
Defines functions map_reanno

Documented in map_reanno

#' Aligning sequences against references using bowtie
#' Aligns sequences in a PAC list object against specified references generating
#' summarized report files in the destination folder.
#' Given a PAC object this function will extract the read sequences and align
#' them against single or multiple fasta reference file(s). Summarized output
#' will be saved as .Rdata files in the destination folder. In its default
#' setting the function will only report hit or no hit in up to 3 mismatches,
#' but this can easily be changed between 0-3 mismatches, to include alignment
#' coordinates and reference name extractions. Information from the .Rdata files
#' (Full_reanno_mis0/1/2/3.Rdata) can be extracted and added to a PAC object
#' using \code{make_reanno} and \code{add_reanno} functions. For increased
#' compatibility across platforms, the function provides both R internal bowtie
#' parsing (thorugh the Rbowtie package), as well as external parsing to a
#' locally installed version of bowtie.
#' @family PAC reannotation
#' @seealso  \url{http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/index.shtml} for information
#'   about Bowtie and for Rbowtie:
#'   \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Rbowtie.html}.
#'   \url{https://github.com/Danis102} for updates on the current package.
#' @param PAC PAC-list object containing an Anno data.frame with sequences as
#'   row names.
#' @param type Character indicating if mapping should be performed by calling
#'   the internal bowtie function of the Rbowtie package (type="internal"), or
#'   if bowtie should be called externally through a system call for a locally
#'   installed bowtie (type="external").
#' @param mismatches Integer indicating the maximum number of mismatches allowed
#'   in the alignments. The function currently supports no more than 3
#'   mismatches (botwie max).
#' @param output_path Character indicating the path to the destination folder
#'   for the files generated by the function.
#' @param ref_paths List of file paths (character) indicating the full paths to
#'   each fasta reference file. It is important to carefully name each reference path.
#'   The names will appear as they are named in the final annotation table.
#'   Thus, if \emph{ref_paths=list(tRNA="<path_tRNA_ref>",
#'   miRNA="<path_piRNA_ref>")} mapping to these fasta references will appear as
#'   "tRNA" and "miRNA", respectively. Note: All reference fasta files must have
#'   bowtie indexes using \code{Rbowtie::bowtie_build}.
#' @param parse_internal One character string specifying the additional options
#'   parsed to the bowtie function in the Rbowtie package when type="internal".
#'   The string follows similar rules as '...' parsing. See
#'   \code{Rbowtie::bowtie} for details on the format. As default:
#'   parse_internal= "a=TRUE, f=TRUE".
#' @param parse_external One character string specifying the additional options
#'   parsed to externally installed bowtie when type="external". The string
#'   follows similar rules as '...' parsing. More information on the formatting
#'   use: \code{system("bowtie --manual", intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr=FALSE)}. If
#'   this command fails you probably do not have bowtie correctly installed. As
#'   default parse_external= "-a -f".
#' @param import Character or a list. If \code{import="genome"} mapping is done
#'   against a reference genome and genomic coordinates are acquired. If
#'   import="biotype", mapping is done against a specialized fasta reference
#'   (e.g. Ensembl_ncrna, pirBase etc), where genomic coordinates is not
#'   required because classification will be performed on a match-or-no-match
#'   basis. A list of exactly 3 objects, named "coord", "report" and "reduce"
#'   can also be provided. This list will be parsed to the
#'   \code{\link{import_reanno}} function. When import="genome", the list
#'   \code{import=list(coord=TRUE, report="full", reduce=NULL)} is automatically
#'   parsed, while when import="biotype" the list parsed is
#'   \code{import=list(coord=FALSE, report="full", reduce=NULL)}. Performance
#'   increases by setting coord=FALSE. See \code{\link{import_reanno}} for more
#'   information on how to set \code{report} and \code{reduce} for increased
#'   performance when extremely large and repetitive references are used, such
#'   as pirBase and repeatMasker.
#' @param threads Integer indicating the number of parallel processes to be
#'   used.
#' @param keep_temp Logical whether or not bowtie output files temporarily stored
#'   in the output path should be deleted. Note, this option is only used for
#'   troubleshooting. The bowtie output files are named as the reference files
#'   and are overwritten in each mismatch cycle. Thus, for safe saving of
#'   mismatch 0 bowtie output make sure that \code{mismatches=0}. If not, the
#'   mismatch 1 cycle will overwrite the bowtie files.
#' @param override Logical whether or not the function should prompt you for a
#'   question if there are files in output_path. As default, override=FALSE will
#'   prevent deleting large files by accident, but requires an interactive R
#'   session. Setting override=TRUE may solve non-interactive problems. 
#' @return Will primarily generate .Rdata files in the destination folder
#'   (\code{output_path}) containing summarized information about the reference
#'   alignments. One file is generated for every mismatch specified in
#'   \emph{mismatches}. The \code{\link{make_reanno}} function can then be used
#'   to extract and generate annotation tables for a PAC list object. Large
#'   temporary bowtie input and output files will also be generated in the
#'   destination folder, but are removed unless \code{temp_remove=FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' ######################################################### 
#' ##### Simple example for reference mapping 
#' ##### Please see manual for ?simply_reanno an ?add_reanno for more advanced 
#' ##### mapping
#' closeAllConnections()
#' ######################################################### 
#' ##### Create an reanno object
#' ### First, if you haven't already generated Bowtie indexes for the included
#' # fasta references you need to do so. If you are having problem see the small
#' # RNA guide (vignette) for more info.
#'  ## tRNA:
#'  trna_file <- system.file("extdata/trna", "tRNA.fa", 
#'                           package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE)
#'  trna_dir <- dirname(trna_file)
#'  if(!sum(stringr::str_count(list.files(trna_dir), ".ebwt")) ==6){     
#'      Rbowtie::bowtie_build(trna_file, 
#'                            outdir=trna_dir, 
#'                            prefix="tRNA", force=TRUE)
#'                            }
#'  ## rRNA:
#'  rrna_file <- system.file("extdata/rrna", "rRNA.fa", 
#'                           package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE)
#'  rrna_dir <- dirname(rrna_file)
#'  if(!sum(stringr::str_count(list.files(rrna_dir), ".ebwt")) ==6){
#'      Rbowtie::bowtie_build(rrna_file, 
#'                            outdir=rrna_dir, 
#'                            prefix="rRNA", force=TRUE)
#'                            }
#' ##  Then load a PAC-object and remove previous mapping from anno:
#'  load(system.file("extdata", "drosophila_sRNA_pac_filt_anno.Rdata", 
#'                    package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE))
#'  anno(pac) <- anno(pac)[,1, drop = FALSE]
#'  ref_paths <- list(trna= trna_file, rrna= rrna_file)
#' ##  You may add an output path of your choice, but here we use a temp folder:
#'  output <- paste0(tempdir(),"/seqpac/test")
#' ##  Then map the PAC-object against the fasta references. 
#' # Warning: if you use your own data, you may want to use override=FALSE, to avoid
#' # deleting previous mapping by mistake.
#' map_reanno(pac, ref_paths=ref_paths, output_path=output,
#'                type="internal", mismatches=0,  import="biotype", 
#'                threads=2, keep_temp=FALSE, override=TRUE)
#' ##  Then import and generate a reanno-object of the temporary bowtie-files
#' reanno_biotype <- make_reanno(output, PAC=pac, mis_fasta_check = TRUE)
#' ## Now make some search terms against reference names to create shorter names
#' # Theses can be used to create factors in downstream analysis
#' # One search hit (regular expressions) gives one new short name 
#' bio_search <- list(
#'               rrna=c("5S", "5.8S", "12S", "16S", "18S", "28S", "pre_S45"),
#'               trna =c("_tRNA", "mt:tRNA"))
#' ## You can merge directly with your PAC-object by adding your original 
#' # PAC-object, that you used with map_reanno, to merge_pac option.
#' pac <- add_reanno(reanno_biotype, bio_search=bio_search, 
#'                        type="biotype", bio_perfect=FALSE, 
#'                        mismatches = 0, merge_pac=pac)
#' table(anno(pac)$mis0_bio) 
#' ############################################################################ 
#' ## Similarly, you can use Bowtie indexed genome fasta references
#' ## But don't forget to use import="genome" for coordinate import
#' #    
#' # ref_paths <- list(genome="<path_to_bowtie_indexed_fasta>")
#' # output_genome <- "<your_path_to_output_folder>"
#' ## We can actually map against several genomes simultaneously:
#' # (to illustrate the principle we run the mycoplasma genome twice)
#'  mycoplasma_file <- system.file("extdata/mycoplasma_genome",
#'                                 "mycoplasma.fa",
#'                                 package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE)
#'  mycoplasma_dir<- gsub("mycoplasma.fa", "", mycoplasma_file)
#' ## Don't forget to create bowtie indexes
#'  if(!sum(stringr::str_count(list.files(mycoplasma_dir), ".ebwt")) ==6){
#'      Rbowtie::bowtie_build(mycoplasma_file, 
#'                            outdir=mycoplasma_dir, 
#'                            prefix="mycoplasma", force=TRUE)
#'                            }
#'  ref_paths <- list(genome1=mycoplasma_file, genome2=mycoplasma_file)
#'  map_reanno(PAC=pac, ref_paths=ref_paths, output_path=output, 
#'             type="internal", mismatches=0, import="genome", 
#'             threads=2, keep_temp=TRUE, override=TRUE)
#'  reanno_genome <- make_reanno(output, PAC=pac, mis_fasta_check = TRUE)
#'  table(overview(reanno_genome)$Any) # Low Mycoplasma contamination
#' ############################################################################
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
map_reanno <- function(PAC, type="internal", output_path, ref_paths, 
                       mismatches=3, threads=1, parse_external= "-a -f", 
                       parse_internal = "a=TRUE, f=TRUE", 
                       import="genome", keep_temp=FALSE, override=FALSE){
    tp <- "S4"
    PAC <- as(PAC, "list")
    tp <- "S3"
  ## setup
  mis_lst <- as.list(0:mismatches)
  names(mis_lst) <- paste0("mis", 0:mismatches)
  ref_paths <- lapply(ref_paths, function(x){gsub("\\.fa$", "", x)})
  seq_fst <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(rownames(PAC$Anno))
  names(seq_fst) <- paste(seq_fst)
      import <- list(coord=TRUE, report="full", reduce=NULL)
        import <- list(coord=FALSE, report="full", reduce=NULL)
        stop("\nPlease, provide correct import options.",
             "\nChose between 'genome', 'biotype' or list of options.",
             "\nSee ?map_reanno and ?import_reanno for more details.")
  ## Look for files and folders in output path
  drs <- list.dirs(output_path, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE) 
  fls <- list.files(output_path, recursive = FALSE)
    if(length(fls[!fls %in% drs])>0){
      warning("\n  There are files in the output folder:\n  ", 
                     output_path,  "\n  Is it ok to delete them? (y/n)", 
              immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
      response <- readline()
        warning("\n  There are files in the output folder:\n  ", 
                       output_path,  "\noverride=TRUE, files will be deleted!", 
                immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
        response <- "y"
      if(!response %in% c("y", "Y")){
        stop("Please move or delete the files in the output folder.")
    dir.create(output_path, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    fls_full <- list.files(output_path, recursive = FALSE, full.names=TRUE)
    file.remove(fls_full[!fls %in% drs])
  ## Save first input
                              filepath=file.path(output_path, "anno_mis0.fa"), 
  ## Run bowtie over each reference
    vrs <- utils::capture.output(Rbowtie::bowtie_version())
    vrs <- gsub("  |bowtie version ", " ", basename(vrs[[1]]))
    vrs <- gsub(" ", "", basename(vrs[[1]]))
    vrs <- gsub("\"", "", basename(vrs[[1]]))
    cat("\nR internal mapping using the Rbowtie package was specified.\n")
    cat(paste0("This package uses bowtie version ", vrs, ".\n"))
    cat("If you need a newer version, please install Bowtie manually\n")
    cat("outside R and then use option type='external'.\n")
    vrs <- stringr::str_split(
      basename(utils::capture.output(system2("bowtie --version", 
                                      stdout=TRUE))[[1]]), "version")
    cat("\nR external mapping depends on correct installation of bowtie.")
    cat("\nIf there are problems using external bowtie, try type='internal'.")
    cat(paste0("\nAn external bowtie installation was found using version", 
  for(i in seq.int(length(mis_lst))){
    cat(paste0("\n|--- Mismatch ", mis_lst[[i]], 
               " started at ", format(Sys.time(), "%X")))
    cat("\n|--- Bowtie mapping:")
    # OBS! file.path doesn't work alone, must have paste to create file names
    mis_fl_nam<- paste0("anno_mis",mis_lst[[i]], ".fa")
    input_file <- file.path(output_path, mis_fl_nam)
    for (j in seq.int(length(ref_paths))){
      cat("\n   |--->", paste0(names(ref_paths)[j], "..."))
      out_fl_nam <- paste0(names(ref_paths)[j], ".out")
      output_file <-  file.path(output_path, out_fl_nam)
      # Fix windows path problem
      if(grepl("windows", .Platform$OS.type)){
        output_file <- gsub("\\\\", "/", output_file) 
        input_file <- gsub("\\\\", "/", input_file)
      ## Internal bowtie
        err_ms <- NULL
        bwt_exp <- paste0("Rbowtie::bowtie(sequences=input_file, 
                          index=ref_paths[[j]], ",
                          paste0(parse_internal, ", 
                                 v=", mis_lst[[i]], ", p=", threads),
                          ", type ='single', outfile='", output_file,
                          "', force = TRUE, strict = TRUE)")
        #First try with all threads, if error reduce to 1.
        err_ms<- try(eval(parse(text=bwt_exp)))
          threads_red <- 1
          bwt_exp <- paste0("Rbowtie::bowtie(sequences=input_file, 
                          index=ref_paths[[j]], ",
                            paste0(parse_internal, ", 
                                 v=", mis_lst[[i]], ", p=", threads_red),
                            ", type ='single', outfile='", output_file,
                            "', force = TRUE, strict = TRUE)")
      ## External bowtie
        bwt_exp <- paste0("bowtie ", parse_external, 
                          " -v ", mis_lst[[i]], " -p ", threads, " ", 
                          ref_paths[[j]], " ", input_file, " ", output_file)
        system2(bwt_exp, stdout=TRUE)
    }# for j loop ends (references)
    reanno <- import_reanno(bowtie_path=output_path, threads=threads, 
                            coord=import$coord, report=import$report, 
    ## Remove No_hits
    rm_no_hits <- unlist(lapply(reanno, function(x){x[1,1]=="No_hits"}))
    reanno <- reanno[!rm_no_hits]
    ## Compare with previous input to generate new input
    suffix <- paste0("mis", mis_lst[[i]])
    anno_path <- list.files(output_path, 
                            pattern = paste0("anno_", suffix, ".fa"), 
    reanno_df <- data.table::rbindlist(reanno, fill=FALSE)
    reanno_seqs <- unique(reanno_df$.id)
    anno <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(anno_path)
    new_input <- anno[!paste0(anno) %in% reanno_seqs,, drop=FALSE]           
    new_suffix <- paste0("mis", mis_lst[[i]]+1)
    ## Write files
    reanno_fl_nam <- paste0("Full_reanno_", suffix, ".Rdata")
    save(reanno, file= file.path(output_path, reanno_fl_nam))
    sav_fl_nam <- paste0("anno_", new_suffix, ".fa")
                                filepath=file.path(output_path, sav_fl_nam), 
    if(any(rm_no_hits)){cat(paste0("\n\n|--- All reference but ", 
                                   " generated hits"))
    }else{cat(paste0("\n|--- All reference generated hits"))}
    cat(paste0("\n|--- Mismatch ", mis_lst[[i]], " finished -----|"))
  } # for i loop ends (mismatches)
  cat(paste0("\nCleaning up ... "))
    fls_temp <- list.files(output_path, full.names=TRUE, 
                           recursive = FALSE, pattern=".out$")
  cat(paste0("\nReanno mapping finished at: ", format(Sys.time(), "%X")))
  cat(paste0("\nOutput files are saved in:\n  ", paste0(output_path)))
Danis102/seqpac documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.