#' estimateFragSize
#' @param bam The path to one or more bam files
#' @param ctrl Optional path to a control bam file (if `length(bam)>1`, the
#' same control will be used for all).
#' @param binSize Bin size. The precision of the reported fragment size is
#' necessary lower than this. A higher bin size will improve the summit
#' identification in low-coverage regions. We recommend leaving the default
#' value.
#' @param mfold The range of fold-enrichment over the control (if `ctrl`
#' provided) or of coverages for the identification of regions based on which
#' distance will be estimated.
#' @param minSummitCount The minimum read count for a summit to be considered.
#' @param useSeqLevels An optional vector of seqLevels in which to conduct the
#' analysis.
#' @param maxSize The maximum size of regions to be used
#' @param priorLength The prior fragment length (use for read extension to
#' identify enriched regions)
#' @param ret The type of return, either a 'table' of pairs of summits and their
#' properties, or a 'plot', or the median/mean/mode of the distance
#' distribution.
#' @param blacklist Optional `GRanges` of blacklisted regions to be excluded.
#' @param BPPARAM A `BiocParallel` parameter object for multithreading. Only
#' used if multiple files are given in `bam`.
#' @return By default, the estimated (mode) fragment length(s), but see the
#' `ret` argument
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get an example bam file
#' bam <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools")
#' suppressWarnings(estimateFragSize(bam))
estimateFragSize <- function(bam, ctrl=NULL, binSize=10L, mfold=c(10,50), ...,
minSummitCount=8L, useSeqLevels=NULL,
maxSize=2500L, priorLength=200L, blacklist=NULL,
ret=c("mode", "median", "mean", "tables", "plots",
"distances"), BPPARAM=SerialParam()){
ret <- match.arg(ret)
if(!all(c("cov","cop","con","msize") %in% names(bam)))
stop("Unrecognized input")
# internal use by other functions, to avoid reading coverages again
co <- bam
}else if(length(bam)>1){
# multiple bam files against a common input
# we want to read the input only once
if(!is(ctrl, "RleList")){
stop("Only one `ctrl` bam can be provided. If you have multiple ",
"pairs of signal and control bam files, please make independent",
"calls to the function.")
ctrl <- Reduce("+", bamChrChunkApply(ctrl, keepSeqLvls=useSeqLevels,
paired=FALSE, FUN=function(x){
x <- suppressWarnings(resize(x, pmax(width(x),priorLength)))
ret2 <- ifelse(ret=="plots", "tables", ret)
names(bam) <- bam
res <- bplapply(bam, ctrl=ctrl, binSize=binSize, mfold=mfold, ret=ret2,
maxSize=maxSize, useSeqLevels=useSeqLevels,
minSummitCount=minSummitCount, ...,
FUN=estimateFragSize, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
if(ret2!="tables") return(unlist(res))
res <- lapply(setNames(names(res[[1]]),names(res[[1]])), FUN=function(x){
dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(res, FUN=function(y) y[[x]]), .id="sample")
if(ret=="tables") return(res)
# obtain the coverages
co <- .getStrandedCoverages(bam, keepSeqLvls=useSeqLevels, binSize=5L,
# convert coverage to foldchange
if(!is(ctrl, "RleList")){
ctrl <- Reduce("+", bamChrChunkApply(ctrl, keepSeqLvls=useSeqLevels,
paired=FALSE, FUN=function(x){
x <- suppressWarnings(resize(x, pmax(width(x),priorLength)))
nf <- .covTrimmedMean(co$cov)/.covTrimmedMean(ctrl)
co$cov <- setNames((1L+co$cov)/(1L+ctrl*nf), names(co$cov))
msize <- co$msize
# identify mfold-based peaks for estimation
regions <- slice(co$cov, mfold[1], mfold[2], rangesOnly=TRUE)
# keep only regions larger than the median read size
regions <- GRanges(rep(factor(names(regions),names(regions)),
lengths(regions)), unlist(regions))
regions <- regions[which(width(regions)>msize)]
regions <- reduce(regions, min.gapwidth=msize)
regions <- regions[width(regions)<=maxSize]
# enlarge around the summit
regions <- trim(resize(.viewl2gr(viewRangeMaxs(Views(co$cov, regions))),
maxSize, fix="center"))
# remove potential blacklist & overlaps
if(!is.null(blacklist)) regions <- regions[overlapsAny(regions, blacklist)]
if(ret %in% c("tables","plots"))
d1 <- .strandedCovTable(regions, co)
# for each region, find the + and - summits and their distance
regions <- split(ranges(regions), seqnames(regions), drop=TRUE)
names(seqlvls) <- seqlvls <- names(regions)
dn <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(seqlvls, FUN=function(x){
regions <- regions[[x]]
sp <- .getSummits(co$cop[[x]], mfold, regions)
sn <- .getSummits(co$con[[x]], mfold, regions)
# difference between summit counts shouldn't be too large
dn$absDiff <- abs(dn$score.pos-dn$score.neg)
# keep only pairs of summits that are convincing
dn <- dn[abs(dn$distance)<maxSize & abs(dn$distance)>msize &
dn$absDiff<(3*median(dn$absDiff)) &
(dn$score.pos+dn$score.neg)>=minSummitCount ,]
warning("A low number of regions was retained to estimate fragment size.",
"You may consider increase the `mfold` range.")
if(ret=="tables") return(list(perPeakDistance=dn, coverages=d1))
if(ret=="mean") return(mean(abs(dn$distance)))
if(ret=="median") return(median(abs(dn$distance)))
if(ret=="distances") return(abs(dn$distance))
d <- density(abs(dn$distance))
.fragLengthPlots(list(perPeakDistance=dn, coverages=d1))
.strandedCovTable <- function(regions, co){
regions <- regions[start(regions)>=1]
vp <- Views(co$cop, regions)
vp <- Reduce("+",Reduce("c", lapply(vp[which(lengths(vp)>0L)],
vn <- Views(co$con, regions)
vn <- Reduce("+",Reduce("c", lapply(vn[which(lengths(vn)>0L)],
size <- length(vp)
data.frame(rel_pos=seq(from=-floor(size/2), to=ceiling(size/2),
count=c(vp,vn), strand=rep(c("+","-"),each=length(vp)))
.fragLengthPlots <- function(x, span=0.05){
if(!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly=TRUE))
stop("The 'ggplot2' package is required.")
dn <- x$perPeakDistance
d1 <- x$coverages
q <- quantile(abs(dn$distance), c(0.05,0.5,0.95))
p1 <- ggplot(dn, aes(abs(distance))) + geom_histogram(bins=50) +
geom_vline(xintercept=q, linetype=c("dashed","solid","dashed")) +
annotate("label", x=q[2], label=round(q[2]), y=2) +
labs(x="Per-peak fragment length distribution", y="Count")
p2 <- ggplot(d1, aes(rel_pos, count, colour=strand)) + geom_line(alpha=0.5) +
geom_smooth(formula=y~x, method="loess", span=span, size=1.2) +
labs(x="Relative position", y="Read start count")
if(requireNamespace("cowplot", quietly=TRUE))
return(plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow=2))
# sets coverages below a threshold to 0
.covListMin <- function(cov, minC=0L){
if(minC<=0) return(cov)
as(lapply(cov, FUN=function(x){
runValue(x)[runValue(x)<minC] <- 0L
}), "RleList")
.getSummits <- function(cop, mfold=NULL, regions=NULL){
if(is.null(mfold) & is.null(regions))
stop("One of 'mfold' or 'regions' must be given.")
sp <- slice(cop, lower=mfold[1], upper=mfold[2])
g <- resize(viewRangeMaxs(sp), width=1L, fix="center")
sp <- Views(cop, regions)
g <- resize(viewRangeMaxs(sp), width=1L, fix="center")
if(is(cop, "RleList"))
g <- GRanges(rep(factor(names(g),names(g)), lengths(g)), unlist(g))
mcols(g)$score <- max(sp)
.getStrandedCoverages <- function(bam, keepSeqLvls=NULL, fragLength=100L,
covs <- bamChrChunkApply(bam, keepSeqLvls=keepSeqLvls, FUN=function(x){
msize <- median(width(x))
x <- trim(suppressWarnings(resize(x, width=pmax(width(x),fragLength))))
cov <- coverage(x)
x <- trim(resize(x,binSize))
pos <- coverage(x[strand(x)=="+"])
neg <- coverage(x[strand(x)=="-"])
list(cov=cov, pos=pos, neg=neg, nreads=length(x), msize=msize)
msize=median(unlist(lapply(covs, FUN=function(x) x$msize)), na.rm=TRUE),
cov=Reduce("+", lapply(covs, FUN=function(x) x$cov)),
cop=Reduce("+", lapply(covs, FUN=function(x) x$pos)),
con=Reduce("+", lapply(covs, FUN=function(x) x$neg))
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