reduceWithResplit: Merge regions, re-splitting large merges using local overlap...

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reduceWithResplitR Documentation

Merge regions, re-splitting large merges using local overlap minima


This is an alternative to something like reduce(unlist(GRangesList(peaks))) for merging overlapping regions" it tries to break up large merged regions based on the profile of overlap with the un-merged regions. We typically use this to merge for instance peaks called on different samples.


  softMaxSize = 500L,
  relTroughDepth = 1/3,
  minTroughDepth = 2L,
  minTroughWidth = 1L,
  minDistFromBoundary = 150L,
  minPeakSize = 100L,
  BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()



A list of GRanges-class, or a GRanges-class containing overlapping regions.


The (merged) peak size below which re-splitting will be attempted


The minimum depth of local minima, as a fraction of the maximum. E.g. with a maxima of 12 peaks, the default of 1/4 would require the minima to be below or equal to 9.


The absolute minimum depth of local minima, in number of peaks below the maxima.


The minimum width of the local minima.


The minimum distance of the local minima from the peak border.


The minimum final peak size.


BiocParallel Param object for multithreading. If set, chromosomes are split into threads.


This is an alternative to something like reduce(unlist(GRangesList(peaks))), which stitches overlapping regions together and can result in large regions that can be problematic for some applications. The function tries to break those large regions into composing by using the coverage by the original (un-merged) regions. See the example below for an illustration. The procedure first reduces 'peaks', then identifies reduced regions whose width is above a certain threshold ('softMaxSize'). For those regions, a coverage by the original peaks is computed to identify local minima ('troughs') in the coverage that could divide the region into sub-regions of desirable lengths. 'relThroughDepth' determines the minimum depth of the trough (i.e. decrease) as a fraction of the maximum coverage in the region, while 'minTroughDepth' determines the absolute minimum depth. Note that the algorithm iterates through regions one by one and as such is quite slow, hence multithreading is recommended for large sets of regions.


A reduced 'GRanges' of non-overlapping peaks.


# consider the following example set of regions:
gr <- GRanges("1", IRanges(c(100,120,140,390,410,430,120),
plotSignalTracks(list(regions=gr, "# overlapping regions"=coverage(gr),
                      reduced=reduce(gr)), region=reduce(gr))
# if we are interested in having smaller regions, clearly it would seem 
# sensible here to cut roughly in the middle, since we have two distinct 
# groups of regions that are only joined by a single region

(redGr <- reduceWithResplit(gr, softMaxSize=100))
plotSignalTracks(list("# overlapping regions"=coverage(gr),
                      reduced=reduce(gr), "reduced\n\\w resplit"=redGr),

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