#' Imports annotation from reannotation mapping
#' This function imports bowtie output and summarizes the content.
#' Given the path to alignment outputs from bowtie, \code{\link{import_reanno}}
#' will attempt to read these files into R and generate a list of unsorted
#' data.frames where each row summarizes all annotations for a given sequence.
#' It is called by \code{\link{map_reanno}} to generate summarized data from
#' bowtie output saved as .Rdata files. These files can then be re-imported into
#' R where information is organized using \code{\link{make_reanno}} and finally
#' added to the annotation table (PAC$Anno) of the original PAC-list object
#' using \code{\link{add_reanno}}.
#' @section Important: Re-annotation must have been done using Bowtie default
#' output settings, where output files specifically have been named '.txt'.
#' The function will not work with other formats such as SAM/BAM formats.
#' @section Important: The basenames of the bowtie output will also be used to
#' annotate. Example: bowtie -v 3 -a -f
#' '<piRBase.fasta>' '<master_anno.fasta>' piRNA.txt Will annotate sequences
#' as piRNA since the txt-file output was named 'piRNA'
#' @family PAC reannotation
#' @seealso \url{http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/index.shtml} for information
#' about Bowtie and for Rbowtie:
#' \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Rbowtie.html}.
#' \url{https://github.com/Danis102} for updates on the current package.
#' @param bowtie_path Path to a directory where bowtie output files can be
#' found.
#' @param report Character vector indicating what to report "minimum" or "full"
#' (default="minimum").
#' @param coord Logical whether or not mapping coordinates should be reported
#' when report="full".
#' @param reduce Character indicating a reference name (without file type
#' extension) that should be exempted from report="full" and instead will
#' generate a minimum report.
#' @param threads Integer stating the number of parallel jobs.
#' @return List of data frames with additional information from reannotation
#' files generated with bowtie. If \emph{report="minimum"}, the function will
#' report each hit only as the number of mismatches for a given reference
#' file. If \emph{report="full"} the full name reported in the fasta file used
#' as reference in the bowtie reannotation will be reported. If a reference
#' name is specified in \emph{reduce}, this reference is excerpted from
#' \emph{report="full"} and is instead reported as \emph{report="minimum"}.
#' Caution: Large references with lots of redundancy (such as pirBase in some
#' species) will cause massive character strings if \emph{report="full"} with
#' no restrictions. Specifying such references in
#' \emph{reduce=<reference_names>} will circumvent this problem.
#' @examples
#' #########################################################
#' ##### Test import_reanno
#' ### First, if you haven't already generated Bowtie indexes for the included
#' # fasta reference you need to do so. If you are having problem see the small
#' # RNA guide (vignette) for more info.
#' ## tRNA reference:
#' trna_file <- system.file("extdata/trna", "tRNA.fa",
#' package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE)
#' trna_dir<- gsub("tRNA.fa", "", trna_file)
#' if(!sum(stringr::str_count(list.files(trna_dir), ".ebwt")) ==6){
#' Rbowtie::bowtie_build(trna_file,
#' outdir=trna_dir,
#' prefix="tRNA", force=TRUE)
#' }
#' ## Then load a PAC-object and remove previous mapping from anno:
#' load(system.file("extdata", "drosophila_sRNA_pac_filt_anno.Rdata",
#' package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE))
#' ref_paths <- list(trna= trna_file)
#' ## You may add an output path of your choice, but here we use a temp folder:
#' output <- paste0(tempdir(),"/seqpac/test")
#' ## Then map the PAC-object against the fasta references. Warning: if you use
#' # your own data, you may want to use override=FALSE, to avoid deleting previous
#' # mapping by mistake. keep_temp=TRUE can be used to run import_reanno
#' # independently.
#' map_reanno(pac, ref_paths=ref_paths, output_path=output,
#' type="internal", mismatches=2, import="biotype",
#' threads=2, keep_temp=TRUE, override=TRUE)
#' reanno1 <- import_reanno(output, report="Biotype", threads=1)
#' @export
import_reanno <- function(bowtie_path, threads=1, coord=FALSE,
report="minimum", reduce=NULL){
s <- NULL
base <- ".out$"
files <- list.files(bowtie_path, pattern = base, full.names=TRUE)
opt_sci <- options(scipen=999)
## Check bowtie format (8 columns; "IIIIIII" present in column 6;
## column 4 is an integer)
row1 <- lapply(as.list(files), function(f){
x <- try(utils::read.delim(f, nrows=1, header=FALSE), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(x, "try-error"))
form_logi <- lapply(row1, function(x){
if(!ncol(x) == 8){
form_logi[[x]] <- return(sum(c(grepl("IIIIIII",
is.integer(x[,4]))) == 2)
form_logi <- do.call("c", form_logi)
no_hit <- do.call("c", lapply(row1, function(x){
as.character(x[1,1]) == "No_hits"
## Give some feedback
cat("\n|--- Found", sum(form_logi),
"bowtie file(s) with hits and", sum(no_hit),
## Entering import loop
bowtie_out_lst <- list(NA)
for (k in seq.int(length(files))){
cat(paste0("\n |--- Import and reorganize ", basename(files)[k]))
nam <- gsub(paste0(base), "", basename(files)[k])
## Handle no hits
bowtie_out_lst[[k]] <- tibble::tibble(.id="No_hits", mis_n=NA,
mis_where=NA, ref_hits=NA)
names(bowtie_out_lst)[k] <- nam
## Import selected bowtie data
if(report=="minimum"|nam %in% reduce){
reprt <- "min"
bow_out <- data.table::fread(files[k], header=FALSE, select = c(1,8),
data.table=TRUE, showProgress=FALSE)
reprt <- "full"
if(coord==TRUE){bow_out <- data.table::fread(files[k], header=FALSE,
select = c(3,4,2,1,8),
if(coord==FALSE){bow_out <- data.table::fread(files[k], header=FALSE,
select = c(3,2,1,8),
bow_out$V8 <- as.character(bow_out$V8)
uni <- unique(bow_out$V1)
mis <- unique(bow_out$V8)
n_mis <- stringr::str_count(mis, ":")
n_mis <- as.character(unique(n_mis))
if(is.na(n_mis)){n_mis <- 0}
n_mis <- paste0("mis", n_mis)
## Generate mini report from imported bowtie files
cat(paste0("\n |---> Generating minimum report ..."))
bowtie_out_lst[[k]] <- tibble::tibble(.id=uni, mis_n=n_mis,
names(bowtie_out_lst)[k] <- nam
## Compile full report with multithreading
cat("\n |---> Generating full report (please wait)...")
bow_splt <- split(bow_out, bow_out$V1)
# foreach combine every 100 instances
chk_size <- ceiling(length(bow_splt)/100)
chnks1 <-as.integer(seq(from=1, to=length(bow_splt), by=chk_size))
chnks2 <-as.integer(seq(from=0, to=length(bow_splt), by=chk_size))
chnks2 <- c(chnks2[-1], length(bow_splt))
chnks_rng <- list(chnks1, chnks2)
# Do not use parallel::makeClusters!!!
`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
bowtie_out_lst[[k]] <- foreach::foreach(s=seq.int(length(chnks_rng[[1]])),
.inorder = FALSE,
.combine = "rbind") %dopar% {
compile_lst <- lapply(
bow_splt[chnks_rng[[1]][s]:chnks_rng[[2]][s]], function(x){
# Fix neg strand mismatch
new <- gsub("A", "t", x$V8[x$V2 == "-"])
new <- gsub("C", "g", new)
new <- gsub("G", "c", new)
new <- gsub("T", "a", new)
x$V8[x$V2 == "-"] <- toupper(new)
# Only report where mismatches occurs uniquely
uni_mis <- unique(x$V8)
uni_mis <- unique(
stringr::str_split(uni_mis, ",")))
uni_mis <- uni_mis[order(as.integer(gsub( ":.*$", "",
uni_mis )))]
if(any(is.na(uni_mis))){uni_mis <- "mis0"}
uni_mis <- paste(uni_mis, collapse="|")
x$V4 <- x$V4+1 # Fix bowtie coordinate shift
hits <- paste(unique(paste(x$V3,
x$V2, sep=";")),
strnd <- ifelse(x$V2=="+", "sense", "antisense")
hits <- paste(unique(paste(x$V3, strnd, sep=":")),
fin <- data.table::data.table(mis_n=n_mis,
bow_fin <- tibble::as_tibble(
names(bowtie_out_lst)[k] <- nam
cat(paste0("\n |---> ", nam, " done"))
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