#### Functions for output analysis
## By Sonia, Monica, Maider
## 15-Oct-2023
# Function to obtain all significant pairs gene-regulator per omic --------
# For only 1 gene
GetPairs1GeneAllReg = function (gene, output) {
if(output$arguments$method=='glm'|| output$arguments$method=='isgl'){
reguSignif = output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$relevantRegulators
if (is.null(reguSignif)) { # NO significant regulators
return (NULL)
} else { # Significant regulators
reguSignif = output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$allRegulators[reguSignif,]
reguSignif = reguSignif[,c("gene", "regulator", "omic", "area", "filter")]
return (reguSignif)
if(output$arguments$method=='pls1' || output$arguments$method=='pls2'){
reguSignif = output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$significantRegulators
if (is.null(reguSignif)) { # NO significant regulators
return (NULL)
} else { # Significant regulators
reguSignif = output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$allRegulators[reguSignif,]
reguSignif = reguSignif[,c("gene", "regulator", "omic", "area", "filter")]
return (reguSignif)
# For all genes
GetPairsGeneRegulator = function (genes = NULL, output) {
if (is.null(genes)) genes = rownames(output$GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene)
myresults = do.call("rbind", lapply(genes, GetPairs1GeneAllReg, output))
# colnames(myresults) = c("gene", "regulator", "omic", "area")
#' RegulationPerCondition
#' \code{RegulationPerCondition} Function to be applied to \link{more} main function output.
#' @param output Output object of MORE main function.
#' @return Summary table containing all the relevant/significant regulators. Moreover, it provides the regression coefficient that relates the gene and the regulator for each experimental condition after testing if this coefficient is relevant/significant or not.
#' @export
RegulationPerCondition = function(output){
# output: results of the getGLM/getPLS function.
method = output$arguments$method
#Add a progressbar
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(rownames(output$GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene)), style = 3)
if(method =='glm'|| method=='isgl'){
design = output$arguments$finaldesign
Group = output$arguments$groups
# Creo a partir de la funcion que ya estaba hecha (linea 1657) la tabla y le anyado los huecos en blanco y cambio el nombre a "representative".
genes = rownames(output$GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene)
myresults = do.call("rbind", lapply(genes, GetPairs1GeneAllReg, output))
colnames(myresults) = c(colnames(myresults)[1:4], "representative")
myresults[myresults[, "representative"] == "Model", "representative"] = ""
if (is.null(design)){
# Anyado la columna de coeficientes.
coeffs = matrix(1, nrow(myresults), 1)
colnames(coeffs) = "coefficients"
rownames(coeffs) = rownames(myresults)
myresults = cbind(myresults, coeffs)
myresults[grep("_N", myresults[, "representative"]), "coefficients"] = -1 # Para cambiar el signo si pertenece al grupo de correlacionados negativamente
for(k in unique(myresults[,"gene"])){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = which(names(output$ResultsPerGene)==k))
# Posicion y reguladores que son representantes.
counts = grep("_R", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"]) # positions of representatives of mc
representatives = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "regulator"][counts] # Devuelve el nombre real de los reguladores representantes
omic.representative = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, c("regulator", "representative")][counts,] # Columna Regulator y Representative
# Necesito el if, si no da error. En caso de entrar, elimino las coletillas para que sea mas sencillo buscar y asignar el representante
if(length(representatives) != 0){
norow.nulls = which(myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"] != "")
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_P", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_N", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_R", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
for(i in 1:length(representatives)){
# Aquellos que se llamen igual "omica_mc(numero)", se les asignara el representante
reg.rep = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == representatives[i], "representative"]
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == reg.rep, "representative"] = representatives[i]
# Reguladores significativos del GLM. Pongo gsub() porque haciendo pruebas he visto que hay reguladores que se nombran `nombre regulador`.
# Las comitas haran que no pueda encontrar el regulador
# en la tabla. Sin embargo, creo sign.glm para manterner las comitas y poder acceder a la tabla de coeficientes
significatives = gsub("`", "", names(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[2:nrow(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients), 1]))
sign.glm = names(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[2:nrow(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients), 1])
for(i in 1:length(significatives)){
if(any(significatives[i] == omic.representative[,2])){
# index.regul: para saber que regulador es el representante y asi todos los que tengan su nombre en la columna "representative" tendran su coeficiente del modelo GLM.
index.regul = rownames(omic.representative)[which(omic.representative[,2] == significatives[i])]
PN = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == index.regul, "coefficients"] # Sera 1 o -1, segun tenga "_P" o "_N"
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == index.regul, "coefficients"] = PN*output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[sign.glm[i], 1] # Tendra signo de la tabla si es "_P" y signo opuesto si es "_N".
} else {
# En caso de no pertenecer a un grupo de reguladores correlacionados, cogera su coeficiente de la tabla y lo asignara a la posicion correspondiente
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == significatives[i], "coefficients"] = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[sign.glm[i], 1]
} else {
# Si no presenta grupo de reguladores correlacionados, simplemente sacara los coeficientes de la tabla "coefficients"
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "coefficients"] = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[2:nrow(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients), 1]
} else {
# Anyado las columnas de las condiciones experimentales. Pongo "Group" porque al hacer model.matrix() siempre coloca "Group" y lo que se almacena en el objeto Group
index = unique(Group)
names.groups = paste("Group", index, sep = "_")
conditions = matrix(0, nrow(myresults), length(names.groups))
colnames(conditions) = names.groups
rownames(conditions) = rownames(myresults)
myresults = cbind(myresults, conditions)
for(k in unique(myresults[,"gene"])){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = which(names(output$ResultsPerGene)==k))
significant.regulators = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$relevantRegulators # Reguladores significativos.
if(method =='glm'){
model.variables = gsub("`", "", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients))[-1] # Reguladores e interacciones en el modelo.
kc = 2
} else{
model.variables = gsub("`", "", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients)) # Reguladores e interacciones en el modelo.
kc = 1
# Cojo las interacciones y creo objetos que contengan los reguladores que aparecen con interaccion, solas o ambas.
interactions.model = gsub("`", "", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients)[grep(":", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients))])
inter.variables = unlist(strsplit(interactions.model, ":", fixed = TRUE))
inter.variables = NULL # No hay interacciones.
} else {
inter.variables = inter.variables[seq(2, length(inter.variables), by = 2)] # Reguladores que presentan interseccion con algun grupo.
variables.only = setdiff(setdiff(model.variables, interactions.model), inter.variables) # Reguladores solos en el modelo, sin interacciones.
if(length(grep("Group", variables.only)) != 0){ # No puedo hacer la interseccion con las variables significativas porque me cargo tambien omic_mc: hay que eliminar Group si esta.
variables.only = variables.only[-grep("Group", variables.only)]
variables.inter.only = intersect(inter.variables, model.variables) # Reguladores con interaccion y solas.
variables.inter = setdiff(inter.variables, model.variables) # Reguladores con solo interaccion (no aparecen solas en el modelo).
for(j in kc:nrow(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients)){
regul = unlist(strsplit(gsub("`", "", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients)[j]), ":"))
# Evaluo en que conjunto se encuentra el regulador correspondiente y segun eso asigno el coeficiente o sumo el nuevo coeficiente a lo que ya habia en esa posicion.
if(any(regul %in% variables.only)){
if(any(regul %in% significant.regulators)){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul, c(names.groups)] = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,]
} else {
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == regul, c(names.groups)] = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,]
if(any(regul %in% variables.inter)){
if(any(regul %in% significant.regulators)){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul[2], regul[1]] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul[2], regul[1]] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,]
} else {
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == regul[2], regul[1]] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == regul[2], regul[1]] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,]
if(any(regul %in% variables.inter.only)){
if(any(regul %in% significant.regulators)){
if(length(regul) == 1){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul, c(names.groups)] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul, c(names.groups)] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,]
} else {
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul[2], regul[1]] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul[2], regul[1]] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,]
} else {
if(length(regul) == 1){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == regul, c(names.groups)] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == regul, c(names.groups)] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,]
} else {
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == regul[2], regul[1]] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == regul[2], regul[1]] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,]
# Veo si hay representantes, en caso de haberlos asignara la misma fila del representante a los reguladores que acaben en "_P" y el opuesto a los que acaban en "_N".
countsR = grep("_R", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"])
if(length(countsR) != 0){
countsR = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, 5:ncol(myresults)][countsR,]
# Para los correlacionados positivamente: mete la misma fila de coeficientes del representante.
countsP = countsR
countsP[,"representative"] = sub("_R", "", countsP[,"representative"])
countsP[,"representative"] = paste(countsP[,"representative"], "_P", sep = "")
for(l in 1:nrow(countsP)){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == countsP[l,"representative"], 6:ncol(myresults)] = countsP[l,2:ncol(countsP)]
# Para los correlacionados negativamente: mete la fila opuesta de coeficientes del representante.
countsN = countsR
countsN[,"representative"] = sub("_R", "", countsN[,"representative"])
countsN[,"representative"] = paste(countsN[,"representative"], "_N", sep = "")
for(l in 1:nrow(countsN)){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == countsN[l,"representative"], 6:ncol(myresults)] = -countsN[l,2:ncol(countsN)]
counts = grep("_R", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"])
representatives = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "regulator"][counts] # Devuelve el nombre real de los reguladores representantes
omic.representative = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, c("regulator", "representative")][counts,] # Columna Regulator y Representative
# Necesito el if, sino da error. En caso de entrar, elimino las coletillas para que sea mas sencillo buscar y asignar el representante.
if(length(representatives) != 0){
norow.nulls = which(myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"] != "")
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_P", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_N", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_R", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
for(i in 1:length(representatives)){
# Aquellos que se llamen igual "omica_mc(numero)", se les asignara el representante.
reg.rep = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == representatives[i], "representative"]
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == reg.rep, "representative"] = representatives[i]
myresults[,6:ncol(myresults)] = signif(myresults[,6:ncol(myresults)], digits = 4) # Para que no salgan los numeros en diferentes notaciones
if(method=='pls1' || method=='pls2'){
design = output$arguments$finaldesign
Group = output$arguments$groups
# Creo a partir de la funcion que ya estaba hecha (linea 1657) la tabla y le anyado los huecos en blanco y cambio el nombre a "representative".
genes = rownames(output$GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene)
myresults = do.call("rbind", lapply(genes, GetPairs1GeneAllReg, output))
colnames(myresults) = c(colnames(myresults)[1:4], "representative")
myresults[myresults[, "representative"] == "Model", "representative"] = ""
if (is.null(design)){
# Anyado la columna de coeficientes.
coeffs = matrix(1, nrow(myresults), 1)
colnames(coeffs) = "coefficients"
rownames(coeffs) = rownames(myresults)
myresults = cbind(myresults, coeffs)
myresults[grep("_N", myresults[, "representative"]), "coefficients"] = -1 # Para cambiar el signo si pertenece al grupo de correlacionados negativamente
for(k in unique(myresults[,"gene"])){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = which(names(output$ResultsPerGene)==k))
# Posicion y reguladores que son representantes.
counts = grep("_R", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"]) # positions of representatives of mc
representatives = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "regulator"][counts] # Devuelve el nombre real de los reguladores representantes
omic.representative = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, c("regulator", "representative")][counts,] # Columna Regulator y Representative
# Necesito el if, si no da error. En caso de entrar, elimino las coletillas para que sea mas sencillo buscar y asignar el representante
if(length(representatives) != 0){
norow.nulls = which(myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"] != "")
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_P", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_N", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls] = sub("_R", "", myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "representative"][norow.nulls])
for(i in 1:length(representatives)){
# Aquellos que se llamen igual "omica_mc(numero)", se les asignara el representante
reg.rep = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == representatives[i], "representative"]
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == reg.rep, "representative"] = representatives[i]
# Reguladores significativos del GLM. Pongo gsub() porque haciendo pruebas he visto que hay reguladores que se nombran `nombre regulador`.
# Las comitas haran que no pueda encontrar el regulador
# en la tabla. Sin embargo, creo sign.glm para manterner las comitas y poder acceder a la tabla de coeficientes
significatives = gsub("`", "", names(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[1:nrow(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients), 1]))
sign.glm = names(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[1:nrow(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients), 1])
for(i in 1:length(significatives)){
if(any(significatives[i] == omic.representative[,2])){
# index.regul: para saber que regulador es el representante y asi todos los que tengan su nombre en la columna "representative" tendran su coeficiente del modelo GLM.
index.regul = rownames(omic.representative)[which(omic.representative[,2] == significatives[i])]
PN = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == index.regul, "coefficients"] # Sera 1 o -1, segun tenga "_P" o "_N"
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"representative"] == index.regul, "coefficients"] = PN*output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[sign.glm[i], 1] # Tendra signo de la tabla si es "_P" y signo opuesto si es "_N".
} else {
# En caso de no pertenecer a un grupo de reguladores correlacionados, cogera su coeficiente de la tabla y lo asignara a la posicion correspondiente
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == significatives[i], "coefficients"] = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[sign.glm[i], 1]
} else {
# Si no presenta grupo de reguladores correlacionados, simplemente sacara los coeficientes de la tabla "coefficients"
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k, "coefficients"] = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[1:nrow(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients), 1]
} else {
# Añado las columnas de las condiciones experimentales. Pongo "Group" porque al hacer model.matrix() siempre coloca "Group" y lo que se almacena en el objeto Group
index = unique(Group)
names.groups = paste("Group", index, sep = "_")
conditions = matrix(0, nrow(myresults), length(names.groups))
colnames(conditions) = names.groups
rownames(conditions) = rownames(myresults)
myresults = cbind(myresults, conditions)
for(k in unique(myresults[,"gene"])){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = which(names(output$ResultsPerGene)==k))
significant.regulators = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$significantRegulators # Reguladores significativos.
model.variables = gsub("`", "", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients)) # Reguladores e interacciones en el modelo.
# Cojo las interacciones y creo objetos que contengan los reguladores que aparecen con interaccion, solas o ambas.
interactions.model = gsub("`", "", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients)[grep(":", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients))])
inter.variables = unlist(strsplit(interactions.model, ":", fixed = TRUE))
inter.variables = NULL # No hay interacciones.
} else {
inter.variables = inter.variables[seq(2, length(inter.variables), by = 2)] # Reguladores que presentan interseccion con algun grupo.
variables.only = setdiff(setdiff(model.variables, interactions.model), inter.variables) # Reguladores solos en el modelo, sin interacciones.
if(length(grep("Group_", variables.only)) != 0){ # No puedo hacer la interseccion con las variables significativas porque me cargo tambien omic_mc: hay que eliminar Group si esta.
variables.only = variables.only[-grep("Group_", variables.only)]
variables.inter.only = intersect(inter.variables, model.variables) # Reguladores con interaccion y solas.
variables.inter = setdiff(inter.variables, model.variables) # Reguladores con solo interaccion (no aparecen solas en el modelo).
for(j in 1:nrow(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients)){
regul = unlist(strsplit(gsub("`", "", rownames(output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients)[j]), ":"))
groups = regul[grepl(paste(paste0('Group_',names(table(Group))),collapse='|'), regul)]
regula = setdiff(regul,groups)
# Evaluo en que conjunto se encuentra el regulador correspondiente y segun eso asigno el coeficiente o sumo el nuevo coeficiente a lo que ya habia en esa posicion.
if(any(regul %in% variables.only)){
if(any(regul %in% significant.regulators)){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul, c(names.groups)] = output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,1]
#TO DO: regul[1] se supone que tendrÃa que ser algo sobre los grupos y no un regulador
if(any(regul %in% variables.inter)){
if(any(regul %in% significant.regulators)){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regula, groups] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regula, groups] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,1]
if(any(regul %in% variables.inter.only)){
if(any(regul %in% significant.regulators)){
if(length(regul) == 1){
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul, c(names.groups)] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regul, c(names.groups)] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,1]
} else {
myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regula, groups] = myresults[myresults[,"gene"] == k & myresults[,"regulator"] == regula, groups] + output$ResultsPerGene[[k]]$coefficients[j,1]
myresults[,6:ncol(myresults)] = signif(myresults[,6:ncol(myresults)], digits = 4) # Para que no salgan los numeros en diferentes notaciones
myresults = myresults[,-5,drop=FALSE]
#' RegulationInCondition
#' \code{RegulationInCondition} Function to be applied to \link{RegulationPerCondition} function output.
#' @param output_regpcond Output object of \link{RegulationPerCondition} function output.
#' @param cond Biological condition from which the user wants to summarize the information.
#' @return List with the hub genes, global regulators and the regulators with their coefficients specific to the requested condition.
#' @export
RegulationInCondition <- function (output_regpcond, cond){
#Take group column in RegulationPerCondition
#Use only the group in which we are interested and remove genes that do not affect that group
output_regpcond = output_regpcond[c(output_regpcond[,group_col]!=0),c(1,2,3,group_col)]
#Calculate the global regulators
#Calculate third quantile
GlobalRegulators = intersect(names(myreg[rev(tail(order(myreg),10))]), names(myreg[myreg>10]) )
} else{
GlobalRegulators = intersect(names(myreg[myreg>q3]), names(myreg[myreg>10]) )
#Calculate the hub genes
#Calculate third quantile
HubGenes = names(myhub[rev(tail(order(myhub),10))])
} else{
HubGenes = names(myhub[myhub>q3])
return(list('GlobalRegulators'=GlobalRegulators, 'Hubgenes'=HubGenes, 'RegulationInCondition'=output_regpcond))
# Plot GLM results --------------------------------------------------------
# Plot 1 gene versus 1 regulator ------------------------------------------
plotGeneRegu = function (x.points, geneValues, reguValues, geneErrorValues, reguErrorValues, col = c(1,2),
xlab = "", yylab = c("right", "left"), pch = c(16,17), main = "",
numLines = NULL, x.names = NULL, yleftlim, yrightlim) {
# Adjust the axis to include the error value
if (missing(yrightlim)) {
if (! missing(geneErrorValues) && ! is.null(geneErrorValues)) {
yrightlim = range(c(geneValues - geneErrorValues, geneValues + geneErrorValues), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
yrightlim = range(geneValues, na.rm = TRUE)
if (missing(yleftlim)) {
if (! missing(reguErrorValues) && ! is.null(reguErrorValues)) {
yleftlim = range(c(reguValues - reguErrorValues, reguValues + reguErrorValues), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
yleftlim = range(reguValues, na.rm = TRUE)
plot.y2(x = x.points, yright = geneValues, yleft = reguValues, yleftlim = yleftlim,
col = col, xlab = xlab, yylab = yylab, pch = pch, main = main, yrightlim = yrightlim,
yrightErrorValues = geneErrorValues, yleftErrorValues = reguErrorValues)
if (!is.null(numLines)) {
for (aa in numLines) {
abline(v = aa, lty = 2, col = 1)
if (!is.null(x.names)) {
axis(side=1, at = x.points, labels = x.names, cex.axis = 0.8, las=2)
# Plot Y2 -----------------------------------------------------------------
# By Ajay Shah (taken from [R] Plot 2 time series with different y axes (left and right),
# in https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2004-March/047775.html)
# Modified by: Sonia Tarazona
### PARAMETERS (default):
# x: data to be drawn on X-axis
# yright: data to be drawn on Y right axis
# yleft: data to be drawn on Y left axis
# yrightlim (range(yright, na.rm = TRUE)): ylim for rigth Y-axis
# yleftlim (range(yleft, na.rm = TRUE)): ylim for left Y-axis
# xlab (NULL): Label for X-axis
# yylab (c("","")): Labels for right and left Y-axis
# pch (c(1,2)): Type of symbol for rigth and left data
# col (c(1,2)): Color for rigth and left data
# linky (TRUE): If TRUE, points are connected by lines.
# smooth (0): Friedman's super smoothing
# lwds (1): Line width for smoothed line
# length (10): Number of tick-marks to be drawn on axis
# ...: Other graphical parameters to be added by user (such as main, font, etc.)
plot.y2 <- function(x, yright, yleft, yrightlim = range(yright, na.rm = TRUE),
yleftlim = range(yleft, na.rm = TRUE),
xlim = range(x, na.rm = TRUE),
xlab = NULL, yylab = c("",""), lwd = c(2,2),
pch = c(1,2), col = c(1,2), type = c("o","o"),
linky = TRUE, smooth = 0, bg = c("white","white"),
lwds = 1, length = 10, ...,
x2 = NULL, yright2 = NULL, yleft2 = NULL, col2 = c(3,4),
yrightErrorValues, yleftErrorValues
#par(mar = c(5,2,4,2), oma = c(0,3,0,3))
## Plotting RIGHT axis data
plot(x, yright, axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = xlab, ylim = yrightlim,
xlim = xlim, pch = pch[1], type = type[1], lwd = lwd[1],
col = col[1], ...)
axis(4, pretty(yrightlim, length), col = 1, col.axis = 1)
if (is.null(yright2) == FALSE) {
points(x2, yright2, type = type[1], pch = pch[1], lwd = lwd[1], col = col2[1], ...)
#if (linky) lines(x, yright, col = col[1], ...)
if (smooth != 0) lines(supsmu(x, yright, span = smooth), col = col[1], lwd = lwds, ...)
if(yylab[1]=="") {
mtext(deparse(substitute(yright)), side = 4, outer = FALSE, line = 2,
col = col[1], cex = 0.9,...)
} else {
mtext(yylab[1], side = 4, outer = FALSE, line = 2, col = col[1], cex = 0.9,...)
# Plot arrows showing standard error
if (!missing(yrightErrorValues) && ! is.null(yrightErrorValues)) {
arrows(x, yright - yrightErrorValues, x, yright + yrightErrorValues,
code = 3, length = 0.02, angle = 90, col = col[1])
par(new = T)
## Plotting LEFT axis data
plot(x, yleft, axes = FALSE, ylab = "" , xlab = xlab, ylim = yleftlim,
xlim = xlim, bg = bg[1],
pch = pch[2], type = type[2], lwd = lwd[2], col = col[2], ...)
axis(2, pretty(yleftlim, length), col = 1, col.axis = 1)
if (is.null(yleft2) == FALSE) {
points(x2, yleft2, type = type[2], pch = pch[2], bg = bg[2],
lwd = lwd[2], col = col2[2], ...)
#if (linky) lines(x, yleft, col = col[2], ...)
if (smooth != 0) lines(supsmu(x, yleft, span = smooth), col = col[2], lwd=lwds, ...)
if(yylab[2] == "") {
mtext(deparse(substitute(yleft)), side = 2, outer = FALSE, line = 2, col = col[2], cex = 0.9, ...)
} else {
mtext(yylab[2], side = 2, outer = FALSE, line = 2, col = col[2], cex = 0.9, ...)
if (!missing(yleftErrorValues) && ! is.null(yleftErrorValues)) {
arrows(x, yleft - yleftErrorValues, x, yleft + yleftErrorValues,
code = 3, length = 0.02, angle = 90, col = col[2])
## X-axis
## axis(1, at = pretty(xlim, length)) ## Comment last line
#' plotmore
#' \code{plotmore} Graphical representation of the relationship between genes and regulators.
#' @param output Output object of MORE main function.
#' @param gene ID of the gene to be plotted.
#' @param regulator ID of the regulator to be plotted. If NULL (default), all regulators of the gene are plotted.
#' @param reguValues Vector containing the values of a regulator. If NULL (default), these values are taken from the output object as long as they are available.
#' @param plotPerOmic If TRUE, all the relevant/significant regulators of the given gene and the same omic are plotted in the same graph. If FALSE (default), each regulator is plotted in a separate plot.
#' @param gene.col Color to plot the gene. By default, 1 (black).
#' @param regul.col Color to plot the regulator. If NULL (default), a color will be assigned by the function, that will be different for each regulatory omic.
#' @param order If TRUE (default), the values in X-axis are ordered.
#' @param xlab Label for the X-axis.
#' @param cont.var Vector with length equal to the number of observations in data, which optionally may contain the values of the numerical variable (e.g. time) to be plotted on the X-axis. By default, NULL.
#' @param cond2plot Vector or factor indicating the experimental group of each value to represent. If NULL (default), the labels are taken from the experimental design matrix.
#' @return Graphical representation of the relationship between genes and regulators.
#' @export
plotmore = function(output, gene, regulator = NULL, simplify = FALSE, reguValues = NULL, plotPerOmic = FALSE,
gene.col = 1, regu.col = NULL, order = TRUE,
xlab = "", cont.var = NULL, cond2plot = NULL,...) {
# from which omic is the regulator?
SigniReguGene = GetPairsGeneRegulator(genes = gene, output = output)
omic = SigniReguGene[SigniReguGene[,"regulator"] == regulator,'omic']
if (output$arguments$omic.type[omic]==0){
df <- data.frame(
gen = unlist(output$arguments$GeneExpression[gene,,drop=TRUE]),
regulador = unlist(output$arguments$dataOmics[[omic]][regulator,,drop=TRUE]),
group = output$arguments$groups)
output_regpcond = RegulationPerCondition(output)
output_regpcond = output_regpcond[output_regpcond$gene==gene & output_regpcond$regulator==regulator,]
#coefs<-data.frame(group=unique(output$arguments$groups), intercept =rep(output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$coefficients[[1]][1],length(unique(output$arguments$groups))),slope = unlist(output_regpcond[,6:ncol(output_regpcond)] ))
# Create a scatterplot
num_unique <- length(unique(df$group))+1
color_palette <- rev(RColorConesa::colorConesa(num_unique, palette = 'complete'))
custom_colors <- setNames(color_palette[-1], unique(df$group))
ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(x = regulador, y = gen, color = group)) +
geom_point() + scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors)+
#geom_abline(intercept = c(coefs[1,2],coefs[2,2],coefs[3,2]),slope = c(coefs[1,3],coefs[2,3],coefs[3,3]),color=c('#15918A','#74CDF0','#EE446F'),linetype=c('solid','solid',"dashed"))+
#geom_abline(intercept = 0,slope = coefs[2,2],color='#74CDF0')+
#geom_abline(intercept = 0,slope = coefs[3,2],color='#EE446F',linetype="dashed")+
labs( x = paste("Regulator\n",regulator), y = paste("Gene Expression\n",gene))
#geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, aes(group = group))
#+geom_abline(intercept = intercept, slope = slope, color="red",
#linetype="dashed", size=1.5)+
} else {
df <- data.frame(
gen = unlist(output$arguments$GeneExpression[gene,,drop=TRUE]),
regulador = unlist(output$arguments$dataOmics[[omic]][regulator,,drop=TRUE]),
group = output$arguments$groups)
num_unique <- length(unique(df$group))+1
color_palette <- rev(RColorConesa::colorConesa(num_unique, palette = 'complete'))
custom_colors <- setNames(color_palette[-1], unique(df$group))
# Create a scatterplot
ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(x = regulador, y = gen,fill=group)) + theme_minimal()+
geom_boxplot() + scale_fill_manual(values = custom_colors)+ scale_color_manual(values = custom_colors)+
scale_x_discrete(labels = c('0','1')) + stat_summary(aes(color = group),fun='median',geom = 'point', position = position_dodge(width = 0.75))+
labs( x = paste("Regulator \n",regulator), y = paste("Gene Expression\n",gene))
} else{
return(plotGLM(output, gene, regulator = regulator, reguValues = reguValues, plotPerOmic = plotPerOmic,
gene.col = gene.col, regu.col = regu.col, order = order,
xlab = xlab, cont.var = cont.var, cond2plot = cond2plot,...))
return(plotPLS(output, gene, regulator = regulator, reguValues = reguValues, plotPerOmic = plotPerOmic,
gene.col = gene.col, regu.col = regu.col, order = order,
xlab = xlab, cont.var = cont.var, cond2plot = cond2plot,...))
# order: Should the experimental groups be ordered for the plot? If TRUE, omic values are also ordered accordingly.
# If FALSE, the function assumes they were provided in the right order for a meaningful plot.
plotGLM = function (GLMoutput, gene, regulator = NULL, reguValues = NULL, plotPerOmic = FALSE,
gene.col = 1, regu.col = NULL, order = TRUE,
xlab = "", cont.var = NULL, cond2plot = NULL, verbose =TRUE, ...) {
# Colors for omics
omic.col = colors()[c(554,89,111,512,17,586,132,428,601,568,86,390,
if (is.null(regu.col)) {
any.col = omic.col[1:length(GLMoutput$arguments$dataOmics)]
} else {
if (length(regu.col) == length(GLMoutput$arguments$dataOmics)) {
any.col = regu.col
} else {
any.col = rep(regu.col, length(GLMoutput$arguments$dataOmics))
names(any.col) = names(GLMoutput$arguments$dataOmics)
# Changing margin
par(mar = c(5,3,4,3)+0.1)
# Groups to plot
if (is.null(cond2plot)) {
if (!is.null(GLMoutput$arguments$edesign)) {
cond2plot = apply(GLMoutput$arguments$edesign, 1, paste, collapse = "_")
# Replicates
if (!is.null(cont.var)) { # we have continuous variable
if (!is.null(cond2plot)) { # cont.var + cond2plot
myreplicates = apply(cbind(cond2plot, cont.var), 1, paste, collapse = "_")
} else { # only continuous variable is provided
myreplicates = cont.var
} else { # no cont.var
if (!is.null(cond2plot)) { # only cond2plot
myreplicates = colnames(GLMoutput$arguments$GeneExpression)
} else { # nothing
myreplicates = colnames(GLMoutput$arguments$GeneExpression)
# Cast myreplicates to character
myreplicates = as.character(myreplicates)
names(myreplicates) = colnames(GLMoutput$arguments$GeneExpression)
if (order) {
myorder = order(myreplicates)
myreplicates = sort(myreplicates)
cond2plot = cond2plot[myorder]
myrepliUni = unique(myreplicates)
if (max(table(myreplicates)) == 1) {
replicates = FALSE
} else {
replicates = TRUE
if (is.null(cond2plot)) {
numLines = NULL
} else {
condi1 = unique(cond2plot)
num1 = 1:length(condi1); names(num1) = condi1
num2 = num1[as.character(cond2plot)]
if (replicates) {
num2 = aggregate(num2, by = list("rep" = myreplicates), unique)$x
numLines = which(diff(num2) != 0)+0.5
# Error values
getErrorValues = function(realValues, repsInfo) {
# Disable it
if (! replicates)
out_values = tapply(realValues, repsInfo, function(reps) sd(reps)/sqrt(length(reps)))
myrepliUni = unique(myreplicates)
if (is.null(regulator)) { ### Plot all regulators for the given gene
GLMgene = GLMoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]
if (is.null(GLMgene)) {
stop(paste("No GLM was obtained for gene", gene))
if (is.null(GLMgene$relevantRegulators)) { ## No significant regulators
cat("No relevant regulators were found for this gene.\n")
} else
{ ## Significant regulators:
# Considering multicollinearity
SigReg = GLMgene$allRegulators
SigReg = SigReg[SigReg$Rel == 1, c("regulator", "omic", "area", "filter")]
SigReg = SigReg[GLMgene$relevantRegulators,,drop = FALSE]
cat(paste(nrow(SigReg), "relevant regulators are to be plotted for gene", gene)); cat("\n")
# Gene values
geneValues = GLMgene$Y$y
if (order) geneValues = geneValues[myorder]
errorValues = getErrorValues(geneValues, myreplicates)
geneValues = tapply(geneValues, myreplicates, mean)
geneValues = geneValues[myrepliUni]
names(geneValues) = myrepliUni
# X values
x.points = 1:length(myrepliUni)
eje = myrepliUni
if (plotPerOmic) { ## All regulators from the same omic in the same plot
myomics = unique(SigReg$omic)
for (oo in myomics) {
SigRegOmic = SigReg[SigReg$omic == oo,]
omicValues = t(GLMoutput$arguments$dataOmics[[oo]])
omicValues = omicValues[rownames(GLMgene$X),]
reguValues = omicValues[, colnames(omicValues) == SigRegOmic$regulator[1]]
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
mycol = any.col[oo]
if (nrow(SigRegOmic) == 1) {
leftlab = SigRegOmic$regulator[1]
} else { leftlab = oo }
yleftlim = range(omicValues[,SigRegOmic$regulator], na.rm = TRUE)
if (! is.null(errorValuesRegu)) {
yleftlim = range(
apply(omicValues[, SigRegOmic$regulator, drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) {
if (order) x = x[myorder]
errorInd = getErrorValues(x, myreplicates)
meanValues = tapply(x, myreplicates, mean)
meanValues = meanValues[myrepliUni]
return(c(meanValues - errorInd, meanValues + errorInd))
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, mycol), yleftlim = yleftlim,
xlab = xlab, yylab = c(gene, leftlab), pch = c(16,16),
main = oo, numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
if (nrow(SigRegOmic) > 1) {
for (i in 2:nrow(SigRegOmic)) {
reguValues = omicValues[, colnames(omicValues) == SigRegOmic$regulator[i]]
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
lines(x.points, reguValues, type = "o", lwd = 2, pch = i, col = mycol, lty = i)
if (! is.null(errorValuesRegu)) {
arrows(x.points, reguValues - errorValuesRegu, x.points, reguValues + errorValuesRegu,
code = 3, length = 0.02, angle = 90, col = mycol)
} else { ## Each regulator in a separate plot
for (rr in SigReg$regulator) {
oo = GLMoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$allRegulators[rr,"omic"]
omicValues = t(GLMoutput$arguments$dataOmics[[oo]])
reguValues = omicValues[, colnames(omicValues) == rr]
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
mycol = any.col[oo]
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, mycol), xlab = xlab,
yylab = c(gene, rr), pch = c(16,16),
main = paste(as.character(SigReg[rr, c("omic", "area")]), collapse = " "),
numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
return(GLMgene$allRegulators[GLMgene$relevantRegulators, -6])
if (is.null(gene)) { ### Plot all genes regulated by the regulator
SigniReguGene = GetPairsGeneRegulator(genes = NULL, output = GLMoutput)
SigniReguGene = SigniReguGene[SigniReguGene[,"regulator"] == regulator,]
myomics = SigniReguGene[,"omic"]
myomic = unique(myomics)
if (nrow(SigniReguGene) > 0) { # When there are genes regulated by this regulator
if (is.null(reguValues)) { # User does not provide reguValues
reguValues = as.numeric(GLMoutput$arguments$dataOmics[[myomic]][regulator,])
numGenes = length(SigniReguGene$gene)
if(verbose) {cat(paste(numGenes, "genes are regulated by", regulator)); cat("\n")}
if (length(reguValues) > 0) { # reguValues are available (recovered or given by user)
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
lapply(1:numGenes, function (i) {
geneValues = GLMoutput$ResultsPerGene[[SigniReguGene[i,"gene"]]]$Y$y
if (order) geneValues = geneValues[myorder]
errorValues = getErrorValues(geneValues, myreplicates)
geneValues = tapply(geneValues, myreplicates, mean)
geneValues = geneValues[myrepliUni]
names(geneValues) = myrepliUni
x.points = 1:length(myrepliUni)
eje = myrepliUni
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, any.col[myomics[i]]), xlab = xlab,
yylab = c(SigniReguGene[i,"gene"], regulator), pch = c(16,16),
main = paste(as.character(SigniReguGene[1,c("omic", "area")]), collapse = " "),
numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
} else { cat("Regulator values could not be recovered from GLMoutput. Please provide them in reguValues argument to generate the plot.\n") }
} else { cat(paste("There are no genes relevantly regulated by", regulator)); cat("\n") }
if (!is.null(gene) && !is.null(regulator)) { ### Plot only the given gene and the given regulator
geneResults = GLMoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]
if (is.null(geneResults)) {
stop(paste("No GLM was obtained for gene", gene))
} else
myomic = geneResults$allRegulators[regulator, "omic"]
if (is.null(reguValues)) { # User does not provide reguValues
reguValues = as.numeric(GLMoutput$arguments$dataOmics[[myomic]][regulator,]) # regulator values
if (length(reguValues) > 0) { # reguValues are available (recovered or given by user)
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
geneValues = GLMoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$Y$y
if (order) geneValues = geneValues[myorder]
errorValues = getErrorValues(geneValues, myreplicates)
geneValues = tapply(geneValues, myreplicates, mean)
geneValues = geneValues[myrepliUni]
names(geneValues) = myrepliUni
x.points = 1:length(myrepliUni)
eje = myrepliUni
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, any.col[myomic]), xlab = xlab,
yylab = c(gene, regulator), pch = c(16,16),
main = paste(as.character(geneResults$allRegulators[regulator, c("omic", "area")]),
collapse = " "),
numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
} else {
cat("Regulator values could not be recovered from GLMoutput.\n")
regulator = geneResults$allRegulators[regulator,"filter"]
if (regulator %in% rownames(geneResults$allRegulators)) {
cat(paste(regulator, "values will be plotted instead.")); cat("\n")
cat(paste(regulator, "summarizes information from the following correlated regulators:")); cat("\n")
cat(geneResults$allRegulators[geneResults$allRegulators[,"filter"] == regulator,"regulator"]); cat("\n")
reguValues = geneResults$X
reguValues = reguValues[, colnames(reguValues) == regulator]
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
geneValues = GLMoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$Y$y
if (order) geneValues = geneValues[myorder]
errorValues = getErrorValues(geneValues, myreplicates)
geneValues = tapply(geneValues, myreplicates, mean)
geneValues = geneValues[myrepliUni]
names(geneValues) = myrepliUni
x.points = 1:length(myrepliUni)
eje = myrepliUni
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, any.col[myomic]), xlab = xlab,
yylab = c(gene, regulator), pch = c(16,16),
main = paste(as.character(geneResults$allRegulators[regulator, c("omic", "area")]),
collapse = " "),
numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
} else {
cat("The selected regulator was not declared as relevant by the ElasticNet\n")
cat("Please, either select another regulator or provide the regulator values.\n")
plotPLS = function (PLSoutput, gene, regulator = NULL, reguValues = NULL, plotPerOmic = FALSE,
gene.col = 1, regu.col = NULL, order = TRUE,
xlab = "", cont.var = NULL, cond2plot = NULL, verbose = TRUE,...) {
# Colors for omics
omic.col = colors()[c(554,89,111,512,17,586,132,428,601,568,86,390,
if (is.null(regu.col)) {
any.col = omic.col[1:length(PLSoutput$arguments$dataOmics)]
} else {
if (length(regu.col) == length(PLSoutput$arguments$dataOmics)) {
any.col = regu.col
} else {
any.col = rep(regu.col, length(PLSoutput$arguments$dataOmics))
names(any.col) = names(PLSoutput$arguments$dataOmics)
# Changing margin
par(mar = c(5,3,4,3)+0.1)
# Groups to plot
if (is.null(cond2plot)) {
if (!is.null(PLSoutput$arguments$edesign)) {
cond2plot = apply(PLSoutput$arguments$edesign, 1, paste, collapse = "_")
# Replicates
if (!is.null(cont.var)) { # we have continuous variable
if (!is.null(cond2plot)) { # cont.var + cond2plot
myreplicates = apply(cbind(cond2plot, cont.var), 1, paste, collapse = "_")
} else { # only continuous variable is provided
myreplicates = cont.var
} else { # no cont.var
if (!is.null(cond2plot)) { # only cond2plot
myreplicates = colnames(PLSoutput$arguments$GeneExpression)
} else { # nothing
myreplicates = colnames(PLSoutput$arguments$GeneExpression)
# Cast myreplicates to character
myreplicates = as.character(myreplicates)
names(myreplicates) = colnames(PLSoutput$arguments$GeneExpression)
if (order) {
myorder = order(myreplicates)
myreplicates = sort(myreplicates)
cond2plot = cond2plot[myorder]
myrepliUni = unique(myreplicates)
if (max(table(myreplicates)) == 1) {
replicates = FALSE
} else {
replicates = TRUE
if (is.null(cond2plot)) {
numLines = NULL
} else {
condi1 = unique(cond2plot)
num1 = 1:length(condi1); names(num1) = condi1
num2 = num1[as.character(cond2plot)]
if (replicates) {
num2 = aggregate(num2, by = list("rep" = myreplicates), unique)$x
numLines = which(diff(num2) != 0)+0.5
# Error values
getErrorValues = function(realValues, repsInfo) {
# Disable it
if (! replicates)
out_values = tapply(realValues, repsInfo, function(reps) sd(reps)/sqrt(length(reps)))
myrepliUni = unique(myreplicates)
if (is.null(regulator)) { ### Plot all regulators for the given gene
PLSgene = PLSoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]
if (is.null(PLSgene)) {
stop(paste("No GLM was obtained for gene", gene))
if (is.null(PLSgene$significantRegulators)) { ## No significant regulators
cat("No significant regulators were found for this gene.\n")
} else
{ ## Significant regulators:
# Considering multicollinearity
SigReg = PLSgene$allRegulators
SigReg = SigReg[SigReg$Sig == 1, c("regulator", "omic", "area", "filter")]
SigReg = SigReg[PLSgene$significantRegulators,,drop = FALSE]
cat(paste(nrow(SigReg), "significant regulators are to be plotted for gene", gene)); cat("\n")
# Gene values
geneValues = PLSgene$Y$y
if (order) geneValues = geneValues[myorder]
errorValues = getErrorValues(geneValues, myreplicates)
geneValues = tapply(geneValues, myreplicates, mean)
geneValues = geneValues[myrepliUni]
names(geneValues) = myrepliUni
# X values
x.points = 1:length(myrepliUni)
eje = myrepliUni
if (plotPerOmic) { ## All regulators from the same omic in the same plot
myomics = unique(SigReg$omic)
for (oo in myomics) {
SigRegOmic = SigReg[SigReg$omic == oo,]
omicValues = t(PLSoutput$arguments$dataOmics[[oo]])
omicValues = omicValues[rownames(PLSgene$X),]
reguValues = omicValues[, colnames(omicValues) == SigRegOmic$regulator[1]]
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
mycol = any.col[oo]
if (nrow(SigRegOmic) == 1) {
leftlab = SigRegOmic$regulator[1]
} else { leftlab = oo }
yleftlim = range(omicValues[,SigRegOmic$regulator], na.rm = TRUE)
if (! is.null(errorValuesRegu)) {
yleftlim = range(
apply(omicValues[, SigRegOmic$regulator, drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) {
if (order) x = x[myorder]
errorInd = getErrorValues(x, myreplicates)
meanValues = tapply(x, myreplicates, mean)
meanValues = meanValues[myrepliUni]
return(c(meanValues - errorInd, meanValues + errorInd))
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, mycol), yleftlim = yleftlim,
xlab = xlab, yylab = c(gene, leftlab), pch = c(16,16),
main = oo, numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
if (nrow(SigRegOmic) > 1) {
for (i in 2:nrow(SigRegOmic)) {
reguValues = omicValues[, colnames(omicValues) == SigRegOmic$regulator[i]]
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
lines(x.points, reguValues, type = "o", lwd = 2, pch = i, col = mycol, lty = i)
if (! is.null(errorValuesRegu)) {
arrows(x.points, reguValues - errorValuesRegu, x.points, reguValues + errorValuesRegu,
code = 3, length = 0.02, angle = 90, col = mycol)
} else { ## Each regulator in a separate plot
for (rr in SigReg$regulator) {
oo = PLSoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$allRegulators[rr,"omic"]
omicValues = t(PLSoutput$arguments$dataOmics[[oo]])
reguValues = omicValues[, colnames(omicValues) == rr]
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
mycol = any.col[oo]
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, mycol), xlab = xlab,
yylab = c(gene, rr), pch = c(16,16),
main = paste(as.character(SigReg[rr, c("omic", "area")]), collapse = " "),
numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
return(PLSgene$allRegulators[PLSgene$significantRegulators, -6])
if (is.null(gene)) { ### Plot all genes regulated by the regulator
SigniReguGene = GetPairsGeneRegulator(genes = NULL, output = PLSoutput)
SigniReguGene = SigniReguGene[SigniReguGene[,"regulator"] == regulator,]
myomics = SigniReguGene[,"omic"]
myomic = unique(myomics)
if (nrow(SigniReguGene) > 0) { # When there are genes regulated by this regulator
if (is.null(reguValues)) { # User does not provide reguValues
reguValues = as.numeric(PLSoutput$arguments$dataOmics[[myomic]][regulator,])
numGenes = length(SigniReguGene$gene)
if(verbose) {cat(paste(numGenes, "genes are regulated by", regulator)); cat("\n")}
if (length(reguValues) > 0) { # reguValues are available (recovered or given by user)
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
lapply(1:numGenes, function (i) {
geneValues = PLSoutput$ResultsPerGene[[SigniReguGene[i,"gene"]]]$Y$y
if (order) geneValues = geneValues[myorder]
errorValues = getErrorValues(geneValues, myreplicates)
geneValues = tapply(geneValues, myreplicates, mean)
geneValues = geneValues[myrepliUni]
names(geneValues) = myrepliUni
x.points = 1:length(myrepliUni)
eje = myrepliUni
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, any.col[myomics[i]]), xlab = xlab,
yylab = c(SigniReguGene[i,"gene"], regulator), pch = c(16,16),
main = paste(as.character(SigniReguGene[1,c("omic", "area")]), collapse = " "),
numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
} else { cat("Regulator values could not be recovered from output. Please provide them in reguValues argument to generate the plot.\n") }
} else { cat(paste("There are no genes significantly regulated by", regulator)); cat("\n") }
if (!is.null(gene) && !is.null(regulator)) { ### Plot only the given gene and the given regulator
geneResults = PLSoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]
if (is.null(geneResults)) {
stop(paste("No GLM was obtained for gene", gene))
} else
myomic = geneResults$allRegulators[regulator, "omic"]
if (is.null(reguValues)) { # User does not provide reguValues
reguValues = as.numeric(PLSoutput$arguments$dataOmics[[myomic]][regulator,]) # regulator values
if (length(reguValues) > 0) { # reguValues are available (recovered or given by user)
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
geneValues = PLSoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$Y$y
if (order) geneValues = geneValues[myorder]
errorValues = getErrorValues(geneValues, myreplicates)
geneValues = tapply(geneValues, myreplicates, mean)
geneValues = geneValues[myrepliUni]
names(geneValues) = myrepliUni
x.points = 1:length(myrepliUni)
eje = myrepliUni
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, any.col[myomic]), xlab = xlab,
yylab = c(gene, regulator), pch = c(16,16),
main = paste(as.character(geneResults$allRegulators[regulator, c("omic", "area")]),
collapse = " "),
numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
} else {
cat("Regulator values could not be recovered from output.\n")
regulator = geneResults$allRegulators[regulator,"filter"]
if (regulator %in% rownames(geneResults$allRegulators)) {
cat(paste(regulator, "values will be plotted instead.")); cat("\n")
cat(paste(regulator, "summarizes information from the following correlated regulators:")); cat("\n")
cat(geneResults$allRegulators[geneResults$allRegulators[,"filter"] == regulator,"regulator"]); cat("\n")
reguValues = geneResults$X
reguValues = reguValues[, colnames(reguValues) == regulator]
if (order) reguValues = reguValues[myorder]
errorValuesRegu = getErrorValues(reguValues, myreplicates)
reguValues = tapply(reguValues, myreplicates, mean)
reguValues = reguValues[myrepliUni]
names(reguValues) = myrepliUni
geneValues = PLSoutput$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$Y$y
if (order) geneValues = geneValues[myorder]
errorValues = getErrorValues(geneValues, myreplicates)
geneValues = tapply(geneValues, myreplicates, mean)
geneValues = geneValues[myrepliUni]
names(geneValues) = myrepliUni
x.points = 1:length(myrepliUni)
eje = myrepliUni
plotGeneRegu(x.points = x.points, geneValues = geneValues, reguValues = reguValues,
col = c(gene.col, any.col[myomic]), xlab = xlab,
yylab = c(gene, regulator), pch = c(16,16),
main = paste(as.character(geneResults$allRegulators[regulator, c("omic", "area")]),
collapse = " "),
numLines = numLines, x.names = eje,
geneErrorValues = errorValues, reguErrorValues = errorValuesRegu)
} else {
cat("The selected regulator was not declared as significant by the ElasticNet\n")
cat("Please, either select another regulator or provide the regulator values.\n")
## Plots PLS ----------
#' plotweight
#' \code{plotweight} Function to be applied to \link{more} main function output.
#' @param output Output object of MORE main function.
#' @param gene Gene of which the user wants visualize the weightings of the model.
#' @param axe1 Number of the PLS component to plot in the X axis
#' @param axe2 Number of the PLS component to plot in the Y axis
#' @return Plots the weighting star of the regulators identified as significant for the selected gene.
#' @export
plotweight<-function(output, gene,axe1=1,axe2=2){
if(output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp']==1) {
warning('The original component extracted a unique component. The visuallization would be hard')
if (ncol(output$arguments$GeneExpression)<7){cross = output$arguments$GeneExpression -2}else{cross =7}
pls = ropls::opls(output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$X[,output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$significantRegulators,drop=FALSE], output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$Y$y, info.txtC = 'none', fig.pdfC='none', scaleC = 'none', crossvalI = cross, permI=0, predI=output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp'])
plot(pls@weightStarMN[,1], rep(0,length(output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$significantRegulators)),
main = "Weights*",
xlab = paste('w*c', axe1), ylab = paste('w*c', axe2),
pch = 18, col = "blue", xlim = c(-1,1))
points(pls@cMN[,1], 0, pch = 18, col = "red")
# Asignamos las etiquetas
text(pls@weightStarMN[,1], rep(0,length(output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$significantRegulators)),
labels = row.names(pls@weightStarMN),
cex = 0.6, srt = 60, pos = 2, col = "black")
text(pls@cMN[,1], 0, labels = gene, cex =
0.6, srt = 60, pos = 4, col = 'black')
legend("topleft", legend = c("X", gene),cex = 0.5,
pch = 18, col = c("blue", "red"))
} else{
if(axe1> output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp'] | axe2>output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp']) stop('Error: The model did not extracted originally that many components')
if (ncol(output$arguments$GeneExpression)<7){cross = output$arguments$GeneExpression -2}else{cross =7}
#Create the PLS model only with the variables that resulted significant in the model
pls = ropls::opls(output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$X[,output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$significantRegulators,drop=FALSE], output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$Y$y, info.txtC = 'none', fig.pdfC='none', scaleC = 'none', crossvalI = cross, permI=0, predI=output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp'])
#Create the weighting plots
plot(pls@weightStarMN[,axe1], pls@weightStarMN[,axe2],
main = "Weights*",
xlab = paste('w*c', axe1), ylab = paste('w*c', axe2),
pch = 18, col = "blue", asp=1)
points(pls@cMN[,axe1], pls@cMN[,axe2], pch = 18, col = "red")
# Asignamos las etiquetas
text(pls@weightStarMN[,axe1], pls@weightStarMN[,axe2],
labels = row.names(pls@weightStarMN),
cex = 0.6, pos = 4, col = "black")
text(pls@cMN[,axe1], pls@cMN[,axe2], labels = gene, cex =
0.6, pos = 4, col = 'black')
abline(h=0, v=0)
legend("topleft", legend = c("X", gene),cex = 0.5,
pch = 18, col = c("blue", "red"))
#' plotscores
#' \code{plotscores} Function to be applied to \link{more} main function output.
#' @param output Output object of MORE main function.
#' @param gene Gene of which the user wants visualize the weightings of the model.
#' @param axe1 Number of the PLS component to plot in the X axis
#' @param axe2 Number of the PLS component to plot in the Y axis
#' @return Plots the scores of the samples under the PLS model generated by the significant regulators for the selected gene.
#' @export
plotscores<-function(output, gene,axe1=1,axe2=2){
if(output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp']==1) {
warning('The original component extracted a unique component. The visuallization would be hard')
if (ncol(output$arguments$GeneExpression)<7){cross = output$arguments$GeneExpression -2}else{cross =7}
pls = ropls::opls(output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$X[,output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$significantRegulators,drop=FALSE], output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$Y$y, info.txtC = 'none', fig.pdfC='none', scaleC = 'none', crossvalI = cross, permI=0, predI=output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp'])
plot(pls@scoreMN[,1], rep(0,length(output$arguments$groups)),
main = "Scores",
xlab = paste('t', axe1), ylab = paste('t', axe2),
pch = 18, col = output$arguments$groups)
# Asignamos las etiquetas
text(pls@scoreMN[,1], rep(0,length(output$arguments$groups)),
labels = row.names(pls@scoreMN),
cex = 0.6, srt = 60, pos = 2, col = 'black')
} else{
if(axe1> output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp'] | axe2>output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp']) stop('Error: The model did not extracted originally that many components')
if (ncol(output$arguments$GeneExpression)<7){cross = output$arguments$GeneExpression -2}else{cross =7}
#Create the PLS model only with the variables that resulted significant in the model
pls = ropls::opls(output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$X[,output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$significantRegulators,drop=FALSE], output$ResultsPerGene[[gene]]$Y$y, info.txtC = 'none', fig.pdfC='none', scaleC = 'none', crossvalI = cross, permI=0, predI=output$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,'ncomp'])
#Create the weighting plots
plot(pls@scoreMN[,axe1], pls@scoreMN[,axe2],
main = "Scores",
xlab = paste('t', axe1), ylab = paste('t', axe2),
pch = 18, col = output$arguments$groups)
# Asignamos las etiquetas
text(pls@scoreMN[,axe1], pls@scoreMN[,axe2],
labels = row.names(pls@scoreMN),
cex = 0.6, pos = 4, col = "black")
abline(h=0, v=0)
## Summary ------------
#' summary
#' \code{summary.MORE} Function to be applied to MORE object.
#' @param object MORE object obtained from applying \link{more} function.
#' @param plot.more If TRUE top 10 global regulators are plotted against the genes they regulate. By default, FALSE.
#' @return Summary of more analysis.
#' @export
summary.MORE <-function(object, plot.more=FALSE){
cat('A model was computed for',length(object$ResultsPerGene), 'genes.' ,'\n')
cat(ifelse(is.null(object$GlobalSummary$GenesNoregulators),0,nrow(object$GlobalSummary$GenesNoregulators)), 'genes had no intial regulators.' ,'\n')
if(object$arguments$method == 'glm'||object$arguments$method=='isgl'){
cat('For', ifelse(is.null(object$GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel),0,length(object$GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel)), 'genes, the final GLM model could not be obtained.','\n')
cat('Genes presented a mean of ',mean(na.omit(object$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[,'relReg'])),'relevant regulators.','\n')
#Top hub genes
s_rel_reg<-apply(relevant_regulators, 1, sum)
cat('These are the top 10 hub genes and the number of relevant regulators for each:\n')
#Global regulators
m_rel_reg<-lapply(object$ResultsPerGene, function(x) x$relevantRegulators)
m_rel_reg <- unlist(m_rel_reg)
## Count occurrences
mrel_vector <- table(m_rel_reg)
#Ask to regulate at least 10 genes
cat('These are the top 10 global regulators and the number of genes that they regulate:\n')
} else{
cat('There were not global regulators (regulators that regulate more than 10 genes).')
for (i in 1:10) {
plotGLM(object, gene = NULL, regulator = names(msig)[i], plotPerOmic = FALSE ,order = FALSE, gene.col = 'skyblue', regu.col = 'tan1', verbose = FALSE)
cat('Genes presented a mean of ',mean(na.omit(object$GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[,'sigReg'])),'significant regulators.','\n')
#Top hub genes
s_sig_reg<-apply(significant_regulators, 1, sum)
cat('These are the top 10 hub genes and the number of significant regulators for each:\n')
#Global regulators
m_sig_reg<-lapply(object$ResultsPerGene, function(x) x$significantRegulators)
m_sig_reg <- unlist(m_sig_reg)
## Count occurrences
msig_vector <- table(m_sig_reg)
#Ask to regulate at least 10 genes
cat('These are the top 10 global regulators and the number of genes that they regulate:\n')
for (i in 1:10) {
plotPLS(object, gene = NULL, regulator = names(msig)[i], plotPerOmic = FALSE ,order = FALSE, gene.col = 'skyblue', regu.col = 'tan1', verbose = FALSE)
#' summary_plot
#' \code{summary_plot} Function to be applied to MORE object and the object obtained from RegulationPerCondition.
#' @param output MORE object obtained from applying \link{more} function.
#' @param output_regpcond Object generated by the function \link{RegulationPerCondition} when applied to a \link{more} object.
#' @param by_genes If TRUE, the function plots the percentage of genes with significant regulators globally and per omic. If FALSE, it plots the percentage of significant regulations per omic. By default, TRUE.
#' @return Summary plot of the MORE analysis.
#' @export
summary_plot<-function(output, output_regpcond, by_genes =TRUE){
#output should by a MORE object
#output_regpcond should by the output of calculating RegulationPerCondition to a MORE object
#by_genes by default TRUE calculates the percentage of genes with significant regulators globally and per omic. FALSE to calculate the percentage of significant regulations globally and per omic.
#Calculate the vector with % of significant regulators by condition and globally
ngroups = length(unique(output$arguments$groups))
omics = names(output$arguments$dataOmics)
totalgenes = length(output$ResultsPerGene)+ifelse(is.null(output$GlobalSummary$GenesNoregulators),0,length(output$GlobalSummary$GenesNoregulators))+ifelse(is.null(output$GlobalSummary$GenesNomodel),0,length(output$GlobalSummary$GenesNomodel))
pos = grep('Group',colnames(output_regpcond))[1]
#Create all the counts needed globally and per groups
cts = matrix(NA, nrow=(ngroups)+1,ncol=length(omics)+1)
for (i in 1:((ngroups)+1)){
#Create the global values
for (j in 1:((length(omics))+1)){
if (i==1 && j==1){
cts[i,j]= length(unique(output_regpcond$gene))
}else if(i==1){
cts[i,j]= length(unique(output_regpcond[output_regpcond$omic==omics[j-1],]$gene))
}else if(j==1){
cts[i,j] = length(unique(output_regpcond[output_regpcond[,pos+(i-2)]!=0,]$gene))
cts[i,j] = length(unique(output_regpcond[intersect(which(output_regpcond[,pos+(i-2)]!=0),which(output_regpcond$omic==omics[j-1])),]$gene))
#Convert to percentage
group_levels <- c('Global', unique(output$arguments$groups))
#Create a df with the percentage of genes with significant regulators by omic and condition
df <- data.frame(Group=factor(rep(group_levels, times = length(omics) + 1), levels = group_levels),
omic=rep(c('Any',names(output$arguments$dataOmics)),each = ngroups+1),
num_unique <- ngroups+1
color_palette <- rev(RColorConesa::colorConesa(num_unique, palette = 'complete'))
custom_colors <- setNames(color_palette, unique(df$Group))
ggplot2::ggplot(data=df, aes(x=omic, y=genes, fill=Group)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) +
scale_fill_manual(values = custom_colors)+
labs(x="Omic", y = "% genes with significant regulators") +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12),panel.grid = element_line(color = "black",linewidth = 0.5,linetype = 1))
} else{
#Calculate the vector with % of significant regulations by condition in each omic
ngroups = length(unique(output$arguments$groups))
omics = names(output$arguments$dataOmics)
pos = grep('Group',colnames(output_regpcond))[1]
#Create all the counts needed globally and per groups
cts = matrix(NA, nrow=(ngroups),ncol=length(omics))
total_reg_omic <- if (is.null(output$arguments$associations)) {
sapply(output$arguments$dataOmics, nrow)
} else {
sapply(omics, function(x) nrow(output$arguments$associations[[x]][output$arguments$associations[[x]][,2] %in% rownames(output$arguments$dataOmics[[x]]),]))
for (i in 1:ngroups){
#Create the global values
for (j in 1:length(omics)){
cts[i,j] = length(output_regpcond[intersect(which(output_regpcond[,pos+i-1]!=0),which(output_regpcond$omic==omics[j])),]$regulator)/ total_reg_omic[j]*100
#Create a df with the percentage of genes with significant regulators by omic and condition
df <- data.frame(Group=rep(unique(output$arguments$groups), times=length(omics)),
omic=rep(names(output$arguments$dataOmics),each = ngroups),
num_unique <- ngroups+1
color_palette <- rev(RColorConesa::colorConesa(num_unique, palette = 'complete'))
custom_colors <- setNames(color_palette[-1], unique(df$Group))
ggplot2::ggplot(data=df, aes(x=omic, y=genes, fill=Group)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) +
theme_minimal()+scale_x_discrete(labels = paste(unique(df$omic),'\n',total_reg_omic,'regulations')) +
scale_fill_manual(values = custom_colors)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, max(df$genes) + 1)) +
labs(x="Omic", y = "% significant regulations") +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12),panel.grid = element_line(color = "black",linewidth = 0.5,linetype = 1))
getallreg <- function(x, gene) {
reg <- x[x[, 1] == gene, 2]
#' globalreg_plot
#' \code{globalreg_plot} Function to be applied to \link{RegulationInCondition} function output.
#' @param output_regincond Output object of running \link{RegulationInCondition} function.
#' @param by_network If TRUE, information would be plotted on a network instead of a corrplot. By default, FALSE.
#' @return Graphical visualization between global regulators and genes in a specific condition.
#' @export
globalreg_plot<-function(output_regincond, by_network=FALSE){
#output_regincond: Output object of running RegulationInCondition function
#by_network: By faulta, FALSE. If TRUE plots the results in a network
if (by_network){
#Take group column in RegulationPerCondition
df<-output_regincond$RegulationInCondition[grepl(paste(regulators, collapse = "|"), output_regincond$RegulationInCondition$regulator),]
#Create the graph
mygraph = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(df, directed=F)
odf<-rbind(odf, data.frame('regulator'=unique(df$gene),'omic'=rep('gene',length(unique(df$gene)))))
mygraph<-igraph::set.vertex.attribute(mygraph,'omic', index = igraph::V(mygraph), value = odf[igraph::V(mygraph)$name,]$omic)
mygraph<-igraph::set.edge.attribute(mygraph, 'sign', index = igraph::E(mygraph), value = df[,4])
igraph::plot.igraph(mygraph,vertex.label.cex= 0.4, vertex.size = 4,vertex.color=as.factor(igraph::V(mygraph)$omic),edge.color = ifelse(igraph::E(mygraph)$sign >0, "blue", "red"), main='Gen - Global regulators network')
legend("topright", legend = unique(igraph::V(mygraph)$omic), col = categorical_pal(length(unique(as.factor(igraph::V(mygraph)$omic)))), pch = 16, cex = 1.5, bty = "n")
# Identify the genes they regulate
genes<-unique(output_regincond$RegulationInCondition[grepl(paste(regulators, collapse = "|"), output_regincond$RegulationInCondition$regulator),1])
#Create the matrix
gen_reg<-matrix(0, nrow= length(genes),ncol=length(regulators))
for ( i in 1:nrow(gen_reg)){
#Get all the potential regulators of the gene
potential_regulator <- unlist(sapply(output_regincond$arguments$associations, function(x) getallreg(x,genes[i])),use.names = FALSE)
#Use NA for any potential regulator
for ( j in 1:ncol(gen_reg)){
if ( length(intersect(which(output_regincond$RegulationInCondition$gene==genes[i]),which(output_regincond$RegulationInCondition$regulator==regulators[j])) )!=0){
gen_reg[i,j] = output_regincond$RegulationInCondition[intersect(which(output_regincond$RegulationInCondition$gene==genes[i]),which(output_regincond$RegulationInCondition$regulator==regulators[j])),4]
df<-data.frame(genes=rep(rownames(gen_reg), times=ncol(gen_reg)),
regulators=rep(colnames(gen_reg),each = nrow(gen_reg)),
color= ifelse(as.vector(gen_reg)>0, '#5577FF',ifelse(as.vector(gen_reg)<0, '#FF7755','#FFFFFF')))
df$color[is.na(df$color)] <- '#aaaaaa'
ggplot2::ggplot(data = df, aes(x = regulators, y = genes, fill = color)) +
geom_tile(color = "black",lwd = 0.5, linetype = 1) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#5577FF", "#aaaaaa", "#FF7755", "#FFFFFF"),
name = "Legend",
labels = c('Activator','Potential','Repressor','Not potential')) +
labs(title = paste0("Gene - Global Regulators \n correlation plot in ",colnames(output_regincond$RegulationInCondition)[4]," condition \n"),
x = "Global regulators", y = "Genes") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, colour = "black"),
axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", colour="black", size = 8),
axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", colour="black", size = 8),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6, angle = 45, hjust = 1), # Adjust size for x-axis text
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 6),
legend.title = element_text(face="bold", colour="black", size = 10),legend.position = 'right')
## Network creation -------
#' network_more
#' \code{network_more} Function to be applied to RegulationPerConidtion function output.
#' @param output_regpcond Output object of RegulationPerCondition applied to MORE main function.
#' @param cytoscape TRUE for plotting the network in Cytoscape. FALSE to plot the network in R.
#' @param group1 Name of the group to take as reference in the differential network creation.
#' @param group2 Name of the group to compare to the reference in the differential network creation.
#' @return Plot of the network induced from more.
#' @export
network_more <- function(output_regpcond, cytoscape = TRUE, group1 = NULL, group2 = NULL) {
create_graph <- function(df) {
#Remove rows with 0 coef
df <- df[df[,4] != 0, ]
mygraph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(df, directed = FALSE)
mygraph <- igraph::simplify(mygraph)
#Add atributtes to the edge and create df with the omic
odf <- unique(df[, c(2, 3)])
odf <- rbind(odf, data.frame('regulator' = unique(df$gene), 'omic' = rep('gene', length(unique(df$gene)))))
rownames(odf) <- odf$regulator
mygraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(mygraph, 'omic', index = igraph::V(mygraph), value = odf[igraph::V(mygraph)$name,]$omic)
mygraph <- igraph::set_edge_attr(mygraph, 'sign', index = igraph::E(mygraph), value = df[, 4])
create_network <- function(mygraph, df,odf, prefix, group_names,diff) {
cy_network <- RCy3::createNetworkFromIgraph(mygraph, paste0(prefix, group_names))
edge_names <- gsub(" \\(interacts with\\) ", "--", RCy3::getAllEdges(cy_network))
edges_graph <- apply(df[, c(1, 2)], 1, function(row) paste(row, collapse = "--"))
#Order modified vector based on the order_index
order_index <- match(edge_names, edges_graph)
edge_colors <- ifelse(df[order_index, 4] > 0, '#5577FF', '#FF3333')
RCy3::setEdgeColorBypass(network = cy_network, edge.names = RCy3::getAllEdges(cy_network), edge_colors)
edge_lines<-ifelse(df[order_index,5] == 0, 'SOLID', ifelse(df[order_index,5] == 1,'ZIGZAG','DOT'))
RCy3::setEdgeLineStyleBypass(network= cy_network, edge.names = RCy3::getAllEdges(cy_network), edge_lines)
#Set node color and generate a color palette
omic_c <- factor(odf[RCy3::getAllNodes(cy_network), ]$omic)
num_unique <- length(unique(omic_c))
color_palette <- RColorConesa::colorConesa(num_unique, palette = 'complete')
node_colors <- color_palette[as.integer(omic_c)]
nshaps <-setdiff(RCy3::getNodeShapes(), c("TRIANGLE", "DIAMOND","RECTANGLE"))[1:num_unique]
node_shapes <- nshaps[as.integer(omic_c)]
if('TF'%in% omic_c){
i=grep('TF', omic_c)
if('miRNA'%in% omic_c){
i=grep('miRNA', omic_c)
if('gene'%in% omic_c){
i=grep('gene', omic_c)
RCy3::setNodeColorBypass(network = cy_network, node.names = RCy3::getAllNodes(cy_network), node_colors)
RCy3::setNodeShapeBypass(network = cy_network, node.names = RCy3::getAllNodes(cy_network), node_shapes)
if (cytoscape) {
if (is.null(group1) && is.null(group2)) {
ngroups <- grep('Group', colnames(output_regpcond))
#Create as many networks as groups
for (i in 1:length(ngroups)) {
#Data.frame of that network
df <- output_regpcond[, c(1, 2, 3, ngroups[i])]
my_graph <- create_graph(df)
create_network(my_graph$mygraph, my_graph$df,my_graph$odf, 'mynet', colnames(output_regpcond)[ngroups[i]],diff = FALSE)
} else {
#Look for the groups to consider
gr1 <- grep(group1, colnames(output_regpcond))
gr2 <- grep(group2, colnames(output_regpcond))
if (length(gr1) != 1 || length(gr2) != 1 || gr1 == gr2){stop("ERROR: group1 and group2 should be different names of groups to compare")}
#Create the differential coefficient and the indicator of sign change
df <- output_regpcond[, c(1,2,3,gr2,gr1)]
df[, 6] = df[, 4] - df[, 5]
df[, 7] = ifelse(df[,4]==0 | df[,5]==0,2, ifelse(sign(df[, 6]) == sign(df[, 5]), 0, 1))
df <- df[, -c(4, 5)]
names(df)[5] = 'line'
my_graph <- create_graph(df)
create_network(my_graph$mygraph,my_graph$df,my_graph$odf, 'mynet', paste0(group2,'-', group1),diff = TRUE)
} else {
if (is.null(group1) && is.null(group2)) {
ngroups <- grep('Group', colnames(output_regpcond))
#Create as many networks as groups
for (i in 1:length(ngroups)) {
#Data.frame of that network
df <- output_regpcond[, c(1, 2, 3, ngroups[i])]
my_graph <- create_graph(df)
igraph::plot.igraph(my_graph$mygraph, vertex.label.cex = 0.3, vertex.size = 3,
vertex.color = as.factor(igraph::V(my_graph$mygraph)$omic),
edge.color = ifelse(igraph::E(my_graph$mygraph)$sign > 0, "blue", "red"))
igraph::write_graph(my_graph$mygraph, format = 'gml', file = paste0('mynet', colnames(output_regpcond)[ngroups[i]], '.gml'))
} else {
#Look for the groups to consider
gr1 <- grep(group1, colnames(output_regpcond))
gr2 <- grep(group2, colnames(output_regpcond))
if (length(gr1) != 1 || length(gr2) != 1 || gr1 == gr2){stop("ERROR: group1 and group2 should be different names of groups to compare")}
#Create the differential coefficient and the indicator of sign change
df <- output_regpcond[, c(1,2,3,gr2,gr1)]
df[, 6] = df[, 4] - df[, 5]
df[, 7] = ifelse(df[,4]==0 | df[,5]==0, 2, ifelse(sign(df[, 6]) == sign(df[, 5]), 0, 1))
df <- df[, -c(4, 5)]
names(df)[5] = 'line'
my_graph <- create_graph(df)
my_graph$mygraph<-igraph::set.edge.attribute(my_graph$mygraph, 'line', index = igraph::E(my_graph$mygraph), value = my_graph$df[,5])
igraph::plot.igraph(my_graph$mygraph, vertex.label.cex = 0.3, vertex.size = 3,
vertex.color = as.factor(igraph::V(my_graph$mygraph)$omic),
edge.color = ifelse(igraph::E(my_graph$mygraph)$sign > 0, "blue", "red"),
edge.lty = ifelse(igraph::E(my_graph$mygraph)$line == 0, "solid", "dashed"))
igraph::write_graph(my_graph$mygraph, format = 'gml', file = paste0('mynet', group2, '-', group1, '.gml'))
## Downstream analysis -------
ReguEnrich1regu1function = function(term, test, notTest, annotation) {
annotTest = length(intersect(test, annotation[annotation[,2] == term,1]))
if ((annotTest) > 0) {
annotNOTtest = length(intersect(notTest, annotation[annotation[,2] == term,1]))
mytest = matrix(c(annotTest, length(test)-annotTest, annotNOTtest, length(notTest)-annotNOTtest), ncol = 2)
resultat = c(term, annotTest, length(test), annotNOTtest, length(notTest),
fisher.test(mytest, alternative = "greater")$p.value)
names(resultat) = c("term", "annotTest", "test", "annotNotTest", "notTest", "pval")
} else {
resultat = c(term, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100)
names(resultat) = c("term", "annotTest", "test", "annotNotTest", "notTest", "pval")
ReguEnrich1regu = function(test, notTest, annotation, p.adjust.method = "fdr") {
annot2test = unique(annotation[,2])
resultat = t(sapply(annot2test, ReguEnrich1regu1function, test = test, notTest = notTest, annotation = annotation))
resultat = resultat[-which(as.numeric(resultat[,"annotTest"]) == 0),]
"adjPval" = p.adjust(as.numeric(resultat[,"pval"]), method = p.adjust.method),
stringsAsFactors = F))
#' ORA_more
#' \code{ORA_more} Function to be applied to RegulationInCondition function output.
#' @param output Output object of running more
#' @param output_globregincond Output object of running RegulationInCondition function
#' @param annotation Annotation matrix with genes in the first column, GO terms in the second
#' @param alpha The adjusted pvalue cutoff to consider
#' @param p.adjust.method One of holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH, BY, fdr or none
#' @return Plot of the network induced from more.
#' @export
ORA_more = function(output, output_globregincond, annotation, alpha = 0.05,
p.adjust.method = "fdr") {
# output: Output object of running more function
# output_globregincond: Output object of running RegulationInCondition function
# annotation: Annotation matrix with genes in the first column, GO terms in the second and a description in the third
#Take the GlobalRegulators to which we want to apply the object and against which we test it
regulators = output_globregincond$GlobalRegulators
reference = rownames(output$arguments$GeneExpression)
#Take only the ones that were DE
annotation = annotation[annotation[,1] %in% reference,]
annotDescr = unique(annotation[,2:3])
rownames(annotDescr) = annotDescr[,1]
myresults = vector("list", length = length(regulators))
names(myresults) = regulators
for (rrr in regulators) {
test = unique(as.character(output_globregincond$RegulationInCondition[which(output_globregincond$RegulationInCondition[,"regulator"] == rrr),"gene"]))
notTest = setdiff(reference, test)
resuRegu = ReguEnrich1regu(test, notTest, annotation, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method)
resuRegu = resuRegu[which(resuRegu$adjPval < alpha),]
if (nrow(resuRegu) > 0) {
resuRegu = data.frame("regulator" = rrr, "termDescr" = annotDescr[resuRegu[,1],2],
resuRegu, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
resuRegu = NULL
myresults[[rrr]] = resuRegu
rm(resuRegu); gc()
#' GSEA_more
#' \code{GSEA_more} Function to be applied to RegulationInCondition function output.
#' @param output_globregincond Output object of running RegulationInCondition function
#' @param output_globregincond2 Output object of running RegulationInCondition function for other group different to the previous. By default, NULL.
#' @param annotation Annotation matrix with genes in the first column, GO terms in the second
#' @param alpha The adjusted pvalue cutoff to consider
#' @param p.adjust.method One of holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH, BY, fdr or none
#' @return Plot of the network induced from more.
#' @export
GSEA_more<-function(output_globregincond, output_globregincond2 = NULL, annotation, alpha = 0.05,
p.adjust.method = "fdr"){
#output_globregincond: Output object of running RegulationInCondition
#output_globregincond2: Output object of running RegulationInCondition for other group to which compare the reference. By default, NULL.
#annotation: Annotation matrix with genes in the first column, GO terms in the second
#alpha: The adjusted pvalue cutoff to consider
#p.adjust.method: One of holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH, BY, fdr or none
#Store the genes in decreasing order
geneList = sort(geneList, decreasing = TRUE)
selected_genes <- names(geneList)
counts <- as.numeric(geneList)
geneList <- setNames(counts, selected_genes)
} else{
#Create a data frame
all_genes <- union(geneList[,1], geneList2[,1])
merged_df <- data.frame(Gene = all_genes, Count1 = 0, Count2 = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
merged_df$Count1[merged_df$Gene %in% geneList[,1]] <- geneList[, 2]
merged_df$Count2[merged_df$Gene %in% geneList2[,1]] <- geneList2[, 2]
#Add one to all values to avoid problems when creating the ratio
geneList <- setNames(merged_df[,3], rownames(merged_df))
geneList <- sort(geneList, decreasing = TRUE)
y <- GSEA(geneList = geneList, TERM2GENE = term2gene_bp, pvalueCutoff = alpha, pAdjustMethod = p.adjust.method)
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