#' Plot a grid of colors given a matrix of numbers
#' @param M matrix of values to plot
#' @param block.height element height, default 20
#' @param block.width element width, default 10
#' @param space.X space between elements on horizontal axis, default 3
#' @param space.Y space between elements on vertical axis, default 10
#' @param cex.x cex value for x axis
#' @param cex.y cex value for y axis
#' @param border boolean, draw a border around grid elements
#' @param color_palatte vector of colors c(cold,middle,hot), defaults to
#' c("blue", "white", "red")
#' @param color_bounds two element vector with lower and upper limit for color
#' palatte, defaults to c( min(M), max(M) )
#' @param num_colors number of color gradations in palatte, default 50
#' @param main Plot main title, default blank.
#' @param xlab Plot x axis label, default blank.
#' @param ylab Plot y axis label, default blank.
#' @param plot_values draw element values in the grid blocks, default FALSE
#' @return M, including possible truncation from color bounds
#' @examples
#' M = matrix(1:12, nrow=3, ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' plot_color_grid(M)
#' dimnames(M)[[1]] = c("row_a","row_b","row_c")
#' dimnames(M)[[2]] = c("col1", "col2", "col3","col4")
#' plot_color_grid(M, color_palatte=c("blue","white","yellow" ) )
#' @importFrom graphics plot rect axis lines points text
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
plot_color_grid = function(M, block.height=20, block.width=10, space.X=3,
space.Y=10, cex.x=1, cex.y=1, border=TRUE,
color_bounds=NA, num_colors=50,
main="", xlab="", ylab="", plot_values=FALSE ) {
cmap = grDevices::colorRampPalette( colors=color_palatte )( num_colors )
if( is.na(color_bounds)[1] ){
color_bounds = c( min(M, na.rm=TRUE), max(M, na.rm=TRUE) )
if( sum(M>color_bounds[2], na.rm=TRUE)>0 ){
warning("value(s) in M exceed maximum color bound, truncating value(s)")
if( sum(M<color_bounds[1], na.rm=TRUE)>0 ){
warning("value(s) in M exceed minimum color bound, truncating value(s)")
M[M>color_bounds[2]] = color_bounds[2]
M[M<color_bounds[1]] = color_bounds[1]
MC = color_scale( M, cmap, color_bounds = color_bounds )
n.rows = dim(MC)[1]
n.cols = dim(MC)[2]
total.width = ( block.width*n.cols) + ( (n.cols-1) * space.X)
total.height = ( block.height * n.rows ) + ( (n.rows-1) * space.Y)
graphics::plot(0, 0, col="white", xlim=c(0,total.width),
ylim=c(0,total.height), axes=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
bg="azure2", main=main)
xlab_locs = rep(0, n.cols)
ylab_locs = rep(0, n.rows)
cur.y = total.height
for(rr in 1:n.rows){
for(cc in 1:n.cols){
this.x.left = (cc-1)*block.width + (cc-1)*space.X
this.x.right = this.x.left+block.width
xlab_locs[cc] = this.x.right - (block.width)
if( border ){
graphics::rect( this.x.left , cur.y - block.height,
this.x.right, cur.y, col=MC[rr,cc], border="azure2")
graphics::rect( this.x.left , cur.y - block.height,this.x.right,
cur.y, col=MC[rr,cc], border=NA)
if( plot_values ){
graphics::text( this.x.right - (block.width/2),
cur.y - (block.height/2),
M[rr,cc], cex=0.75 )
ylab_locs[rr] = cur.y - (0.5*block.height)
cur.y = cur.y - block.height - space.Y
graphics::axis(1, at=xlab_locs, labels=dimnames(MC)[[2]], las=2,
cex.axis=cex.x, tick=FALSE, padj=1, line=-1 )
graphics::axis(2, at=ylab_locs, labels=dimnames(MC)[[1]], las=2,
cex.axis=cex.y, tick=FALSE, hadj=1, line=-1.5)
#' Report colors that will be used when plotting a HTfit object.
#' If a vector of colors is passed to col, these colors will be used instead
#' of the default colors.
#' @param F HTfit object
#' @param col optional vector of valid R colors to be used for the plot;
#' defaults to the color scheme built into HTDoseResponseCurve.
#' @return data frame of unique condition, color
#' @export
HT_fit_plot_colors=function( F, col=NULL ){
N = length(F$unique_conditions)
if( is.null(col) ){
col = INC_colors_DRC[1:N]
stop(paste("Must provide",N,"colors to plot this figure"))
uc = as.character( unique( F$input$conditions_to_fit ) )
data.frame(condition=uc, col=col, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' Plot a dose response curve from a HTfit object
#' If the curve cannot be fit (meaning that the optimization method used by
#' the drm() method from the drc package failes to converge) then the summarized
#' points will be plotted without a curve connecting them.
#' @param x HTfit object
#' @param ... standard parameters for \code{plot} function
#' @param bar_multiple multiplier for standard error bars, default 2
#' @param summary_method summary method for points to plot in timecourse, one
#' of ("mean", "median"), defaults "mean"
#' @param show_EC50 show dotted vertical lines at EC50 values if they are fit,
#' default FALSE
#' @param show_SF50 show dotted vertical lines at SF50 values if they are fit,
#' default FALSE. Remember that SF50 is the dose that produces a surviving
#' fraction of 50%, whereas EC50 is the dose that produces a drop of 50% from
#' the minimum to maximum measured effect. Has no effect if the SF50 is not
#' reached.
#' @param show_legend show a legend, default FALSE
#' @param show_x_log_tics if axes==TRUE and this parameter is TRUE, draw tics
#' between each power of 10 scaled appropriately. If axes==TRUE and this
#' parameter is FALSE, omit ticks between powers of 10. Default TRUE.
#' @param show_x_exponent If axes==TRUE and this parameter is TRUE, show labels
#' on X axis as 10^2, 10^3, ... . If axes==TRUE and this parameter is FALSE,
#' show labels on X axis as an exponent (2, 3, ... ). Default TRUE.
#' @param log_axis_x logical. If TRUE, X axis is to be logarithmic; if FALSE,
#' X axis is original scale. Default is TRUE.
#' @return none
#' @examples
#' sample_types = rep( c(rep("line1",3), rep("line2",3)), 5)
#' treatments = c(rep("DMSO",6), rep("drug",24))
#' concentrations = c( rep(0,6),rep(200,6), rep(500,6),rep(1000,6),rep(5000,6))
#' values=c(100,99,100,90,91,92,99,97,99,89,87,88,86,89,88,56,59,58,66,65,67,
#' 25,23,24,42,43,46,4,5,9)
#' hours = rep(48, length(values))
#' plate_id = "plate_1"
#' ds = create_dataset( sample_types=sample_types, treatments=treatments,
#' concentrations=concentrations, hours=hours,
#' values=values, plate_id=plate_id,
#' negative_control = "DMSO")
#' library(drc)
#' # Fit model using three-parameter log-logistic function
#' fit_1=fit_DRC(ds, sample_types=c("line1", "line2"), treatments=c("drug"),
#' hour = 48, fct=drc::LL.3() )
#' plot(fit_1)
#' plot(fit_1, show_EC50=FALSE, show_legend=FALSE, lwd=3,col=c("black", "gold"),
#' xlim=c(0, 1e4), xlab="concentration nM",
#' ylab="surviving fraction")
#' legend(1.5, 0.3, c("Line 1", "Line 2"), col=c("black", "gold"), pch=15)
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_DRC}}
#' @export
plot.HT_fit = function( x, ..., bar_multiple=2,
summary_method="mean", show_EC50=FALSE,
show_legend=FALSE, show_x_log_tics=TRUE,
show_x_exponent=TRUE, log_axis_x=TRUE){
if( summary_method!="mean" & summary_method !="median"){
stop("parameter summary_method must be one of {mean, median}")
N = length(x$unique_conditions)
plot_parameters = list(...)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "pch" ) )==0 )
plot_parameters[["pch"]] = rep(15, N)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "col" ) )==0 ){
plot_parameters[["col"]] = INC_colors_DRC[1:N]
plot_parameters[["col"]] = rep(plot_parameters[["col"]], N)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "lty" ) )==0 )
plot_parameters[["lty"]] = rep(1, N)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "ylim" ) )==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylim"]] = c(0, 1.2)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "xlab" ) )==0 )
plot_parameters[["xlab"]] = ""
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "ylab" ) )==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylab"]] = ""
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "cex" ) )==0 )
plot_parameters[["cex"]] = 1
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "cex.axis"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["cex.axis"]] = 1
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "cex.lab"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["cex.lab"]] = 1.5
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "xlim"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["xlim"]] = c(0, 1e4)
plot_parameters[["yaxs"]] = "i"
plot_parameters[["xaxs"]] = "i"
if( !log_axis_x ){
plot_parameters[["log"]] = ""
pc = HT_fit_plot_colors( x, col=plot_parameters[["col"]][ 1:N ] )
cond2color = hsh_from_vectors(pc$condition, pc$col)
Mstat = plyr::ddply( x$input, c("conditions_to_fit", "concentration"),
function(po){ data.frame(
mu=mean(po$value, na.rm=TRUE),
med=stats::median(po$value, na.rm=TRUE),
sterr = se(po$value),
stringsAsFactors=FALSE ) }
if( summary_method=="mean"){
Mstat$value = Mstat$mu
Mstat$value = Mstat$med
# if user wants axes (either by passing axes=TRUE or not specifying), we're
# going to draw our own axes, so set the plot parameter axes to FALSE. If
# the user passed axes=FALSE and therefore DOESN'T want axes, respect that.
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "axes" ) )==0 ){
plot_parameters[["axes"]] = FALSE
draw_axes = TRUE
draw_axes = plot_parameters[["axes"]]
if( plot_parameters[["axes"]] ){
plot_parameters[["axes"]] = FALSE
if( x$is_fitted ){
plot_parameters[["type"]] = "none"
plot_parameters[["legend"]] = FALSE # for plot.drc()
plot_parameters[["bp"]] = 1 # for plot.drc()
plot_parameters = c( list(x$model), plot_parameters)
do.call( graphics::plot, plot_parameters )
graphics::box(col="white", lwd=4)
if( show_EC50 ){
EC50 = x$fit_stats$coef_EC50
for( i in 1:length(EC50) ){
if( !is.na(EC50[i]) & !is.infinite(EC50[i]) ){
y_pred=stats::predict( x$model,
data.frame( concentration=EC50[i],
graphics::lines( c( EC50[i], EC50[i] ), c(0, y_pred),
col=hsh_get( cond2color,
rownames(x$fit_stats)[i] ),
lwd=plot_parameters[["lwd"]], lty=3 )
if( show_SF50 ){
SF50 = x$fit_stats$SF50
for( i in 1:length(SF50) ){
if( !is.na(SF50[i]) & !is.infinite(SF50[i]) ){
graphics::lines( c( SF50[i], SF50[i] ), c(0, 0.5),
col=hsh_get( cond2color,
rownames(x$fit_stats)[i] ),
lwd=plot_parameters[["lwd"]], lty=3 )
Mstat$concentration = log10( Mstat$concentration )
Mstat$concentration[is.infinite( Mstat$concentration)] = 0
conditions = unique(Mstat$conditions_to_fit)
unfit = unique(Mstat[,c("conditions_to_fit", "concentration","value")])
xlim_transformed=log10( plot_parameters[["xlim"]] )
xlim_transformed[is.infinite(xlim_transformed)] = 0
plot( -1, -1,
#plot( Mstat$concentration[Mstat$conditions_to_fit==conditions[1]],
# Mstat$value[Mstat$conditions_to_fit==conditions[1]],
yaxs = "i",
xaxs= "i")
#plot_parameters[["x"]] = -1
#do.call( graphics::plot, plot_parameters)
Mstat$bar_width = 0.2
if( draw_axes ){
graphics::axis( 2, at=c(0, 0.5, 1),
labels=c("0", "0.5", "1"), las=1,
if( log_axis_x ){
log10_low = log10( plot_parameters[["xlim"]][1] )
log10_high = log10( plot_parameters[["xlim"]][2] )
if( plot_parameters[["xlim"]][1]==0 )
tics = logtics( log10_low, log10_high,
show_x_log_tics, show_x_exponent)
if( !x$is_fitted)
tics$values = log10(tics$values)
graphics::axis(1, at=tics$values, labels=tics$labels, las=1,
cex.axis=plot_parameters[["cex.axis"]], lwd.ticks=1)
graphics::axis(1, at=tics$values[tics$lwd==2],
labels=rep("", sum(tics$lwd==2)), las=1,
cex.axis=plot_parameters[["cex.axis"]], lwd.ticks=2)
xlow = plot_parameters[["xlim"]][1]
xhigh = plot_parameters[["xlim"]][2]
values = seq(from=xlow, to=xhigh, by=(xhigh-xlow)/5)
graphics::axis(1, at=values, labels=round(values,2), las=1,
cex.axis=plot_parameters[["cex.axis"]], lwd.ticks=2)
#Mstat$concentration[Mstat$concentration==0] = 1
graphics::points( Mstat$concentration, Mstat$value, pch = 19,
col=hsh_get( cond2color, as.character(Mstat$conditions_to_fit)),
graphics::legend( x_legend, 0.45, x$unique_conditions, pch=19,
col=hsh_get( cond2color, as.character(Mstat$conditions_to_fit)),
bty="n", cex=0.75 )
for(i in 1:dim(Mstat)[1]){
px = Mstat$concentration[i]
py = Mstat$value[i]
pse = Mstat$sterr[i] * bar_multiple
pcol = hsh_get( cond2color, as.character(Mstat$conditions_to_fit[i]) )
bwdth = px/bandwidth_factor # varies if fit or not
graphics::lines(c( px, px ), c( py-pse, py+pse ), lwd=1, col=pcol )
graphics::lines(c( px-bwdth, px+bwdth ), c( py-pse, py-pse ),
lwd=1, col=pcol )
graphics::lines(c( px-bwdth, px+bwdth ), c( py+pse, py+pse ),
lwd=1, col=pcol )
set_list_default = function(L, name, val){
if( length( which( names(L)== name ) )==0 )
L[[name]] = val
#' Plot interaction index with confidence intervals for observed effects
#' at combination doses having observed effects.
#' Calls code published by Lee and Kong in Statistics in Biopharmaceutical
#' Research 2012; please cite their work if you use this function.
#' @param ds dataset
#' @param sample_type sample type in ds
#' @param treatment_1 treatment in ds
#' @param treatment_2 treatment in ds
#' @param hour hour in ds. Default 0.
#' @param log which scale should be logged; default is "y"
#' @param ... additional parameters to pass to plot function
#' @param alpha 1-alpha is the size of the confidence intervals, default 0.05
#' @return list ii: estimated interaction indices corresponding to the
#' observations (c.d1, c.d2, E); ii.low, ii.up: estimated lower and upper CI
#' @references Lee & Kong Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2012
#' @examples
#' dose_SCH=c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 4)
#' eff_SCH = c(0.6701, 0.6289, 0.5577, 0.4550, 0.3755)
#' dose_4HPR = c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2)
#' eff_4HPR = c(0.7666, 0.5833, 0.5706, 0.4934)
#' eff_comb = c(0.6539, 0.4919, 0.3551, 0.2341)
#' syn = data.frame( treatment_1 = rep("SCH66336", 13),
#' conc_1 = c( dose_SCH, rep(0, 4), dose_SCH[1:4]),
#' treatment_2 = rep("4-HPR", 13),
#' conc_2 = c( rep(0, 5), dose_4HPR, dose_4HPR ),
#' values = c(eff_SCH, eff_4HPR, eff_comb ),
#' stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
#' ds_lk = create_synergy_dataset( sample_types = rep("sample_1", 13),
#' treatments_1 = syn$treatment_1,
#' treatments_2 = syn$treatment_2,
#' concentrations_1 = syn$conc_1,
#' concentrations_2 = syn$conc_2,
#' values = syn$values)
#' ii=plot_synergy_interaction_index(ds=ds_lk, sample_type = "sample_1",
#' treatment_1 = "SCH66336", treatment_2="4-HPR",
#' hour=0,
#' xlab="Effect", ylab="Interaction Index" ,
#' main="Interaction Index")
#' @export
plot_synergy_interaction_index = function(ds, sample_type,
treatment_1, treatment_2,
hour, ..., log="y", alpha=0.05){
# effects seen with combined treatment
ds_type = is_dataset_valid(ds, treatments=c(treatment_1, treatment_2),
hour=hour )
pp = list(...)
pp = set_list_default(pp, "xlim", c(0,1))
pp = set_list_default(pp, "ylim", c(0.01, 10))
pp = set_list_default(pp, "main", paste(sample_type, hour))
pp = set_list_default(pp, "xlab", "Effect (Surviving fraction)")
pp = set_list_default(pp, "ylab", "Interaction Index")
pp = set_list_default(pp, "las", 1)
pp = set_list_default(pp, "log", log)
pp = set_list_default(pp, "pch", 19)
CI.d=synergy_interaction_CI(ds, sample_type=sample_type,
hour=hour, alpha=alpha)
pp[["x"]] = x[ CI.d$is_obs ]
pp[["y"]] = y[ CI.d$is_obs ]
do.call( graphics::plot, pp)
graphics::lines( x, CI.d$cl_lower, lty=2, col="cornflowerblue" )
graphics::lines( x, CI.d$cl_upper, lty=2, col="cornflowerblue" )
graphics::lines( x, y, lty=1, col="black" )
#' Plot an image of the raw intensities for a plate
#' @param plate data frame in format matching that produced by
#' \code{read_incucyte_from_excel}.
#' @param hour hour of the experiment to plot. Defaults to NA, plotting all
#' values. If more than one time point has been stored for the data in plate,
#' passing NA will result in an error.
#' @param color_bounds values at which to draw coldest and hottest colors,
#' defaults to c(0, 100)
#' @param color_palatte colors to use for cold-middle-hot, defaults to
#' c("white", "#fdbb84","#e34a33")
#' @param main title to draw above plot, defaults to ""
#' @param cex point size, defaults to 1.5
#' @return none
#' @examples
#' plate_1 = create_empty_plate( 6, hour=0, plate_id="plate_1")
#' plate_1[1,1:3] = c(100, 40, 10 )
#' plate_1[2,1:3] = c(90, 70, 30 )
#' plot_values_by_plate( plate_1, hour=0 )
#' # real-world example
#' pkg = "HTDoseResponseCurve"
#' fn_data = system.file("extdata", "sample_data_384.xlsx", package = pkg)
#' plate_data = read_plates_from_Incucyte_export( fn_data, "p1",
#' number_of_wells=384)
#' plot_values_by_plate(plate_data, hour=96)
#' @export
plot_values_by_plate = function( plate, hour=NA, color_bounds=c(0,100),
color_palatte=c("white", "#fdbb84","#e34a33"),
main="", cex=1.5 ){
if( is.na(hour) ){
hour = unique(plate$hours)
if( length(hour)>1 ){
stop(paste("plate contains more than one time point; must specify",
"time point with the hour parameter") )
if( sum( plate$hours==hour )==0 ){
stop(paste("hour parameter", hour, "not present in plate"))
# plot raw value for a plate at the specified hour
n_row = sum(plate$hours==hour)
idx_max = dim(plate)[2] - 2
n_col = idx_max
graphics::plot( -1, -1, xlim=c(0, n_col+1), ylim=c(0, n_row+1),
axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",yaxs="i", xaxs="i", main=main )
abc = abc[1:n_row]
abc_rev = abc[ length(abc):1]
graphics::axis(1, 1:n_col, cex=0.5, las=2)
graphics::axis(2, at=1:n_row, labels=abc_rev, las=1, cex=0.5)
cmap = grDevices::colorRampPalette( colors=color_palatte )(color_bounds[2]-
vals = ceiling( data.matrix(plate[plate$hours==hour,1:idx_max] ) )
colors = color_scale( vals, cmap, color_bounds = color_bounds )
pches = matrix(19, ncol=n_col, nrow=n_row)
pches[ is.na(colors) ] = 1
colors[is.na(colors)] = "grey"
xs = matrix( rep( 1:n_col, n_row ), ncol=n_col, nrow=n_row, byrow=TRUE)
ys = matrix( rep( 1:n_row, n_col ), ncol=n_col, nrow=n_row)
ys = n_row-ys+1
graphics::points( as.numeric(xs), as.numeric(ys), col=colors,
pch=as.numeric(pches), cex=cex )
se = function(x){
stats::sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(x)))
#' Plot an time course of the raw intensities
#' @param D experiment dataset with columns matching the output of
#' \code{combine_data_and_maps}
#' @param sample_types which sample types to draw
#' @param treatments which treatments to draw
#' @param concentrations which concentrations to draw
#' @param plot_raw plot un-normalized raw values, defaults TRUE. If FALSE,
#' plots value_normalized.
#' @param show_vehicle If TRUE and plot_raw is TRUE, plot un-normalized
#' raw vehicle values. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param SEM_to_show If not zero, multiple of the SEM (standard error of
#' the mean) to show at each point. Defaults to 0.
#' @param combine_raw_plates if TRUE, allow raw timecourse plots that include
#' more than one plate. Normally combining more than one plate in a raw
#' timecourse plot produces unexpected plot behavior because of plate-specific
#' growth differences; that is not allowed unless combine_raw_plates is passed
#' to specify that you know what you're doing. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ... standard parameters for \code{plot} function
#' @param cex.xaxis size coefficient for X axis, default 1
#' @param cex.yaxis size coefficient for Y axis, default 2
#' @param axis.font font value for axis, default 2 (bold)
#' @param summary_method summary method for points to plot in timecourse, one
#' of (mean, median), defaults to mean
#' @return data frame reporting points plotted, sample types, and concentrations
#' @examples
#' pkg = "HTDoseResponseCurve"
#' fn_map = system.file("extdata", "sample_data_384_platemap.txt",package=pkg)
#' fn_data = system.file("extdata", "sample_data_384.xlsx", package = pkg)
#' plate_map = read_platemap_from_Incucyte_XML( fn_map )
#' plate_data = read_plates_from_Incucyte_export( fn_data, "p1",
#' number_of_wells=384)
#' plate_data$hours = round(plate_data$hours)
#' ds = combine_data_and_map( plate_data, plate_map, negative_control = "DMSO" )
#' ds = ds[ds$treatment=="drug13" | ds$treatment=="DMSO",]
#' plot_timecourse( ds, sample_types=c("line_1", "line_2"),
#' treatments="DMSO", concentrations=0)
#' @export
plot_timecourse = function( D, sample_types, treatments,
concentrations, plot_raw=TRUE,
SEM_to_show = 0,
..., cex.xaxis=1, cex.yaxis=2, axis.font=2,
if( summary_method != "mean" & summary_method != "median"){
stop("summary_method parameter must be either mean or median")
for(i in 1:length(sample_types)){
if( sum(D$sample_type==sample_types[i], na.rm=TRUE)==0 ){
stop( paste("sample type", sample_types[i],
"in parameter sample_types not found in D") )
for(i in 1:length(treatments)){
if( sum(D$treatment==treatments[i], na.rm=TRUE)==0 ){
stop( paste("treatment", treatments[i],
"in parameter treatments not found in D") )
for(i in 1:length(concentrations)){
if( sum(D$concentration==concentrations[i], na.rm=TRUE)==0 ){
stop( paste("concentration",concentrations[i],
"in parameter concentrations not found in D") )
ds_cur = D[ which(D$sample_type %in% sample_types &
D$treatment %in% treatments &
D$concentration %in% concentrations),]
stop(paste("No matches for this combination of sample_types,",
"treatments, and concentrations"))
if( plot_raw & !combine_raw_plates & length(unique(D$plate_id))>1 ){
stop(paste("if plot_raw is TRUE, you must restrict the dataset to a ",
"single plate unless combine_raw_plates is passed with",
"the value TRUE") )
if( show_vehicle ){
# identify vehicle rows for each combination of sample_type+treatment
veh = unique(ds_cur[,c("negative_control", "sample_type", "plate_id")])
for( i in 1:dim(veh)[2] ){
idx = which( D$treatment==veh$negative_control[i] &
D$plate_id==veh$plate_id[i] &
D$sample_type==veh$sample_type[i] )
ds_cur = rbind(ds_cur, D[idx,] )
ds_cur = ds_cur[ !is.na( ds_cur$concentration ) &
!is.na( ds_cur$treatment ) &
!is.na( ds_cur$sample_type),]
hours = sort( unique( ds_cur$hours ) )
unique_concs = sort( unique(ds_cur$concentration) )
unique_lines = sort( unique(sample_types) )
unique_treatments = sort( unique (treatments ) )
plot_parameters = list(...)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)=="pch") ) > 0 ){
if( length( plot_parameters[["pch"]]) != length(unique_lines) ){
stop(paste("Passed pch parameter with",
"elements but need to plot",length(unique_lines),
"unique lines"))
line2pch = hsh_from_vectors( as.character(unique_lines) ,
plot_parameters[["pch"]] )
line2pch = hsh_from_vectors( as.character(unique_lines) ,
INC_pches[1:length(unique_lines)] )
# eliminate NOTE generated by R CMD check
value=0; value_normalized=0; sample_type=0; concentration=0
# If plotting raw data, plot one curve for each plate.
Mstat = plyr::ddply(
.variables=c("sample_type", "hours", "concentration"),
mu_raw = mean( value, na.rm=TRUE ),
med_raw = stats::median( value, na.rm=TRUE ),
mu_norm = mean( value_normalized, na.rm=TRUE ),
med_norm = stats::median( value_normalized, na.rm=TRUE ),
sem_raw = sd(value, na.rm=TRUE)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(value))) ,
sem_norm= sd(value_normalized, na.rm=TRUE)/
sqrt(sum(!is.na(value_normalized))) ,
sample_type=unique( sample_type ) ,
concentration=unique( concentration ) )
if( plot_raw ){
if( summary_method=="mean"){
values = Mstat$mu_raw
values = Mstat$med_raw
sems = Mstat$sem_raw
if( summary_method=="mean"){
values = Mstat$mu_norm
values = Mstat$med_norm
sems = Mstat$sem_norm
conc2color = hsh_from_vectors( as.character(unique_concs) ,
INC_colors_DRC[ 1:length(unique_concs) ] )
Mstat = cbind( Mstat,
color =hsh_get(conc2color,as.character(Mstat$concentration)),
pch = hsh_get( line2pch, Mstat$sample_type),
plot_parameters[["xlim"]] = c(0, max(hours))
plot_parameters[["axes"]] = FALSE
plot_parameters[["pch"]] = Mstat$pch
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)=="col") ) == 0 ){
plot_parameters[["col"]] = Mstat$color
plot_parameters[["x"]] = Mstat$hours
plot_parameters[["y"]] = values
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "ylim" ) )==0 ){
plot_parameters[["ylim"]] = c(0, max(values, na.rm=TRUE) )
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "ylab" ) )==0 ){
plot_parameters[["ylab"]] = ""
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "xlab" ) )==0 ){
plot_parameters[["xlab"]] = ""
ylim = plot_parameters[["ylim"]]
do.call( graphics::plot, plot_parameters )
graphics::axis(2, round( c(ylim[1], (ylim[2])/2, ylim[2]), 1), las=1,
cex.axis=cex.yaxis,font= axis.font )
graphics::axis(1, round(hours,1), las=2, cex.axis=cex.xaxis, font=axis.font )
if( SEM_to_show != 0 ){
for( i in 1:length( plot_parameters[["x"]] )){
xx = plot_parameters[["x"]][i]
yy = plot_parameters[["y"]][i]
lines( c(xx, xx), c( yy - (SEM_to_show*sems[i] ),
yy + (SEM_to_show*sems[i]) ),
col=plot_parameters[["col"]][i] )
#' Plot a dose response curve summary values across one or more time points
#' Used to generate a line and dot plot of one or more AUC or EC50 values
#' across a series of time points. All of the values in the fit_stats data
#' frame will be plotted. Observations that do not meet the criteria specified
#' in the alpha parameter are plotted using open values (e.g. pch=1).
#' Observations where the minimum EC50 exceeds the obs_min parameter can be
#' plotted using a user-specified value for the pch parameter; by default this
#' is pch=13.
#' @param fit_stats data frame returned by call to \code{fit_statistics}
#' @param statistic statistic to plot, must be one of AUC, EC50
#' @param ... standard parameters for \code{plot} function
#' @param alpha cut-off to distinguish results with an ANOVA_P_value that is
#' considered statistically significant, plotted as closed circles. Defaults to
#' 1.
#' @param obs_min cut-off to distinguish results where the minimum observed
#' response across any dose is no greater than obs_min. Useful for restricting
#' plots to those values that acheived a result such as a Surviving Fraction
#' below 50 percent. Defaults to NA, which plots everything.
#' @return data frames with plotted points, colors. Useful for drawing a legend.
#' @examples
#' pkg = "HTDoseResponseCurve"
#' fn_map = system.file("extdata","sample_data_384_platemap.txt",package=pkg)
#' fn_data = system.file("extdata", "sample_data_384.xlsx", package = pkg)
#' plate_map = read_platemap_from_Incucyte_XML( fn_map )
#' plate_data = read_plates_from_Incucyte_export( fn_data, "p1",
#' number_of_wells=384)
#' plate_data$hours = round(plate_data$hours)
#' ds = combine_data_and_map( plate_data, plate_map, negative_control = "DMSO" )
#' ds = ds[ds$treatment=="drug13",]
#' fits = fit_statistics(ds, fct = drc::LL.3() )
#' res=plot_fit_statistic( fits, "AUC", ylim=c(0, 6) )
#' @export
plot_fit_statistic = function( fit_stats, statistic, ..., alpha = 1,
if( !( statistic == "AUC" | statistic=="EC50" ) ){
stop("parameter statistic must be one of AUC, EC50" )
if( is.na(obs_min) ){
obs_min = max(fit_stats$obs_min, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
plot_par = list(...)
if( length( which( names(plot_par)== "ylim" ) )==0 ){
plot_par[["ylim"]] = c(0, 10000)
if( length( which( names(plot_par)== "col" ) )==0 ){
colors = INC_colors_DRC
colors = plot_par[["col"]]
if( length( which( names(plot_par)== "xlab" ) )==0 ){
plot_par[["xlab"]] = ""
if( length( which( names(plot_par)== "cex" ) )==0 ){
plot_par[["cex"]] = 2
if( length( which( names(plot_par)== "ylab" ) )==0 ){
plot_par[["ylab"]] = ""
plot_par[["x"]] = -100
plot_par[["y"]] = -100
if( length( which( names(plot_par)== "xlim" ) )==0 ){
plot_par[["xlim"]] = c(0, max(fit_stats$hour))
fit_stats = fit_stats[fit_stats$hour <= plot_par[["xlim"]][2],]
plot_par[["axes"]] = FALSE
ylim = plot_par[["ylim"]]
if( length( which( names(plot_par)== "xlim" ) )==0 ){
plot_par[["xlim"]] = c(0, max(fit_stats$hour, na.rm=TRUE) )
do.call( graphics::plot, plot_par )
ylims = 1:ylim[2]
line_y = seq(from=ylim[1], to=ylim[2], by=(ylim[2]-ylim[1])/5 )
for(i in 1:length(line_y)){
graphics::abline( line_y[i], 0, col="lightgray")
if( length( which( names(plot_par)== "las" ) )==0 ){
plot_par[["las"]] = 1
graphics::axis(2, line_y, las=plot_par[["las"]])
graphics::axis(1, sort(unique(fit_stats$hour)), las=plot_par[["las"]])
sample_types = sort(unique(fit_stats$sample_type))
treatments = sort(unique(fit_stats$treatment))
for( i in 1:length( sample_types ) ){
cur_samp = sample_types[i]
for( j in 1:length(treatments) ){
cur_treat = treatments[j]
fits_cur = fit_stats$sample_type==cur_samp &
if( statistic=="AUC" ){
y=fit_stats$AUC[ fits_cur ]
}else if( statistic=="EC50" ){
y=fit_stats$coef_EC50[ fits_cur ]
stop(paste("cannot plot statistic",statistic))
xs = unique(fit_stats$hour[ fits_cur ] )
pvals = fit_stats$ANOVA_P_value[ fits_cur ]
min_observations = fit_stats$obs_min[ fits_cur ]
if( length( y ) >1 ){
for(k in 2:length(y)){
if( !is.na( pvals[k-1] ) & !is.na( pvals[k] ) &
pvals[k-1] <= alpha & pvals[k] <= alpha ){
graphics::lines( c(xs[k], xs[k-1] ),
c( y[k], y[k-1] ), col=colors[ctr] )
pches = rep(19, length(pvals))
pches[ pvals > alpha ] = 13
pches[ pvals <= alpha & min_observations > obs_min ] = 18
graphics::points( xs, y, col=colors[ctr] , pch=pches,
for(i in 1:length(y)){
if( is.infinite( y[i] ) ){
graphics::text( xs[i], ylim[2], "Inf", cex=1, font=2,
cur_res = data.frame( sample_type=rep(cur_samp, length(y)),
treatment=rep(cur_treat, length(y)),
AUC=y, hour=xs,
color=rep(colors[ctr], length(y) ),
if( ctr==1 ){
res = cur_res
res = rbind(res, cur_res)
ctr = ctr+1
#' Standard boxplot with labeled outliers
#' Any point outside of the whiskers will be labeled. Passes all standard
#' \code{boxplot()} parameters through to the R \code{boxplot()} function.
#' @param M one-dimensional matrix of values with row names for labels
#' @param ... standard commands for \code{boxplot()} function
#' @return standard output of \code{boxplot()} function
#' @examples
#' M = matrix( c(3,4,7,5,6,10), nrow=6, ncol=1 )
#' dimnames(M)[[1]] = paste("drug",1:6)
#' boxplot_label_outliers(M[,1])
#' @export
boxplot_label_outliers = function( M, ... ){
plot_parameters = list(...)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "ylim" ) )==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylim"]] = c(0, ceiling(max(M, na.rm=TRUE) ) )
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "xlim" ) )== 0 )
plot_parameters[["xlim"]] = c(0.25, 1.25)
y_max = plot_parameters[["ylim"]][2]
y_min = plot_parameters[["ylim"]][1]
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters)== "cex"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["cex"]] = 1
plot_parameters[["x"]] = M
b=do.call( graphics::boxplot, plot_parameters )
if( length(b$out)>0 ){
outs = b$out
outs = sort(outs, decreasing=TRUE)
xs = rep(1, length(M))
not_out = which( !( round(M,3) %in% round(outs,3)) )
xs[not_out] = jitter( xs[not_out], 2 )
graphics::points( xs, M, pch=19, cex=0.5 )
interval = (y_max-y_min) / (length(b$out)+1)
y_cur = y_max-interval
for( i in 1:length(b$out)){
graphics::text( 0.7, y_cur, names(outs)[i], adj=1,
cex=plot_parameters[["cex"]] )
graphics::lines( c(0.7,1), c(y_cur, outs[i]), col="#00000033" )
y_cur = y_cur-interval
#' plot FA vs. CI Chou synergy median effect plot
#' @param CS chou statistics
#' @param ... standard parameters for \code{plot} function
#' @return list of linear models fit
#' @examples
#' dose_SCH=c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 4)
#' eff_SCH = c(0.6701, 0.6289, 0.5577, 0.4550, 0.3755)
#' dose_4HPR = c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2)
#' eff_4HPR = c(0.7666, 0.5833, 0.5706, 0.4934)
#' eff_comb = c(0.6539, 0.4919, 0.3551, 0.2341)
#' syn = data.frame(
#' treatment_1 = rep("SCH66336", 13),
#' conc_1 = c( dose_SCH, rep(0, 4), dose_SCH[1:4]),
#' treatment_2 = rep("4-HPR", 13),
#' conc_2 = c( rep(0, 5), dose_4HPR, dose_4HPR ),
#' values = c(eff_SCH, eff_4HPR, eff_comb ),
#' stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
#' ds_lk = create_synergy_dataset( sample_types = rep("sample_1", 13),
#' treatments_1 = syn$treatment_1,
#' treatments_2 = syn$treatment_2,
#' concentrations_1 = syn$conc_1,
#' concentrations_2 = syn$conc_2,
#' values = syn$values)
#' CS_lk = chou_synergy( ds_lk, sample_type = "sample_1", hour=0,
#' treatment_1 = "SCH66336", treatment_2="4-HPR",
#' fct=drc::LL.2(), summary_method="mean" )
#' me=plot_synergy_median_effect( CS_lk, main="Median Effect" )
#' @export
plot_synergy_median_effect=function( CS, ... ){
cs1 = CS$treatment_1
cs2 = CS$treatment_2
csc = CS$treatment_12
cs1$x_m[cs1$D==0] = NA
cs1$y_m[cs1$D==0] = NA
cs2$x_m[cs2$D==0] = NA
cs2$y_m[cs2$D==0] = NA
csc$x_m[csc$D==0] = NA
csc$y_m[csc$D==0] = NA
ymax = ceiling( max( c( abs(cs1$y_m),abs(cs2$y_m),abs(csc$y_m)),na.rm=TRUE))
xmax = ceiling( max( c( abs(cs1$x_m),abs(cs2$x_m),abs(csc$x_m)),na.rm=TRUE))
plot_parameters = list(...)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "ylim"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylim"]] = c(-1*ymax, ymax)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "xlim"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["xlim"]] = c(-1*xmax, xmax)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "ylab"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylab"]] = "Log(Fa/Fu)"
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "xlab"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["xlab"]] = "Log(dose)"
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "las"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["las"]] = 1
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "col"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["col"]] = c("black", "red", "cornflowerblue")
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "lwd"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["lwd"]] = 1
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "pch"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["pch"]] = 19
if(length(plot_parameters[["col"]]) != 3 ){
stop("must pass three colors in col argument")
colors = plot_parameters[["col"]]
pches = plot_parameters[["pch"]]
if( length(pches)==1 )
pches = rep( pches[1], 3)
plot_parameters[["x"]] = cs1$x_m
plot_parameters[["y"]] = cs1$y_m
plot_parameters[["col"]] = colors[1]
plot_parameters[["pch"]] = pches[1]
do.call( graphics::plot, plot_parameters)
graphics::lines(c(0,0), c(-100,100))
graphics::points( cs2$x_m, cs2$y_m, pch=pches[2], col=colors[2])
graphics::points( csc$x_m, csc$y_m, pch=pches[3], col=colors[3])
LM_1 = stats::lm(cs1$y_m~cs1$x_m)
LM_2 = stats::lm(cs2$y_m~cs2$x_m)
LM_12 = stats::lm(csc$y_m~csc$x_m)
graphics::abline( LM_1, col=colors[1], lwd=plot_parameters[["lwd"]] )
graphics::abline( LM_2, col=colors[2], lwd=plot_parameters[["lwd"]] )
graphics::abline( LM_12, col=colors[3], lwd=plot_parameters[["lwd"]] )
list( LM_1=LM_1, LM_2=LM_2, LM_12=LM_12)
#' plot FA vs. CI Chou synergy plot
#' @param CS chou statistics
#' @param ... standard parameters for \code{plot} function
#' @param show_horizontal show horizontal stripes
#' @examples
#' dose_SCH=c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 4)
#' eff_SCH = c(0.6701, 0.6289, 0.5577, 0.4550, 0.3755)
#' dose_4HPR = c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2)
#' eff_4HPR = c(0.7666, 0.5833, 0.5706, 0.4934)
#' eff_comb = c(0.6539, 0.4919, 0.3551, 0.2341)
#' syn = data.frame( treatment_1 = rep("SCH66336", 13),
#' conc_1 = c( dose_SCH, rep(0, 4), dose_SCH[1:4]),
#' treatment_2 = rep("4-HPR", 13),
#' conc_2 = c( rep(0, 5), dose_4HPR, dose_4HPR ),
#' values = c(eff_SCH, eff_4HPR, eff_comb ),
#' stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
#' ds_lk = create_synergy_dataset( sample_types = rep("sample_1", 13),
#' treatments_1 = syn$treatment_1,
#' treatments_2 = syn$treatment_2,
#' concentrations_1 = syn$conc_1,
#' concentrations_2 = syn$conc_2,
#' values = syn$values)
#' CS_lk = chou_synergy( ds_lk, sample_type = "sample_1", hour=0,
#' treatment_1 = "SCH66336", treatment_2="4-HPR",
#' fct=drc::LL.2(), summary_method="mean" )
#' plot_chou_synergy_Fa_CI(CS_lk)
#' @return none
#' @export
plot_chou_synergy_Fa_CI = function( CS, ..., show_horizontal=TRUE ){
plot_parameters = list(...)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "ylab"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylab"]] = "CI"
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "xlab"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["xlab"]] = "Fa"
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "col"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["col"]] = "red"
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "ylab"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylab"]] = "CI"
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "ylim"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylim"]] = c(0,2)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "xlim"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["xlim"]] = c(0,1)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "pch"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["pch"]] = 19
plot_parameters[["x"]] = CS$CI$Fa
plot_parameters[["y"]] = CS$CI$CI
do.call( graphics::plot, plot_parameters )
for(i in seq(0, 2, 0.1)){
graphics::abline(i,0, col="lightgray")
graphics::abline(1,0, lwd=2)
graphics::points( CS$CI$Fa, CS$CI$CI, pch=plot_parameters[["pch"]],
col=plot_parameters[["col"]] )
#' Plot an time course of the raw intensities
#' @param ds synergy experiment dataset with columns matching the output of
#' \code{combine_data_and_maps}
#' @param sample_type which sample type to draw; only one can be specified
#' @param treatment_a which of two synergy treatments is labeled treatment A
#' @param treatment_b which of two synergy treatments is labeled treatment B
#' @param hour which hour to use from dataset ds, defaults to 0
#' @param normalize plot isobologram normalized so that the EC50 for each axis
#' is normalized to value 1, with other concentrations relative to this value
#' @param xmax highest value for X axis (treatment A)
#' @param ymax highest value for Y axis (treatment B)
#' @return list( fit_a, fit_b, IC50_a, IC50_b, iso) where fit_a and fit_b are
#' the fit of treatments A and B alone, IC50_a and IC50_b, and isobologram, a
#' data frame of the points X and Y that were plotted
#' @export
plot_isobologram = function( ds, sample_type, treatment_a, treatment_b, hour=0,
normalize=TRUE, xmax=NA, ymax=NA){
if( length(sample_type) != 1 ){
stop("must call with a single sample type")
TA = treatment_a
TB = treatment_b
ds_a = standardize_treatment_assigments( ds, TA, TB )
ds_b = standardize_treatment_assigments( ds, TB, TA )
ds_a_only = ds_a[ds_a$treatment != TB & ds_a$treatment_2 != TB,]
ds_b_only = ds_b[ds_b$treatment != TA & ds_b$treatment_2 != TA,]
fit_a = fit_DRC(ds_a_only, sample_types = c(sample_type), treatments = TA,
fct=LL.3(), hour = hour)
fit_b = fit_DRC(ds_b_only, sample_types = c(sample_type), treatments = TB,
fct=LL.3(), hour = hour)
IC50_a = fit_a$fit_stats$coef_EC50
IC50_b = fit_b$fit_stats$coef_EC50
if( normalize ){
plot( 1, 0, xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
pch=19, xlab=treatment_a, ylab=treatment_b)
graphics::points( 0, 1, pch=19)
graphics::lines( c(0,1), c(1,0), lwd=2)
if( is.na(xmax) ){
xmax = max( ds_a$concentration[ds$treatment==TA], na.rm=TRUE )
if( is.na(ymax) ){
ymax = max( ds_b$concentration[ds$treatment==TB], na.rm=TRUE )
plot( IC50_a, 0, xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
pch=19, xlab=treatment_a, ylab=treatment_b)
graphics::points( 0, IC50_b, pch=19)
graphics::lines( c(0, IC50_a), c(IC50_b, 0), lwd=2 )
# fit concentration for each concentration_2,
# estimate IC50, plot conc_IC50, conc_2
concs_a = sort(unique(ds_a$concentration[!ds_a$is_negative_control]))
concs_b = sort(unique(ds_b$concentration[!ds_b$is_negative_control]))
iso_x = c()
iso_y = c()
for(i in 1:length(concs_b)){
ds_iso=convert_dataset_for_synergy_DRC( ds_a[ds_a$hours==hour,],
treatment_a = TA, treatment_b = TB,
concentrations_a = concs_a,
concentrations_b= concs_b[i])
fit_par = fit_DRC(ds_iso,
sample_types = unique(ds_iso$sample_type[!ds_iso$is_negative_control]),
treatments = TA,
fct=LL.4(), hour = hour)
iso_x = c( iso_x, fit_par$fit_stats$coef_EC50[2] )
iso_y = c( iso_y, concs_b[i] )
for(i in 1:length(concs_a)){
ds_iso=convert_dataset_for_synergy_DRC( ds_b[ds_b$hours==hour,],
treatment_a = TB, treatment_b = TA,
concentrations_a = concs_b,
concentrations_b= concs_a[i])
fit_par = fit_DRC(ds_iso,
sample_types = unique(ds_iso$sample_type[!ds_iso$is_negative_control]),
treatments = TB,
fct=LL.4(), hour = hour)
iso_x = c( iso_x, fit_par$fit_stats$coef_EC50[2] )
iso_y = c( iso_y, concs_a[i] )
if( normalize ){
iso_x = iso_x / IC50_a
iso_y = iso_y / IC50_b
points( iso_x, iso_y )
iso = data.frame( x=iso_x, y=iso_y )
list( fit_a, fit_b, IC50_a, IC50_b, isobologram=iso)
#' Plot additive vs. synergy effect for a given concentration of one drug
#' @param ds synergy experiment dataset with columns matching the output of
#' \code{combine_data_and_maps}
#' @param treatment_for_DRC the treatment to vary across different doses
#' @param concs_for_DRC concentrations of treatment_for_DRC to show on X axis
#' @param treatment_subgroup the treatment to hold constant
#' @param conc_subgroup concentration of subgroup treatment
#' @param hour which hour to use from dataset ds, defaults to 0
#' @param sample_type sample type to draw; only one can be specified
#' @param ... accept standard arguments to plot()
#' @export
plot_additive_vs_synergy_effect = function( ds,
treatment_for_DRC, concs_for_DRC,
treatment_subgroup, conc_subgroup,
hour, sample_type, ... ){
# standardize treatment assignments and restrict to relevant time/sample
ds_std = ds[ds$hours==hour & ds$sample_type==sample_type,]
ds_std = standardize_treatment_assigments(ds_std, treatment_for_DRC,
treatment_subgroup )
ds_std=ds_std[ c(ds_std$concentration %in% concs_for_DRC &
ds_std$concentration_2 %in% conc_subgroup )|
ds_std$is_negative_control | ds_std$is_negative_control_2,]
# summarize replicates
M=plyr::ddply( ds_std, c("treatment", "concentration",
"treatment_2", "concentration_2",
"is_negative_control", "is_negative_control_2"),
function(x){ data.frame(
mu=round(mean(x$value_normalized, na.rm=TRUE),2) )
} )
# single treatments, putting vehicle first
Ma = M[ M$is_negative_control_2,]
Ma = Ma[ order( !Ma$is_negative_control, Ma$concentration ),]
Mb = M[ M$is_negative_control,]
Mb = Mb[ order( !Mb$is_negative_control_2, Mb$concentration_2 ),]
Mcomb = M[ (M$is_negative_control & M$is_negative_control_2) |
(!M$is_negative_control & !M$is_negative_control_2), ]
Mcomb = Mcomb[ order( !Mcomb$is_negative_control_2, Mcomb$concentration ),]
effect_both = 1 - Mcomb$mu
effect_DRC = 1 - Ma$mu
effect_subgroup = 1 - Mb$mu
idx_subgroup = which( Mb$concentration_2 == conc_subgroup )
plot_parameters = list(...)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "main"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["main"]] = paste(treatment_subgroup, conc_subgroup)
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "ylab"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylab"]] = 'effect'
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "xlab"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["xlab"]] = treatment_for_DRC
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "col"))==0 ){
plot_parameters[["col"]] = c("black","black","black")
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "cex"))==0 ){
plot_parameters[["cex"]] = 1
else if( length( plot_parameters[["col"]] )==1 ){
plot_parameters[["col"]] = c(color, color, color)
}else if( length( plot_parameters[["col"]] ) == 3 ){
plot_parameters[["col"]] = plot_parameters[["col"]]
stop("Must pass either zero, one, or three colors")
if( length( which( names(plot_parameters) == "ylim"))==0 )
plot_parameters[["ylim"]] = c(0,1)
plot_parameters[["yaxs"]] = "i"
b=do.call( graphics::plot, plot_parameters )
graphics::points( rep( effect_subgroup[idx_subgroup], length(effect_DRC)),
pch=2, col=plot_parameters[["col"]][2],
cex=plot_parameters[["cex"]] )
graphics::points( effect_both, pch=19,col=plot_parameters[["col"]][3],
cex=plot_parameters[["cex"]] )
axis(2, seq(from=0, to=1, by=.20), las=1)
axis(1, at=1:(1+length(concs_for_DRC)), labels=c(0, concs_for_DRC), las=2 )
#' Create complete report for a single treatment
#' @param dataset dataset with columns matching the output of
#' \code{combine_data_and_maps}
#' @param fit_summary output of a call to \code{fit_statistics}
#' @param treatment_for_DRC the treatment to display
#' @param sample_type sample types to show; if NA, show all in arbitrary order
#' @param times_DRC time points at which to plot dose response curves (maximum
#' of four, must be present in the dataset. If NA, no curves are plotted.
#' @param ylim_raw lower and upper y-axis limit for raw DMSO curves
#' @export
plot_treatment_summary = function( dataset, fit_summary,
treatment, sample_types=NA,
ylim_raw=NA ){
MAX_SF50 = 20e6
if( is.na(ylim_raw)[1] ){
ylim_raw = c(0, ceiling(max(dataset$value, na.rm=TRUE)) )
if( length(ylim_raw) != 2 ){
stop("ylim_raw must be a vector of length 2")
if( is.na(sample_types[1]) ){
sample_types = sort( unique( dataset$sample_type) )
if( sum(fit_summary$treatment==treatment )==0 ){
stop(paste("treatment",treatment,"not in fit_summary"))
for(i in 1:length(sample_types)){
if( sum(fit_summary$sample_type==sample_types[i])==0 ){
stop(paste("sample_type",sample_types[i],"not in fit_summary"))
n_treat = is_dataset_valid(dataset, treatment=treatment,
if( !is.na(times_DRC)[1]){
if( length( times_DRC )>4 ){
stop("Can only highlight four times for DRC plot.")
for(i in 1:length(times_DRC)){
if( sum(fit_summary$hour==times_DRC[i])==0 ){
stop(paste("time",times_DRC[i],"not in fit_summary"))
vehicle = unique( dataset$negative_control[dataset$treatment==treatment ] )
if( sum(dataset$treatment==vehicle)==0){
stop( "dataset does not contain vehicle measurements" )
ds = dataset[dataset$sample_type %in% sample_types &
dataset$treatment %in% c(treatment, vehicle),]
plates = sort(unique(ds$plate_id[ds$treatment==treatment]))
if( length(plates)>4 ){
warning("Cannot currently plot raw data for more than 4 plates")
if( length(plates)==1 ){ n_blanks = 3 }
if( length(plates)==2 ){ n_blanks = 2 }
if( length(plates)==3 ){ n_blanks = 1 }
# Axis should have all hours in the experiment
# individual plates may be missing timepoints, so need to re-calculate the
# hours used to plot values for each metric
AXIS_hours = sort(unique(round(ds$hours[ds$treatment==treatment],1)))
if( is.na( times_DRC ) ){
layout(matrix( 1:8, byrow=TRUE, ncol=4, nrow=2 ))
layout(matrix( 1:12, byrow=TRUE, ncol=4, nrow=3 ))
for( i in 1:length(plates) ){
conc_this_plate = min(unique(ds$concentration[ds$plate_id==plates[i] &
samp_this_plate = sort(unique(ds$sample_type[ds$plate_id==plates[i] &
#ymax = ceiling( ds$value[ds$plate_id==plates[i] & ds$treatment==treatment )
sample_types = samp_this_plate ,
treatments = vehicle,
plot_raw = TRUE,
show_vehicle = TRUE,
concentrations = conc_this_plate,
cex.yaxis = 1,
main=paste("raw", vehicle, plates[i] ))
labels = unique(tc[,c("sample_type", "pch")])$sample_type
pches = unique(tc[,c("sample_type", "pch")])$pch
legend(0, ylim_raw[2], labels, cex=0.75, pch=pches, bty = "n")
for(i in 1:n_blanks){
plot( -1000, -1000, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0,1),
ylim=c(0, 1), main="")
ymax = 1.4
if( max(fit_summary$AUC[fit_summary$treatment==treatment], na.rm=TRUE)>1.5){
ymax = 2
plot( -1000, -1000, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="AUC",
xlim=c(0, max(AXIS_hours)), ylim=c(0, ymax),
main=paste( "AUC", treatment) )
graphics::axis(2, 0:ceiling(ymax), las=2, cex.axis=1, font=2 )
graphics::axis(1, AXIS_hours, las=2, cex.axis=1, font=2 )
for(i in 1:length(sample_types)){
idx = fit_summary$sample_type==sample_types[i] &
vals = fit_summary$AUC[ idx ]
hours = round( fit_summary$hour[ idx ], 1)
points( hours, vals, col=INC_colors_DRC[i], pch=19 )
legend(0, ymax, sample_types, cex=0.75, pch=19,
col=INC_colors_DRC[1:length(sample_types)], bty = "n")
ymax = 1.4
MAX_EC50 = 20e6
EC50 = fit_summary$coef_EC50
EC50[ is.infinite(EC50)] = NA
EC50[ EC50 > MAX_EC50 ] = MAX_EC50
ymax = ceiling( max( log10( EC50[fit_summary$treatment==treatment]), na.rm=TRUE) )
EC50 = log10(EC50)
plot( -1000, -1000, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="log EC50",
xlim=c(0, max(AXIS_hours)), ylim=c(0, ymax),
main=paste( "EC50", treatment))
labels = c()
graphics::axis(2, las=2, cex.axis=1, font=2,
at = 0:ceiling(ymax),
labels=parse( text=paste("10^",0:ceiling(ymax),sep="")) )
graphics::axis(1, AXIS_hours, las=2, cex.axis=1, font=2 )
for(i in 1:length(sample_types)){
idx = fit_summary$sample_type==sample_types[i] &
vals = EC50[ idx ]
hours = round( fit_summary$hour[ idx ], 1)
points( hours, vals, col=INC_colors_DRC[i], pch=19 )
points( round(hours,1), vals, col=INC_colors_DRC[i], pch=19 )
legend(0, ymax, sample_types, cex=0.75, pch=19,
col=INC_colors_DRC[1:length(sample_types)], bty = "n")
ymax = 1.4
SF50 = fit_summary$SF50
SF50[ is.infinite(SF50)] = NA
SF50[ SF50 > MAX_SF50 ] = MAX_SF50
ymax = ceiling( max( log10( SF50[fit_summary$treatment==treatment]), na.rm=TRUE) )
if( is.na(ymax) | is.infinite(ymax) )
SF50 = log10(SF50)
plot( -1000, -1000, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="log SF50",
xlim=c(0, max(hours)), ylim=c(0, ymax),
main=paste( "SF50", treatment))
graphics::axis(2, las=2, cex.axis=1, font=2,
at = 0:ceiling(ymax),
labels=parse( text=paste("10^",0:ceiling(ymax),sep="")) )
graphics::axis(1, AXIS_hours, las=2, cex.axis=1, font=2 )
for(i in 1:length(sample_types)){
idx = fit_summary$sample_type==sample_types[i] &
vals = SF50[ idx ]
hours = round( fit_summary$hour[ idx ], 1)
points( hours, vals, col=INC_colors_DRC[i], pch=19 )
if( length(!is.na(vals))>0){
points( round(hours,1), vals, col=INC_colors_DRC[i], pch=19 )
legend(0, ymax, sample_types, cex=0.75, pch=19,
col=INC_colors_DRC[1:length(sample_types)], bty = "n")
# All ANOVA p values will be same at a given {time point, treatment}
idx = fit_summary$sample_type==sample_types[1] &
PVAL = -1 * log10( fit_summary$ANOVA_P_value[idx] )
PVAL[ is.infinite(PVAL)] = NA
vals = PVAL
ymax = ceiling( max(vals, na.rm=TRUE) )
hours = round( fit_summary$hour[ idx ], 1)
plot( hours,
axes = FALSE, xlab="", ylab="-log(P)",
xlim = c( 0, max(AXIS_hours) ), ylim=c( 0, ymax ),
main = paste( "ANOVA", treatment), pch=19 )
graphics::axis(2, las=2, cex.axis=1, font=2,
at = 0:ceiling(ymax),
labels=parse( text=paste("10^",0:ceiling(ymax),sep="")) )
graphics::axis(1, AXIS_hours, las=2, cex.axis=1, font=2 )
if( !is.na(times_DRC)){
for(h in 1:length(times_DRC)){
fit=fit_DRC( ds,
treatments = treatment,
fct=drc::LL.3() )
fpc=HT_fit_plot_colors( fit )
plot( fit,
xlim=c(0, 1e6), ylim=c(0, 1.2),
main=paste(treatment, times_DRC[h], "hr"),
ylab="surviving fraction",
legend( 1, 0.35,
legend = get.split.col(fpc$condition, "_|_", first = TRUE),
pch=19, col=fpc$col, bty="n", cex=0.75)
if( length(times_DRC)<4 ){
for(i in 1 : (4-length(times_DRC)) ){
plot( -1000, -1000, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0,1),
ylim=c(0, 1), main="")
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