make_counts: Make a count table

View source: R/make_counts.R

make_countsR Documentation

Make a count table


make_counts uses parallel processing to generate a count table.


  trimming = NULL,
  threads = 1,
  save_temp = FALSE,
  plot = TRUE,
  parse = "default_illumina",
  evidence = c(experiment = 2, sample = 1),
  optimize = list(on_disk = FALSE, chunk_size = NULL, rm_wild = FALSE, seq_min = NULL)



A path to a directory containing input fastq-files. The script will recursively search this directory for the .fastq|.fastq.gz extension.


Character indicating what type of trimming tool that should be used. If trimming="seqpac", fastq files will be sent to the make_trim function in seqpac, while if trimming="cutadapt" fastq files will be sent to the make_cutadapt function. Note that trimming="seqpac" runs independently of external software, while trimming="cutadapt" is dependent on an externally installed version of cutadapt and fastq_quality_filter. Trimmed fastq files are stored temporarily in the systems default temporary folder. Please, run make_trim and make_cutadapt separately for permanent storage options, or set save_temp=TRUE to avoid that make_counts will delete all temporary files. As default trimming=NULL, which indicates that input fastq files has already been trimmed.


Integer stating the number of parallel jobs. Note, that reading multiple fastq files drains memory fast, using up to 10Gb per fastq file. To avoid crashing the system due to memory shortage, make sure that each thread on the machine have at least 10 Gb of memory available, unless your fastq files are very small. Use parallel::detectcores() to see available threads on the machine.


Logical whether temporary files (including trimmed fastq files) should be saved or not. Note, the function will print the path to the temprorary folder in the console.


Logical whether evidence plots should be printed and saved in the returned list (default=TRUE).


Character strings defining the command that should be parsed to make_trim or make_cutadapt. This will allow you to customize your trimming according to 3' adaptor sequence and platform standards etc. Please see examples below and the manuals for make_trim and make_cutadapt for more details. For convenience, parse also have two default mode for sRNA trimming, using Illumina and New England Biotype (neb) type small RNA adaptors. make_counts will automatically print the exact setting for each default mode. Briefly, both modes involves polyG (NextSeq/NovaSeq) trimming and 3' adaptor trimming, with a 0.1 tolerance for mismatch/indels. If parse="default_illumina", then the "TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGGAACTCCAGTCAC" 3' adaptor is trimmed and untrimmed sequences are removed. If parse="default_neb", then "AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCA" is trimmed and untrimmed sequences are removed. Removing untrimmed sequences is recommended for sRNA sequencing.


Character vector with two inputs named 'experiment' and 'sample' that controls the low-level evidence filter. Users may already at this point reduce the level of noise in the counts table by specifying the number of independent evidence that a specific sequence must have to be included. As default, evidence=c(experiment=2, sample=1) will include all sequences that have >=1 count in at least 2 independent fastq files. Thus 'experiment' controls the number of independent fastq evidence needed across the whole experiment. Note, however, that 'sample' does not control the number of counts needed in each sample. The evidence filter will always use >=1 count in X number of fastq files. Instead 'sample' controls when a sequence should be included despite not reaching the 'experiment' threshold. Thus if evidence=c(experiment=2, sample=10), sequences that reach 10 counts in a single sample will also be included. If evidence=NULL all unique sequences will be saved. See 'examples' below for more examples.


List that controls the behavior of make_counts, possibly enabling analysis on low-end computers on the expense of processing time. Has four items named: list(on_disk=, chunk_size=, rm_wild=, seq_min=). 1. on_disk: Logical whether or not some processes should be handled on-disk instead of in-memory. Important, this option will generate large temporary files. For a max fastq size of 1 GB (.gz compressed), keep at least 20 GB of free disk space. (default=FALSE). 2. chunk_size: Integer, if set, determines whether reading and processing should be handled in chunks and how big those should be. If NULL sample are not handled in chunks. If handling a challenging dataset on low-end computers, a chunk_size of 50000000 is a good starting point. (default=NULL). 3. rm_wild. Logical (panic filter). If evidence filter fails while on_disk=TRUE then rm_wild=TRUE will remove all sequences containing wild-card characters (N), either across the experiment or for individual samples. (default=FALSE). 4. seq_min. Integer (panic filter).If evidence filter fails while on_disk=TRUE then seq_min will remove sequences shorter than seq_min, either across the experiment or for individual samples.(default=NULL)

Note, Panic filters (2. and 3.) are applied at two places in the script as last resort if on_disk processing fails. First this may happen when unique sequences (UNI) fulfilling the evidence filter are extracted across the whole experiment. Here panic filters will be applied to all samples. The second place is when read sequences fulfilling the evidence filter are extracted from the trimmed fastq. Thus, the panic filter is applied to individual samples. To alert users, warnings are given in addition to notes in the panic_type column of the progress report. Here, "none" means no panic, "filt" means that panic filters were applied, and "chunk" means that loading of filtered fastq was forced into chunks. The last does not involve panic filters but helps loading very large fastqs on the expense of loading time.


Given a path to fastq files this function performs low-level evidence filtering, generating a counts table of sequences passing the filter and plots summary statistics.


A list containing three objects:

1. counts (data frame) = count table.

2. progress_report = progress report from trimming and evidence filter.

3. evidence_plots = bar graphs showing the impact of evidence filter.

See Also for updates on the current package.

Other PAC generation: PAC_check(), create_PAC(), make_PAC(), make_cutadapt(), make_pheno(), make_trim(), merge_lanes()


### Seqpac fastq trimming with the make_counts function 
### using default settings for NEBNext small RNA adaptor 

# Seqpac includes strongly down-sampled smallRNA fastq.
sys_path = system.file("extdata", package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE)
input <- list.files(path = sys_path, pattern = "fastq", all.files = FALSE,
                full.names = TRUE)

# Now we can run make_counts
# Notice that make_counts will generate another temp folder, that will 
# be emptied on finalization. By setting save_temp=TRUE you may save the 
# content. You may also use your own trimming settings by using the parse 
# option. See ?make_trim for more details. 
counts  <- make_counts(input, threads=1, parse="default_neb",
                       trimming="seqpac", plot=TRUE,
                       evidence=c(experiment=2, sample=1))


# Notice that that there are fewer unique sequences than number of reads 
# passing the filter. In normal, large, fastq we keep 95-99% of all reads 
# while filtering out 30-40% of the sequences that only appear in 1 fastq 
# Thus, the evidence filter may gain you performance in later analysis by 
# avoiding nonsense sequences. 
 ### Lets change the evidence filter
 # 2 evidence over two indepenent samples, saving single sample 
 # sequences reaching 3 counts:
 test <- make_counts(input=input, trimming="seqpac", 
                     evidence=c(experiment=2, sample=3))
 extras <- apply(test$counts, 1, function(x){sum(!x==0)})
 test$counts[extras==1,]  # 6 single sample sequences reached 3 counts
 # 2 evidence over two independent samples, saving single sample 
 # sequences reaching 2 counts
 test <- make_counts(input=input,  trimming="seqpac", 
                     evidence=c(experiment=2, sample=2))
 extras <- apply(test$counts, 1, function(x){sum(!x==0)})
 test$counts[extras==1,] # 120 single sample sequences reached 2 counts


Danis102/seqpac documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.