#' @title Merge Data Sets
#' @author André Vidas Olsen
#' @description This function merges multiple data sets together. The data sets
#' are listed in the dataList parameter.
#' @param dataList a list of paths referring to input data
#' @param endogene_lipid_db the endogene lipid database
#' @param ISTD_lipid_db the ISTD lipid database
#' @param userSpecifiedColnames the column names template file containing user
#' specified column names for the input data.
#' is used to translate the user specified column names to the program, so that
#' it uses the correct columns for the different analysis procedures.
#' @param correctionList a file containing a list of sum compositions to be
#' multiplied for in the MS1 column values (intensity values)
#' @param multiply a parameter used to multiply intensity values in the MS1
#' column on selected sum compositions. The parameter is useful if lipidX is
#' used to obtain the intensity data derived from overlapping MS scan ranges.
#' The sum composition are selected by the user and should appear in a
#' correction list file that is used as argument for the correctionList
#' parameter.
#' @return a data set consisting of merged input data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # make input data path list
#' dataPathList <- c(system.file("extdata/mE504_Data",
#' "mE504_NEG_High-out.csv", package = "lipidQ"),
#' system.file("extdata/mE504_Data",
#' "mE504_NEG_Low-out.csv", package = "lipidQ"),
#' system.file("extdata/mE504_Data",
#' "mE504_POS_High-out.csv", package = "lipidQ"),
#' system.file("extdata/mE504_Data",
#' "mE504_NEG_Low-out.csv", package = "lipidQ"))
#' # load endo & ISTD databases as well as user specified column names file.
#' endogene_lipid_db <- read.table(system.file("extdata/LipidQ_DataBase",
#' "LP_DB_MS1_v1.csv", package = "lipidQ"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#' header = TRUE, sep = ",")
#' ISTD_lipid_db <- read.table(system.file("extdata/LipidQ_DataBase",
#' "ISTD_LP_DB_MS1_v1.csv", package = "lipidQ"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#' header = TRUE, sep = ",")
#' userSpecifiedColnames <- read.table(system.file("extdata/LipidQ_DataBase",
#' "userSpecifiedColnames.csv", package = "lipidQ"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
#' # merge input data sets into one file
#' mergeDataSets(dataList = dataPathList, endogene_lipid_db = endogene_lipid_db,
#' ISTD_lipid_db = ISTD_lipid_db, userSpecifiedColnames =
#' userSpecifiedColnames)
mergeDataSets <- function(dataList, endogene_lipid_db, ISTD_lipid_db,
userSpecifiedColnames = NULL, correctionList = NULL, multiply = NULL){
# merge endogene_lipid_db and ISTD_lipid_db together
database <- merge_endo_and_ISTD_db(endogene_lipid_db, ISTD_lipid_db)
# get colnames for data
dataColnames <- checkColnames(userSpecifiedColnames)
# find all unique columns for all data sets
uniqueCols <- vector("list", length(dataList))
for(i in 1:length(dataList)){
data <- readFile(dataList[i])
uniqueCols[[i]] <- colnames(data)
uniqueCols <- unique(unlist(uniqueCols))
uniqueCols # return statement
"COLUMNS! Please make sure that every column has a column name."))
message("Original R error message:")
# find user specified columns of MS2ix column names -> MS2ix_userCols
MS2ix_cols <- dataColnames[grep("MS2",colnames(dataColnames))]
MS2ix_userCols <- c()
for(userCol in as.character(MS2ix_cols)){
MS2ix_userCols <-
append(MS2ix_userCols, uniqueCols[grep(userCol,uniqueCols)])
MS2ix_userCols <- gsub("^(\\w+).*_(\\w+).raw", "\\1_\\2",MS2ix_userCols)
MS2ix_userCols <- unique(MS2ix_userCols)
# select user specified columns of MS2ix columns from database
MS2ix_userCols_database <- c()
for(userCol in as.character(MS2ix_cols)){
MS2ix_userCols_database <- append(MS2ix_userCols_database,
#### merge data sets together ####
firstRun <- TRUE
for(dataPath in dataList){
# load data from dataList
data <- readFile(dataPath)
# starts with a [SPACE], remove this [SPACE]
data <- rmSpaceInBeginning(data, userSpecifiedColnames)
selectedCols <- tryCatch(
# return statement
data[, c(dataColnames$PPM, dataColnames$CLASS, dataColnames$C_CHAIN,
dataColnames$DOUBLE_BOND, dataColnames$SUM_COMPOSITION,
dataColnames$SPECIE_COMPOSITION, dataColnames$MASS_TO_CHARGE)]
message(paste0("ERROR: PROBLEMS WITH COLUMN NAMES! Please check that ",
"all colnames are correctly named, both in the data set and in the ",
"userSpecifiedList, if it's used."))
message("Original R error message:")
# Insert values from OH col to selectedCols, if present in the data set or
# set value to NA.
if(("OH_GROUP" %in% colnames(dataColnames))){
if(dataColnames$OH_GROUP %in% colnames(data)){
selectedCols[, dataColnames$OH_GROUP] <-
data[,which(dataColnames$OH_GROUP == colnames(data))]
selectedCols[, dataColnames$OH_GROUP] <- NA
# change long MS1.* name to MS1_xx, where xx is a number
MS1x_tmp <- data[,c(colnames(data)[grep(paste0("^",dataColnames$MS1x),
colnames(MS1x_tmp) <-
gsub("^(\\w+).*_(\\w+).raw", "\\1_\\2",colnames(MS1x_tmp))
# insert new MS1_xx col names to selectedCols
selectedCols <- cbind(selectedCols,MS1x_tmp)
# insert mode column describing whether the measurements comes from
# POS or NEG measurements
if("POS" %in% colnames(data)){
mode <- "POS"
if("NEG" %in% colnames(data)){
mode <- "NEG"
stop(paste0("ERROR: POS/NEG column is missing in the input data ",
"files. Please make sure that every input data file has a column ",
"describing the quan mode (POS or NEG)."))
# insert mode column into selectedCols
selectedCols$MODE <- mode
# convert FA, FRAG and NLS col names in the input data (e.g. FAxxINTENS*
# name to FAxxINTENS_xx, where xx is a number), so they can be compared with
# the obtained colnames in FA_FRAG_NLS_cols.
colnames(data) <- gsub("^(\\w+).*_(\\w+).raw", "\\1_\\2",colnames(data))
# insert FA, FRAG and NLS columns into selectedCols. If they do not exist in
# the given data set, the value = NA
dataNames <- colnames(data)
for(col in MS2ix_userCols){
if(col %in% dataNames){
selectedCols[,paste(col)] <- data[,paste(col)]
selectedCols[,paste(col)] <- NA
# remove all rows where SUM_COMPOSITION == ""
selectedCols <- selectedCols[
selectedCols[,dataColnames$SUM_COMPOSITION] != "",]
# merge all data sets into one data set (mergedDataSet).
if(firstRun == TRUE){ # only used on first run, since mergedDataSet is not
# defined yet
mergedDataSet <- selectedCols
firstRun <- FALSE
}else{ # used for all runs except first run.
mergedDataSet <- rbind(mergedDataSet, selectedCols)
# convert different zero-symbols (e.g. " none" and NA) to the same symbol
# ("0").
mergedDataSet[mergedDataSet == "0.0" | mergedDataSet == "none" |
mergedDataSet == " none" | mergedDataSet == "None" |
mergedDataSet == " None" | mergedDataSet == "Keine" |
is.na(mergedDataSet)] <- "0"
# multiply MS1x values if multiply is set to a value
if(!is.null(multiply) && !is.null(correctionList)){
for(MS1x in colnames(MS1x_tmp)){
mergedDataSet[,MS1x] <-
ifelse(mergedDataSet[,dataColnames$SUM_COMPOSITION] %in% correctionList,
mergedDataSet[,MS1x]*multiply, mergedDataSet[,MS1x])
#### Test whether all MS1x and MS2x > 0 for all internal standards
# merge MS1x and MS2x cols together
MS1x_MS2x_cols <- c(colnames(MS1x_tmp), MS2ix_userCols)
# select rows with internal standards
isData <-
# remove all columns except from MS1x_MS2x_cols and SUM_COMPOSITION
isData <- isData[, c(dataColnames$SUM_COMPOSITION,MS1x_MS2x_cols)]
# remove any non-MS1x and MS2ix columns (MASS columns) except
# from SUM_COMPOSITION, which is used for matching isData with ISTD_lipid_db
isData <- isData[,
grep(paste0("^", dataColnames$SUM_COMPOSITION ,"|_"),colnames(isData))]
# match isData with ISTD_lipid_db
ISTD_matched_w_isData <- ISTD_lipid_db[match(
ISTD_lipid_db[, dataColnames$SUM_COMPOSITION]),]
# remove all columns except MS1x and MS2ix
ISTD_matched_w_isData <-
ISTD_matched_w_isData[, as.character(dataColnames[,
grep("^MS1|^MS2", colnames(dataColnames))])]
for(col in colnames(ISTD_matched_w_isData)){
tmp_col <- ISTD_matched_w_isData[, grep(paste0("^",col),
if(sum(tmp_col) != 0){
if(!all(isData[tmp_col, grep(paste0("^", col), colnames(isData))] != 0)){
stop(paste0("ERROR: One or more internal standards in the ", col ,
" column contains 0 in MS1/MS2 column(s). Please ensure that this ",
"column contains the right 1/0 status for each internal standard in ",
"the ISTD lipid database."))
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