#' Create bins for multiple groups of overlapped transcripts
#' Function for generating bins for mutiple groups of overlapped transcripts.
#' @param transcript_groups A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList-class}}
#' object,each element in the list contains transcripts from one gene or several
#' genes which are overlapped.
#' @param bin_size An integer, used to tile the gene region. Default is 250bp.
#' @return A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList-class}} object, containing
#' the binned region.
#' @export
create_bins <- function(transcript_groups, bin_size = 250) {
# check input class
if (!methods::is(transcript_groups, "GRangesList")) {
stop("transcript_groups is not a GRangesList object")
if (!methods::is(bin_size, "numeric") || bin_size < 0) {
stop("bin_size is not a positive number")
# First reduce transcript groups to single range using large gapwidth to
# ensure single range
red_tx_grps <- unlist(GenomicRanges::reduce(transcript_groups, min.gapwidth = 1e9))
# Pre-compute number of bins in each range
bin_count <- ceiling(GenomicRanges::width(red_tx_grps) / bin_size)
# Pre-build rle for each element
chrom <-
S4Vectors::Rle(as.vector(GenomicRanges::seqnames(red_tx_grps)), bin_count)
strnd <-
S4Vectors::Rle(as.vector(GenomicRanges::strand(red_tx_grps)), bin_count)
# Create Granges as single GRanges
tiles <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
IRanges::IRanges(start = unlist(
seqv(from = GenomicRanges::start(red_tx_grps),
to = GenomicRanges::end(red_tx_grps),
by = bin_size)),
width = bin_size),
strand = strnd)
# Return split GRangesList
return(GenomicRanges::split(x = tiles, rep(names(transcript_groups), bin_count))
#' Vectorized seq.default
#' Version of the \code{seq} function that takes vectorized arguments
#' @inheritParams base::seq
seqv <- Vectorize(seq.default, vectorize.args = c("from", "to"))
#' Create model masks
#' Function for generating masks
#' @param transcript_models A list of matricies containing transcript models.
#' @param mask_start_bins A numeric vertor with length two which giving the
#' number of bins should be masked near the start of a transcript. The first
#' integer is the number of bins will be masked inside the transcript, while
#' the second interger is the number outside the transcript. Default c(0, 0).
#' @param mask_end_bins A numeric vertor with length two which giving the
#' number of bins should be masked near the end of a transcript. The first
#' integer is the number of bins will be masked inside the transcript, while
#' the second interger is the number outside the transcript. Default c(0, 0).
#' @param strand a vector containing one entry per group of transcript models
#' indicating the strand.
#' @rdname create_model_masks
#' @include type_checkers.R
#' @return A list of vectors, where each vector indicates the bins that should
#' be masked
#' @export
create_model_masks <- function(transcript_models, strand,
mask_start_bins = NULL,
mask_end_bins = NULL) {
if (is.null(mask_start_bins)) mask_start_bins <- c(0, 0)
if (is.null(mask_end_bins)) mask_end_bins <- c(0, 0)
# ***Checks***
if (!is_strand_vector(strand, allow_star = FALSE)) {
stop("strand must be a vector containing only '+','-'")
if (!is_matrix_list(transcript_models)) {
stop("transcript models must be a list of matricies")
if (!(is_length_two_vector(mask_start_bins) &&
is_length_two_vector(mask_end_bins))) {
stop("the length of input vector should be two,
and the numbers in the vertor should be non-negative integers")
if (length(strand) != length(transcript_models)) {
stop("strand and transcript_models must be the same length")
# ***End checks***
mask_start_in <- mask_start_bins[1]
mask_start_out <- mask_start_bins[2]
mask_end_in <- mask_end_bins[1]
mask_end_out <- mask_end_bins[2]
# Get indicies of masked bins per transcript group
all_masks <- mapply(function(tx_models, strand) {
group_masks <- apply(tx_models, 2, function(tx) {
first_non_zero <- min(which(tx != 0))
last_non_zero <- max(which(tx != 0))
# Orient the first/last axis along the 5' to 3' axis
if (strand == "+") {
mask <- unique(c(seq(from = first_non_zero,
length.out = mask_start_in,
by = 1),
seq(from = first_non_zero - 1,
length.out = mask_start_out,
by = -1),
seq(from = last_non_zero,
length.out = mask_end_in,
by = -1),
seq(from = last_non_zero + 1,
length.out = mask_end_out,
by = 1)))
} else if (strand == "-") {
mask <- unique(c(seq(from = first_non_zero,
length.out = mask_end_in,
by = 1),
seq(from = first_non_zero - 1,
length.out = mask_end_out,
by = -1),
seq(from = last_non_zero,
length.out = mask_start_in,
by = -1),
seq(from = last_non_zero + 1,
length.out = mask_start_out,
by = 1)))
# Ensure all masked bins are within the tx range being considered
mask <- mask[mask >= 1 & mask <= length(tx)]
# Ensure masks are returned as one 1D vector per transcript group
}, tx_models = transcript_models, strand = as.list(strand), SIMPLIFY = F)
#' Mask transcripts
#' Function for generating masks
#' @param transcript_models A list of matricies containing transcript models
#' @param masks a list of
#' @rdname mask_transcripts
#' @include type_checkers.R
#' @return A list of matrices where each row in the matrix corresponds to a
#' transcript and each column is a bin
#' @export
mask_transcripts <- function(transcript_models, masks) {
# ***Checks***
if (!is_matrix_list(transcript_models)) {
stop("transcript models must be a list of matricies")
if (length(masks) != length(transcript_models)) {
stop("masks and transcript_models must be the same length")
# ***End checks***
# Mask transcript models
masked_transcripts <- mapply(function(tx_models, masks) {
tx_models[masks, ] <- 0
}, tx_models = transcript_models, masks = masks, SIMPLIFY = F)
#' Create transcript models
#' Function for generating binned transcript models given a set of bins
#' @param transcripts A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}}
#' object
#' @param bins A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList-class}} object,
#' each element in the list contains the bins for each corresponding group of
#' transcripts
#' @param bin_size width of bins
#' @param transcript_name_column A string that indicates which column in the
#' GRanges object contain the transcript names
#' @return A list of matrices where each row in the matrix corresponds to a
#' bin and each column is a transcript
#' @export
create_transcript_models <- function(transcripts, bins, bin_size,
transcript_name_column) {
# check input class
if (!methods::is(transcripts, "GRanges")) {
stop("transcripts is not a GRanges object")
# Compute percent overlap of each transcript per bin and cast to matrix
# First find all pairwise overlaps
ovr <- IRanges::findOverlapPairs(transcripts, bins)
# Compute bin percent overlap for all intersections
ovr_intersect <- IRanges::pintersect(ovr, drop.nohit.ranges = FALSE)
ovr_val <- GenomicRanges::width(ovr_intersect) / bin_size
# Compute the dimensions of model matrix for each loci
d <- S4Vectors::elementNROWS(ovr_val)
# Pre-extract transcript names for ease of access
transcript_names <-
GenomicRanges::values(transcripts)[, transcript_name_column]
# Reshape intersection output into matricies of the correct dimension
tx_matrix_models <- lapply(S4Vectors::split(d, names(d))[names(bins)], function(x) {
# Retrive rows in transcripts that each intersection pair came from
lookup_ind <- which(names(ovr_val) == names(x[1]))
# Place into matrix of correct dimension
m <- matrix(data = BiocGenerics::unlist(ovr_val[lookup_ind]),
nrow = x[1],
ncol = length(x))
# Set column names to correct transcript names
colnames(m) <- transcript_names[lookup_ind]
#' @title Group transcripts
#' @description
#' Creates groups of transcripts on the same strand based on
#' proximity. The groups are constructed of connected transcripts
#' such that a pair of transcripts are considered connected if
#' they are within a given distance \emph{d} of each other. The
#' group then consists of all transcripts that are connected to
#' at least one other member.
#' @param transcript_granges \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}}
#' object
#' @param distance the distance within which two transcripts are
#' considered connected
#' @return A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GenomicRangesList-class}}
#' object
#' @rdname group_transcripts
#' @export
group_transcripts <- function(transcript_granges, distance = 0) {
# Check that txdb is an actual transcript database object
if (!methods::is(transcript_granges, "GRanges")) {
stop("transcript is not a TxDb object")
# Ensure everything is sorted, otherwise later assignment assumptions fail
transcript_granges <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(transcript_granges)
transcript_granges <- GenomicRanges::sort(transcript_granges)
# Assign a unique id to each row
transcript_granges$unique_id <- seq_len(length(transcript_granges))
# Create expanded granges
tx_granges_expand <- GenomicRanges::resize(
width = GenomicRanges::width(transcript_granges) + floor(distance / 2),
fix = "end")
tx_granges_expand <- GenomicRanges::resize(
width = GenomicRanges::width(tx_granges_expand) + ceiling(distance / 2),
fix = "start")
tx_granges_expand <- GenomicRanges::trim(tx_granges_expand)
# Reduce granges to get unions of overlapping ranges which will become the
# transcript groups. The -/+ 1 bit is to assure that perfectly adjoining
# groups are not merged
GenomicRanges::end(tx_granges_expand) <- GenomicRanges::end(tx_granges_expand) - 1
tx_reduce <- GenomicRanges::reduce(tx_granges_expand, ignore.strand = FALSE)
GenomicRanges::end(tx_reduce) <- GenomicRanges::end(tx_reduce) + 1
# Get the group assignments
group_assignment <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = transcript_granges,
subject = tx_reduce)
# Create group vector string
uid <- paste0(S4Vectors::subjectHits(group_assignment), "_",
# Split the transcripting into their groups
gr_groups <- GenomicRanges::split(transcript_granges, f = uid)
#' Reduce transcript models
#' Combine identical transcript models and get non-redundent and reduced
#' transcript models
#' @param transcript_models_ls A list of matrices where each row in the matrix
#' corresponds to a bin and each column is a transcript.
#' @param bin_operation Three different modes to deal with decimals in the
#' transript model (due to partial overlap of the first or last exon and bins).
#' Either "ceiling", "floor", or "round" (default: "round").
#' @return A list of matrices holding the reduced transcript models and a
#' dataframe holding each transcript belongs to which group and reduced model.
#' @export
reduce_transcript_models <-
bin_operation = c("round", "floor", "ceiling")) {
# check transcript class
tx_model_class_matrix <- unique(sapply(transcript_models_ls, is.matrix))
if (!all(tx_model_class_matrix)) {
stop("invalid input for transcript models")
# check bin_operation
if (length(bin_operation) > 1) bin_operation <- bin_operation[[1]]
if (!bin_operation %in% c("ceiling", "floor", "round")) {
stop("invalid arguement for bin_operation, it should be 'ceiling', 'floor', ",
"or 'round'.")
# deal with decimals in transcript models
integer_models <- lapply(transcript_models_ls, function(x, fun) {
do.call(fun, list(x))
}, fun = bin_operation)
# compute reduced transcript groups
tx_groups <- lapply(integer_models, group_trancript_models)
# get reduced tx models
get_reduced_tx_models <- function(tx_models, tx_groups) {
tx_models[, unlist(lapply(tx_groups, function(x) x[[1]])), drop = FALSE]
reduced_tx_models <- mapply(get_reduced_tx_models,
tx_groups, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# create group and model identifier for each transcript
group_len <- lapply(tx_groups, lengths)
tx_num <- sapply(group_len, sum)
tx_group_model <- data.frame(tx_name = unlist(tx_groups),
group = rep(seq_along(tx_num), tx_num),
model = unlist(mapply(rep, lapply(group_len, seq_along),
group_len, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
rownames(tx_group_model) <- NULL
return(list(reduced_tx_models, tx_group_model))
#' Group transcripts
#' Group transripts if they have identical transcript model.
#' @param tx_models A processed matrix without decimals in transcript model
#' @seealso \code{\link{reduce_transcript_models}},
#' @return A list of grouped transcript names.
group_trancript_models <- function(tx_models) {
pool <- colnames(tx_models)
groups <- list()
while (length(pool) > 1) {
identical_models <- which(
colSums(abs(tx_models[, pool[-1], drop = FALSE] - tx_models[, pool[1]])) == 0
groups <- append(groups, list(c(pool[1], names(identical_models))))
pool <- pool[-c(1, identical_models + 1)]
if (length(pool) == 1) groups <- append(groups, pool)
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