
Defines functions assign_names screenmill_status parse_names parse_measurements map_replicate map_column map_row find_header plate_gather expand_letters rough_crop grid_angle fine_crop object_features object_features_default grid_breaks label_runs find_valleys read_greyscale

# Utils: miscelaneous ---------------------------------------------------------

# Assign column names in pipline
# @param x Data frame or matrix
# @param names Character; Column names to assign to x

assign_names <- function(x, names) { colnames(x) <- names; return(x) }

# Check status of screenmill
screenmill_status <- function(dir,
                              file_anno = 'screenmill-annotations.csv',
                              file_crop = 'screenmill-calibration-crop.csv',
                              file_grid = 'screenmill-calibration-grid.csv',
                              file_keys = 'screenmill-collection-keys.csv',
                              file_coll = 'screenmill-collections.csv',
                              file_msmt = 'screenmill-measurements.csv',
                              file_mdia = 'screenmill-media.csv',
                              file_qury = 'screenmill-queries.csv',
                              file_trea = 'screenmill-treatments.csv',
                              file_revw = 'screenmill-review-times.csv') {
  dir <- gsub('/$', '', dir)

  paths <-
    file.path(dir, c(
      # Annotate
      file_anno, file_keys, file_coll, file_mdia, file_qury, file_trea,
      # Calibrate           Measure    Review
      file_crop, file_grid, file_msmt, file_revw

    flag = list(
      annotated  = all(file.exists(paths[1:6])),
      calibrated = all(file.exists(paths[7:8])),
      measured   = file.exists(paths[9]),
      reviewed   = file.exists(paths[10])
    path = list(
      annotations      = paths[1],
      collection_keys  = paths[2],
      collections      = paths[3],
      media            = paths[4],
      queries          = paths[5],
      treatments       = paths[6],
      calibration_crop = paths[7],
      calibration_grid = paths[8],
      measurements     = paths[9],
      review_times     = paths[10]
    dir = dir

# Utils: read_cm --------------------------------------------------------------

# Parse names in colony measurement log file
# @param lines Character; Parse plate lines from CM engine log.
# @param by Delimiter used to split plate names, numbers, and conditions.
#' @importFrom stringr str_count str_replace
#' @importFrom rlang .data

parse_names <- function(lines, by = ',') {

  # Add commas if missing
  commas <- sapply(2 - str_count(lines, ','), function(x) paste(rep(',', x), collapse = ''))
  lines <- str_replace(lines, '(?=(\\.[^\\.]*$))', commas)

  # Split lines and combine
  do.call(rbind, strsplit(lines, by)) %>%
    assign_names(c('scan_name', 'plate', 'scan_cond')) %>%
    as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
      id        = paste(.data$scan_name, .data$plate, .data$scan_cond, sep = ','),
      plate     = as.integer(.data$plate),
      scan_cond = gsub('\\.[^\\.]*$', '', .data$scan_cond),
      scan_cond = ifelse(is.na(.data$scan_cond) | .data$scan_cond == '', 'none', .data$scan_cond)

# Parse measurements in colony measurement log file
# @param lines Character; Vector of measurement lines from CM engine log.
# @param by Delimiter used to split measurements. Defaults to \code{\\\\t}.
#' @importFrom rlang .data

parse_measurements <- function(lines, by) {
  tbl <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(lines, by))

  if (ncol(tbl) == 2) {
    tbl %>%
      assign_names(c('size', 'circ')) %>%
      as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
      mutate(size = as.numeric(.data$size), circ = as.numeric(.data$circ))
  } else if (ncol(tbl) == 1) {
    tbl %>%
      assign_names('size') %>%
      as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
      mutate(size = as.numeric(.data$size), circ = NA)
  } else {
    stop('Too many measurement columns')

# Map strain replicate to measurements
# @param librows Integer; number of rows in strain library.
# @param libcols Integer; number of columns in strain library.
# @param replicates Integer; number of strain replicates in screen.
# @param nobs Integer; number of observations in screen.

map_replicate <- function(librows, libcols, replicates, nobs) {
  # map plate positions to replicate numbers
  (matrix(1, nrow = librows, ncol = libcols) %x%
     matrix(1:replicates, nrow = sqrt(replicates), byrow = TRUE)) %>%
    rep(length.out = nobs) %>%

# Map strain library column to measurements
# @param libcols Integer; number of columns in strain library.
# @param replicates Integer; number of strain replicates in screen.
# @param nrows Integer; number of rows on plate.
# @param ncols Integer; number of columns on plate.
# @param nobs Integer; number of observations in screen.

map_column <- function(libcols, replicates, nrows, ncols, nobs) {
  # map plate positions to strain library columns
    rep(1:libcols, each = nrows * sqrt(replicates)),
    nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols
  ) %>%
  rep(length.out = nobs)

# Map strain library row to measurements
# @param librows Integer; number of rows in strain library.
# @param replicates Integer; number of strain replicates in screen.
# @param nobs Integer; number of observations in screen.

map_row <- function(librows, replicates, nobs) {
  # map plate positions to strain library rows
  rep(LETTERS[1:librows], each = sqrt(replicates), length.out = nobs)

# Utils: read_dr --------------------------------------------------------------

# Find table header in text file
# @param path Character; path to file.
# @param match Regular expression used to match header line.
# @param delim Delimiter used to split header
# @param max Maximum number of lines to check

find_header <- function(path, match, delim, max = 100) {
  # Open file
  con <- file(path, open = "r")
  # Find line corresponding to header
  line <- 1
  while (length(header <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
    if (grepl(match, header[[1]])) break
    else line <- line + 1
    if (line > max) stop('Header not found within first ', max, 'lines.')
  return(list(line = line, header = unlist(strsplit(header, delim))))

# Utils: read_plate_layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Gather annotated plate in wide format into long format.
# Given a table with columns "row", "1", "2", ... gather everything but the "row"
# column into a table with variables "row", "column", `value`, "plate".
# @param path Path to CSV to gather
# @param value Name of value variable
# @param row Name of row number column
# @param plate_pattern Regex used to extract plate number from `path`
# @details It is easiest to annotate e.g. a 96 well plate with strain, plasmid,
# OD600 etc. information in a way that looks visually similar to the plate.
# However this results in multiple tables (one for each annotated variable) in
# wide format. This function will convert such tables into long format such
# that each variable is in a single column rather than spread out in the grid
# style plate layout. Multiple gathered annotations can easily be joined to
# a single table
#' @importFrom readr read_csv cols
#' @importFrom tidyr gather_
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract regex

plate_gather <- function(path,
                         row = 'row',
                         plate_pattern = '(?<=(plate))[0-9]{1,}') {

  # Plate number is extracted from the file name of the CSV being gathered
  plate_numb <-
      stringr::regex(plate_pattern, ignore_case = T)

  if (is.na(plate_numb)) {
    stop('Failed to determine plate number for:\n', basename(path))

  data <- readr::read_csv(path, col_types = readr::cols())

  # Ignore tables that do not have a "row" column
  if (!hasName(data, row)) return(NULL)

  # Gather every column that isn't "row" into value column. Infer types.
  tidyr::gather(data, key = 'column', value = !!value, -!!row, convert = T) %>%
    mutate(plate = plate_numb)

# Utils: new_strain_collection ------------------------------------------------

# Expand vector of letters
# @param len Integer; desired length letter combinations
# @param letters Character; vector of letters.
expand_letters <- function(len, letters) {
  out <- character(len)
  out[1:length(letters)] <- letters
  i <- 1
  while (any(out == '')) {
    from <- (length(letters) * i) + 1
    to   <- from + length(letters) - 1
    out[from:to] <- paste0(out[i], letters)
    i <- i + 1

# Utils: Calibration ----------------------------------------------------------

# Rough crop a grid of plates
# Finds the rough plate edges for a grid of plates.
# @param img Either an "Image" object (see \link[EBImage]{readImage}), or a
#   matrix.
# @param thresh Fraction of foreground pixels needed to identify plate
#   boundaries. Defaults to \code{0.03}.
# @param invert Should the image be inverted? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#   Recommended \code{FALSE} if region between plates is lighter than the
#   plates. This is faster than manual inversion of entire image.
# @param pad Number of pixels to add (or remove) from detected plate edges.
#   Defaults to \code{c(0, 0, 0, 0)} which adds 0 pixels to the
#   left, right, top, and bottom coordinates of each plate respectively.
#   Negative values will remove pixels.
# @param display Should the resulting cropped images be displayed?
#   Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
# @details
#   Rough crops for a grid of plates are detected by thresholding by the
#   brightness of the image (can be adjusted using the \code{thresh} argument).
#   Rows and columns are then scanned to identify locations with a large number
#   of pixels that are more than the threshold pixel intensity. These transitions
#   are used to define the plate edges. For best results, the grid should be
#   approximately square to the edge of the image. Plate positions are numbered
#   from left to right, top to bottom.
# @return
#   \code{rough_crop} returns a dataframe with the following columns:
#   \item{position}{Integer position of plate in grid (row-wise).}
#   \item{top}{The rough top edge of the plate.}
#   \item{left}{The rough left edge of the plate.}
#   \item{right}{The rough right edge of the plate.}
#   \item{bot}{The rough bottom edge of the plate.}
#' @importFrom rlang .data

rough_crop <- function(img, thresh, invert, pad) {

  small <- EBImage::resize(img, h = ncol(img) / 10) > 0.5

  rows <-
    rowSums(small) %>%
    find_valleys(thr = thresh * nrow(small), invert = invert) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(-n), funs(. * 10)) %>%
    rename(plate_x = 'mid', plate_row = 'n', rough_l = 'left', rough_r = 'right')

  cols <-
    colSums(small) %>%
    find_valleys(thr = thresh * ncol(small), invert = invert) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(-n), funs(. * 10)) %>%
    rename(plate_y = 'mid', plate_col = 'n', rough_t = 'left', rough_b = 'right')

  # Generate all combinations of detected rows and columns
  expand.grid(rows$plate_row, cols$plate_col) %>%
    rename(plate_row = 'Var1', plate_col = 'Var2') %>%
    left_join(rows, by = 'plate_row') %>%
    left_join(cols, by = 'plate_col') %>%
      # Add padding if desired
      rough_l = .data$rough_l - pad[1],
      rough_r = .data$rough_r + pad[2],
      rough_t = .data$rough_t - pad[3],
      rough_b = .data$rough_b + pad[4]
    ) %>%
      # Limit edges if they excede dimensions of image after padding
      rough_l = ifelse(.data$rough_l < 1, 1, .data$rough_l),
      rough_r = ifelse(.data$rough_r > nrow(img), nrow(img), .data$rough_r),
      rough_t = ifelse(.data$rough_t < 1, 1, .data$rough_t),
      rough_b = ifelse(.data$rough_b > ncol(img), ncol(img), .data$rough_b)
    ) %>%
    # Remove any detected rough cropped objects that are less than 100x100 pixels
      abs(rough_l - rough_r) > 100,
      abs(rough_t - rough_b) > 100
    ) %>%
      position = 1:n(),
      plate_x = as.integer(round(plate_x)),
      plate_y = as.integer(round(plate_y))
    ) %>%
      'position', 'plate_row', 'plate_col', 'plate_x', 'plate_y', 'rough_l',
      'rough_r', 'rough_t', 'rough_b'

# Determine plate rotation angle
# @param img A rough cropped plate image.
# @param rough Rough angle in degrees clockwise with which to rotate plate.
# @param range Rotation range to explore in degrees.
#' @importFrom EBImage rotate fillHull dilate makeBrush resize

grid_angle <- function(img, rough, range) {

  small <- EBImage::rotate(EBImage::resize(img, w = 301, h = 301), rough)
  objs <-
    screenmill:::object_features(EBImage::bwlabel(small)) %>%
      area  < mean(area) + (5 * mad(area)),
      area  > 10,
      eccen < 0.8
    ) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(x, y) %>%
    # Center grid as point of rotation
      x = x - 151,
      y = y - 151

  range_deg <- seq(-range / 2, range / 2, by = 0.01)
  range_rad <- range_deg * (pi / 180) # convert to radians
  median_abs_diff <- sapply(range_rad, function(theta) {
    rotated_x <- (objs$x * cos(theta)) - (objs$y * sin(theta))
    sorted <- sort(rotated_x)

  angle <- range_deg[which.min(median_abs_diff)]

  if (length(angle)) result <- rough + angle else result <- rough


# Fine crop plates
# Fine crop plates
# @param img Image
# @param rotate Rotate
# @param invert Invert
# @param pad Pad
# @param dim_key Row and column dimensions of the key.
#' @importFrom rlang .data

fine_crop <- function(img, rotate, range, pad, invert, n_grid_rows, n_grid_cols) {

  # Invert if desired and set lowest intensity pixel to 0
  if (invert) neg <- max(img) - img else neg <- img - min(img)
  norm <- EBImage::normalize(neg, inputRange = c(0.1, 0.8))

  # Be aggressive at detecting objects, use watershed to split circular objects
  thr <-
    EBImage::gblur(norm, sigma = 6) %>%
    EBImage::thresh(w = 20, h = 20, offset = 0.01)

  # Remove artifacts from image
  obj <- EBImage::watershed(EBImage::distmap(thr))

  # Calculate object features, identify dubious objects and remove them
  feat <- screenmill:::object_features(obj)
  crap <-
    with(feat, feat[
      # generally speaking larger objects tend to underestimate the perimeter,
      # so negative values are rare, but large weirdly shaped objects will
      # have large perimeters relative to the expected perimeter
      # given the average radius
      (2 * pi * radius_mean) - perimeter < -5 |
      area  > mean(area) + (5 * mad(area)) |
      area  < 10 |
      eccen > 0.8 |
      ndist < median(ndist) - (15 * mad(ndist)),
  good  <- with(feat, feat[!(obj %in% crap$obj), ])
  clean <- EBImage::rmObjects(obj, crap$obj) > 0

  # Determine rotation angle and rotate plate
  angle   <- screenmill:::grid_angle(clean, rotate, range = range)
  rotated <- EBImage::rotate(clean, angle)

  # One more round of cleaning
  obj <- EBImage::watershed(EBImage::distmap(rotated))

  # Calculate object features, identify dubious objects and remove them
  feat <- screenmill:::object_features(obj)
  crap <-
    with(feat, feat[
      # generally speaking larger objects tend to underestimate the perimeter,
      # so negative values are rare, but large weirdly shaped objects will
      # have large perimeters relative to the expected perimeter
      # given the average radius
      (2 * pi * radius_mean) - perimeter < -5 |
        area  > mean(area) + (5 * mad(area)) |
        area  < 10 |
        eccen > 0.8 |
        ndist < median(ndist) - (15 * mad(ndist)),
  good  <- with(feat, feat[!(obj %in% crap$obj), ])
  clean <- EBImage::rmObjects(obj, crap$obj) > 0

  # If fewer than 20 good objects then use default rotation and no fine-crop
  if (nrow(good) < 20) {
    default <-
        rotate = angle,
        fine_l = 1, fine_r = nrow(clean), fine_t = 1, fine_b = ncol(clean)

  # Identify edges of grid
  grid_spacing <- median(good$ndist)

  clusters <-
    good %>%
      x_cluster = cutree(hclust(dist(x)), h = grid_spacing),
      y_cluster = cutree(hclust(dist(y)), h = grid_spacing)

  row_clusters <-
    clusters %>%
    group_by(y_cluster) %>%
      n = n(),
      y = median(y)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    top_n(n_grid_rows, wt = n) %>% # keep clusters based on most objects
    filter(y == max(y) | y == min(y))

  col_clusters <-
    clusters %>%
    group_by(x_cluster) %>%
      n = n(),
      x = median(x)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    top_n(n_grid_cols, wt = n) %>% # keep clusters based on most objects
    filter(x == max(x) | x == min(x))

  # Get the median of the edge most objects given expected rows/cols, and add 75% of grid spacing
  l_edge <- min(col_clusters$x) - (grid_spacing * 0.75)
  r_edge <- max(col_clusters$x) + (grid_spacing * 0.75)
  t_edge <- min(row_clusters$y) - (grid_spacing * 0.75)
  b_edge <- max(row_clusters$y) + (grid_spacing * 0.75)

  EBImage::display(EBImage::rotate(img, angle))
  abline(v = c(l_edge, r_edge), h = c(t_edge, b_edge), col = 'red')

  # Limit fine cropping to 10% of rough crop dimensions
  n_col_pixels <- nrow(clean)
  n_row_pixels <- ncol(clean)
  l_edge_max <- n_col_pixels * 0.1
  r_edge_min <- n_col_pixels - l_edge_max
  t_edge_max <- n_row_pixels * 0.1
  b_edge_min <- n_row_pixels - t_edge_max
  l_edge <- as.integer(round(ifelse(l_edge > l_edge_max, l_edge_max, l_edge)))
  r_edge <- as.integer(round(ifelse(r_edge < r_edge_min, r_edge_min, r_edge)))
  t_edge <- as.integer(round(ifelse(t_edge > t_edge_max, t_edge_max, t_edge)))
  b_edge <- as.integer(round(ifelse(b_edge < b_edge_min, b_edge_min, b_edge)))

  # Construct fine crop data
    rotate = angle,
    # Adjust edges based on user specified padding
    left   = l_edge - pad[1],
    right  = r_edge + pad[2],
    top    = t_edge - pad[3],
    bot    = b_edge + pad[4]
  ) %>%
      # Limit edges if they excede dimensions of image after padding
      fine_l = ifelse(.data$left < 1, 1, .data$left),
      fine_r = ifelse(.data$right > nrow(rotated), nrow(rotated), .data$right),
      fine_t = ifelse(.data$top < 1, 1, .data$top),
      fine_b = ifelse(.data$bot > ncol(rotated), ncol(rotated), .data$bot)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select('rotate', dplyr::matches('fine'))

# Compute Object Features
# Adapted from \link[EBImage]{computeFeatures}
#' @importFrom rlang .data

object_features <- function(img) {

  # Get labeled object image matrix (img should be result of EBImage::bwlabel)
  m <- EBImage::imageData(img)

  # Compute size features based on object contour
  objs <- EBImage::ocontour(m)

  if (length(objs) == 0L) return(object_features_default())

  radii <-
    objs %>%
    lapply(as.data.frame) %>%
    bind_rows(.id = 'obj') %>%
    mutate(obj = as.integer(.data$obj)) %>%
    group_by(obj) %>%
      radius =
          (.data$V1 - mean(.data$V1))^2 +
          (.data$V2 - mean(.data$V2))^2
    ) %>%
      perimeter   = n(),
      radius_mean = mean(.data$radius),
      radius_min  = min(.data$radius),
      radius_max  = max(.data$radius)

  # Split object indices
  z  <- which(as.integer(m) > 0L)
  objs <- split(z, m[z])

  # Number of pixels in each object
  m00 <- sapply(objs, length)

  # Row sums
  w   <- row(m) * 1
  m10 <- sapply(objs, function(z) sum(w[z]))

  # Col sums
  w   <- col(m) * 1
  m01 <- sapply(objs, function(z) sum(w[z]))

  # Row bias
  w   <- (row(m)^2) * 1
  m20 <- sapply(objs, function(z) sum(w[z]))

  # Col bias
  w   <- (col(m)^2) * 1
  m02 <- sapply(objs, function(z) sum(w[z]))

  w   <- (col(m) * row(m)) * 1
  m11 <- sapply(objs, function(z) sum(w[z]))

  x  <- m10 / m00
  y  <- m01 / m00
  nn <- nearestNeighbor(x, y)

    obj   = 1:length(objs),
    x     = x,
    y     = y,
    area  = m00,
    mu20  = m20 / m00 - x^2,
    mu02  = m02 / m00 - y^2,
    mu11  = m11 / m00 - x * y,
    det   = sqrt(4 * mu11^2 + (mu20 - mu02)^2),
    theta = atan2(2 * mu11, (mu20 - mu02)) / 2,
    major = sqrt((mu20 + mu02 + det) / 2) * 4,
    minor = sqrt((mu20 + mu02 - det) / 2) * 4,
    eccen = sqrt(1 - minor^2 / major^2),
    ndist = nn$dist,
    nwhich = nn$which
  ) %>%
    left_join(radii, by = 'obj') %>%
      'obj', 'x', 'y', 'area', 'perimeter', 'radius_mean', 'radius_max',
      'radius_min', 'eccen', 'theta', 'major', 'minor', 'ndist', 'nwhich'

object_features_default <- function() {
    obj         = integer(0),
    x           = numeric(0),
    y           = numeric(0),
    area        = numeric(0),
    perimeter   = numeric(0),
    radius_mean = numeric(0),
    radius_max  = numeric(0),
    radius_min  = numeric(0),
    eccen       = numeric(0),
    theta       = numeric(0),
    major       = numeric(0),
    minor       = numeric(0),
    ndist       = integer(0),
    nwhich      = integer(0)

# Determine column or row breaks for grid
# Uses midpoints of low average pixel intensity to determine column breaks.
# @param img An Image object or a matrix
# @param type Type of grid breaks ('column' or 'row') defaults to column.
# @param thresh Threshold used to define local valleys in image.
# @param edges How to handle edge breaks. Defaults to 'inner' which will use
#   the inner edge of flanking valleys. 'outer' will use outer edge of flanking
#   valleys. Otherwise the midpoint of flanking valleys will be returned.

grid_breaks <- function(img, type = c('col', 'row'), thresh = 0.03, edges = c('inner', 'outer', 'mid')) {

  if (grepl('col', type[1], ignore.case = T)) {
    # Rows of matrix correspond to x axis (i.e. columns)
    valleys <- find_valleys(rowSums(img), thr = thresh * nrow(img))
  } else if (grepl('row', type[1], ignore.case = T)) {
    # Columns of matrix correspond to y axis (i.e. rows)
    valleys <- find_valleys(colSums(img), thr = thresh * ncol(img))

  if (edges[1] == 'inner') {
    # Use right edge of first valley, left of last, otherwise use midpoint
    breaks <-
        breaks = ifelse(mid == first(mid), right,
                        ifelse(mid == last(mid), left, mid))
  } else if (edges[1] == 'outer') {
    # Use left edge of first valley, right of last, otherwise use midpoint
    breaks <-
        breaks = ifelse(mid == first(mid), left,
                        ifelse(mid == last(mid), right, mid))
  } else {
    breaks <- mutate(valleys, breaks = mid)

# Label continuous runs with an integer beginning with 1
label_runs <- function(x) {
  runs <- rle(x)$lengths
  rep.int(1:length(runs), runs)

# Find the midpoint, left, and right edge of regions of continuous low values
find_valleys <- function(y, thr, invert = F) {

  # Identify and label valleys
  is_peak <- y > thr
  if (invert) is_peak <- !is_peak # Invert peak definition if desired
  regions <- label_runs(is_peak)  # Label consecutive low (F) or high (T) runs
  regions[is_peak] <- 0           # Label peak regions as 0
  valleys <- unique(regions)
  valleys <- valleys[which(valleys != 0)]

  if (length(valleys) < 1) {
    return(data_frame(left = numeric(), mid = numeric(), right = numeric()))

  # Find left, middle, and right edge of valley
    lapply(valleys, function(v) {
      x <- which(regions == v)
      data_frame(left = min(x), mid = mean(x), right = max(x))
  ) %>%
    mutate(n = 1:n())

# Read an image in greyscale
read_greyscale <- function(path, invert = FALSE) {
  img <- EBImage::readImage(path)
  if (EBImage::colorMode(img)) {
    img <- EBImage::channel(img, 'luminance')
  img <- EBImage::imageData(img)
  if (invert) img <- 1 - img
EricEdwardBryant/screenmill documentation built on March 13, 2020, 1:07 p.m.