#' Run edgeR gene Differential Expression Analysis (DEA).
#' @param name
#' @param method A character string indicating which method should be used:
#' \code{"exacttest"} or \code{"glmlrt"}. The default is \code{"exacttest"}.
#' @param clinical_pair
#' @param group_gen
#' @param fc_cutoff
#' @param work_dir
#' @param env
#' @param fdr_cutoff
#' @param width,height,res,unit,image_format
#' @inheritParams concatenate_exon
#' @inheritParams dea_ebseq
#' @inheritParams download_gdc
#' @inheritParams concatenate_exon
#' @inheritParams groups_identification_mclust
#' @return A matrix with DE genes in row and statistical values in columns.
#' @import edgeR
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DOAGDC)
#' # data already downloaded using the 'download_gdc' function
#' concatenate_expression("gene",
#' name = "HIF3A",
#' data_base = "legacy",
#' tumor = "CHOL",
#' work_dir = "~/Desktop"
#' )
#' # separating gene HIF3A expression data patients in two groups
#' groups_identification_mclust("gene", 2,
#' name = "HIF3A",
#' modelName = "E",
#' env = CHOL_LEGACY_gene_tumor_data,
#' tumor = "CHOL"
#' )
#' # load not normalized data
#' concatenate_expression("gene",
#' normalization = FALSE,
#' name = "HIF3A",
#' data_base = "legacy",
#' tumor = "CHOL",
#' env = CHOL_LEGACY_gene_tumor_data,
#' work_dir = "~/Desktop"
#' )
#' # start DE analysis
#' dea_edger(
#' name = "HIF3A",
#' group_gen = "mclust",
#' env = CHOL_LEGACY_gene_tumor_data
#' )
dea_edger <- function(name,
method = "exacttest",
fc_cutoff = 2,
work_dir, env,
fdr_cutoff = 0.05,
width = 2000,
height = 1500,
res = 300,
unit = "px",
image_format = "png") {
# local functions ####
sw <- function(x) {
exact_groups_fix <- function(tested, pairs) {
if (pairs > 0) {
comb_name <- names(tested)[pairs]
tested_local <- tested[[pairs]]
} else {
comb_name <- "G2_over_G1"
tested_local <- tested
table_de <- edgeR::topTags(tested_local,
n = nrow(tested_local$table),
adjust.method = "BH", sort.by = "PValue"
table_de$fc <- 2**table_de[, "logFC"]
table_de <- table_de[, c(5, 1, 2, 3, 4)]
colnames(table_de)[c(2, 5)] <- c("log2FC", "fdr")
if (tolower(data_base) == "legacy") {
gene_symbol <- strsplit(row.names(table_de), split = "\\|")
gene_symbol <- as.data.frame(gene_symbol)
gene_symbol <- t(gene_symbol)
table_de[, "gene_symbol"] <- gene_symbol[, 1]
table_de[, "geneid"] <- gene_symbol[, 2]
table_de <- table_de[, c(6, 7, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3)]
} else {
table_de <- table_de[, c(4, 5, 1, 2, 3)]
results_completed_local <- table_de
table_de <- table_de[table_de$fdr < fdr_cutoff, ]
table_de <- table_de[abs(table_de$log2FC) > log2(fc_cutoff), ]
x = table_de, file = paste0(
dir, "/ResultsDE_exactTest_",
comb_name, ".csv"
row.names = TRUE
if (pairs > 0) {
sv[["ev"]]$resultados_de_edger[[pairs]] <- table_de
sv[["ev"]]$results_compl_edger[[pairs]] <- results_completed_local
} else {
results_completed <- vector("list", 1)
resultados_de <- vector("list", 1)
names(results_completed) <- comb_name
names(resultados_de) <- comb_name
results_completed[[1]] <- results_completed_local
resultados_de[[1]] <- table_de
assign("results_compl_edger", results_completed,
envir = get(ev)
assign("resultados_de_edger", resultados_de,
envir = get(ev)
# plots
de <- edgeR::decideTestsDGE(tested_local)
detags <- rownames(dge)[as.logical(de)]
assign(paste0("detags_", comb_name), detags, envir = get(ev))
if (tolower(image_format) == "png") {
filename = file.path(dir, paste0(
comb_name, ".png"
width = width, height = height, res = res, units = unit
} else if (tolower(image_format) == "svg") {
filename = file.path(dir, paste0(
comb_name, ".svg"
width = width, height = height, onefile = TRUE
} else {
"Please, Insert a valid image_format!",
" ('png' or 'svg')"
par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2, 2.1))
de.tags = detags, las = 1,
ylab = "log2FC"
abline(h = c(-log2(fc_cutoff), log2(fc_cutoff)), col = "blue", cex = 2)
border = FALSE, bty = "n",
legend = c(
"p.adj > fdr_cutoff", "p.adj < fdr_cutoff",
lty = c(0, 0, 1), pch = c(20, 20, -1), cex = 0.8, lwd = c(1, 1, 2),
col = c("Black", "Red", "blue")
glmlrt_groups_fix <- function(tested, pairs) {
if (pairs > 0) {
comb_name <- names(tested)[pairs]
tested_local <- tested[[pairs]]
} else {
comb_name <- "G2_over_G1"
tested_local <- tested
table_de <- edgeR::topTags(tested_local,
n = nrow(tested_local$table),
adjust.method = "BH", sort.by = "PValue"
colnames(table_de)[c(1, 2, 5)] <- c("log2FC", "log2CPM", "fdr")
table_de[, "fc"] <- 2**table_de[, "log2FC"]
table_de <- table_de[order(rownames(table_de)), ]
if (tolower(data_base) == "legacy") {
gene_symbol <- strsplit(row.names(table_de), split = "\\|")
gene_symbol <- as.data.frame(gene_symbol)
gene_symbol <- t(gene_symbol)
table_de[, "gene_symbol"] <- gene_symbol[, 1]
table_de[, "geneid"] <- gene_symbol[, 2]
table_de <- table_de[, c(7, 8, 4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2)]
} else {
table_de <- table_de[, c(4, 5, 1, 2, 3)]
results_completed_local <- table_de
table_de <- table_de[table_de$fdr < fdr_cutoff, ]
table_de <- table_de[abs(table_de$log2FC) > log2(fc_cutoff), ]
x = table_de, file = paste0(
dir, "/ResultsDE_glmLRT_",
comb_name, ".csv"
row.names = FALSE
if (pairs > 0) {
sv[["ev"]]$resultados_de_edger[[pairs]] <- table_de
sv[["ev"]]$results_compl_edger[[pairs]] <- results_completed_local
} else {
results_completed <- vector("list", 1)
resultados_de <- vector("list", 1)
names(results_completed) <- comb_name
names(resultados_de) <- comb_name
results_completed[[1]] <- results_completed_local
resultados_de[[1]] <- table_de
assign("results_compl_edger", results_completed,
envir = get(ev)
assign("resultados_de_edger", resultados_de,
envir = get(ev)
# plots
de <- edgeR::decideTestsDGE(tested_local)
detags <- rownames(dge)[as.logical(de)]
if (tolower(image_format) == "png") {
filename = file.path(dir, paste0(
comb_name, ".png"
width = width, height = height, res = res, units = unit
} else if (tolower(image_format) == "svg") {
filename = file.path(dir, paste0(
comb_name, ".svg"
width = width, height = height, onefile = TRUE
} else {
"Please, Insert a valid ",
"image_format! ('png' or 'svg')"
de.tags = detags, las = 1,
ylab = "log2FC"
abline(h = c(-log2(fc_cutoff), log2(fc_cutoff)), col = "blue", cex = 2)
border = FALSE, bty = "n",
legend = c(
"p.adj > fdr_cutoff", "p.adj < fdr_cutoff",
lty = c(0, 0, 1), pch = c(20, 20, -1), cex = 0.8, lwd = c(1, 1, 2),
col = c("Black", "Red", "blue")
volcano <- function(results_completed, pairs) {
if (pairs > 0) {
comb_name <- names(results_completed)[pairs]
results_completed_local <- results_completed[[pairs]]
} else {
comb_name <- "G2_over_G1"
results_completed_local <- results_completed[[1]]
results_completed_local$colour <- hsv(0, 0, .39, 0.5)
# Set new column values to appropriate colours
tmp1 <- results_completed_local$log2FC >= log2(fc_cutoff)
tmp2 <- results_completed_local$fdr <= fdr_cutoff
results_completed_local$colour[tmp1 & tmp2] <- hsv(0, .9, .87, .5)
tmp1 <- results_completed_local$log2FC < -log2(fc_cutoff)
results_completed_local$colour[tmp1 & tmp2] <- hsv(.67, .79, .93, .5)
#### Volcano Plot
axislimits_x <- ceiling(max(c(
na.rm = TRUE
) - 1,
na.rm = TRUE
) + 1
log_10_fdr <- -log10(results_completed_local$fdr)
new_inf <- log_10_fdr[order(log_10_fdr, decreasing = TRUE)]
log_10_fdr[log_10_fdr == "Inf"] <- (new_inf[new_inf != "Inf"][1] + 1)
axislimits_y <- ceiling(max(log_10_fdr, na.rm = TRUE)) + 1
message("Start volcano plot...")
# Volcano Plot
if (tolower(image_format) == "png") {
filename = file.path(dir, paste0(
comb_name, ".png"
width = width, height = height, res = res, units = unit
} else if (tolower(image_format) == "svg") {
filename = file.path(dir, paste0(
comb_name, ".svg"
width = width, height = height, onefile = TRUE
} else {
tmp <- "Please, Insert a valid image_format! ('png' or 'svg')"
par(mar = c(4, 6, 3, 2), mgp = c(2, .7, 0), tck = -0.01)
plot(results_completed_local$log2FC, log_10_fdr,
axes = FALSE,
xlim = c(-axislimits_x, axislimits_x), ylim = c(0, axislimits_y),
xlab = expression("log"[2] * "(FC)"),
ylab = "",
cex.lab = 1.5, cex.main = 2,
cex.sub = 2,
pch = 16, col = results_completed_local$colour, cex = 2.5, las = 1
ylab = "-log(FDR)", line = 4, cex.lab = 1.5,
family = "Calibri Light"
axis(1, cex.axis = 1.5)
axis(2, cex.axis = 1.5, las = 1)
v = log2(fc_cutoff), col = "black", lty = 6, cex = 0.8,
lwd = 4
v = -log2(fc_cutoff), col = "black", lty = 6, cex = 0.8,
lwd = 4
abline(h = -log10(fdr_cutoff), col = "black", lwd = 4, lty = 3)
x = -axislimits_x + 0.3, y = axislimits_y / 10, labels =
length(results_completed_local$colour[tmp1 & tmp2]),
cex = 1, col = "blue"
tmp1 <- results_completed_local$log2FC >= log2(fc_cutoff)
x = axislimits_x - 0.4, y = axislimits_y / 10,
labels = length(results_completed_local$colour[tmp1 & tmp2]),
cex = 1, col = "red"
fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
new = TRUE
plot(0, 0, type = "n", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
border = FALSE, bty = "n",
legend = c(
"-log(", fdr_cutoff, ") = ",
round(-log10(fdr_cutoff), 2)
"\u00B1", " log", "\u2082", "(", fc_cutoff, ") = ",
"UP", "DOWN"
), pt.cex = c(0, 0, 1.8, 1.8),
lty = c(3, 6, 0, 0), pch = c(-1, -1, 16, 16),
cex = c(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8), lwd = c(2, 2, 5, 5),
col = c("Black", "Black", "red3", "blue3")
# Code ####
if (missing(env)) {
tmp <- paste0(
"The 'env' argument is missing, please insert",
"the 'env' name and try again!"
ev <- deparse(substitute(env))
sv <- list(ev = get(ev))
name <- gsub("-", "_", name)
if (missing("work_dir")) {
work_dir <- sv[["ev"]]$work_dir
data_base <- sv[["ev"]]$data_base
assign("path", file.path(
work_dir, "DOAGDC",
toupper(sv[["ev"]]$tumor), "Analyses"
envir = get(ev)
assign("group_gen", group_gen, envir = get(ev))
if (exists("name_e", envir = get(ev))) {
path <- file.path(
dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE)
} else {
path <- sv[["ev"]]$path
# creating the dir to outputs
path, "/edgeR_Results.",
tolower(group_gen), "_", toupper(name)
showWarnings = FALSE
dir <- paste0(
path, "/edgeR_Results.", tolower(group_gen), "_",
# for the groups
if (tolower(group_gen) == "mclust") {
# groups from mclust
grupos_edger <- as.data.frame(sv[["ev"]]$groups)
grupos_edger[, "Selected_classification"] <- factor(
grupos_edger[, "Selected_classification"]
colnames(grupos_edger) <- c("conditions", "type")
grupos_edger[, 2] <- c("paired-end")
} else if (tolower(group_gen) == "clinical") {
grupos_edger <- as.data.frame(
grupos_edger[, "Selected_classification"] <- factor(
grupos_edger[, "Selected_classification"]
colnames(grupos_edger) <- c("conditions", "type")
grupos_edger[, 2] <- c("paired-end")
} else if (tolower(group_gen) == "coxhr") {
grupos_edger <- as.data.frame(sv[["ev"]]$clinical_groups)
grupos_edger$classification <- gsub(
"low", "1",
grupos_edger$classification <- gsub(
"high", "2",
grupos_edger[, "classification"] <- factor(
grupos_edger[, "classification"]
colnames(grupos_edger) <- c("type", "conditions")
grupos_edger[, 1] <- c("paired-end")
grupos_edger <- grupos_edger[, c(2, 1)]
} else {
"Please insert a valid 'group_gen' value!!",
" ('mlcust', coxHR or 'clinical')"
# check patient in common
tmp1 <- rownames(grupos_edger)
tmp2 <- colnames(sv[["ev"]]$gene_tumor_not_normalized)
grupos_edger <- grupos_edger[tmp1 %in% tmp2, ]
assign("cond_heatmap", grupos_edger[, 1], envir = get(ev))
# selecting specifics patients
completed_matrix <- sv[["ev"]]$gene_tumor_not_normalized[, rownames(
message("Filtering data ...")
# remove residual data exclude rows with less than 10
filter_rows <- rowSums(completed_matrix) >= 10
completed_matrix <- completed_matrix[filter_rows, ]
message("It was filtered = ", as.numeric(table(filter_rows)[1]), " genes!")
# round numbers to whole counts
completed_matrix <- round(completed_matrix, 0)
# Cria o objeto DGEList
dge <- edgeR::DGEList(
counts = completed_matrix,
group = grupos_edger[, 1]
# Tdge$countso apply TMM normalization, it is convenient to create a DGEList
# Robinson, M.D. and Oshlack, A. (2010). A scaling normalization method for
# differential expres- sion analysis of RNA-seq data. Genome Biology 11,
# R25. The calcNormFactors function normalizes for RNA composition by
# finding a set of scaling factors for the library sizes that minimize the
# log-fold changes between the samples for most genes. The default method
# for computing these scale factors uses a trimmed mean of Mvalues (TMM)
# between each pair of samples [26]. We call the product of the original
# library size and the scaling factor the effective library size. The
# effective library size replaces the original library size in all downsteam
# analyses. TMM normalization is applied to this dataset to account for
# compositional difference between the libraries.
# binomial models are fitted and dispersion estimates are obtained, we can
# proceed with testing procedures for determining differential expression
# using the exact test. The GLM likelihood ratio test is based on the idea
# of fitting negative binomial GLMs with the Cox-Reid dispersion estimates.
design <- model.matrix(~ grupos_edger[, 1])
colnames(design) <- paste0("G", seq(1, max(as.numeric(grupos_edger[, 1]))))
rownames(design) <- colnames(dge$counts)
# PS: CPM = counts-per-million The logCPM values can optionally be converted
# to RPKM or FPKM by subtracting log2 of gene length, see rpkm()
if (tolower(method) == "exacttest") {
dge <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(dge)
normalized_expression_tmm <- dge$counts
# For general experiments (with multiple factors), edgeR uses the
# Cox-Reid profile-adjusted likelihood (CR) method in estimating
# dispersions To estimate common dispersion, trended dispersions and
# tagwise dispersions in one run:
message("Estimating common dispersion...")
dge <- edgeR::estimateCommonDisp(dge)
group2_number <- max(as.numeric(levels(grupos_edger[, 1])))
if (group2_number > 2) {
"There are more than two group ",
"combinations, this may take a while...\n"
combinations <- combn(1:group2_number, 2)
tested <- vector("list", group2_number)
resultados_de <- vector("list", group2_number)
results_completed <- vector("list", group2_number)
combinations_names <- apply(combinations, 2, function(x) {
paste0("G", x[2], "_over_", "G", x[1])
names(tested) <- combinations_names
names(resultados_de) <- combinations_names
names(results_completed) <- combinations_names
assign("results_compl_edger", results_completed,
envir = get(ev)
assign("resultados_de_edger", resultados_de,
envir = get(ev)
count <- 0
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncol(combinations), style = 3)
for (pairs in seq(1, ncol(combinations))) {
count <- count + 1
tested[[pairs]] <- edgeR::exactTest(dge,
pair = combinations[, pairs]
exact_groups_fix(tested, pairs)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
} else {
tested <- edgeR::exactTest(dge)
exact_groups_fix(tested, 0)
sw(volcano(sv[["ev"]]$results_compl_edger, 0))
} else if (tolower(method) == "glmlrt") {
dge <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(dge)
normalized_expression_tmm <- dge$counts
message("Estimating common dispersion...")
dge <- edgeR::estimateGLMCommonDisp(dge, design)
adge_list <- edgeR::estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(dge, design)
aglm_fit <- edgeR::glmFit(adge_list, design,
dispersion = adge_list$tagwise.dispersion,
prior.count.total = 0
# To perform likelihood ratio tests: fits the negative binomial GLM for
# each tag and produces an object of class DGEGLM with some new
# components
group2_number <- max(as.numeric(levels(grupos_edger[, 1])))
if (group2_number > 2) {
"There are more than two group combinations, ",
"this may take a while...\n"
combinations <- combn(1:group2_number, 2)
tested <- vector("list", group2_number)
resultados_de <- vector("list", group2_number)
results_completed <- vector("list", group2_number)
combinations_names <- apply(combinations, 2, function(x) {
paste0("G", x[2], "_over_", "G", x[1])
names(tested) <- combinations_names
names(resultados_de) <- combinations_names
names(results_completed) <- combinations_names
assign("results_compl_edger", results_completed,
envir = get(ev)
assign("resultados_de_edger", resultados_de,
envir = get(ev)
count <- 0
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncol(combinations), style = 3)
for (pairs in seq(1, ncol(combinations))) {
if (combinations[1, pairs] == 1) {
tested[[pairs]] <- edgeR::glmLRT(aglm_fit, coef = pairs + 1)
} else {
count <- count + 1
vec <- numeric(ncol(combinations))
vec[combinations[1, pairs]] <- -1
vec[combinations[2, pairs]] <- 1
tested[[pairs]] <- edgeR::glmLRT(aglm_fit, contrast = vec)
glmlrt_groups_fix(tested, pairs)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
} else {
tested <- edgeR::glmLRT(aglm_fit, coef = 2)
glmlrt_groups_fix(tested, 0)
sw(volcano(sv[["ev"]]$results_compl_edger, 0))
} else {
stop("Please insert a valid method!!! ('exactTest' or 'glmLRT')")
x = normalized_expression_tmm,
file = file.path(dir, "TMM_Normalized_Expression.csv")
assign("normalized_expression_edger", normalized_expression_tmm,
envir = get(ev)
assign("tool", "edger", envir = get(ev))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.