#' Perform mediation analysis
#' \code{getMediation} and \code{addMediation} provide a wrapper of
#' \code{\link[mediation:mediate]{mediate}} for
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @param x a
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @param outcome \code{Character scalar}. Indicates the colData variable used
#' as outcome in the model.
#' @param treatment \code{Character scalar}. Indicates the colData variable
#' used as treatment in the model.
#' @param mediator \code{Character scalar}. Indicates the colData variable used
#' as mediator in the model. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param assay.type \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the assay used for
#' feature-wise mediation analysis. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param dimred \code{Character scalar}. Indicates the reduced dimension
#' result in \code{reducedDims(object)} for component-wise mediation analysis.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param family \code{Character scalar}. A specification for the outcome model
#' link function. (Default: \code{gaussian("identity")})
#' @param covariates \code{Character scalar} or \code{character vector}.
#' Indicates the colData variables used as covariates in the model.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param p.adj.method \code{Character scalar}. Selects adjustment method
#' of p-values. Passed to `p.adjust` function.
#' (Default: \code{"holm"})
#' @param add.metadata \code{Logical scalar}. Should the model metadata be
#' returned. (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param verbose \code{Logical scalar}. Should execution messages be printed.
#' (Default: \code{TRUE})
#' @param name \code{Character scalar}. A name for the column of the
#' \code{colData} where results will be stored. (Default: \code{"mediation"})
#' @param ... additional parameters that can be passed to
#' \code{\link[mediation:mediate]{mediate}}.
#' @details
#' This wrapper of \code{\link[mediation:mediate]{mediate}} for
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' provides a simple method to analyse the effect of a treatment variable on an
#' outcome variable found in \code{colData(se)} through the mediation of either
#' another variable in colData (argument \code{mediator}) or an assay
#' (argument \code{assay.type}) or a reducedDim (argument \code{dimred}).
#' Importantly, those three arguments are mutually exclusive.
#' @return
#' \code{getMediation} returns a \code{data.frame} of adjusted p-values and
#' effect sizes for the ACMEs and ADEs of every mediator given as input, whereas
#' \code{addMediation} returns an updated
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' instance with the same \code{data.frame} stored in the metadata as
#' "mediation". Its columns include:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Mediator}{the mediator variable}
#' \item{ACME_estimate}{the Average Causal Mediation Effect (ACME) estimate}
#' \item{ADE_estimate}{the Average Direct Effect (ADE) estimate}
#' \item{ACME_pval}{the adjusted p-value for the ACME estimate}
#' \item{ADE_pval}{the adjusted p-value for the ADE estimate}
#' }
#' @name getMediation
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Import libraries
#' library(mia)
#' library(scater)
#' # Load dataset
#' data(hitchip1006, package = "miaTime")
#' tse <- hitchip1006
#' # Agglomerate features by family (merely to speed up execution)
#' tse <- agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Phylum")
#' # Convert BMI variable to numeric
#' tse$bmi_group <- as.numeric(tse$bmi_group)
#' # Analyse mediated effect of nationality on BMI via alpha diversity
#' # 100 permutations were done to speed up execution, but ~1000 are recommended
#' med_df <- getMediation(tse,
#' outcome = "bmi_group",
#' treatment = "nationality",
#' mediator = "diversity",
#' covariates = c("sex", "age"),
#' treat.value = "Scandinavia",
#' control.value = "CentralEurope",
#' boot = TRUE, sims = 100,
#' add.metadata = TRUE)
#' # Visualise model statistics for 1st mediator
#' plot(attr(med_df, "metadata")[[1]])
#' # Apply clr transformation to counts assay
#' tse <- transformAssay(tse,
#' method = "clr",
#' pseudocount = 1)
#' # Analyse mediated effect of nationality on BMI via clr-transformed features
#' # 100 permutations were done to speed up execution, but ~1000 are recommended
#' tse <- addMediation(tse, name = "assay_mediation",
#' outcome = "bmi_group",
#' treatment = "nationality",
#' assay.type = "clr",
#' covariates = c("sex", "age"),
#' treat.value = "Scandinavia",
#' control.value = "CentralEurope",
#' boot = TRUE, sims = 100,
#' p.adj.method = "fdr")
#' # Show results for first 5 mediators
#' head(metadata(tse)$assay_mediation, 5)
#' # Perform ordination
#' tse <- runMDS(tse, name = "MDS",
#' method = "euclidean",
#' assay.type = "clr",
#' ncomponents = 3)
#' # Analyse mediated effect of nationality on BMI via NMDS components
#' # 100 permutations were done to speed up execution, but ~1000 are recommended
#' tse <- addMediation(tse, name = "reddim_mediation",
#' outcome = "bmi_group",
#' treatment = "nationality",
#' dimred = "MDS",
#' covariates = c("sex", "age"),
#' treat.value = "Scandinavia",
#' control.value = "CentralEurope",
#' boot = TRUE, sims = 100,
#' p.adj.method = "fdr")
#' # Show results for first 5 mediators
#' head(metadata(tse)$reddim_mediation, 5)
#' }
#' @rdname getMediation
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats gaussian
setMethod("addMediation", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, outcome, treatment, name = "mediation",
mediator = NULL, assay.type = NULL, dimred = NULL,
family = gaussian(), covariates = NULL, p.adj.method = "holm",
add.metadata = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
med_df <- getMediation(
x, outcome, treatment,
mediator, assay.type, dimred,
family, covariates, p.adj.method,
add.metadata, verbose, ...
x <- .add_values_to_metadata(x, name, med_df)
#' @rdname getMediation
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats gaussian
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim reducedDimNames
setMethod("getMediation", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, outcome, treatment,
mediator = NULL, assay.type = NULL, dimred = NULL,
family = gaussian(), covariates = NULL, p.adj.method = "holm",
add.metadata = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
###################### Input check ########################
if( !outcome %in% names(colData(x)) ){
stop(outcome, " not found in colData(x).", call. = FALSE)
if( !treatment %in% names(colData(x)) ){
stop(treatment, " not found in colData(x).", call. = FALSE)
if( !is.null(covariates) && !all(covariates %in% names(colData(x))) ){
stop("covariates not found in colData(x).", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_a_bool(add.metadata) ){
stop("add.metadata must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_a_bool(verbose) ){
stop("verbose must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
# Check that arguments can be passed to mediate and filter samples
x <- .check.mediate.args(
x, outcome, treatment, mediator, covariates, verbose, ...
# Check which mediator was provided (colData, assay or reducedDim)
med_opts <- unlist(lapply(
list(mediator = mediator, assay.type = assay.type, dimred = dimred),
function(x) !is.null(x)
if( sum(med_opts) != 1 ){
# Throw error if none or multiple mediation options are specified
"The arguments mediator, assay.type and dimred are mutually ",
"exclusive, but ", sum(med_opts), " were provided.",
call. = FALSE
if ( med_opts[[1]] ){
# Check that mediator is in colData
if( !mediator %in% names(colData(x)) ) {
stop(mediator, " not found in colData(x).", call. = FALSE)
# Use mediator for analysis
mediators <- mediator
mat <- NULL
} else if( med_opts[[2]] ){
# Check that assay is in assays
.check_assay_present(assay.type, x)
# Define matrix for analysis
mat <- assay(x, assay.type)
# Use assay for analysis
mediators <- rownames(mat)
} else if( med_opts[[3]] ){
# Check that reducedDim is in reducedDims
if(!dimred %in% reducedDimNames(x)){
stop(dimred, " not found in reducedDims(x).", call. = FALSE)
# Define matrix for analysis
mat <- t(reducedDim(x, dimred))
# Give component names to matrix rows
rownames(mat) <- paste0(dimred, seq(1, nrow(mat)))
# Use reducedDim for analysis
mediators <- rownames(mat)
# Create template list of results
results <- list(
Mediator = c(), ACME_estimate = c(), ADE_estimate = c(),
ACME_pval = c(), ADE_pval = c(), Model = list()
# Set initial index
i <- 0
for( mediator in mediators ){
# Update index
i <- i + 1
if( verbose ){
message("\rMediator ", i, " out of ",
length(mediators), ": ", mediator
# Run mediation analysis for current mediator
med_out <- .run_mediate(
x, outcome, treatment, mediator,
family = family, mat = mat,
covariates = covariates, ...
# Update list of results
results <- .update.results(results, med_out, mediator)
# Combine results into dataframe
med_df <- .make.output(results, p.adj.method, add.metadata)
# Check that arguments can be passed to mediate and remove unused samples
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
.check.mediate.args <- function(
x, outcome, treatment, mediator, covariates, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
# Create dataframe from selected columns of colData
df <- as.data.frame(colData(x)[ , names(colData(x)) %in% c(
outcome, treatment, mediator, covariates)])
# Store kwargs into variable
kwargs <- list(...)
# Remove missing data from df
df <- na.omit(df)
diff <- ncol(x) - nrow(df)
if( diff != 0 ){
# Remove missing data from se
x <- x[ , rownames(df)]
if( verbose ){
message(diff, " samples removed because of missing data.")
# If boot is TRUE and treatment variable is discrete and has 3+ levels
if( !is.null(kwargs[["boot"]]) && !is.numeric(df[[treatment]]) &&
length(unique((df[[treatment]]))) > 2 ) {
## if control and treat value are not specified
if( any(vapply(kwargs[c("control.value", "treat.value")],
is.null, logical(1))) ){
"Too many treatment levels. Consider specifing a treat.value ",
"and a control.value", call. = FALSE
## but if they are specified
# if they appear in the treatment variable
if( !all(kwargs[c("control.value", "treat.value")] %in%
unique(df[[treatment]])) ){
"treat.value and/or control.value not found in the levels of ",
"the treatment variable.", call. = FALSE
# Find indices of samples that belong to either control or treatment
keep <- df[[treatment]] %in% kwargs[c("control.value", "treat.value")]
# Remove samples different from control and treatment from df
df <- df[keep, ]
diff <- ncol(x) - nrow(df)
# Remove samples different from control and treatment from se
x <- x[ , rownames(df)]
if( verbose ){
diff, " samples removed because different ",
"from control and treatment."
# Run mediation analysis
#' @importFrom mediation mediate
#' @importFrom stats lm formula glm
.run_mediate <- function(x, outcome, treatment, mediator = NULL, mat = NULL,
family = gaussian(), covariates = NULL, ...) {
# Create initial dataframe with outcome and treatment variables
df <- data.frame(
Outcome = colData(x)[[outcome]], Treatment = colData(x)[[treatment]])
if( is.null(mat) ){
# If matrix not given, fetch mediator from colData
df[["Mediator"]] <- colData(x)[[mediator]]
} else {
# If matrix given, use it as mediators
df[["Mediator"]] <- mat[mediator, ]
# Define basic formula mediation model
relation_m <- "Mediator ~ Treatment"
# Define basic formula outcome model
relation_dv <- "Outcome ~ Treatment + Mediator"
if( !is.null(covariates) ){
# Fetch covariates from colData and store them in dataframe
df <- cbind(df, colData(x)[covariates])
# Add covariate to formula of mediation model
relation_m <- paste(
relation_m, "+",
paste(covariates,collapse = " + ")
# Add covariate to formula of outcome model
relation_dv <- paste(
relation_dv, "+",
paste(covariates, collapse = " + ")
# Fit mediation model
fit_m <- do.call(lm, list(formula = formula(relation_m), data = df))
# Fit outcome model
fit_dv <- do.call(
list(formula = formula(relation_dv), family = family, data = df)
# Run mediation analysis
med_out <- mediate(
fit_m, fit_dv,
treat = "Treatment", mediator = "Mediator",
covariates = covariates, ...
# Update list of results
.update.results <- function(results, med_out, mediator) {
# Update model variables
results[["Mediator"]] <- c(results[["Mediator"]], mediator)
# Update stats of ACME (average causal mediation effect)
results[["ACME_estimate"]] <- c(results[["ACME_estimate"]], med_out$d.avg)
results[["ACME_pval"]] <- c(results[["ACME_pval"]], med_out$d.avg.p)
# Update stats of ADE (average direct effect)
results[["ADE_estimate"]] <- c(results[["ADE_estimate"]], med_out$z.avg)
results[["ADE_pval"]] <- c(results[["ADE_pval"]], med_out$z.avg.p)
# Add current model to metadata
results[["Model"]][[length(results[["Model"]]) + 1]] <- med_out
# Combine results into output dataframe
.make.output <- function(results, p.adj.method, add.metadata) {
# Create dataframe with model variables, effect sizes and p-values
med_df <- do.call(data.frame, results[seq_len(length(results) - 1)])
# Compute adjusted p-values and add them to dataframe
med_df[["ACME_pval"]] <- p.adjust(
method = p.adj.method
med_df[["ADE_pval"]] <- p.adjust(
method = p.adj.method
if( add.metadata ){
# models for every mediator are saved into the metadata attribute
attr(med_df, "metadata") <- results[["Model"]]
# Order output dataframe by ACME p-values
med_df <- med_df[order(med_df[["ACME_pval"]]), ]
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