#' Creates the default patternList scatterHatch will use
#' @param patternList Aesthetics to be passed for each pattern
#' @param nGroups Number of groups
#' @param pointSize Point size for the scatterplot
#' @param pointAlpha Transparency of points
#' @noRd
defaultPatternList <- function(patternList, nGroups){
## default aesthetics
patterns <- c("-","|","/","\\", "x", "+", "")
## creating pattern list if none given
if (is.null(patternList)){
patterns <- rep(patterns, ceiling(nGroups/length(patterns)))
## initializing patternList
patternList <- vector(mode="list", length=nGroups)
patternList <- lapply(seq(nGroups), function(i){
patternList[[i]] = list(pattern=patterns[i])})
## checks if patternList length is ok
if (length(patternList) < nGroups){
stop("The length of patternList must be greater than or equal to the number of groups present.")
#' Creates the default colorPalette scatterHatch will use
#' @param colorPalette Color Palette
#' @param patternList Aesthetics of each pattern
#' @param nGroups Number of groups
#' @noRd
defaultColorPalette <- function(colorPalette, patternList, nGroups){
if (is.null(colorPalette)){
## Color-Blind friendly colors from dittoSeq package
dittoColors <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2",
"#D55E00", "#CC79A7", "#666666", "#AD7700", "#1C91D4",
"#007756", "#D5C711", "#005685", "#A04700", "#B14380",
"#4D4D4D", "#FFBE2D", "#80C7EF", "#00F6B3", "#F4EB71",
"#06A5FF", "#FF8320", "#D99BBD", "#8C8C8C", "#FFCB57",
"#9AD2F2", "#2CFFC6", "#F6EF8E", "#38B7FF", "#FF9B4D",
"#E0AFCA", "#A3A3A3", "#8A5F00", "#1674A9", "#005F45",
"#AA9F0D", "#00446B", "#803800", "#8D3666", "#3D3D3D")
colorPalette <- rep(dittoColors, times=ceiling(nGroups/40))[seq(nGroups)]
## finds number of unique patterns
nOfPatterns <- length(unique(vapply(patternList, function(i){i[[1]]}, character(1))))
## if not enough color/pattern combinations
if (length(unique(colorPalette)) * nOfPatterns < nGroups){
stop("Not enough unique combinations of patterns and columns for each group.")
if (length(unique(colorPalette)) < nGroups){
warning("Same point colors will be repeated with different hatching patterns!")
#' Creates the base scatter plot for scatterHatch (without patterns)
#' @param data Dataframe
#' @param x x-coordinates of points
#' @param y y-coordinates of points
#' @param factor factor variable of points
#' @param colorPalette Colors of each group
#' @param pointSize ggplot point size
#' @param pointAlpha Transparency of points in the scatterplot
#' @noRd
basePlot <- function(data, x, y, factor, colorPalette,
pointSize, pointAlpha){
## creating the master plot
plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=data, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y))
xRange <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(plt)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.range
yRange <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(plt)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range
plt <- plt + ggplot2::lims(x=xRange, y=yRange)
## plot points for all the groups
plt <- plt + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color=factor),
alpha=pointAlpha, size=pointSize,
stroke=0, show.legend=FALSE) +
return(list(plt, xRange, yRange))
#' Adds default aesthetics in a pattern if missing
#' @param patternAes List specifying pattern aesthetics
#' @param pointSize ggplot point size
#' @param pointAlpha Transparency of each point
#' @noRd
addPatternAesDefaults <- function(patternAes, pointSize, pointAlpha){
if (length(patternAes) == 0){ stop("No given aesthetics!")}
if (is.null(patternAes$pattern)){
stop("Specify pattern in patternList argument!")
pattern <- patternAes$pattern
## ensures pattern line rotation is what's expected by user
if (!is.null(patternAes$angle)){
patternAes$angle <- -patternAes$angle
## what angle each pattern translates to
if (is.null(patternAes$angle)){
if (pattern %in% c("horizontal", "-", "vertical", "|")){
if (pattern %in% c("horizontal", "-")) patternAes$angle <- 0
if (pattern %in% c("vertical", "|")) patternAes$angle <- -90
if (pattern %in% c("positiveDiagonal", "/")) patternAes$angle<- 135
if (pattern %in% c("negativeDiagonal", "\\")) patternAes$angle<- 45
if (pattern %in% c("cross", "x")) patternAes$angle <- c(-45, -135)
if (pattern %in% c("checkers", "+")) patternAes$angle <- c(0, -90)
## default density if not given
if (is.null(patternAes$density)) patternAes$density <- 1
if (patternAes$density<0.1) {patternAes$density <- .1;
warning("Pattern density cannot be too small. Using 0.1 instead. Please check figure for aesthetics.")}
## default aesthetics
if (is.null(patternAes$lineType)){ patternAes$lineType <- "solid"}
if (is.null(patternAes$lineColor)){ patternAes$lineColor <- "black"}
if (is.null(patternAes$lineAlpha)){ patternAes$lineAlpha <- 1}
if (is.null(patternAes$lineWidth)){
patternAes$lineWidth <- ifelse(pointSize < 0.5,
patternAes$pointAlpha = pointAlpha
#' Adds pattern legend icon information
#' @param legendIcons Aesthetics of each pattern to build legend icon
#' @param patternAes List specifying pattern aesthetics
#' @param pointColor Color of points in group
#' @noRd
addLegendIconInfo <- function(legendIcons, patternAes, pointColor){
legendIcons[[length(legendIcons) + 1]] <-
list(pointColor, patternAes$lineColor, patternAes$lineType,
patternAes$pattern, patternAes$lineWidth,
patternAes$lineAlpha, patternAes$angle)
#' Adds in line segments for a pattern
#' @param plot ggplot plot object scatterHatch is building
#' @param xGroup x-coordinates of the group
#' @param yGroup y-coordinates of the group
#' @param xRange x-range of plot
#' @param yRange y-range of plot
#' @param gridSize width of pattern grid
#' @param patternAes Aesthetics of a pattern
#' @param pointSize Size of points in scatterHatch
#' @param sparsePoints Logical Vector of sparse points in group
#' @noRd
addSegments <- function(plt, xGroup, yGroup, xRange, yRange, gridSize,
patternAes, pointSize, sparsePoints){
xEnd <- xStart <- yEnd <- yStart <- NULL
for (a in patternAes$angle){
## setting group specific gridSize
groupGridSize <- gridSize/patternAes$density
## rotating group coordinates
rotatedCoords <- rotateCoords(xGroup, yGroup, angle=a)
rotatedCoordsRange <- rotateCoords(c(xRange[1], xRange[1], xRange[2],
xRange[2]), c(yRange[1], yRange[2],
yRange[1], yRange[2]), a)
rotatedxRange <- range(rotatedCoordsRange$x)
rotatedyRange <- range(rotatedCoordsRange$y)
rotatedgridOutput <- countGridPoints(rotatedCoords$x, rotatedCoords$y, gridSize=groupGridSize)
## getting individual line segments
groupLineCoords <- drawHorizontal(rotatedgridOutput, gridSize=groupGridSize,
pointSize, xRange,
yRange, sparsePoints) # use xRange/yRange instead when passing it in!
## adjusting lines based on sizes of a point
adjX <- convertSizeToCartesian(pointSize, xRange, 'x')
adjY <- convertSizeToCartesian(pointSize, yRange, 'y')
## rotation matrix
R <- matrix(c(cos(a/180 * pi),sin(a/180 * pi),
-sin(a/180 * pi),cos(a/180 * pi)), 2, 2)
## rotating adjustment based on angle
rotatedAdjX <- sqrt(diag(
R %*% diag(c(adjX, adjY), 2, 2)^2 %*% t(R)))[1]
if (a == 0){ rotatedAdjX <- adjX}
## converting back to regular coordinates
rotatedStartPoints <- rotateCoords(groupLineCoords$xStart - rotatedAdjX,
groupLineCoords$yStart, -a)
rotatedEndPoints <- rotateCoords(groupLineCoords$xEnd + rotatedAdjX,
groupLineCoords$yEnd, -a)
## adding line segments to plot
groupLineCoords$xStart <- rotatedStartPoints$x
groupLineCoords$yStart <- rotatedStartPoints$y
groupLineCoords$xEnd <- rotatedEndPoints$x
groupLineCoords$yEnd <- rotatedEndPoints$y
plt <- plt + ggplot2::geom_segment(data=groupLineCoords,
ggplot2::aes(x=xStart, y=yStart,
xend=xEnd, yend=yEnd),
#' Adds legend for scatterHatch
#' @param plot ggplot plot object scatterHatch is building
#' @param legendDF Dataframe to build legend
#' @param legendIcons Aesthetics to build legend icons for each group
#' @param factor Factor variable
#' @param legendTitle Title of legend
#' @noRd
addLegend <- function(plot, legendDF, legendIcons, factor, legendTitle){
ids <- x <- y <- NULL
legendDF$legendIcons <- legendIcons
## Adding in the factor names and pattern info to legend
scale_image <- function(..., guide="legend"){
## renders custom legend
plot <- plot + geom_imagePoint(data=legendDF, ggplot2::aes(
x=as.numeric(x), y=as.numeric(y), ids=as.character(ids))) +
## renaming legend title
plot$labels$ids <- legendTitle
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