
Defines functions networkAnalysis

if (!isGeneric("analyze")) {
  setGeneric("analyze", function(object, ...)
    standardGeneric("analyze"), package = "HTSanalyzeR2")

#' @describeIn analyze The function will store the subnetwork module identified
#' by BioNet (if species is given, labels of nodes will also be mapped from
#' Entrez IDs to gene symbols), and update information about these results to
#' slot summary of class NWA.
#' @param species
#' A single character value specifying the species for which the data should be read.
#' @param fdr
#' A single numeric value specifying the false discovery for the scoring of nodes
#' (see BioNet::scoreNodes and Dittrich et al., 2008 for details)
#' @param plotBumModel
#' Boolean value, whether to plot a histogram and qqplot of the p-values with the fitted model.
#' @references
#' Beisser D, Klau GW, Dandekar T, Muller T, Dittrich MT. BioNet: an R-Package
#' for the functional analysis of biological networks. Bioinformatics.
#' 2010 Apr 15;26(8):1129-30.
#' Dittrich MT, Klau GW, Rosenwald A., Dandekar T and Muller T. Identifying functional modules
#' in protein-protein interaction networks: an integrated exact approach. Bioinformatics
#' 2008 24(13):i223-i231.
#' @examples
#' # ===========================================================
#' \dontrun{
#' # Network Analysis
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' library(GO.db)
#' ## load data for network analyse
#' data(d7)
#' pvalues <- d7$neg.p.value
#' names(pvalues) <- d7$id
#' ## input phenotypes if you want to color nodes by it
#' phenotypes <- as.vector(d7$neg.lfc)
#' names(phenotypes) <- d7$id
#' ## create an object of class 'NWA' with phenotypes
#' nwa <- NWA(pvalues=pvalues, phenotypes=phenotypes)
#' ## do preprocessing
#' nwa1 <- preprocess(nwa, species="Hs", initialIDs="SYMBOL", keepMultipleMappings=TRUE,
#'                    duplicateRemoverMethod="max")
#' ## create an interactome for nwa1 by downloading from BioGRID database
#' nwa2 <- interactome(nwa1, species="Hs", reportDir="HTSanalyzerReport", genetic=FALSE)
#' ## analyze
#' nwa3 <- analyze(nwa2, fdr=0.0001, species="Hs")
#' ## summarize nwa3
#' summarize(nwa3)
#' }
#' @export
#' @include nwa_class.R gsca_preprocess.R
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_attr vcount ecount
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi as.list
          signature = "NWA",
                   fdr = 0.001,
                   plotBumModel = FALSE,
                   verbose = TRUE) {
            ## check input arguments
            paraCheck("Analyze", "fdr", fdr)
            paraCheck("NWAClass", "interactome", object@interactome)

            object@fdr <- fdr
            object@summary$input[1, "in interactome"] <-
                               vertex_attr(object@interactome, "name")))
            object@summary$para[1, 1] <- fdr

            if (length(object@phenotypes) > 0) {
                pnames <- names(object@phenotypes)

              object@summary$input[2, "in interactome"] <-
                length(intersect(pnames, vertex_attr(object@interactome, "name")))
            if (length(object@pvalues) == 0 ||
                object@summary$input[1, "in interactome"] == 0)
              stop("pvalues vector has length 0, or has no overlap ",
                   "with interactome!\n")
            ## perform network analysis
            module <- HTSanalyzeR2:::networkAnalysis(
              pvalues = object@pvalues,
              graph = object@interactome,
              fdr = object@fdr,
              plotBumModel = plotBumModel,
              verbose = verbose
            ## update module info in summary
            object@summary$result[, "node No"] <- vcount(module)
            object@summary$result[, "edge No"] <- ecount(module)

            ## To represent the network in a more convenient format,
            # the symbol identifiers will be mapped and given to the
            # user (more readable than Entrez.gene IDs)
            if (!missing(species)) {
              paraCheck("General", "species", species)
              anno.db.species <- paste("org", species, "eg", "db", sep = ".")
              if (!(paste("package:", anno.db.species, sep = "") %in% search()))
                library(anno.db.species, character.only = TRUE)
              map <- as.list(get(paste("org", species, "egSYMBOL", sep = ".")))
              labels <- map[vertex_attr(module, "name")]
              object@result <- list(subnw = module, labels = labels)
            } else {
              object@result <- list(subnw = module, labels = vertex_attr(module, "name"))

#' @importFrom BioNet fitBumModel scoreNodes runFastHeinz
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_attr vcount
networkAnalysis <-
           fdr = 0.001,
           plotBumModel = FALSE,
           verbose = TRUE) {
    ##check arguments
    paraCheck("NWAClass", "pvalues", pvalues)
    paraCheck("NWAClass", "interactome", graph)
    paraCheck("Analyze", "fdr", fdr)
    paraCheck("General", "verbose", verbose)

    cat("-Performing network analysis ... \n")

    ## store the name of the nodes of the igraph object for which we
    #  have p-value information
    scoredNodes <- intersect(names(pvalues), vertex_attr(graph, "name"))

    ## check that there are nodes associated with a p-value
    if (length(scoredNodes) == 0)
        "The rownames of your pvalueMatrix do not match to any ",
        "name in the interactionMatrix, check that you have the ",
        "right type of identifiers."
    if (verbose)
          "--Your network consists of ",
          " nodes, of which ",
          " have an associated p-value",
          sep = ""
    ## Get the pvalue information for the nodes of the igraph object
    #  only, and fit a bum model on these N.B. the fitting of the bum
    #  model will produce a diagnostic plot on the screen, to check the
    #  fitting
    dataForNw <- pvalues[scoredNodes]
    fb <- fitBumModel(dataForNw, plot = plotBumModel)
    ## Score the nodes of the network
    #  The nodes without pvalues will get a NA value instead of a score
    scores <- scoreNodes(graph, fb = fb, fdr = fdr)
    ## Compute the mean score, and set the score of all non-scored nodes
    #  (NAs) to this mean
    meanscore <- mean(scores, na.rm = TRUE)
    scoreswMean <- scores
    scoreswMean[which(is.na(scores))] <- meanscore
    ## Find the optimal subnetwork
    if (verbose)
      cat("--Computing the optimal subnetwork", "\n")
    module <- runFastHeinz(network = graph, scores = scoreswMean)
    cat("-Network analysis complete \n")
    ## Return a igraph object consisting of the enriched sub-network
CityUHK-CompBio/HTSanalyzeR2 documentation built on Dec. 3, 2020, 2:35 a.m.