
Defines functions emp.interp CalcLorenz_IF CalcLorenz svylorenz.svyrep.design svylorenzpolygon_wrap svylorenzpoints_wrap svylorenzlines_wrap svylorenzplot_wrap svylorenz

Documented in svylorenz svylorenz.svyrep.design

#' Lorenz curve
#' Estimate the Lorenz curve, an inequality graph
#' @param formula a formula specifying the income variable
#' @param design a design object of class \code{survey.design} or class \code{svyrep.design} from the \code{survey} library.
#' @param quantiles a sequence of probabilities that defines the quantiles sum to be calculated
#' @param ci Should the confidence interval be plotted? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param alpha a number that especifies de confidence level for the graph.
#' @param empirical Should an empirical Lorenz curve be estimated as well? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param plot Should the Lorenz curve be plotted? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param add Should a new curve be plotted on the current graph?
#' @param curve.col a string defining the color of the curve.
#' @param na.rm Should cases with missing values be dropped? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param deff Return the design effect (see \code{survey::svymean})
#' @param linearized Should a matrix of linearized variables be returned
#' @param influence Should a matrix of (weighted) influence functions be returned? (for compatibility with \code{\link[survey]{svyby}})
#' @param return.replicates Return the replicate estimates?
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{plot} methods
#' @details you must run the \code{convey_prep} function on your survey design object immediately after creating it with the \code{svydesign} or \code{svrepdesign} function.
#' Notice that the 'empirical' curve is observation-based and is the one actually used to calculate the Gini index.
#' On the other hand, the quantile-based curve is used to estimate the shares, SEs and confidence intervals.
#' This way, as the number of quantiles of the quantile-based function increases, the quantile-based curve approacches the observation-based curve.
#' @return Object of class "\code{survey::oldsvyquantile}", which are vectors with a "\code{quantiles}" attribute giving the proportion of income below that quantile,
#' and a "\code{SE}" attribute giving the standard errors of the estimates.
#' @author Guilherme Jacob, Djalma Pessoa and Anthony Damico
#' @seealso \code{\link[survey]{oldsvyquantile}}
#' @references Milorad Kovacevic and David Binder (1997). Variance Estimation for Measures of Income
#' Inequality and Polarization - The Estimating Equations Approach. \emph{Journal of Official Statistics},
#' Vol.13, No.1, 1997. pp. 41 58. URL \url{https://www.scb.se/contentassets/ca21efb41fee47d293bbee5bf7be7fb3/variance-estimation-for-measures-of-income-inequality-and-polarization---the-estimating-equations-approach.pdf}.
#' Shlomo Yitzhaki and Robert Lerman (1989). Improving the accuracy of estimates of Gini coefficients.
#' \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, Vol.42(1), pp. 43-47, September.
#' Matti Langel (2012). \emph{Measuring inequality in finite population sampling}. PhD thesis. URL \url{http://doc.rero.ch/record/29204}.
#' @keywords survey
#' @examples
#' library(survey)
#' library(laeken)
#' data(eusilc) ; names( eusilc ) <- tolower( names( eusilc ) )
#' # linearized design
#' des_eusilc <- svydesign( ids = ~rb030 , strata = ~db040 ,  weights = ~rb050 , data = eusilc )
#' des_eusilc <- convey_prep( des_eusilc )
#' svylorenz( ~eqincome , des_eusilc, seq(0,1,.05), alpha = .01 )
#' # replicate-weighted design
#' des_eusilc_rep <- as.svrepdesign( des_eusilc , type = "bootstrap" )
#' des_eusilc_rep <- convey_prep( des_eusilc_rep )
#' svylorenz( ~eqincome , des_eusilc_rep, seq(0,1,.05), alpha = .01 )
#' \dontrun{
#' # linearized design using a variable with missings
#' svylorenz( ~py010n , des_eusilc, seq(0,1,.05), alpha = .01 )
#' svylorenz( ~py010n , des_eusilc, seq(0,1,.05), alpha = .01, na.rm = TRUE )
#' # demonstration of `curve.col=` and `add=` parameters
#' svylorenz( ~eqincome , des_eusilc, seq(0,1,.05), alpha = .05 , add = TRUE , curve.col = 'green' )
#' # replicate-weighted design using a variable with missings
#' svylorenz( ~py010n , des_eusilc_rep, seq(0,1,.05), alpha = .01 )
#' svylorenz( ~py010n , des_eusilc_rep, seq(0,1,.05), alpha = .01, na.rm = TRUE )
#' # database-backed design
#' library(RSQLite)
#' library(DBI)
#' dbfile <- tempfile()
#' conn <- dbConnect( RSQLite::SQLite() , dbfile )
#' dbWriteTable( conn , 'eusilc' , eusilc )
#' dbd_eusilc <-
#' 	svydesign(
#' 		ids = ~rb030 ,
#' 		strata = ~db040 ,
#' 		weights = ~rb050 ,
#' 		data="eusilc",
#' 		dbname=dbfile,
#' 		dbtype="SQLite"
#' 	)
#' dbd_eusilc <- convey_prep( dbd_eusilc )
#' svylorenz( ~eqincome , dbd_eusilc, seq(0,1,.05), alpha = .01 )
#' # highlithing the difference between the quantile-based curve and the empirical version:
#' svylorenz( ~eqincome , dbd_eusilc, seq(0,1,.5), empirical = TRUE, ci = FALSE, curve.col = "green" )
#' svylorenz( ~eqincome , dbd_eusilc, seq(0,1,.5), alpha = .01, add = TRUE )
#' legend( "topleft", c("Quantile-based", "Empirical"), lwd = c(1,1), col = c("red", "green"))
#' # as the number of quantiles increases, the difference between the curves gets smaller
#' svylorenz( ~eqincome , dbd_eusilc, seq(0,1,.01), empirical = TRUE, ci = FALSE, curve.col = "green" )
#' svylorenz( ~eqincome , dbd_eusilc, seq(0,1,.01), alpha = .01, add = TRUE )
#' legend( "topleft", c("Quantile-based", "Empirical"), lwd = c(1,1), col = c("red", "green"))
#' dbRemoveTable( conn , 'eusilc' )
#' dbDisconnect( conn , shutdown = TRUE )
#' }
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor
#' @importFrom graphics abline lines plot points polygon
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
svylorenz <- function(formula, design, ...) {
  if (length(attr(terms.formula(formula) , "term.labels")) > 1)
      "convey package functions currently only support one variable in the `formula=` argument"

  UseMethod("svylorenz", design)


# thanks to alex for these wrapper functions
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/37518103/1759499
svylorenzplot_wrap <-
  function(cex = 0.1 ,
           xlab = "Cumulative Population Share" ,
           ylab = "Total Income Share" ,
           ...) {
      NULL ,
      NULL ,
      xlim = c(0 , 1) ,
      ylim = c(0 , 1) ,
      cex = cex ,
      xlab = xlab ,
      ylab = ylab ,

svylorenzlines_wrap <-
  function(x = x ,
           y = y ,
           pch = 16 ,
           cex = 0.1 ,
           lwd = 1 ,
           col = col ,
           ...) {
      x ,
      y ,
      xlim = c(0 , 1) ,
      ylim = c(0 , 1) ,
      pch = pch ,
      cex = cex ,
      lwd = lwd ,
      col = col ,

svylorenzpoints_wrap <-
  function(x = x ,
           y = y ,
           pch = 16 ,
           cex = 0.1 ,
           lwd = 1 ,
           col = col ,
           ...) {
      y ,
      xlim = c(0 , 1) ,
      ylim = c(0 , 1) ,
      pch = pch ,
      cex = cex * 4 ,
      lwd = lwd ,
      col = col ,


svylorenzpolygon_wrap <-
  function(x = x ,
           y = y ,
           col = col ,
           border = NA ,
           ...) {
    polygon(x , y , col = col , border = border , ...)

#' @rdname svylorenz
#' @export
svylorenz.survey.design <-
  function (formula ,
            quantiles = seq(0, 1, .1),
            empirical = FALSE,
            plot = TRUE,
            add = FALSE,
            curve.col = "red",
            ci = TRUE,
            alpha = .05,
            na.rm = FALSE ,
            deff = FALSE ,
            linearized = FALSE ,
            influence = FALSE ,
            ...) {
    # collect income data
    incvar <-
      model.frame(formula, design$variables, na.action = na.pass)[[1]]

    # treat missing values
    if (na.rm) {
      nas <- is.na(incvar)
      design <- design[nas == 0, ]
      if (length(nas) > length(design$prob))
        incvar <- incvar[nas == 0]
        incvar[nas > 0] <- 0

    # collect weights
    w <- 1 / design$prob

    # treat remaining missing
    if (anyNA(incvar [w > 0])) {
      variance <-
        matrix(NA ,
               ncol = length(quantiles) ,
               nrow = length(quantiles))
      rval <- rep(NA , length(quantiles))
      names(rval) <- paste0("L(" , quantiles , ")")
      attr(rval , "var") <- variance
      attr(rval , "statistic") <- "lorenz"
      class(rval) <- c("cvystat" , "svrepstat")

    # calculate estimates
    N <- sum(w)
    Y <- sum(ifelse(w > 0 , w * incvar , 0))
    mu <- Y / N
    L.p <-
      as.numeric(lapply(quantiles, function(z)
        CalcLorenz(incvar, w, z)))
    GL.p <- L.p * mu

    # compute linearized
    lin.matrix <-
      do.call(cbind , lapply(quantiles, function(z)
        CalcLorenz_IF(incvar, w , z)))

    # treat out of sample
    if (nrow(lin.matrix) != length(design$prob)) {
      rownames(lin.matrix) <- rownames(design$variables)[w > 0]
      lin.matrix <-
        lin.matrix[pmatch(rownames(design$variables) , rownames(lin.matrix)) , ]
      lin.matrix[w <= 0 , ] <- 0

    # compute variance
    variance <-
        sweep(lin.matrix , 1 , 1 / design$prob , "*") ,
        postStrata = design$postStrata
    variance[which(is.nan(variance))] <- NA
    rownames(variance) <-
      colnames(variance) <- paste0("L(" , quantiles , ")")
    se <- sqrt(diag(variance))

    # compute deff
    if (is.character(deff) || deff) {
      nobs <- sum(weights(design , "sampling") > 0)
      npop <- sum(weights(design , "sampling"))
      if (deff == "replace")
        vsrs <-
        survey::svyvar(lin.matrix , design, na.rm = na.rm) * npop ^ 2 / nobs
        vsrs <-
        survey::svyvar(lin.matrix , design , na.rm = na.rm) * npop ^ 2 * (npop - nobs) /
        (npop * nobs)
      deff.estimate <- diag(variance) / vsrs

    # keep necessary linearized functions
    # lin.matrix <- lin.matrix[1 / design$prob > 0 , ]
    rownames(lin.matrix) <- rownames(design$variables)
    colnames(lin.matrix) <- paste0("L(" , quantiles , ")")

    # compute CIs
    CI.L <-
      L.p - se * qnorm(alpha ,
                       mean = 0,
                       sd = 1,
                       lower.tail = FALSE)
    CI.U <-
      L.p + se * qnorm(alpha ,
                       mean = 0,
                       sd = 1,
                       lower.tail = FALSE)
    cis <-
        rbind(CI.L, CI.U),
        .Dim = c(2L, length(quantiles), 1L),
        .Dimnames = list(
          c("(lower", "upper)"),

    # build result object
    rval <- c(L.p)
    names(rval) <- paste0("L(" , quantiles , ")")
    attr(rval , "var") <- variance
    attr(rval , "statistic") <- "lorenz"
    class(rval) <- c("cvystat" , "svystat")
    if (is.character(deff) ||
      attr(rval, "deff") <- deff.estimate
    if (linearized)
      attr(rval, "linearized") <- lin.matrix
    if (influence)
      attr(rval , "influence")  <-
      sweep(lin.matrix , 1 , design$prob , "/")
    if (linearized |
      attr(rval , "index") <- as.numeric(rownames(lin.matrix))

    # calculate empirical curve
    if (empirical)
      empirical.lorenz <- emp.interp(incvar , w)

    if (plot) {
      plot_dots <- list(...)

      # remove `deff` argument sent by svyby
      if ('deff' %in% names(plot_dots))
        plot_dots$deff <- NULL

      # overplot plot
      if (!add)
        do.call(svylorenzplot_wrap , plot_dots)

      # add error for special options
      if (any(c('xlim' , 'ylim' , 'col') %in% names(list(...))))
          "xlim=, ylim=, and col= parameters are fixed within `svylorenz`.  use curve.col= to change the line color"

      # add reference line
      abline(0 , 1 , ylim = c(0 , 1) , plot_dots)

      # add empirical curve
      if (empirical) {
        lines_dots <- plot_dots
        lines_dots$x <- empirical.lorenz$lorenz_x
        lines_dots$y <- empirical.lorenz$lorenz_y
        lines_dots$col = curve.col
        do.call(svylorenzlines_wrap , lines_dots)

      # add main points
      points_dots <- plot_dots
      points_dots$x <- quantiles
      points_dots$y <- L.p
      points_dots$col <- curve.col

      do.call(svylorenzpoints_wrap , points_dots)

      # add confidence intervals
      if (ci) {
        X.Vec <-
            tail(quantiles, 1),
        Y.Vec <-
          as.numeric(c(CI.L, tail(CI.U, 1), rev(CI.U), CI.L[1]))

        polygon_dots <- plot_dots
        polygon_dots$x <- X.Vec
        polygon_dots$y <- Y.Vec
        polygon_dots$col <- adjustcolor(curve.col, alpha.f = .2)
        polygon_dots$border <- NA

        do.call(svylorenzpolygon_wrap , polygon_dots)



    # return final object


#' @rdname svylorenz
#' @export
svylorenz.svyrep.design <-
  function(formula ,
           quantiles = seq(0, 1, .1),
           empirical = FALSE,
           plot = TRUE,
           add = FALSE,
           curve.col = "red",
           ci = TRUE,
           alpha = .05,
           na.rm = FALSE ,
           deff = FALSE ,
           linearized = FALSE ,
           return.replicates = FALSE ,
           ...) {
    # collect income data
    incvar <-
      model.frame(formula, design$variables, na.action = na.pass)[[1]]

    # treat missing values
    if (na.rm) {
      nas <- is.na(incvar)
      design <- design[!nas,]
      incvar <-
        model.frame(formula, design$variables, na.action = na.pass)[[1]]

    # collect sampling weights
    ws <- weights(design, "sampling")

    # treat remaining missing
    if (any(is.na(incvar [ws > 0]))) {
      variance <-
        matrix(NA ,
               ncol = length(quantiles) ,
               nrow = length(quantiles))
      rval <- rep(NA , length(quantiles))
      names(rval) <- paste0("L(" , quantiles , ")")
      attr(rval , "var") <- variance
      attr(rval , "statistic") <- "lorenz"
      class(rval) <- c("cvystat" , "svrepstat")

    # compute point estimates
    L.p <-
      as.numeric(lapply(quantiles, function(z)
        CalcLorenz(incvar, ws , z)))
    rval <-
      t(matrix(data = L.p, dimnames = list(as.character(quantiles))))

    # collect analysis weights
    ww <- weights(design, "analysis")

    # compute replicates
    qq <-
      t(apply(ww, 2, function(wi)
          lapply(quantiles, function(z)
            CalcLorenz(incvar, wi , z))

    # compute variance
    if ( dim( qq )[1] == 1 ) qq <- t( qq )
    variance <-
                     mse = design$mse,
                     coef = rval)
    rownames(variance) <-
      colnames(variance) <- paste0("L(" , quantiles , ")")

    # set up additional estimates
    se <- sqrt(diag(variance))

    # compute deff
    if (is.character(deff) || deff) {
      # compute linearized
      lin.matrix <-
        do.call(cbind , lapply(quantiles, function(z)
          CalcLorenz_IF(incvar, ws , z)))

      # add names
      rownames(lin.matrix) <- rownames(design$variables)
      colnames(lin.matrix) <- paste0("L(" , quantiles , ")")

      # compute deff
      nobs <- length(design$pweights)
      npop <- sum(design$pweights)
      vsrs <-
            lin.matrix ,
            na.rm = na.rm,
            return.replicates = FALSE,
            estimate.only = TRUE
        ) * npop ^ 2 / nobs
      if (deff != "replace")
        vsrs <- vsrs * (npop - nobs) / npop
      deff.estimate <- diag(variance) / vsrs


    # compute CIs
    CI.L <-
      as.numeric(L.p - se * qnorm(
        mean = 0,
        sd = 1,
        lower.tail = FALSE
    CI.U <-
      as.numeric(L.p + se * qnorm(
        mean = 0,
        sd = 1,
        lower.tail = FALSE
    cis <-
        rbind(CI.L, CI.U),
        .Dim = c(2L, length(quantiles), 1L),
        .Dimnames = list(
          c("(lower", "upper)"),

    # set up result object
    rval <- c(L.p)
    names(rval) <- paste0("L(" , quantiles , ")")
    attr(rval , "var") <- variance
    attr(rval , "statistic") <- "lorenz"
    if (linearized)
      attr(rval, "linearized") <- lin.matrix
    if (linearized)
      attr(rval , "index") <- as.numeric(rownames(lin.matrix))

    # empirical curve
    if (empirical)
      empirical.lorenz <- emp.interp(incvar , ws)

    # plot curve
    if (plot) {
      # set up options
      plot_dots <- list(...)

      # remove `deff` argument sent by svyby
      if ('deff' %in% names(plot_dots))
        plot_dots$deff <- NULL

      # star new plot
      if (!add)
        do.call(svylorenzplot_wrap , plot_dots)

      # close unused option
      if (any(c('xlim' , 'ylim' , 'col') %in% names(list(...))))
          "xlim=, ylim=, and col= parameters are fixed within `svylorenz`.  use curve.col= to change the line color"

      # add reference line
      abline(0 , 1 , ylim = c(0 , 1) , plot_dots)

      # plot empirical curve
      if (empirical) {
        lines_dots <- plot_dots
        lines_dots$x <- empirical.lorenz$lorenz_x
        lines_dots$y <- empirical.lorenz$lorenz_y
        lines_dots$col = curve.col
        do.call(svylorenzlines_wrap , lines_dots)

      # add point estimates of ordinates
      points_dots <- plot_dots
      points_dots$x <- quantiles
      points_dots$y <- L.p
      points_dots$col <- curve.col
      do.call(svylorenzpoints_wrap , points_dots)

      # add confidence intervals
      if (ci) {
        X.Vec <-
            tail(quantiles, 1),
        Y.Vec <-
          as.numeric(c(CI.L, tail(CI.U, 1), rev(CI.U), CI.L[1]))

        polygon_dots <- plot_dots
        polygon_dots$x <- X.Vec
        polygon_dots$y <- Y.Vec
        polygon_dots$col <- adjustcolor(curve.col, alpha.f = .2)
        polygon_dots$border <- NA
        do.call(svylorenzpolygon_wrap , polygon_dots)



    # keep replicates
    if (return.replicates) {
      attr(qq , "scale") <- design$scale
      attr(qq , "rscales") <- design$rscales
      attr(qq , "mse") <- design$mse
      rval <- list(mean = rval , replicates = qq)

    # add design effect estimate
    if (is.character(deff) ||
      attr(rval, "deff") <- deff.estimate

    # return final result object
    class(rval) <- c("cvystat" , "svrepstat")


#' @rdname svylorenz
#' @export
svylorenz.DBIsvydesign <- function (formula, design, ...) {
  design$variables <-
      updates = design$updates,
      subset = design$subset
  NextMethod("svylorenz", design)


# function for point estimates
CalcLorenz <- function(x , w = rep(1 , length(x)) , p) {
  # filter observations
  x <- x[w > 0]
  w <- w[w > 0]

  # population totals
  # N <- sum( w )
  Y <- sum(x * w)

  # weighted partial sum
  Y.p <- wtd.psum(x, w , p)

  # lorenz ordinate estimate
  Y.p / Y


# function for linearized functions
CalcLorenz_IF <- function(x , w , pc) {
  # filter observations
  x <- x[w > 0]
  w <- w[w > 0]

  # population size
  N <- sum(w)
  Y <- sum(x * w)
  mu <- Y / N

  # compute interpolated quantile
  quant <- smooth.quantile(x, w , pc)

  # compute lorenz curve ordinate
  L.p <- CalcLorenz(x , w , pc)

  # compute linearized variable
  # branch on special cases
  lin <-
    if (pc %in% c(0, 1))
      rep(0 , length(w))
    ((x - quant) * (x <= quant) + (pc * quant) - (x * L.p)) / Y

  # add indices
  names(lin) <- names(w)

  # retur linearized variable


# # partial sum (1st definition):
# wtd.psum <- function (x, q = .5, weights = NULL ) {
#   indices <- weights != 0
#   x <- x[indices]
#   weights <- weights[indices]
#   x_thres <- wtd.qtl(x = x, q = q, weights = weights )
#   return( sum( weights * x * 1 * (x <= x_thres) ) )
# }

# partial sum (2nd definition)
wtd.psum <-
  function (x,
            weights = rep(1 , length(x)) ,
            q = .5) {
    # filter observations
    x <- x[weights > 0]
    weights <- weights[weights > 0]

    # reorder
    ordx <- order(x)
    x <- x[ordx]
    weights <- weights[ordx]

    # population size
    N <- sum(weights)

    # intermediate partial sums
    wsum <- cumsum(weights)
    wsum_1 <- wsum - weights
    alpha_k <- wsum / N
    t_k <- ((q * N) - wsum_1) / weights

    # H function
    H_fn <-
        ifelse(x < 0 , 0 , ifelse((0 <= x) &
                                    (x < 1) , x , ifelse(x >= 1 , 1 , NA)))

    # compute estimate
    sum(weights * x * H_fn(t_k))


# quantile function:
smooth.quantile <-
  function (x ,
            weights = rep(1 , length(x)) ,
            q = .5) {
    # filter observations
    x <- x[weights > 0]
    weights <- weights[weights > 0]

    # reorder
    ordx <- order(x)
    x <- x[ordx]
    weights <- weights[ordx]

    # population size
    N <- sum(weights)

    # partial sums
    x_1 <- c(min(x) , x[-length(x)])
    wsum <- cumsum(weights)
    wsum_1 <- wsum - weights
    alpha_k <- wsum / N
    t_k <- ((q * N) - wsum_1) / weights

    # interpolation
    smth.vec <- (x_1 + (x - x_1) * t_k)

    # find k
    k <- which((wsum_1 < (q * N)) & ((q * N) <= wsum))

    # return estimate


# empirical interpolation
emp.interp <- function(x , w) {
  # filter observations
  x <- x[w > 0]
  w <- w[w > 0]

  # reorder
  ordx <- order(x)
  x <- x[ordx]
  w <- w[ordx]

  # interpolate x and y
    # lorenz_x = ( 2*cumsum(w) - w ) / ( 2*sum(w) ) , # where is this from?
    lorenz_x = cumsum(w) / sum(w) ,
    lorenz_y = cumsum(w * x) / sum(w * x) ,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

DjalmaPessoa/convey documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 10:30 p.m.