#' computeDeviationsFaster
#' A faster version of \code{\link[chromVAR]{computeDeviations}} (see details).
#' @param counts A matrix of read counts per region(rows)/sample(columns), or a
#' SummarizedExperiment with this as first assay, as produced by
#' \code{\link{getCounts}}. Can also be already normalized if
#' `normalize=FALSE`.
#' @param motifMatches A matrix of motif matches (either logical or with
#' something akin to binding probabilities), or a SummarizedExperiment
#' containing such an assay.
#' @param backgrounds A matrix of indices indicating background peaks, as
#' produced by \code{\link[chromVAR]{getBackgroundPeaks}}.
#' @param normalize Logical; whether to perform column sum normalization on
#' `counts`
#' @param welford Logical; whether to use Welford's online algorithm for
#' computing background means and standard deviations. If NULL (default), the
#' function will use Welford's if the predicted memory usage is above 10GB.
#' @param verbose Logical; whether to print messages, in particular the
#' projected memory size for large datasets.
#' @param BPPARAM An optional BiocParallel BPPARAM object for multi-threading.
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment
#' @details
#' The results of this function are equivalent (within a very small precision)
#' to those of \code{\link[chromVAR]{computeDeviations}}, but faster due to its
#' reliance on matrix operations, which enables the use of a larger number of
#' background iterations.
#' The use of matrix operations however implies that the entire results of each
#' background iteration is stored in memory. While this is typically not a
#' problem for bulk data, it often is with large (e.g. single-cell) datasets.
#' For this reason, the function includes a variant using Welford's
#' algorithm for the computation of the means and standard deviations. This is
#' still faster than the original chromVAR implementation, but much less so than
#' when using `welford=FALSE`. By default, Welford's algorithm will be used if
#' the projected memory usage is above 10GB.
#' The speed gain depends a lot on the dimensions of the different inputs and
#' the number of threads used. The runtime when using Welford's algorithm can
#' vary from 50 to 100% of the original chromVAR implementation. When not using
#' Welford's algorithm, running times will typically be much smaller (typically
#' roughly 20% of the original).
#' @author Pierre-Luc Germain
#' @export
computeDeviationsFaster <- function(counts, motifMatches, backgrounds,
normalize=TRUE, welford=NULL, verbose=TRUE,
stopifnot(nrow(counts)==nrow(motifMatches) &&
stopifnot(min(b)>=1 & max(b)<=nrow(b))
stop("`backgrounds` should be a matrix of integers.")
expectedMem <- .computeDeviationsMemoryUsage(counts, motifMatches,
backgrounds, BPPARAM$workers)
welford <- (expectedMem[[1]]>expectedMem[[2]] && expectedMem[[1]]>=10)
if(verbose && welford)
message("Using Welford's online algorithm due to dataset size.\n",
"This can be turned off with `welford=FALSE` to increase speed,",
" but that may lead to very high memory usage.")
os <- ifelse(welford, expectedMem[[2]], expectedMem[[1]])
os <- ifelse(os<0.1, paste0(round(os*1000,1), " MB"),
paste0(round(os,2), " GB"))
message("Projected memory usage:", os)
if(inherits(counts, "SummarizedExperiment") ||
inherits(counts, "SingleCellExperiment")){
CD <- colData(counts)
if("logcounts" %in% assayNames(counts)){
if(verbose) message("Using the object's logcounts assay.")
counts <- assay(counts, "logcounts")
normalize <- FALSE
if(verbose && assayNames(counts)[1] != "counts"){
message("Assuming the first assay of `counts` to be counts...")
counts <- assay(counts)
# normalize the counts:
counts <- t(10000*t(counts)/colSums(counts))
if(inherits(motifMatches, "SummarizedExperiment"))
motifMatches <- assay(motifMatches)
warning("motifMatches should be either binary or weights from 0 to 1.")
# Ensure that the reordering is done on the least costly matrix
doVariant <- ((is(mi, "sparseMatrix")-is(counts, "sparseMatrix"))+
(ncol(motifMatches)>ncol(counts))) > 0
if(doVariant && is(counts, "CsparseMatrix")){
counts <- as(counts, "RsparseMatrix")
}else if(doVariant && is(motifMatches, "CsparseMatrix")){
motifMatches <- as(motifMatches, "RsparseMatrix")
# computing background devs:
res <- bplapply(split(seq_len(ncol(backgrounds)), BPPARAM$workers),
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, FUN=function(idxs){
.computeBgDevChunkWelford(idxs, backgrounds, motifMatches,
counts, doVariant=doVariant)
# mean across bg iterations:
m <- Reduce("+",lapply(res, \(x) x[[1]]))/length(res)
# aggregate variances across bg sets and compute joint SDs
sds <- sqrt(Reduce("+", lapply(res, \(x) x[[2]]^2)) +
Reduce("+", lapply(res, \(x) (x[[1]]-m)^2)))
# computing background devs:
res <- bplapply(seq_len(ncol(backgrounds)), BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
o <- t(crossprod(counts[backgrounds[,i],],motifMatches))
o <- crossprod(motifMatches[backgrounds[,i],],counts)
expect <- rowMeans(o)
# mean and sd across bg iterations:
m <- Reduce("+",res)/length(res)
sds <- sqrt(Reduce("+",lapply(res, \(x) (m-x)^2))/length(res))
# computing observed deviations:
o <- crossprod(motifMatches,counts)
expect <- rowMeans(o)
deviations <- (o-expect)/expect
al <- list( #bg.means=m, bg.sds=sds, o=o, raw.devs=deviations,
deviations=deviations-m, z=(deviations-m)/sds )
se <- SummarizedExperiment(al)
if(!is.null(CD)) colData(se) <- CD
.computeDeviationsMemoryUsage <- function(counts, motifMatches, backgrounds,
# simple algorithm memory usage:
os1 <- 8*ncol(counts)*ncol(motifMatches)*(ncol(backgrounds)+2)/1e+09
# using Welford's algorithm:
os2 <- 8*ncol(counts)*ncol(motifMatches)*6*nthreads/1e+09
list(standard=os1, welford=os2)
# computes background deviations using Welford's online SD & mean calculation
.computeBgDevChunkWelford <- function(bgindices, backgrounds, motifMatches,
counts, doVariant=FALSE){
n <- 0L
m <- m2 <- sd <- matrix(0, nrow=ncol(motifMatches), ncol=ncol(counts))
for(i in bgindices){
o <- t(crossprod(counts[backgrounds[,i],],motifMatches))
o <- crossprod(motifMatches[backgrounds[,i],],counts)
expect <- rowMeans(o)
o <- (o-expect)/expect
# Welford's online algorithm:
n <- n + 1L
delta1 <- o - m
m <- m + delta1/n
delta2 <- o - m
m2 <- m2 + delta1 * delta2
list(m, m2/(n-1))
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