
Defines functions getGenesAnnotation

Documented in getGenesAnnotation

#' getGenesAnnotation returns the required information about a list of genes from Ensembl biomart.
#' The function returns the required information about a list of genes from Ensembl biomart. This list of genes can be Ensembl ID, gene names or either of the possible values admited by Ensembl biomart. Furthermore, the reference genome can be chosen depending on the necessity of the user.
#' @param values A list of genes that contains the names or IDs or "allGenome" string, which indicates that all genome will be  returned.
#' @param attributes A vector which contains the different information attributes that the Ensembl biomart admit.
#' @param filter The attribute used as filter to return the rest of the attributes.
#' @param notHSapiens A boolean value that indicates if the user wants the human annotation or another annotation available in BiomaRt. The possible not human dataset can be consulted by calling the following function: biomaRt::listDatasets(useMart("ensembl")).
#' @param notHumandataset A dataset identification from biomaRt::listDatasets(useMart("ensembl")).
#' @param referenceGenome Integer that indicates used reference genome. It must be 37 or 38.
#' @return A matrix that contains all the information asked to the attributes parameter.
#' @examples
#' myAnnotation <- getGenesAnnotation(c("KRT19","BRCA1"), filter="external_gene_name",notHSapiens=FALSE)

getGenesAnnotation <- function(values,attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id","external_gene_name","percentage_gene_gc_content","entrezgene_id"), filter="ensembl_gene_id", notHSapiens = FALSE, notHumandataset = "",referenceGenome=38){
  if(typeof(attributes) != "character"){stop("The parameter attributes must be a character vector that contains the wanted ensembl attributes.")}
  if(typeof(values) != "character"){stop("The parameter values must be a character vector that contains the genes IDs.")}
  if(typeof(filter) != "character"){stop("The parameter filter must be a character that contains one attribute used as filter.")}
  if(!is.logical(notHSapiens)){stop("notHSapiens parameter can only takes the values TRUE or FALSE.")}
  if(! referenceGenome %in% c(37,38)){stop('Introduced referenceGenome is not available, it must be 37 or 38')}
  dir <- system.file("extdata", package="KnowSeq")

  base  <- 'http://www.ensembl.org/biomart/martservice'
    cat("Getting annotation of the Homo Sapiens...\n")
    if(referenceGenome == 38){
      cat(paste("Using reference genome 38.\n"))
      myAnnotation <- read.csv(paste(dir,"GRCh38Annotation.csv",sep = "/"))
      if (filter %in% colnames(myAnnotation) && length(intersect(attributes,colnames(myAnnotation))) == length(attributes)){
        myAnnotation <- myAnnotation[myAnnotation[[filter]] %in% values,]
        myAnnotation <- myAnnotation[,union(attributes,filter)]
        dataset.name <- 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl'
        filename <- paste(dataset.name,'.csv',sep='')
      cat(paste("Using reference genome 37.\n"))
      base <- 'https://grch37.ensembl.org/biomart/martservice/'
      dataset.name <- 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl'
      filename <- paste(dataset.name,'.csv',sep='')
    if(length(notHumandataset)[1] == 0 || is.null(notHumandataset)){
      stop("The notHumandataset is empty! Please, provide a right notHumandataset")
    dataset.name <- notHumandataset
    filename <- paste(notHumandataset,'.csv',sep='')

  cat(paste("Downloading annotation ", dataset.name, "...\n", sep = ""))
  act.values <- values
  max <- 900
  max.values <- min(length(values),900)
  myAnnotation <- data.frame()
    # Create query
    query = paste('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE Query>
                  <Query virtualSchemaName = "default" formatter = "CSV" header = "0" uniqueRows = "0" count = "" datasetConfigVersion = "0.6">
                  <Dataset name="',dataset.name,'" interface="default">',sep='')
    if ( length(values)>1 || values != 'allGenome'){
      query <- paste(query,'<Filter name="',filter,'" value = "',sep='')
      for ( value in act.values[seq_len(max.values)]) query <- paste(query,value,',',sep='')
      query <- str_sub(query, 1, nchar(query)-1)
      query <- paste(query,'"/>',sep='')
    for (attribute in attributes)
      query <- paste(query,'<Attribute name="',attribute,'" />',sep='')
    if (! filter %in% attributes ) 
      query <- paste(query,'<Attribute name="',filter,'" />',sep='')
    query <- paste(query,'</Dataset></Query>',sep='')
    # Download annotation file
    act.myAnnotation <- tryCatch(
        response <- GET(URLencode(paste(base,'?query=',query,sep='')))
        act.myAnnotation <- read.csv(text=content(response,as='text',encoding='UTF-8'),sep=',',header=FALSE)
        colnames(act.myAnnotation) <- union(attributes,filter)
      error = function(e){
            response <- GET(URLencode(paste(base,'?query=',query,sep='')))
            act.myAnnotation <- read.csv(text=content(response,as='text',encoding='UTF-8'),sep=',',header=FALSE)
            colnames(act.myAnnotation) <- union(attributes,filter)
          error = function(e){''},
            message('\nConnection error, trying again...')
            result <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(attributes), nrow = 0))
            colnames(result)  <- attributes
      error = function(e){''}
    if( grepl('ERROR',act.myAnnotation[1,1]) ){

      stop('Error in query, please check attributes and filter')

    if (dim(myAnnotation)[1] == 0) myAnnotation <- act.myAnnotation
    else myAnnotation <- rbind(myAnnotation,act.myAnnotation)
    if(length(act.values) <= max.values) act.values <- c()
    else act.values <- act.values[(max.values+1):length(act.values)]
    max.values <- min(max,length(act.values))
  if (length(values)>1 || values != 'allGenome')
    myAnnotation <- myAnnotation[myAnnotation[[filter]] %in% values,]

CasedUgr/KnowSeq documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 6:19 a.m.