
Defines functions write_SYMBOLS writeRepositoryIndexHtml writePackageDetailHtml writeRepositoryHtml StangleHTMLVignettes .printf writeRFilesFromVignettes getReverseDepends write_VIEWS .write_repository_db read_REPOSITORY write_REPOSITORY getHtmlTitle getPdfTitle getVignetteIndexEntry getDocumentTitles getFileLinks getFileExistsAttr getDcfValues extractHTMLDocuments extractVignettes extractNEWS extractReadmes extractCitations .write_citation_as_HTML .extract_citation extractINSTALLfiles extractTopLevelFiles getRefmanLinks extractManuals cleanUnpackDir unpack pkgName genReposControlFiles

Documented in extractCitations extractHTMLDocuments extractManuals extractNEWS extractTopLevelFiles extractVignettes genReposControlFiles writePackageDetailHtml write_REPOSITORY writeRepositoryHtml writeRFilesFromVignettes write_SYMBOLS write_VIEWS

genReposControlFiles <- function(reposRoot, contribPaths, manifestFile=NA, meatPath=NA)
    ## Generate all control files for BioC hosted R
    ## package repositorys
    message("Generating repos control files:")

    message("- write_REPOSITORY() ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    t <- system.time(write_REPOSITORY(reposRoot, contribPaths))[["elapsed"]]
    message(sprintf("OK (total time: %.2fs)", t))
    ## Write PACKAGES files for all contrib paths
    packagesPaths <- file.path(reposRoot, contribPaths)
    names(packagesPaths) <- names(contribPaths)
    for (type in names(packagesPaths)) {
        path <- packagesPaths[[type]]
        if (type == "win64.binary") {
            type <- "win.binary"
        } else if (substr(type, 1, 10) == "mac.binary") {
            type <- "mac.binary"
        message("- write_PACKAGES() to ", path, " ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
        t <- system.time(write_PACKAGES(path, type=type))[["elapsed"]]
        message(sprintf("OK (total time: %.2fs)", t))
    ## Write a VIEWS file at the top-level containing
    ## detailed package info
    message("- write_VIEWS() ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    t <- system.time(
            write_VIEWS(reposRoot, manifestFile=manifestFile, meatPath=meatPath)
    message(sprintf("OK (total time: %.2fs)", t))

    ## Write a SYMBOLS file at the top-level containing the
    ## exported symbols for all packages that have name
    ## spaces.  This is used to build a searchable index.
    #message("- write_SYMBOLS() ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    #t <- system.time(write_SYMBOLS(reposRoot))[["elapsed"]]
    #message(sprintf("OK (total time: %.2fs)", t))

    message("DONE Generating repos control files.")

pkgName <- function(tarball) {
    strsplit(basename(tarball), "_", fixed=TRUE)[[1L]][1L]

unpack <- function(tarball, unpackDir, wildcards)
    args <- c("-C", unpackDir, "-xzf", tarball, "--wildcards", wildcards)
    system2("tar", args, stderr=NULL)

cleanUnpackDir <- function(tarball, unpackDir, subDir="", pattern=NULL) {
    ## Delete files from a previous extraction
    pkg <- pkgName(tarball)
    pkgDir <- file.path(unpackDir, pkg, subDir)
    files <- list.files(pkgDir, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE,
                        recursive=is.null(pattern), include.dirs=is.null(pattern))

extractManuals <- function(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir) {
    ## Extract Rd man pages from source package tarballs and
    ## convert to pdf documents
    ## reposRoot - Top level path for CRAN-style repos
    ## srcContrib - Location of source packages
    ## destDir - where to extract.
    ## Notes:
    ## Under destDir, for tarball foo_1.2.3.tar.gz, you will
    ## get destDir/foo/man/*.pdf

    if (missing(destDir))
        destDir <- file.path(reposRoot, "manuals")

    buildManualsFromTarball <- function(tarball, unpackDir=".") {
        ## helper function to unpack pdf & Rd files from the vig
        status <- TRUE
        cleanUnpackDir(tarball, unpackDir, "man", ".*\\.(pdf|Rd|rd)$")
        ret <- unpack(tarball, unpackDir, "'*/man/*.[Rr]d'")
        if (ret != 0) {
            warning("non-zero exit status ", ret, " extracting man pages: ",
            status <- FALSE
        } else {
            pkg <- pkgName(tarball)
            pkgDir <- file.path(unpackDir, pkg, "man")
            RCmd <- file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "bin", "R")
            Rd2pdfCmd <- paste0(
                RCmd, " CMD Rd2pdf --no-preview ",
                "--output=", pkgDir, "/", pkg, ".pdf ",
                "--title=", pkg, " ", pkgDir, "/*.[Rr]d")
            ret <- system(Rd2pdfCmd)
            cleanUnpackDir(tarball, unpackDir, "man", ".*\\.(Rd|rd)$")
            if (ret != 0) {
                warning("non-zero exit status ", ret, " building ref man: ", pkg)
                status <- FALSE

    tarballs <- list.files(file.path(reposRoot, srcContrib),
            pattern="\\.tar\\.gz$", full.names=TRUE)
    if (!file.exists(destDir))
        dir.create(destDir, recursive=TRUE)
    if (!file.info(destDir)$isdir)
        stop("destDir must specify a directory")
    if (endsWith(reposRoot, "data/annotation")) {
        n <- vapply(tarballs, function(tarball, ...) {
                buildManualsFromTarball(tarball, ...)
            }, error = function(e) {
                warning("error extracting manual for: ", tarball,
                        "\n  ", conditionMessage(e))
        }, logical(1), unpackDir=destDir)
    } else {
        n <- 0
    paste(sum(n), "/", length(tarballs), "tarball manuals processsed")

getRefmanLinks <- function(pkgList, reposRootPath, refman.dir) {
    unlist(lapply(pkgList, function(pkg) {
        refmanSubDir <- "man"
        refmanDir <- file.path(reposRootPath, refman.dir, pkg, refmanSubDir)
        if (file.exists(refmanDir)) {
            refmans <- list.files(refmanDir, pattern=".*\\.pdf$")
            refmans <- paste(refman.dir, pkg, refmanSubDir, refmans, sep="/",
                    collapse=", ")
        } else
            refmans <- NA_character_

extractTopLevelFiles <- function(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir, fileName) {

    extractFileFromTarball <- function(tarball, unpackDir=".") {
        pkg <- pkgName(tarball)
        cleanUnpackDir(tarball, unpackDir, pattern=fileName)
        message("Attempting to extract ", fileName, " from ", tarball)
        unpack(tarball, unpackDir, file.path(pkg, fileName))

    tarballs <- list.files(file.path(reposRoot, srcContrib),
                           pattern="\\.tar\\.gz$", full.names=TRUE)
    if (!file.exists(destDir))
      dir.create(destDir, recursive=TRUE)
    if (!file.info(destDir)$isdir)
      stop("destDir must specify a directory")
    lapply(tarballs, extractFileFromTarball, unpackDir=destDir)


extractINSTALLfiles <- function(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir) {
    extractTopLevelFiles(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir, "INSTALL")

### Will return NULL if the citation could not be generated from the CITATION
### file. This typically occurs when the file contains code that relies on
### the package to be installed e.g. it contains calls to things like
### packageVersion() or packageDate() instead of using 'meta$Version'
### or 'meta$Date'. See
### https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#CITATION-files
### for the details.
.extract_citation <- function(tarball)
    pkgname <- pkgName(tarball)
    tmpdir <- tempdir()

    ## Remove any stale DESCRIPTION or CITATION file from the tmpdir/pkgname/
    ## folder (could happen e.g. if 'tmpdir' somehow already contained a stale
    ## source tree for 'pkgname').
    tmp_pkgdir <- file.path(tmpdir, pkgname)
    DESCRIPTION_path <- file.path(tmp_pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION")
    CITATION_path <- file.path(tmp_pkgdir, "inst", "CITATION")
    paths <- c(DESCRIPTION_path, CITATION_path)
    status <- unlink(paths)
    ## Should never happen.
    if (status != 0L)
        stop("failed to remove files DESCRIPTION and/or ",
             "inst/CITATION from folder ", tmp_pkgdir)

    ## Try to extract files DESCRIPTION and inst/CITATION from tarball.
    ## Note that the path separator is **always** / in a tarball, even
    ## on Windows, so do NOT use file.path() here.
    DESCRIPTION_tpath <- paste0(pkgname, "/DESCRIPTION")
    CITATION_tpath <- paste0(pkgname, "/inst/CITATION")
    tpaths <- c(DESCRIPTION_tpath, CITATION_tpath)
    status <- untar(tarball, tpaths, exdir=tmpdir)
    ## Unfortunately, there are some rare situations where untar() returns
    ## a non-zero value even though the requested files get successfully
    ## extracted. This happens with some package source tarballs generated
    ## by 'R CMD build' but seem corrupted e.g.:
    ##   > untar("simpleSingleCell_1.13.5.tar.gz", "simpleSingleCell/DESCRIPTION")
    ##   /bin/tar: Skipping to next header
    ##   /bin/tar: Skipping to next header
    ##   /bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
    ##   Warning message:
    ##   In untar("simpleSingleCell_1.13.5.tar.gz", "simpleSingleCell/DESCRIPTION") :
    ##     "/bin/tar -xf 'simpleSingleCell_1.13.5.tar.gz' 'simpleSingleCell/DESCRIPTION'" returned error code 2
    ## So instead of checking 'status', we check for the existence of the
    ## extracted files.
    if (!file.exists(DESCRIPTION_path))  # should never happen
        stop("failed to extract DESCRIPTION file from ", tarball)

    description <- packageDescription(pkgname, lib.loc=tmpdir)

    ## If tarball contains a CITATION file, use it to generate the citation.
    if (file.exists(CITATION_path)) {
        message("(try to process CITATION file) ", appendLF=FALSE)
        citation <- try(readCitationFile(CITATION_path, meta=description),
        if (inherits(citation, "try-error"))
            citation <- NULL

    ## If there is no CITATION file, auto-generate citation from
    ## DESCRIPTION file.
    message("(auto-generate from DESCRIPTION file) ", appendLF=FALSE)
    citation(pkgname, lib.loc=tmpdir, auto=description)

.write_citation_as_HTML <- function(pkgname, citation, destdir)
    destfile <- file.path(destdir, "citation.html")
    if (dir.exists(destdir)) {
        status <- unlink(destfile)
        if (status != 0L)
            stop("failed to remove previous ", destfile, " file")
    } else {
        if (!dir.create(destdir))
            stop("failed to create ", destdir, " directory")
    if (is.null(citation)) {
        message("(failed! ==> replacing citation with red banner) ",
        html <- c("<p style=\"color: #B33\">Important note to the ",
                  "maintainer of the ", pkgname, "package: An error ",
                  "occured while trying to generate the citation ",
                  "from the CITATION file. This typically occurs ",
                  "when the file contains R code that relies on ",
                  "the package to be installed e.g. it contains calls ",
                  "to things like <code>packageVersion()</code> or ",
                  "<code>packageDate()</code> instead of using ",
                  "<code>meta$Version</code> or <code>meta$Date</code>. ",
                  "See <a href=\"https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/",
                  "r-release/R-exts.html#CITATION-files\">R documentation</a> ",
                  "for more information.</p>")
    } else {
        ## print() can fail on a citation object. See:
        ## https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17725
        html <- try(capture.output(print(citation, style="html")), silent=TRUE)
        if (inherits(html, "try-error")) {
            message("(failed! ==> replacing citation with red banner) ",
            html <- c("<p style=\"color: #B33\">Important note to the ",
                      "maintainer of the ", pkgname, "package: An error ",
                      "occured while trying to generate the citation ",
                      "from the CITATION file. Please make sure that the ",
                      "CITATION file in your package is valid by calling ",
                      "<code>utils::readCitationFile()</code> on it.</p>")
        ## Filter out lines starting with \Sexprs.
        html <- html[grep("^\\\\Sexpr", html, invert=TRUE)]
    cat(html, file=destfile, sep="\n")

extractCitations <- function(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir)
    tarballs <- list.files(
        file.path(reposRoot, srcContrib),
        pattern="\\.tar\\.gz$", full.names=TRUE)

    if (!dir.exists(destDir)) {
        if (!dir.create(destDir, recursive=TRUE))
            stop("failed to create ", destDir, " directory")

    for (tarball in tarballs) {
        message("Generate citation for ", tarball, " ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
        citation <- .extract_citation(tarball)
        pkgname <- pkgName(tarball)
        .write_citation_as_HTML(pkgname, citation, file.path(destDir, pkgname))

extractReadmes <- function(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir) {
    ## Extract README files from source package tarballs
    ## reposRoot - Top level path for CRAN-style repos
    ## srcContrib - Location of source packages
    ## destDir - where to extract.
    ## Notes:
    ## Under destDir, for tarball foo_1.2.3.tar.gz, you will
    ## get destDir/foo/inst/doc/*.pdf
    extractTopLevelFiles(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir, "README")

extractNEWS <- function(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir) {

    if (missing(destDir))
      destDir <- file.path(reposRoot, "news")

    extractNewsFromTarball <- function(tarball, unpackDir=".") {
        pkg <- pkgName(tarball)
        cleanUnpackDir(tarball, unpackDir, pattern="NEWS")
        unpack(tarball, unpackDir, "'*NEWS*'")

    convertNEWSToText <- function(tarball, srcDir, destDir) {
        pkg <- pkgName(tarball)
        srcDir <- file.path(srcDir, pkg)
        destDir <- file.path(destDir, pkg)
        if (!file.exists(destDir))
            dir.create(destDir, recursive=TRUE)
        destFile <- file.path(destDir, "NEWS")
        getNEWSFromFile(srcDir, destFile, output="text")

    tarballs <- list.files(file.path(reposRoot, srcContrib),
                           pattern="\\.tar\\.gz$", full.names=TRUE)
    if (!file.exists(destDir))
      dir.create(destDir, recursive=TRUE)
    if (!file.info(destDir)$isdir)
      stop("destDir must specify a directory")
    unpackDir <- tempdir()
    lapply(tarballs, function(tarball) {
        cat("Attempting to extract NEWS from", tarball, "\n")
        extractNewsFromTarball(tarball, unpackDir=unpackDir)
        res <- try(convertNEWSToText(tarball, srcDir=unpackDir,
        if (inherits(res, "try-error"))


extractVignettes <- function(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir) {
    ## Extract vignettes from source package tarballs
    ## reposRoot - Top level path for CRAN-style repos
    ## srcContrib - Location of source packages
    ## destDir - where to extract.
    ## Notes:
    ## Under destDir, for tarball foo_1.2.3.tar.gz, you will
    ## get destDir/foo/inst/doc/*.pdf

    if (missing(destDir))
        destDir <- file.path(reposRoot, "vignettes")

    extractVignettesFromTarball <- function(tarball, unpackDir=".") {
        cleanUnpackDir(tarball, unpackDir, subDir=file.path("inst", "doc"))
        cat("Extracting vignettes from", tarball, "\n")
        ret <- unpack(tarball, unpackDir, "'*/inst/doc/*'")
        if (ret != 0)
            warning("tar had non-zero exit status for vig extract of: ", tarball)

    tarballs <- list.files(file.path(reposRoot, srcContrib),
                           pattern="\\.tar\\.gz$", full.names=TRUE)
    if (!file.exists(destDir))
        dir.create(destDir, recursive=TRUE)
    if (!file.info(destDir)$isdir)
        stop("destDir must specify a directory")

    invisible(lapply(tarballs, extractVignettesFromTarball, unpackDir=destDir))

extractHTMLDocuments <- function(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir) {
    ## Extract HTML documents from source package tarballs
    ## IF any HTML document is present in inst/doc.
    ## reposRoot - Top level path for CRAN-style repos
    ## srcContrib - Location of source packages
    ## destDir - where to extract.
    ## Notes:
    ## Under destDir, for tarball foo_1.2.3.tar.gz, you will
    ## get destDir/foo/inst/doc/*.pdf

    if (missing(destDir))
      destDir <- file.path(reposRoot, "vignettes")

    extractHTMLDocumentsFromTarball <- function(tarball, unpackDir=".") {
        ## helper function to unpack HTML documents and deps from tarball

        ## here we untar twice, once (just listing files) to see
        ## if there are html files in inst/doc, then if there are,
        ## we untar again (extracting). Optimal?
        fileList <- untar(tarball, list=TRUE)
        if (length(grep("inst/doc/.*\\.html$", fileList, ignore.case=TRUE)))
            cat("Found HTML document in", tarball, "\n")
            ## This extracts everything, including
            ## Rnw and Rmd files...too liberal? Then use vignettes/ dir
            cat("Extracting HTML documents from", tarball, "\n")
            ret <- unpack(tarball, unpackDir, "'*/inst/doc/*'")
            if (ret != 0)
              warning("tar had non-zero exit status for HTML extract of: ", tarball)

    tarballs <- list.files(file.path(reposRoot, srcContrib),
                           pattern="\\.tar\\.gz$", full.names=TRUE)
    if (!file.exists(destDir))
      dir.create(destDir, recursive=TRUE)
    if (!file.info(destDir)$isdir)
      stop("destDir must specify a directory")
    invisible(lapply(tarballs, extractHTMLDocumentsFromTarball,

getDcfValues <- function(values) {
    if (is.na(values)) return (character(0))
    values <- gsub("\n", " ", values, fixed=TRUE)
    l <- unlist(strsplit(values, ", ", fixed=TRUE))
    res <- unlist(lapply(l, function(x) {
        p <- strsplit(x, " |\\(", fixed=FALSE)

getFileExistsAttr <- function(pkgList, reposRootPath, dir, filename) {
    unlist(lapply(pkgList, function(pkg) {
        ret <- logical(0)
        filedir <- file.path(reposRootPath, dir, pkg)
        file <- file.path(filedir, filename)
        exists <- file.exists(filedir) && file.exists(file)
        ret <- c(ret, exists)

getFileLinks <- function(pkgList, reposRootPath, vignette.dir, ext,
                         ignore.case=FALSE) {
    if (length(pkgList) == 0L)
    unlist(lapply(pkgList, function(pkg) {
        vigSubDir <- "inst/doc"
        vigDir <- file.path(reposRootPath, vignette.dir, pkg, vigSubDir)
        vigs <- NA_character_
        if (file.exists(vigDir)) {
            pattern <- paste(".*\\.", ext, "$", sep="")
            files <- list.files(vigDir, pattern=pattern,
            if (length(files))
                vigs <- paste(vignette.dir, pkg, vigSubDir, files, sep="/",
                              collapse=", ")

getDocumentTitles <- function(docs, ext="pdf", src=c("Rnw", "Rmd"), reposRootPath, fun) {
    if (length(docs) == 0L)
    filelist <- strsplit(docs, ", ", fixed = TRUE)
    unlist(lapply(filelist, function(files) {
        if (all(is.na(files))) {
        else {
            files <- file.path(reposRootPath, files)
            titles <- unlist(lapply(files, function(file) {
                title <- NA_character_
                src <- paste0(sub(sprintf("\\.%s$", ext), ".", file, ignore.case=TRUE), src)
                idx <- which(file.exists(src))[1L]
                ## extract title from source file
                if (!is.na(idx)) {
                    title <- fun(file, src[idx])
                    title <- trimws(title)
                    title <- gsub(",", ",,", title, fixed=TRUE)
                ## use filename if no source file found, title extraction failed,
                ## or the extracted title is empty
                if (is.na(title) || nchar(title)==0L)
            paste(titles, collapse=", ")

getVignetteIndexEntry <- function(file) {
    lines <- readLines(file, warn=FALSE)
    ## use the same regular expression as in tools:::.get_vignette_metadata
    regex <- "[[:space:]]*%+[[:space:]]*\\\\VignetteIndexEntry\\{([^}]*(\\{[^}]*\\})*[^}]*)\\}.*"
    ## match to first occurance
    res <- grep(regex, lines, value = TRUE)[1L]
    gsub(regex, "\\1", res)

getPdfTitle <- function(doc, src) {

getHtmlTitle <- function(doc, src) {
    ## First look for an old-fashioned VignetteIndexEntry in the source file
    title <- getVignetteIndexEntry(src)
    if (is.na(title)) {
        ## now look for an HTML title
        doc <- htmlParse(doc)
        res <- xpathApply(doc, "//title", xmlValue)
        if (length(res))
            title <- res[[1L]]

write_REPOSITORY <- function(reposRootPath, contribPaths)
    contrib <- as.list(contribPaths)
    names(contrib) <- gsub("-", ".", names(contribPaths))
    contrib[["provides"]] <- paste(names(contribPaths), collapse=", ")
    fn <- file.path(reposRootPath, "REPOSITORY")
    write.dcf(contrib, fn)

read_REPOSITORY <- function(reposRootPath)
    reposInfo <- read.dcf(file.path(reposRootPath, "REPOSITORY"))
    reposInfo[, "provides"] <- gsub("[ \t\r\n\v\f]", "",
                                    reposInfo[, "provides"])
    provided <- strsplit(reposInfo[, "provides"], ",")[[1L]]
    m <- match(gsub("-", ".", provided), colnames(reposInfo))
    if (anyNA(m))
        stop("malformed REPOSITORY file: 'provides' field is inconsistent ",
             "with other fields)")
    if (anyDuplicated(m))
        stop("malformed REPOSITORY file: several values in 'provides' field ",
             "are mapped to the same entry in the file")
    colnames(reposInfo)[m] <- provided

.write_repository_db <- function(db, dir, fname) {
    if ("Bundle" %in% colnames(db)) {
        noPack <- is.na(db[, "Package"])
        db[noPack, "Package"] <- db[noPack, "Bundle"]
    gzname <- paste(fname, "gz", sep=".")
    out <- file(file.path(dir, fname), "wt")
    ##FIXME: gzfile writing segfaults for me
    ##outgz <- gzfile(file.path(dir, gzname), "wt")
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(db))) {
        dbi <- db[i, !(is.na(db[i, ]) | (db[i, ] == "")), drop = FALSE]
        write.dcf(dbi, file = out)
        ##FIXME: writing to the gz file segfaults for me
        ##write.dcf(dbi, file = outgz)
        cat("\n", file=out)
    ##FIXME: writing to the gz file segfaults

## To manually run/debug write_VIEWS() on the central builder (e.g. on
## nebbiolo2), start R-4.1 from the biocpush account and do:
##   library(BiocManager)  # check that the Bioconductor version is correct
##   repositories()        # check that all the repositories are correct
##   library(biocViews)
##   reposRoot <- "~/PACKAGES/3.14/bioc"
##   manifestFile <- "~biocbuild/bbs-3.14-bioc/manifest/software.txt"
##   meatPath <- "~biocbuild/bbs-3.14-bioc/MEAT0"
##   setwd(reposRoot)
##   write_VIEWS(reposRoot, manifestFile=manifestFile, meatPath=meatPath)
write_VIEWS <- function(reposRootPath, fields = NULL,
                        verbose = FALSE, vignette.dir="vignettes",
                        manifestFile=NA, meatPath=NA
                        ) {
    ## Copied from tools::write_PACKAGES
    if (is.null(fields))
      fields <- c("Title", "Description", "biocViews",
                  "Author", "Maintainer", "URL", "License",
                  "SystemRequirements", "organism", "manufacturer",
                  "hasReadme", "VignetteBuilder", "Video", "BugReports",
                  "PackageStatus", "git_url", "git_branch",
                  "git_last_commit", "git_last_commit_date", "Date/Publication")

    ## Read REPOSITORY file for contrib path info
    reposInfo <- read_REPOSITORY(reposRootPath)
    provided <- strsplit(reposInfo[, "provides"], ",")[[1L]]
    fields = unique(c(tools:::.get_standard_repository_db_fields("source"),

    convertToMat <- function(reposRootPath, reposInfo, os, fields, verbose){

        ## Use code from tools to build a matrix of package info
        pkg.dir <- file.path(reposRootPath, reposInfo[, os])
        if(grepl(os, pattern="mac.*.binary")) os = "mac.binary"
        if(grepl(os, pattern="win.binary")) os = "win.binary"
        db <- tools:::.build_repository_package_db(pkg.dir, fields, os, verbose)
        ## Turn 'db' into a matrix with 1 row per package
        if (length(db) != 0L) {
            dbMatTemp <- do.call(rbind, db)
        } else {
            dbMatTemp <- matrix(nrow=0L, ncol=length(fields))
            colnames(dbMatTemp) <- fields

    # get standard list of fields information for packages
    os = provided[1]
    dbMat = convertToMat(reposRootPath, reposInfo, os, fields, verbose)
    if (length(provided) > 1){
        otheros = provided[-1]
        for(os in otheros){
            dbMat2 = convertToMat(reposRootPath, reposInfo, os, fields, verbose)
            idx = !(dbMat2[,"Package"] %in% dbMat[, "Package"])
            if (length(which(idx)) != 0){
                tempMat = dbMat2[idx,]
                dbMat = rbind(dbMat, tempMat)

    ## Integrate version and archive file path info for the different contrib
    ## paths in this repos.  We duplicate the source path info here, but that
    ## makes things easier to handle later on as there is no special case.
    fldNames <- c(colnames(dbMat), paste(provided, "ver", sep="."))
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(dbMat), ncol=length(provided)))
    colnames(dbMat) <- fldNames
    for (ctype in provided) {
        cPath <- reposInfo[, ctype]
        buildPkgPath <- function(pkgs, vers) {
            ext <- switch(ctype,
                          stop("unknown type"))
            paste(cPath, "/", pkgs, "_", vers, ext, sep="")
        packagesFile <- file.path(reposRootPath, cPath, "PACKAGES")
        if (!file.exists(packagesFile)) {
            warning("No PACKAGES file found at ",
                    file.path(reposRootPath, cPath),
                    "\nSkipping this contrib path.")
        readOk <- tryCatch({
            cDat <- read.dcf(packagesFile)
        }, error=function(e) FALSE)
        if (!readOk)
        if (!length(cDat)) {
            warning("Empty PACKAGES file found at ",
                    file.path(reposRootPath, cPath),
                    "\nSkipping this contrib path.")
        cDatGood <- cDat[, "Package"] %in% dbMat[, "Package"]
        dbMatIdx <- match(cDat[cDatGood, "Package"], dbMat[, "Package"])
        dbMatIdx <- dbMatIdx[!is.na(dbMatIdx)]
        col <- paste(ctype, "ver", sep=".")
        dbMat[dbMatIdx, col] <- buildPkgPath(cDat[cDatGood, "Package"],
                                             cDat[cDatGood, "Version"])

        if (length((grep("^win",ctype,value=TRUE)) > 0)  && ("Archs" %in% colnames(cDat))) {
          which1 <- which(dbMat[,"Package"] %in% cDat[,"Package"])
          which2 <- which(cDat[,"Package"] %in% dbMat[,"Package"])
          dbMat[which1, "Archs"] <- cDat[which2, "Archs"]
    ## Add vignette path info
    vigs <- getFileLinks(dbMat[, "Package"], reposRootPath, vignette.dir, "pdf")
    vtitles <- getDocumentTitles(vigs, reposRootPath=reposRootPath, fun=getPdfTitle)

    rfiles <- getFileLinks(dbMat[, "Package"], reposRootPath, vignette.dir, "R")

    htmlDocs <- getFileLinks(dbMat[, "Package"], reposRootPath, vignette.dir, "html", TRUE)
    htmlDocs[grep("\\/index\\.html$", htmlDocs)] <- NA
    htmlTitles <- getDocumentTitles(htmlDocs, ext="html", src=c("Rmd", "Rhtml"), reposRootPath, getHtmlTitle)

    allVigs <- paste(vigs, htmlDocs, sep=", ")
    allTitles <- paste(vtitles, htmlTitles, sep=", ")

    formatVec <- function(vec){
        vec <- gsub(pattern="NA, NA", replacement=NA, vec)
        vec <- gsub(pattern="^NA, ", replacement="", vec)
        vec <- gsub(pattern=", NA$", replacement="", vec)
    allVigs <- formatVec(allVigs)
    allTitles <- formatVec(allTitles)
    names(allVigs) <- names(vigs)
    names(allTitles) <- names(vtitles)

    # get any included extra files
    readmes <- getFileExistsAttr(dbMat[, "Package"], reposRootPath, "readmes", "README")
    news <- getFileExistsAttr(dbMat[, "Package"], reposRootPath, "news", "NEWS")
    install <- getFileExistsAttr(dbMat[, "Package"], reposRootPath, "install", "INSTALL")
    license <- getFileExistsAttr(dbMat[, "Package"], reposRootPath, "licenses",

    # add additional values to matrix for writing
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, allVigs)
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, allTitles)
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, readmes)
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, news)
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, install)
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, license)
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, rfiles)

    colnames(dbMat) <- c(fldNames, "vignettes", "vignetteTitles", "hasREADME",
        "hasNEWS", "hasINSTALL", "hasLICENSE", "Rfiles")

    # get reverse dependency list including CRAN
    all_repos <- repositories()
    all_pkgs <- available.packages(repos = all_repos)
    mm = match(dbMat[,"Package"], all_pkgs[,"Package"])

    dependsOnMe <- getReverseDepends(all_pkgs, "Depends")[mm]
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, dependsOnMe)
    importsMe <- getReverseDepends(all_pkgs, "Imports")[mm]
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, importsMe)
    suggestsMe <- getReverseDepends(all_pkgs, "Suggests")[mm]
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, suggestsMe)
    linksToMe <- getReverseDepends(all_pkgs, "LinkingTo")[mm]
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, linksToMe)

    # add (recursive) dependency count for badge on landing page
    bioc_pkgs <- available.packages(repos = all_repos[setdiff(names(all_repos),
                                        "CRAN")] )
    deps <- tools::package_dependencies(rownames(bioc_pkgs), db = all_pkgs,
    numDeps <- lengths(deps)
    dependencyCount <-  numDeps[dbMat[, "Package"]]
    dbMat <- cbind(dbMat, dependencyCount)

    # Add place Holder for valid packages compared to manifest
    # That haven't built so they get a shell landing page rather
    # than no landing page
    if (!is.na(manifestFile)){
            file  = readLines(manifestFile)
            fmtFile = vapply(file, FUN = function(vl){
                if(startsWith(vl, "Package")){
                    trimws(gsub(vl, pattern="Package: ", replacement=""))
                FUN.VALUE=character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
            man_pkgs = fmtFile[-which(fmtFile=="")]
            missing_pkgs = man_pkgs[!(man_pkgs %in% unname(dbMat[,"Package"]))]
            add_mat = matrix(NA, nrow=length(missing_pkgs), ncol=ncol(dbMat))
            rownames(add_mat) = missing_pkgs
            colnames(add_mat) = colnames(dbMat)
            # manually fill info for missing packages
            add_mat[,which(colnames(dbMat)=="Package")] = missing_pkgs
            if (!is.na(meatPath)){
            for(i in seq_along(missing_pkgs)){
                add_mat = tryCatch({
                   desc <- tools:::.read_description(file.path(meatPath, missing_pkgs[i], "DESCRIPTION"))

                    for (dx in names(desc)){
                        if (dx %in% colnames(add_mat)){
                            add_mat[i, which(colnames(add_mat) == dx)] = desc[dx]
                            # check for Authors@R and parse accordingly
                            if (dx == "Authors@R"){
                                authMain <-
                                add_mat[i,which(colnames(dbMat)=="Maintainer")] = authMain["Maintainer"]
                                add_mat[i,which(colnames(dbMat)=="Author")] = authMain["Author"]

                }, error = function(err){
                    add_mat[i,which(colnames(dbMat)=="Maintainer")] = "ERROR"
                    add_mat[i,which(colnames(dbMat)=="Title")] = "ERROR"
                }, warning = function(err){
                    add_mat[i,which(colnames(dbMat)=="Maintainer")] = "ERROR"
                    add_mat[i,which(colnames(dbMat)=="Title")] = "ERROR"
            # make sure necessary columns are not NA
            if (any(is.na(add_mat[,"Title"]))){
                add_mat[which(is.na(add_mat[,"Title"])), "Title"] =
             if (any(is.na(add_mat[,"Maintainer"]))){
                add_mat[which(is.na(add_mat[,"Maintainer"])), "Maintainer"] =
            dbMat = rbind(dbMat, add_mat)
    .write_repository_db(dbMat, reposRootPath, "VIEWS")

getReverseDepends <- function(db, fieldName) {
    pkgNames <- db[, "Package"]
    names(pkgNames) <- NULL
    df <- as.data.frame(db, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    depCols <- lapply(pkgNames, function(x) {
        pkgRecord <- subset(df, Package==x)
        pkgNames %in% getDcfValues(pkgRecord[fieldName])
    depMat <- do.call(cbind, depCols)
    colnames(depMat) <- rownames(depMat) <- pkgNames
    ret <- character()
    bar <- function(x) {
        deps <- pkgNames[which(depMat[x, ])]
        ret <- c(ret, unlist(paste(deps, collapse=", ")))
    ret <- lapply(pkgNames, bar)

writeRFilesFromVignettes <- function(reposRoot, reposUrl="..",
                                viewUrl="../..", reposFullUrl=reposUrl,
                                downloadStatsUrl="", devHistoryUrl="") {

    pkgList <- loadPackageDetails(reposRoot, reposUrl, viewUrl, reposFullUrl,
          downloadStatsUrl, devHistoryUrl)

.printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))

StangleHTMLVignettes <- function(reposRoot)
    viewsFile <- file.path(reposRoot, "VIEWS")
    pkgMat <- readPackageInfo(viewsFile)
    info <- read.dcf(file=viewsFile)
    apply(info, 1, function(x){
        if (!is.na(x["vignettes"]))
            if (!requireNamespace("knitr")) {
                stop("'knitr' package required to tangle HTML vignettes")
            docs <- strsplit(x["vignettes"], ",\n")[[1]]
            docs <- docs[endsWith(docs, "html")]
            for (doc in docs) {
                vig <- sub("\\.html", ".Rmd", doc, ignore.case=TRUE)
                out <- sub("\\.html", ".R", doc, ignore.case=TRUE)
                if (file.exists(vig))
                    tryCatch(knitr::purl(vig, out), error=function(e){


writeRepositoryHtml <- function(reposRoot, title, reposUrl="..",
                                viewUrl="../..", reposFullUrl=reposUrl,
                                downloadStatsUrl="", devHistoryUrl="",
                                link.rel=TRUE, backgroundColor="transparent") {
    ## Writes package description html under reposRoot/html and an index.html
    ## file under reposRoot.
    ## Links created in the package description html will use reposUrl as
    ## prefix.
    pkgList <- loadPackageDetails(reposRoot, reposUrl, viewUrl, reposFullUrl,
                                  downloadStatsUrl, devHistoryUrl)
    writePackageDetailHtml(pkgList, file.path(reposRoot, "html"),
    writeRepositoryIndexHtml(pkgList, reposRoot, title, link.rel=link.rel)

    ## copy the css stylesheet
    cssName <- "repository-detail.css"
    cssPath <- system.file(file.path("css", paste(cssName, ".in", sep="")),
    res <- try(copySubstitute(cssPath, file.path(reposRoot, cssName),

writePackageDetailHtml <- function(pkgList, htmlDir="html",
                                   backgroundColor="transparent") {
    if (!file.exists(htmlDir))
    for (pkg in pkgList) {
        f <- file.path(htmlDir, htmlFilename(pkg))
        cat("writing html for", pkg@Package, "\n")
        writeHtmlDoc(htmlDoc(pkg), f)
    ## copy the package detail css stylesheet
    cssName <- "package-detail.css"
    cssPath <- system.file(file.path("css", paste(cssName, ".in", sep="")),
    res <- try(copySubstitute(cssPath, file.path(htmlDir, cssName),

writeRepositoryIndexHtml <- function(pkgList, reposRoot, title, htmlDir="html",
    if (link.rel)
      linkRoot <- character(0)
      linkRoot <- reposRoot
    repos <- new("RepositoryDetail", Title=title, reposRoot=linkRoot,
                 htmlDir=htmlDir, packageList=pkgList)
    f <- file.path(reposRoot, htmlFilename(repos))
    writeHtmlDoc(htmlDoc(repos), f)

write_SYMBOLS <- function(dir, verbose=FALSE, source.dirs=FALSE) {
    con <- file(file.path(dir, "SYMBOLS"), open="w")

    tdir <- tempfile("NAMESPACES")
    on.exit(file.remove(tdir, recursive=TRUE))

    extractNAMESPACEFromTarball <- function(tarball, unpackDir=tdir) {
        ## helper function to unpack NAMESPACE file from the tarball
        ret <- unpack(tarball, unpackDir, "'*/NAMESPACE'")
        #if (ret != 0)
        #  warning("tar had non-zero exit status for NAMESPACE extract of: ",
        #          tarball)

    writeField <- function(field, v) {
        ## Helper function for writing DCF
        if (length(v)) {
            vals <- paste(v, collapse=", ")
            field <- paste(field, ":", sep="")
            writeLines(paste(field, vals), con=con)

    if (!source.dirs) {
        tarballs <- list.files(file.path(dir, "src/contrib"),
                               pattern="\\.tar\\.gz$", full.names=TRUE)
        for (t in tarballs) {
        dir <- tdir
    pkgs <- list.files(dir)
    for (p in pkgs) {
        syms <- tryCatch(parseNamespaceFile(p, dir),
                         error=function(e) character(0))
        numSyms <- (length(syms$exports) + length(syms$exportMethods)
        if (numSyms > 0) {
            writeField("Package", p)
            writeField("Exports", syms$exports)
            writeField("ExportMethods", syms$exportMethods)
            writeField("ExportClasses", syms$exportClasses)
            writeLines("", con=con)
        if (verbose)
          cat(p, numSyms, "symbols\n")
Bioconductor/biocViews documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 7:23 a.m.