = function(e) {
# Degree of freedom
dof = lapply(fits, function(i) {
if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
summary(i)$coefficients[, "df"]
} else {
rep(999, n_fix_eff)
dof = do.call("rbind", dof)
# Coefficients
empty_coef = rep(NA, n_fix_eff)
names(empty_coef) = fix_eff
beta = lapply(fits, function(i) {
beta_i = rep(0, length(fix_eff)) # prevent errors of missing values
if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
summ_i = summary(i)
coef_i = summ_i$coefficients[, "Estimate"]
} else {
coef_i = empty_coef
beta_i[match(names(coef_i), fix_eff)] = coef_i
beta = do.call("rbind", beta)
# Residuals
empty_resid = rep(NA, n_samp)
names(empty_resid) = samp_id
eps = lapply(fits, function(i) {
eps_i = rep(0, n_samp)
if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
summ_i = summary(i)
resid_i = summ_i$residuals
} else {
resid_i = empty_resid
eps_i[match(names(resid_i), samp_id)] = resid_i
eps = do.call("rbind", eps)
# Variance-covariance matrices
empty_vcov = matrix(NA, nrow = n_fix_eff, ncol = n_fix_eff)
colnames(empty_vcov) = fix_eff
rownames(empty_vcov) = fix_eff
vcov_hat = lapply(fits, function(i) {
Sigma_hat_i = diag(0.1, nrow = n_fix_eff)
colnames(Sigma_hat_i) = fix_eff
rownames(Sigma_hat_i) = fix_eff
if (inherits(i, "lmerModLmerTest")) {
summ_i = summary(i)
vcov_hat_i = as.matrix(summ_i$vcov)
} else {
vcov_hat_i = empty_vcov
Sigma_hat_i[match(rownames(vcov_hat_i), fix_eff),
match(colnames(vcov_hat_i), fix_eff)] = vcov_hat_i
var_hat = lapply(vcov_hat, function(i) {
var_hat = do.call("rbind", var_hat)
if (!is.null(dof)) {
colnames(dof) = fix_eff
rownames(dof) = tax_id
colnames(beta) = fix_eff
rownames(beta) = tax_id
names(theta) = samp_id
names(vcov_hat) = tax_id
colnames(var_hat) = fix_eff
rownames(var_hat) = tax_id
rownames(eps) = tax_id
output = list(fits = fits, beta = beta, theta = theta, eps = eps,
dof = dof, vcov_hat = vcov_hat, var_hat = var_hat)
# E-M algorithm
.bias_em = function(beta, var_hat, tol, max_iter) {
nu0 = var_hat
neither_na = !(is.na(beta) | is.na(nu0))
beta = beta[neither_na]
nu0 = nu0[neither_na]
if (any(nu0 == 0)) {
stop_txt = sprintf(paste("Zero variances have been detected for the following taxa:",
paste(names(which(nu0 == 0)), collapse = ", "),
"Please remove these taxa or select a more parsimonious model",
sep = "\n"))
stop(stop_txt, call. = FALSE)
# Initials
pi0_0 = 0.75
pi1_0 = 0.125
pi2_0 = 0.125
delta_0 = mean(beta[beta >= quantile(beta, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)&
beta <= quantile(beta, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)],
na.rm = TRUE)
if(is.na(delta_0)) delta_0 = mean(beta, na.rm = TRUE)
l1_0 = mean(beta[beta < quantile(beta, 0.125, na.rm = TRUE)],
na.rm = TRUE)
if(is.na(l1_0)) l1_0 = min(beta, na.rm = TRUE)
l2_0 = mean(beta[beta > quantile(beta, 0.875, na.rm = TRUE)],
na.rm = TRUE)
if(is.na(l2_0)) l2_0 = max(beta, na.rm = TRUE)
kappa1_0 = var(beta[beta < quantile(beta, 0.125, na.rm = TRUE)],
na.rm = TRUE)
if(is.na(kappa1_0)|kappa1_0 == 0) kappa1_0 = 1
kappa2_0 = var(beta[beta > quantile(beta, 0.875, na.rm = TRUE)],
na.rm = TRUE)
if(is.na(kappa2_0)|kappa2_0 == 0) kappa2_0 = 1
# Apply E-M algorithm
# Store all paras in vectors/matrices
pi0_vec = pi0_0
pi1_vec = pi1_0
pi2_vec = pi2_0
delta_vec = delta_0
l1_vec = l1_0
l2_vec = l2_0
kappa1_vec = kappa1_0
kappa2_vec = kappa2_0
n_tax = length(beta)
# E-M iteration
iterNum = 0
epsilon = 100
while (epsilon > tol & iterNum < max_iter) {
# Current value of paras
pi0 = pi0_vec[length(pi0_vec)]
pi1 = pi1_vec[length(pi1_vec)]
pi2 = pi2_vec[length(pi2_vec)]
delta = delta_vec[length(delta_vec)]
l1 = l1_vec[length(l1_vec)]
l2 = l2_vec[length(l2_vec)]
kappa1 = kappa1_vec[length(kappa1_vec)]
kappa2 = kappa2_vec[length(kappa2_vec)]
# E-step
pdf0 = vapply(seq(n_tax), function(i)
dnorm(beta[i], delta, sqrt(nu0[i])),
FUN.VALUE = double(1))
pdf1 = vapply(seq(n_tax), function(i)
dnorm(beta[i], delta + l1, sqrt(nu0[i] + kappa1)),
FUN.VALUE = double(1))
pdf2 = vapply(seq(n_tax), function(i)
dnorm(beta[i], delta + l2, sqrt(nu0[i] + kappa2)),
FUN.VALUE = double(1))
r0i = pi0*pdf0/(pi0*pdf0 + pi1*pdf1 + pi2*pdf2)
r0i[is.na(r0i)] = 0
r1i = pi1*pdf1/(pi0*pdf0 + pi1*pdf1 + pi2*pdf2)
r1i[is.na(r1i)] = 0
r2i = pi2*pdf2/(pi0*pdf0 + pi1*pdf1 + pi2*pdf2)
r2i[is.na(r2i)] = 0
# M-step
pi0_new = mean(r0i, na.rm = TRUE)
pi1_new = mean(r1i, na.rm = TRUE)
pi2_new = mean(r2i, na.rm = TRUE)
delta_new = sum(r0i*beta/nu0 + r1i*(beta-l1)/(nu0+kappa1) +
r2i*(beta-l2)/(nu0+kappa2), na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(r0i/nu0 + r1i/(nu0+kappa1) + r2i/(nu0+kappa2), na.rm = TRUE)
l1_new = min(sum(r1i*(beta-delta)/(nu0+kappa1), na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(r1i/(nu0+kappa1), na.rm = TRUE), 0)
if (is.na(l1_new)) l1_new = 0
l2_new = max(sum(r2i*(beta-delta)/(nu0+kappa2), na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(r2i/(nu0+kappa2), na.rm = TRUE), 0)
if (is.na(l2_new)) l2_new = 0
# Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm for kappa1 and kappa2
obj_kappa1 = function(x){
log_pdf = log(vapply(seq(n_tax), function(i)
dnorm(beta[i], delta+l1, sqrt(nu0[i]+x)),
FUN.VALUE = double(1)))
log_pdf[is.infinite(log_pdf)] = 0
-sum(r1i*log_pdf, na.rm = TRUE)
kappa1_new = nloptr::neldermead(x0 = kappa1,
fn = obj_kappa1, lower = 0)$par
obj_kappa2 = function(x){
log_pdf = log(vapply(seq(n_tax), function(i)
dnorm(beta[i], delta+l2, sqrt(nu0[i]+x)),
FUN.VALUE = double(1)))
log_pdf[is.infinite(log_pdf)] = 0
-sum(r2i*log_pdf, na.rm = TRUE)
kappa2_new = nloptr::neldermead(x0 = kappa2,
fn = obj_kappa2, lower = 0)$par
# Merge to the paras vectors/matrices
pi0_vec = c(pi0_vec, pi0_new)
pi1_vec = c(pi1_vec, pi1_new)
pi2_vec = c(pi2_vec, pi2_new)
delta_vec = c(delta_vec, delta_new)
l1_vec = c(l1_vec, l1_new)
l2_vec = c(l2_vec, l2_new)
kappa1_vec = c(kappa1_vec, kappa1_new)
kappa2_vec = c(kappa2_vec, kappa2_new)
# Calculate the new epsilon
epsilon = sqrt((pi0_new-pi0)^2 + (pi1_new-pi1)^2 + (pi2_new-pi2)^2 +
(delta_new-delta)^2 + (l1_new-l1)^2 + (l2_new-l2)^2 +
(kappa1_new-kappa1)^2 + (kappa2_new-kappa2)^2)
iterNum = iterNum + 1
# The EM estimator of bias
delta_em = delta_new
# The WLS estimator of bias
pi1 = pi1_new
pi2 = pi2_new
l1 = l1_new
l2 = l2_new
kappa1 = kappa1_new
kappa2 = kappa2_new
# Cluster 0
C0 = which(beta >= quantile(beta, pi1, na.rm = TRUE) &
beta < quantile(beta, 1 - pi2, na.rm = TRUE))
# Cluster 1
C1 = which(beta < quantile(beta, pi1, na.rm = TRUE))
# Cluster 2
C2 = which(beta >= quantile(beta, 1 - pi2, na.rm = TRUE))
# Numerator of the WLS estimator
nu = nu0
nu[C1] = nu[C1] + kappa1
nu[C2] = nu[C2] + kappa2
wls_deno = sum(1 / nu)
# Denominator of the WLS estimator
wls_nume = 1 / nu
wls_nume[C0] = (wls_nume * beta)[C0]
wls_nume[C1] = (wls_nume * (beta - l1))[C1]
wls_nume[C2] = (wls_nume * (beta - l2))[C2]
wls_nume = sum(wls_nume)
delta_wls = wls_nume / wls_deno
# Estimate the variance of bias
var_delta = 1 / wls_deno
if (is.na(var_delta)) var_delta = 0
output = c(delta_em = delta_em,
delta_wls = delta_wls,
var_delta = var_delta)
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