
# deProjTable ----
# for 2D plot in ExpressionPanel
deProjTable <- reactive({
  projections <- projections()
  selectedCells <- DE_Exp_dataInput() #DE_Exp_dataInput
  if(is.null(selectedCells)) return(NULL)
  cellNs <- selectedCells$cellNames()
  if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "observeEvent: input$DE_clusterPP\n")
  # Can use character(0) to remove all choices
  if (is.null(projections) | is.null(cellNs)) {
  # deepDebug()
  cellNs <- cellNs[cellNs %in% rownames(projections)]
  projections[cellNs, ]

.schnappsEnv$coE_PPGrp <- "sampleNames"
observe(label = "DE_PPGrp", {
  if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste0("observe: DE_PPGrp\n"))
  .schnappsEnv$DE_PPGrp <- input$DE_PPGrp
.schnappsEnv$coE_PPSelection <- "1"
observe(label = "DE_clusterPP", {
  if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste0("observe: DE_clusterPP\n"))
  .schnappsEnv$DE_clusterPP <- input$DE_clusterPP

# DE_updateInputPPt ====
DE_updateInputPPt <- reactive({
  if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "DE_updateInputPPt started.\n")
  start.time <- base::Sys.time()
    printTimeEnd(start.time, "DE_updateInputPPt")
    if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
      removeNotification(id = "DE_updateInputPPt")
  if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
    showNotification("DE_updateInputPPt", id = "DE_updateInputPPt", duration = NULL)
  tsneData <- projections()
  projFactors <- projFactors()
  # Can use character(0) to remove all choices
  if (is.null(tsneData)) {
  # save(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/DE_updateInputPPt.Rdata", list = c(ls()))
  # load(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/DE_updateInputPPt.Rdata")
    choices = projFactors,
    selected = .schnappsEnv$DE_PPGrp

observeEvent(label = "DE_clusterPP", input$DE_clusterPP,{
  projections <- projections()
  if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "observeEvent: input$DE_clusterPP\n")
  # Can use character(0) to remove all choices
  if (is.null(projections)) {
  if(!input$DE_clusterPP %in% colnames(projections)) return(NULL)
  choicesVal = levels(projections[, input$DE_clusterPP])
    choices = choicesVal,
    selected = .schnappsEnv$DE_clusterPP

observe(label = "save2HistScater", {
  clicked  = input$save2HistScater
  if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "observe input$save2HistScater \n")
  start.time <- base::Sys.time()
    if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
      removeNotification(id = "save2Hist")
  # show in the app that this is running
  if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
    showNotification("save2Hist", id = "save2Hist", duration = NULL)
  if (is.null(clicked)) return()
  if (clicked < 1) return()
  add2history(type = "save", input = isolate( reactiveValuesToList(input)), 
              comment = paste0("scater plot\n", 
                               "fun = plotData$plotData$plotFunc\n", 
                               "environment(fun) = environment()\n",
              plotData = .schnappsEnv[["DE_scaterPNG"]])

observe(label = "save2HistPanel", {
  clicked  = input$save2HistPanel
  if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "observe input$save2HistPanel \n")
  start.time <- base::Sys.time()
    if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
      removeNotification(id = "save2Hist")
  # show in the app that this is running
  if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
    showNotification("save2Hist", id = "save2Hist", duration = NULL)
  if (is.null(clicked)) return()
  if (clicked < 1) return()
  add2history(type = "save", input = isolate( reactiveValuesToList(input)), 
              comment = paste0("# Panel plot\n",
                               "fun = plotData$plotData$plotFunc\n", 
                               "environment(fun) = environment()\n",
              plotData = .schnappsEnv[["DE_panelPlot"]])

# DE_scaterPNG ----

# detached Process, currently only scaterPNG
detachedProc <- reactiveValues()
detachedProc$process <- NULL
detachedProc$msg <- ""
detachedProc$result = NULL

activateObserver <- reactiveVal(0)

#' DE_scaterPNG
#' reactive to plot highest expressed genes
#' take quite some time to compute, but since we normally don't need it
#' it is not in the heavyCalculations list.
#' maybe in a future version there can be a button to enable caclulations
# DE_scaterPNG <- reactive({
#   start.time <- base::Sys.time()
#   on.exit(
#     if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
#       removeNotification(id = "DE_scaterPNG")
#     }
#   )
#   if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
#     showNotification("DE_scaterPNG", id = "DE_scaterPNG", duration = NULL)
#   }
#   if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "DE_scaterPNG\n")
#   clicked <- input$runScater
#   cat(file = stderr(), paste("DE_scaterPNG", clicked, "\n"))
#   if (clicked < 1) {
#     return(list(
#       src = "",
#       contentType = "image/png",
#       width = 10,
#       height = 10,
#       alt = "Scater plot will be here when 'apply changes' is checked"
#     ))
#   }
#   scaterReads <- isolate(scaterReads())
#   if (is.null(scaterReads)) {
#     return(list(
#       src = "",
#       contentType = "image/png",
#       width = 10,
#       height = 10,
#       alt = "Scater plot will be here when 'apply changes' is clicked"
#     ))
#   }
#   scols <- isolate(projectionColors$sampleNames)
#   width <- session$clientData$output_plot_width
#   height <- session$clientData$output_plot_height
#   if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUGSAVE) {
#     save(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/scater.RData", list = c(ls()))
#   }
#   # cp=load(file='~/SCHNAPPsDebug/scater.RData')
#   # calculations
#   if (is.null(width)) {
#     width <- 96 * 7
#   }
#   if (is.null(height)) {
#     height <- 96 * 7
#   }
#   myPNGwidth <- width / 96
#   myPNGheight <- height / 96
#   outfile <- paste0(tempdir(), "/scaterPlot.png")
#   # outfile <- paste0("~/SCHNAPPsDebug",'/scaterPlot.png')
#   if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("output file: ", outfile, "\n"))
#   if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("output file normalized: ", normalizePath(outfile, mustWork = FALSE), "\n"))
#   n <- min(nrow(scaterReads), 50)
#   rownames(scaterReads) <- rowData(scaterReads)$symbol
#   p1 = pltHighExp( scaterReads, n, scols) 
#   tryCatch(
#     ggsave(file = normalizePath(outfile, mustWork = FALSE), plot = p1, width = myPNGwidth, height = myPNGheight, units = "in"),
#     error = function(e) {
#       if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
#         showNotification("Problem saving ggplot", type = "warning", duration = NULL)
#       }
#       return(NULL)
#     }
#   )
#   retVal <- list(
#     src = normalizePath(outfile, mustWork = FALSE),
#     contentType = "image/png",
#     width = width,
#     height = height,
#     alt = "Scater plot should be here"
#   )
#   # end calculation
#   af = pltHighExp
#   # remove env because it is too big
#   environment(af) = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
#   .schnappsEnv[["DE_scaterPNG"]] <- list(plotFunc = af,
#                                          # plotHighestExprs = plotHighestExprs,
#                                          scaterReads = scaterReads, 
#                                          n = n,
#                                          scols = scols
#   )
#   setRedGreenButton(
#     vars = list(
#       c("scaterRan", 1)
#     ),
#     button = "runScater"
#   )
#   printTimeEnd(start.time, "DE_scaterPNG")
#   exportTestValues(DE_scaterPNG = {
#     retVal
#   })
#   return(retVal)
# })

# DE_dataExpltSNEPlot ---
#' DE_dataExpltSNEPlot
#' plot 3D tSNE in DataExploration - Expression
#' Here, only the expression of a gene or gene list is shown, compared to the other tSNE plot
#' in General QC - tSNE
DE_dataExpltSNEPlot <- function(scEx_log, g_id, projections,x,y,z) {
  if (is.null(scEx_log)) {
  featureData <- rowData(scEx_log)
  geneid <- geneName2Index(g_id, featureData)
  if (length(geneid) == 0) {
  if (length(geneid) == 1) {
    expression <- assays(scEx_log)[[1]][geneid, ]
  } else {
    expression <- Matrix::colSums(assays(scEx_log)[[1]][geneid, ])
  validate(need( != TRUE,
    "Gene symbol incorrect or gene not expressed"
  projections <- cbind(projections, expression)
  names(projections)[ncol(projections)] <- "values"
  if (!all(c("tsne1", "tsne2", "tsne3") %in% colnames(projections))) {
    showNotification("some tsne projections are not available.",
                     id = "DE_tsne_pltERROR",
                     duration = NULL, type = "error"
  p <-
      x = ~get(x),
      y = ~tsne2,
      z = ~tsne3,
      type = "scatter3d",
      hoverinfo = "text",
      text = ~ paste(
        1:nrow(projections), " ", rownames(projections), "<br />",
        "Cluster:", as.numeric(as.character(projections$dbCluster))
      # text = paste("Cluster:", as.numeric(as.character(projections$dbCluster))),
      mode = "markers",
      source = "C",
      marker = list(
        size = 2,
        line = list(width = 0),
        color = ~values
        # ,colors = "Greens"
  layout(p, title = paste(featureData[geneid, "symbol"], collapse = ", "))

DE_geneViolinFunc <- function(scEx_log, g_id, projections, ccols, x) {
  if (is.null(scEx_log)) {
  featureData <- rowData(scEx_log)
  geneid <- geneName2Index(g_id, featureData)
  if (length(geneid) == 0) {
  # expression <- exprs(scEx_log)[geneid, ]
  if (length(geneid) == 1) {
    expression <- assays(scEx_log)[[1]][geneid, ]
  } else {
    expression <- Matrix::colSums(assays(scEx_log)[[1]][geneid, ])
  projections <- cbind(projections, expression)
  names(projections)[length(projections)] <- "values"
  p1 <-
    ggplot(projections, aes(.data[[x]], .data[["values"]], fill = .data[[x]])) +
    geom_violin(scale = "width") +
    scale_color_manual(values = ccols) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = ccols, aesthetics = "fill") +
      fun = median,
      geom = "point",
      size = 5,
      color = "black"
    ) +
    stat_summary( = n_fun, geom = "text") +
    theme_bw() +
      axis.text.x = element_text(
        angle = 90,
        size = 12,
        vjust = 0.5
      axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
      strip.text.x = element_text(size = 16),
      strip.text.y = element_text(size = 14),
      axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", size = 16),
      axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", size = 16),
      legend.position = "none"
    ) +
    xlab(x) +
    ylab("Expression") +
    ggtitle(paste(featureData[geneid, "symbol"], collapse = ", "))

# DE_selectedCells <- reactiveValues(
#   selectedCells <- ""
# )

# panelplotFunc ----
# scEx_log singlecell Experiment object
# projections as used in schnapps
# genesin gene names to be plotted
# dimx4, dimy4 dimensions to be plotted on
# sameScale True/False
# nCol number of columns for final plot
# sampdes header for plot
# cellNs cell names to be used

panelPlotFunc <- function(scEx_log, projections, genesin, dimx4, dimy4, sameScale, nCol, sampdesc, cellNs,
                          lowCol = "blue", highCol = "red", midCol = "white",
                          midFunc = function(x){(max(x)-min(x))/2}, applyPvalue=FALSE) {
  #   if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUGSAVE) {
  #     save(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/scater.RData", list = c(ls()))
  #   }
  # cp=load(file='~/SCHNAPPsDebug/panelPlotFunc.RData')
  # save(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/panelPlotFunc.RData", list = c(ls()))
  featureData <- rowData(scEx_log)
  # featureData$symbol = toupper(featureData$symbol)
  genesin <- genesin[which(genesin %in% toupper(featureData$symbol))]
  if (length(genesin) < 1) {
  par(mfrow = c(ceiling(length(genesin) / 4), 4), mai = c(0., .3, .3, .3))
  rbPal <- colorRampPalette(c("#f0f0f0", "red"))
  ylim <- c(min(projections[, dimy4]), max(projections[, dimy4]))
  if (is(projections[, dimx4], "factor") & dimy4 == "UMI.count") {
    ymax <- 0
    for (i in 1:length(genesin)) {
      geneIdx <- which(toupper(featureData$symbol) == genesin[i])
      ymax <- max(ymax, max(Matrix::colSums(assays(scEx_log)[[1]][geneIdx, , drop = FALSE])))
    ylim <- c(0, ymax)
    if (!sameScale) {
      ylim <- NULL
  plotList <- list()
  plotIdx <- 0
  # if (cl4 == "All") {
  #   for (i in 1:length(genesin)) {
  #     geneIdx <- which(toupper(featureData$symbol) == genesin[i])
  #     Col <- rbPal(10)[
  #       as.numeric(
  #         cut(
  #           as.numeric(
  #             assays(scEx_log)[[1]][
  #               rownames(featureData[geneIdx, ]),
  #               ]
  #           ),
  #           breaks = 10
  #         )
  #       )
  #       ]
  #     plotIdx = plotIdx +1
  #     plotList[[plotIdx]] = ggplot(projections, aes_string(x=dimx4, y=dimy4))
  #     if (is(projections[, dimx4], "factor") & dimy4 == "UMI.count") {
  #       projections[, dimy4] <- Matrix::colSums(assays(scEx_log)[["logcounts"]][geneIdx, , drop = FALSE])
  #       plotList[[plotIdx]] = plotList[[plotIdx]] + geom_boxplot(show.legend = FALSE) + ggtitle(genesin[i])
  #     } else{
  #       plotList[[plotIdx]] = plotList[[plotIdx]] + geom_point(color = Col, show.legend = FALSE) + ggtitle(genesin[i])
  #     }
  #     if (!is.null(ylim)) {
  #       plotList[[plotIdx]] = plotList[[plotIdx]]  + ylim(ylim)
  #     }
  #     # plot(projections[, dimx4], projections[, dimy4],
  #     #      col = Col, pch = 16, frame.plot = TRUE, ann = FALSE, ylim = ylim
  #     # )
  #     # title(genesin[i], line = -1.2, adj = 0.05, cex.main = 2)
  #     if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), genesin[i])
  #   }
  # } else {
  printData = data.frame(gene = character(), dimx = numeric(), dimy = numeric(), col = numeric)
  # save(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/DE_panelPlot.RData", list = c(ls()), compress = F)
  # cp = load(file="~/SCHNAPPsDebug/DE_panelPlot.RData")
  for (i in 1:length(genesin)) {
    geneIdx <- which(toupper(featureData$symbol) == genesin[i])
    subsetTSNE <- projections[cellNs, ] # only work the subset of cells
    # color for each cell based on the expression
    # this will always show the max value per cell
    # this should apply when sameScale = FALSE
    Col <- rbPal(10)[
              rownames(featureData[geneIdx, ]),
          breaks = 10
    names(Col) <- rownames(projections)
    plotCol <- Col[rownames(subsetTSNE)]
    if (is(projections[, dimx4], "factor") & dimy4 == "UMI.count") {
      projections[, dimy4] <- Matrix::colSums(assays(scEx_log)[[1]][geneIdx, , drop = FALSE])
      subsetTSNE <- projections[cellNs, ]
    colData = assays(scEx_log)[[1]][
      rownames(featureData[geneIdx, ]),cellNs
    if (!sameScale){
      colData = (colData -min(colData) )/ (max(colData) - min(colData)) 
    printData = rbind(printData, data.frame(gene = genesin[i], 
                                            dimx = subsetTSNE[cellNs, dimx4] , 
                                            dimy = subsetTSNE[cellNs, dimy4],
                                            col = colData
    # plotIdx <- plotIdx + 1
    # plotList[[plotIdx]] <- ggplot(subsetTSNE, aes_string(x = dimx4, y = dimy4))
    # # TODO show.legend should be based on sameScale
    # if (is(subsetTSNE[, dimx4], "factor") & dimy4 == "UMI.count") {
    #   subsetTSNE[, dimy4] <- Matrix::colSums(assays(scEx_log)[[1]][geneIdx, rownames(subsetTSNE), drop = FALSE])
    #   plotList[[plotIdx]] <- plotList[[plotIdx]] + geom_boxplot(show.legend = FALSE) + ggtitle(genesin[i])
    # } else {
    #   plotList[[plotIdx]] <- plotList[[plotIdx]] + geom_point(color = plotCol, show.legend = FALSE) + ggtitle(genesin[i])
    # }
    # if (!is.null(ylim)) {
    #   plotList[[plotIdx]] <- plotList[[plotIdx]] + ylim(ylim)
    # }
    # plotList[[plotIdx]] <- plotList[[plotIdx]] 
    # plot(subsetTSNE[, dimx4], subsetTSNE[, dimy4],
    #      col = plotCol, pch = 16, frame.plot = TRUE,
    #      ann = FALSE, ylim = ylim
    # )
    # title(genesin[i], line = -1.2, adj = 0.05, cex.main = 2)
    # if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), ppgrp)
  # }
  printData = printData[order(printData$col, decreasing = F),]
  printData$gene = factor(printData$gene, levels = unique(genesin))
  if (is(subsetTSNE[, dimx4], "factor") & dimy4 == "UMI.count") {
    retVal <-  ggboxplot(printData, x="dimx", y="dimy", add="jitter")
      # retVal <- ggplot(printData, aes(dimx, dimy)) + geom_boxplot(show.legend = FALSE)
      # compare_means(dimy ~ dimx,  data = printData, method = "anova")
      cm = compare_means(dimy ~ dimx,  data = printData, method = "t.test")
      maxcomp = min(3,nrow(cm))
      cm = cm[order(cm$p.adj)[1:maxcomp],]
      comparisons = apply(cbind(cm$group1,cm$group2) ,1, list) %>% unlist(recursive = F)
      retVal <-  retVal + stat_compare_means(method = "t.test", comparisons = comparisons)
  } else {
    retVal <- ggplot(printData, aes(dimx, dimy)) + geom_point(aes(colour = col), alpha = 0.4) 
  if (sameScale){
    retVal = retVal + 
      facet_wrap(vars(gene),ncol = nCol) 
  } else {
    retVal = retVal + facet_wrap(vars(gene),ncol = nCol,scales = "free")
  retVal = retVal + xlab(dimx4) + 
  # +
  #   scale_colour_gradient2()
  retVal =  retVal + scale_color_gradient2(low = lowCol, high = highCol, mid = midCol, midpoint = midFunc(colData))

  # retVal <-
  #   ggarrange(
  #     plotlist = plotList, ncol = nCol, nrow = ceiling(length(plotList) / nCol),
  #     label.x = "test", legend = "right",
  #     common.legend = T
  #   )
  retVal <-
                    top = text_grob(sampdesc)
#   panelPlotFunc_m = memoise::memoise(panelPlotFunc,,.schnappsEnv$cacheDir))
panelPlotFunc_m = panelPlotFunc
source(paste0(packagePath, .Platform$file.sep, "contributions",.Platform$file.sep, "DE_DataExploration",.Platform$file.sep, "panelPlotFactFunc.R"))
C3BI-pasteur-fr/UTechSCB-SCHNAPPs documentation built on Jan. 12, 2025, 1:16 p.m.