PlotAssessmentMapping <- function(mapObj,
predObj = NULL,
minConStart) {
genomeLength <- mapObj$GenomeLength
stops <- mapObj$StopsByFrame
fwdProt <- mapObj$FwdProtHits
revProt <- mapObj$RevProtHits
fwdCov <- mapObj$FwdCoverage
fwdConStart <- mapObj$FwdConStarts
revCov <- mapObj$RevCoverage
revConStart <- mapObj$RevConStarts
addPred <- FALSE
if (!is.null(predObj)) {
addPred <- TRUE
predLeft <- predObj$GeneLeftPos
predRight <- predObj$GeneRightPos
predStrand <- predObj$GeneStrand
speciesName <- mapObj$Species
strainID <- mapObj$StrainID
if ((speciesName != "") && (strainID != "")) {
plotTitle <- bquote(italic(.(speciesName))~.(strainID)~"Genome Viewer")
} else if ((speciesName != "")) {
plotTitle <- bquote(italic(.(speciesName))~"Genome Viewer")
} else if ((strainID != "")) {
plotTitle <- bquote(~.(strainID)~"Genome Viewer")
} else {
plotTitle <- "Genome Viewer"
## This function determines the saturation for proteomic hit blocks based on their scores.
chooseColor <- function(color,
max=20) {
color > 1 && color < 5,
all(start <= length(protScores)),
all(end <= length(protScores)),
all(start > 0),
all(end > 0),
all(end >= start))
maxes <- integer(length(start))
for (i in seq_along(start)) {
maxes[i] <- max(protScores[start[i]:end[i]])
if (maxes[i] > max)
maxes[i] <- max
if (maxes[i] < 0)
maxes[i] <- 0
if (color==2) {
colors <- rgb(1 - maxes/max, 1 - maxes/max, 1)
} else if (color==3) {
colors <- rgb(1, 1 - maxes/max, 1 - maxes/max)
} else if (color==4) {
colors <- rgb(1 - maxes/max, 1, 1 - maxes/max)
plotRange <- function(fwdRange) {
revRange <- genomeLength - fwdRange + 1L
layout(matrix(c(1, 2)))
for (frame in c(4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3)) {
if (frame==1L) {
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 0.1, 0.5))
ylim= c(0, 3),
xlab= "Position",
ylab= "Reading frame (forward)",
xaxs= "i",
yaxs= "i",
yaxt= "n")
axis(2, 0:2 + 0.5, c(1, 2, 3))
if (addPred) {
# add predicted genes
predFwd <- which(predStrand == "+")
abline(v = predLeft[predFwd], col = "magenta")
abline(v = predRight[predFwd], col = "cyan")
abline(h = 0:3)
} else if (frame == 4L) {
par(mar=c(2.1, 4.1, 2.1, 0.5))
xlim= rev(range(revRange)),
ylim= c(0, 3),
xlab= "",
ylab= "Reading frame (reverse)",
main= plotTitle,
xaxs= "i",
yaxs= "i",
yaxt= "n")
axis(2, 0:2 + 0.5, c(1, 2, 3))
if (addPred) {
# add predicted genes
predRev <- which(predStrand == "-")
abline(v = genomeLength - predLeft[predRev] + 1, col="cyan")
abline(v = genomeLength - predRight[predRev] + 1, col="magenta")
abline(h = 0:3)
if (frame <= 3) {
range <- fwdRange
y <- fwdProt[[frame]][[seq]][range] > 0
w1 <- which(diff(c(0, y))==1) # start
w2 <- which(diff(c(y, 0))==-1) # end
if (length(w1) > 0) {
rect(range[w1] - 0.5, frame - 1, range[w2] + 0.5, frame,
col=chooseColor(frame + 1, fwdProt[[frame]][[seq]][range], w1, w2),
if (length(stops[[frame]]) > 0) {
rect(stops[[frame]], frame - 1, stops[[frame]] + 2, frame,
col="yellow", border=NA)
w <- which(fwdConStart[range]/fwdCov[range] > minConStart &
((range - frame) %% 3)==0)
if (length(w) > 0) {
segments(range[w], frame - 1, range[w], frame,
col=gray(1 - fwdConStart[range[w]]/fwdCov[range[w]], alpha=0.5))
} else {
range <- revRange
y <- revProt[[frame - 3]][[seq]][range] > 0
w1 <- which(diff(c(0, y))==1) # start
w2 <- which(diff(c(y, 0))==-1) # end
if (length(w1) > 0){
rect(range[w1] - 0.5, frame - 4, range[w2] + 0.5, frame - 3,
col=chooseColor(frame - 2, revProt[[frame - 3]][[seq]][range], w1, w2),
if (length(stops[[frame]]) > 0){
rect(stops[[frame]], frame - 4, stops[[frame]] + 2, frame - 3,
col="yellow", border=NA)
w <- which(revConStart[range]/revCov[range] > minConStart &
((range - frame - 3) %% 3)==0)
if (length(w) > 0) {
segments(range[w], frame - 4, range[w], frame - 3,
col = gray(1 - revConStart[range[w]]/revCov[range[w]], alpha=0.5))
checkRange <- function(x) {
if (all(x < 0))
stop("X-axis out of bounds.")
if (all(x > genomeLength))
stop("X-axis out of bounds.")
if (x[1] < 0)
x[1] <- 0
if (x[2] > genomeLength)
x[2] <- genomeLength
x <- floor(x)
seq <- 1L
l <- list(x=integer(4))
cat("How to Interact With the Genome Viewer Via the Locator:\n",
"Click the graphics window one or more times and then terminate the locator.\n",
"1 click : Scroll the viewer to the left or the right.\n",
"2 clicks: Zoom into the horizontal range between the two click points.\n",
"3 clicks: Zoom out 10-fold.\n",
"4 clicks: Zoom out completely and view the entire genome.\n",
"To stop interaction, click zero times then terminate the locator.\n",
"Depending on the graphical device, terminating the locator can either be ",
"done by pressing the 'Stop' button, hitting the 'Esc' key, or right-clicking.\n")
repeat {
if (length(l$x)==0) { # no clicks
} else if (length(l$x)==1) { # scroll
temp <- list(x=par("usr")[c(1, 2)])
mid <- (temp$x[1] + temp$x[2])/2
if (l$x - mid > 0) { # move right on forward
temp$x <- temp$x + (temp$x[2] - temp$x[1])/2
} else { # move left on forward
temp$x <- temp$x - (temp$x[2] - temp$x[1])/2
plotRange(checkRange(c(temp$x[1], temp$x[2])))
} else if (length(l$x)==2) { # zoom to range
plotRange(checkRange(c(l$x[1], l$x[2])))
} else if (length(l$x)==3) { # zoom out 10-fold
temp <- par("usr")[c(1, 2)]
dtemp <- diff(temp)
temp <- c(temp[1] - dtemp*4.5,
temp[2] + dtemp*4.5)
} else { # plot all
l <- locator()
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