#' Make Phenotype File
#' \code{make_pheno} generates a Pheno data.frame object containing additional
#' metadata for unique samples.
#' Given the path to a directory with a single csv file, the function will read
#' the file. Alternatively, a data.frame with sample information can be
#' provided. If provided with a count table, (see \code{\link{make_counts}}), it
#' will attempt to organize the row names according to the column names in
#' the counts table.
#' @family PAC generation
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/Danis102} for updates on the current
#' package.
#' @param pheno Character vector with the path to a .csv file or a
#' data.frame with a column named "Sample_ID".
#' @param counts Data.frame object with the same column names as in
#' Sample_ID column of the pheno.
#' @param progress_report Data.frame object with progress report.
#' @return A Pheno data.frame compatible with \code{\link{make_PAC}}
#' @examples
#' ### First make counts
#' # Seqpac includes strongly down-sampled smallRNA fastq.
#' sys_path = system.file("extdata", package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE)
#' input <- list.files(path = sys_path, pattern = "fastq", all.files = FALSE,
#' full.names = TRUE)
#' # Notice that make_counts will generate another temp folder, that will
#' # be emptied on finalization. By setting save_temp=TRUE you may save the
#' # content.
#' counts <- make_counts(input, threads=2, parse="default_neb",
#' trimming="seqpac", plot=TRUE,
#' evidence=c(experiment=2, sample=1))
#' colnames(counts$counts)
#' ### Then generate a phenotype table with make_pheno
#' # Note: 'Sample_ID' column needs to be similar IDs as
#' # colnames in the counts table. You may also
#' # specify a path to a txt file.
#' Sample_ID <- colnames(counts$counts)
#' pheno <- data.frame(Sample_ID=Sample_ID,
#' Treatment=c(rep("heat", times=1),
#' rep("control", times=2)),
#' Batch=rep(c("1", "2", "3"), times=1))
#' pheno <- make_pheno(pheno=pheno, progress_report=counts$progress_report,
#' counts=counts$counts)
#' pheno
#' # Note that progress report from make_counts is added if you specify it
#' ### Lastly combine into PAC
#' pac <- make_PAC(pheno=pheno, counts=counts$counts)
#' pac
#' names(pac)
#' # Note: a simple annotation table is added automatically.
#' head(anno(pac))
#' # Clean up temp
#'fls_temp <- list.files(tempdir(), recursive=TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
#'file.remove(fls_temp, showWarnings=FALSE)
#' @export
make_pheno<- function(pheno, counts=NULL, progress_report=NULL){
### Read using pheno.txt or data.frame
header <- which(grepl("^Sample_ID|^sample_ID|^Sample_id|^sample_id",
if(!length(header) == 1){
"\nCannot find column named 'Sample_ID'",
"\nor you have >1 columns named 'Sample_ID'")
colnames(pheno)[header] <- "Sample_ID"
lines <- readLines(pheno, n=20)
header <- which(grepl("Sample_ID|sample_ID|Sample_id|sample_id", lines))
if(!length(header) == 1){
stop("\nCannot find comma seperated header with first column",
"\nnamed 'Sample_ID', or you have >1 columns named 'Sample_ID'")
# Check separation by comparing1st and 2nd row (should have the same)
head_1 <- stringr::str_count (lines[header], ",")
row_1 <- stringr::str_count (lines[header+1], ",")
head_2 <- stringr::str_count (lines[header], ";")
row_2 <- stringr::str_count (lines[header+1], ";")
head_3 <- stringr::str_count (lines[header], "\t")
row_3 <- stringr::str_count (lines[header+1], "\t")
if(row_1-head_1==0 & !head_1==0){
pheno <- utils::read.delim(pheno, header=TRUE, sep=",")
if(row_2-head_2==0 & !head_2==0){
pheno <- utils::read.delim(pheno, header=TRUE, sep=";")
if(row_3-head_3==0 & !head_3==0){
pheno <- utils::read.delim(pheno, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
#Fixes bug in read.delim that messing up 1st ID_column
id_col <- grepl("Sample_ID|sample_ID|Sample_id|sample_id", colnames(pheno))
if(sum(id_col) >1){
warning("There where multiple Sample_ID columns, will use the first one.")
colnames(pheno)[id_col] <- paste0("Sample_ID",seq_along(id_col[id_col]))
colnames(pheno) <- gsub("Sample_ID1","Sample_ID", colnames(pheno))
pheno$Sample_ID <- as.character(gsub("-", "_",
## Order as counts using grepl
# Search column names in pheno$Sample_ID
typ <- "pheno"
ord <- unlist(lapply(as.list(colnames(counts)), function(x){
logi_colnam <- grepl(x, pheno$Sample_ID)
stop("Input pheno does not have unique Sample_IDs")
if(sum(logi_colnam) == 0){
# If n matches does not match n pheno do the other way around
# Save what type you have done until later
typ <- "counts"
ord <- unlist(lapply(as.list(pheno$Sample_ID), function(x){
logi_colnam <- grepl(x, colnames(counts))
stop("Input pheno does not have unique Sample_IDs")
# Double check everything and report missing samples from typ=pheno
stop("Sample_IDs were not unique in pheno input.")
"\nNot all Sample_ID in pheno were available in counts column names.",
"\nDouble check your Sample_ID column in pheno input.")
# Reorder pheno according to counts sample names
# Don't forget what type
df <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=ncol(counts), ncol=ncol(pheno)))
rownames(df) <- colnames(counts)
colnames(df) <- colnames(pheno)
for(i in seq.int(nrow(df))){
if(!ord[i] == 0){
df[i,] <- as.character(t(pheno[ord[i],]))
for(i in seq.int(nrow(df))){
df[ord[i],] <- as.character(t(pheno[i,]))
pheno <- df
# Report outcome
stopifnot(identical(rownames(pheno), colnames(counts)))
logi_miss <- ord %in% 0
print_df <- data.frame(pheno=as.character(pheno$Sample_ID),
warning(" Not all samples in counts were represented in pheno input.",
"\n These will have 'NA' in pheno.")
cat("Of", length(colnames(counts)),
"sample names in counts,",
"were found in pheno input.\n")
if(!sum(print_df$pheno %in% print_df$counts) == length(print_df$counts)){
cat("\nNote, partial name matching was done.")
warning("\nNo count table was specified. Final Pheno will be unordered!\n")
## Add progress report
cat("\nProgress report was specified, will attempt to match rownames...\n")
# Fix sample names (illumina automatically exchanges "-" for "_"
if(!sum(rownames(progress_report) %in% rownames(pheno)) == nrow(pheno)){
rownames(progress_report) <- gsub("-", "_", rownames(progress_report))
prog_ord <- unlist(lapply(as.list(rownames(progress_report)), function(x){
logi_colnam <- grepl(x, rownames(pheno))
stop("Input pheno does not have unique Sample_IDs")
stop("Sample_IDs were not unique in pheno input.")
progress_report <- progress_report[match(rownames(pheno),
stopifnot(identical(rownames(pheno), rownames(progress_report)))
pheno <- cbind(pheno, progress_report)
warning("\nNo progress report was specified.",
"\nThis will not be present in final Pheno.\n")
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