### =========================================================================
### HDF5 dump management
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### 2 global internal counters: one for the dump files, one for the dump
### names
### The 2 counters are safe to use in the context of parallel execution e.g.
### library(BiocParallel)
### bplapply(1:5, function(i) .get_dump_files_global_counter(increment=TRUE))
### bplapply(1:5, function(i) .get_dump_names_global_counter(increment=TRUE))
### Jan 31, 2024: Hmm... actually they are not. They are when parallelizing
### via a MulticoreParam, but not via a SnowParam:
### register(SnowParam(workers=2))
### res <- bplapply(1:5, function(i) .get_dump_files_global_counter(TRUE))
### unlist(res)
### # [1] 1 2 3 1 2
### So we need to move away from this broken global counter thing.
### We actually started to do so in .get_dump_autofile() (see IMPORTANT
### CHANGE IN HDF5Array 1.31.4 below in this file). With this change,
### .get_dump_files_global_counter() is no longer used or needed.
### TODO: What about the .get_dump_names_global_counter_filepath()? Do we
### still need this or should we move away from this too?
#.get_dump_files_global_counter_filepath <- function()
# file.path(tempdir(), "HDF5Array_dump_files_global_counter")
.get_dump_names_global_counter_filepath <- function()
file.path(tempdir(), "HDF5Array_dump_names_global_counter")
### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
#init_HDF5_dump_files_global_counter <- function()
# filepath <- .get_dump_files_global_counter_filepath()
# init_global_counter(filepath)
# filepath
### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
init_HDF5_dump_names_global_counter <- function()
filepath <- .get_dump_names_global_counter_filepath()
#.get_dump_files_global_counter <- function(increment=FALSE)
# filepath <- .get_dump_files_global_counter_filepath()
# get_global_counter(filepath, increment=increment)
.get_dump_names_global_counter <- function(increment=FALSE)
filepath <- .get_dump_names_global_counter_filepath()
get_global_counter(filepath, increment=increment)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Normalization (with basic checking) of an HDF5 file path or dataset name
### Return the *absolute path* to the dump file.
### Has the side effect of creating the file as an empty HDF5 file if it does
### not exist yet.
normalize_dump_filepath <- function(filepath)
if (!isSingleString(filepath) || filepath == "")
stop(wmsg("'filepath' must be a non-empty string specifying the ",
"path to a new or existing HDF5 file"))
if (!file.exists(filepath))
normalize_dump_name <- function(name)
if (!isSingleString(name) || name == "")
stop(wmsg("'name' must be a non-empty string specifying the name ",
"of the HDF5 dataset to write"))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Very low-level stuff used in this file only
.set_HDF5Array_global_option <- function(name, value)
HDF5Array_options <- getOption("HDF5Array", default=list())
HDF5Array_options[[name]] <- value
.get_HDF5Array_global_option <- function(name)
getOption("HDF5Array", default=list())[[name]]
HDF5Array_global_option_is_set <- function(name)
name %in% names(getOption("HDF5Array", default=list()))
### Create directory 'dir' if it doesn't exist yet.
.set_dump_dir <- function(dir)
## Even though file_path_as_absolute() will trim the trailing slashes,
## we need to do this early. Otherwise, checking for the existence of a
## file of the same name as the to-be-created directory will fail.
if (nchar(dir) > 1L)
dir <- trim_trailing_slashes(dir)
if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
if (file.exists(dir))
stop(wmsg("\"", dir, "\" already exists and is a file, ",
"not a directory"))
if (!suppressWarnings(dir.create(dir)))
stop("cannot create directory \"", dir, "\"")
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
.set_HDF5Array_global_option("dump.dir", dir)
.set_dump_autofiles_mode <- function()
.set_HDF5Array_global_option("dump.specfile", NULL)
### Create file as an empty HDF5 file if it doesn't exist yet.
.set_dump_specfile <- function(filepath)
filepath <- normalize_dump_filepath(filepath)
.set_HDF5Array_global_option("dump.specfile", filepath)
.set_dump_autonames_mode <- function()
.set_HDF5Array_global_option("dump.specname", NULL)
.set_dump_specname <- function(name)
.set_HDF5Array_global_option("dump.specname", name)
### Return the user-specified file of the dump or an error if the user didn't
### specify a file.
.get_dump_specfile <- function()
.get_dump_autoname <- function(increment=FALSE)
counter <- .get_dump_names_global_counter(increment=increment)
sprintf("/HDF5ArrayAUTO%05d", counter)
### Return the user-specified name of the dump or an error if the user didn't
### specify a name.
.get_dump_specname <- function()
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### get/setHDF5DumpDir()
getHDF5DumpDir <- function()
### Create auto file as an empty HDF5 file if it doesn't exist yet.
### !!! IMPORTANT CHANGE IN HDF5Array 1.31.4 !!!
### In HDF5Array 1.31.4 we moved away from the global counter approach used
### in .get_dump_autofile()!
### The global counter approach was failing to generate unique "automatique
### dump files" across workers when using BiocParallel::SnowParam(). For
### example using this code:
### library(BiocParallel)
### register(SnowParam(workers=2))
### res <- bplapply(1:5, function(i) HDF5Array::getHDF5DumpFile(for.use=TRUE))
### unlist(res)
### was returning the following with HDF5Array < 1.31.4:
### [1] "/tmp/RtmpVEnUTi/HDF5Array_dump/auto00001.h5"
### [2] "/tmp/RtmpVEnUTi/HDF5Array_dump/auto00002.h5"
### [3] "/tmp/RtmpVEnUTi/HDF5Array_dump/auto00003.h5"
### [4] "/tmp/RtmpLpy4Ru/HDF5Array_dump/auto00001.h5"
### [5] "/tmp/RtmpLpy4Ru/HDF5Array_dump/auto00002.h5"
### File names were unique within a worker (each worker uses its own "dump dir"
### obtained with getHDF5DumpDir()). However the dump dirs get destroyed at
### the end of the bplapply() call thus breaking any HDF5Array object pointing
### at them.
### So in HDF5Array 1.31.4 we made a first change to address the above issue
### by having all workers use the same "dump dir". Note that this introduces
### a new difficulty which is that workers don't necessarily have access
### to the file system seen by the main R process (this happens on some
### clusters), but this is another story.
### We this first change we were getting:
### [1] "/tmp/Rtmp3zyYrg/HDF5Array_dump/auto00001.h5"
### [2] "/tmp/Rtmp3zyYrg/HDF5Array_dump/auto00002.h5"
### [3] "/tmp/Rtmp3zyYrg/HDF5Array_dump/auto00003.h5"
### [4] "/tmp/Rtmp3zyYrg/HDF5Array_dump/auto00001.h5"
### [5] "/tmp/Rtmp3zyYrg/HDF5Array_dump/auto00002.h5"
### But the problem is that now the "automatique dump files" are no longer
### unique across workers!
### So we decided to replace the global counter approach with the tempfile()
### approach. With this second change we get:
### [1] "/tmp/RtmpCMkJSO/HDF5Array_dump/auto2d2ed559eb9bf.h5"
### [2] "/tmp/RtmpCMkJSO/HDF5Array_dump/auto2d2ed1e06d072.h5"
### [3] "/tmp/RtmpCMkJSO/HDF5Array_dump/auto2d2ed2f3c6dfe.h5"
### [4] "/tmp/RtmpCMkJSO/HDF5Array_dump/auto2d2e32c00b14f.h5"
### [5] "/tmp/RtmpCMkJSO/HDF5Array_dump/auto2d2e356b6f184.h5"
### Everything looks good. So now sometyhing like:
### make_mat <- function(i) matrix(10*i + runif(12), nrow=2)
### bplapply(1:5, function(i) HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(make_mat(i)))
### is finally working (it has never worked before), which was the ultimate
### goal all along.
#.get_dump_autofile <- function(increment=FALSE)
.get_dump_autofile <- function()
## Replacing the global counter approach used in HDF5Array < 1.31.4
## with the tempfile() approach.
#counter <- .get_dump_files_global_counter(increment=increment)
#filepath <- file.path(getHDF5DumpDir(), sprintf("auto%05d.h5", counter))
filepath <- tempfile(pattern="auto", tmpdir=getHDF5DumpDir(), fileext=".h5")
if (!file.exists(filepath))
### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
setHDF5DumpDir <- function(dir)
if (missing(dir)) {
dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "HDF5Array_dump")
} else if (!isSingleString(dir) || dir == "") {
stop(wmsg("'dir' must be a non-empty string specifying the path ",
"to a new or existing directory"))
dir <- .set_dump_dir(dir)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### set/getHDF5DumpFile()
### Set the current HDF5 dump file. Create it as an empty HDF5 file if it
### doesn't exist yet.
setHDF5DumpFile <- function(filepath)
if (missing(filepath)) {
filepath <- .get_dump_autofile()
} else {
if (!isSingleString(filepath) || filepath == "")
stop("'filepath' must be a non-empty string")
if (has_trailing_slash(filepath)) {
filepath <- .get_dump_autofile()
} else {
filepath <- .set_dump_specfile(filepath)
file_content <- h5ls(filepath)
if (nrow(file_content) == 0L)
### Return the *absolute path* to the dump file.
getHDF5DumpFile <- function()
filepath <- .get_dump_specfile()
if (is.null(filepath))
filepath <- .get_dump_autofile()
### A convenience wrapper.
lsHDF5DumpFile <- function() h5ls(getHDF5DumpFile())
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### set/getHDF5DumpName()
setHDF5DumpName <- function(name)
if (missing(name)) {
name <- .get_dump_autoname()
name <- normalize_dump_name(name)
getHDF5DumpName <- function(for.use=FALSE)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(for.use))
stop("'for.use' must be TRUE or FALSE")
name <- .get_dump_specname()
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- .get_dump_autoname(increment=for.use)
} else if (for.use) {
## If the dump file is a user-specified file, we switch back to
## automatic dump names.
filepath <- .get_dump_specfile()
if (!is.null(filepath))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### set/getHDF5DumpChunkLength() and set/getHDF5DumpChunkShape()
### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
setHDF5DumpChunkLength <- function(length=1000000L)
.set_HDF5Array_global_option("dump.chunk.length", length)
getHDF5DumpChunkLength <- function()
### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
setHDF5DumpChunkShape <- function(shape="scale")
.set_HDF5Array_global_option("dump.chunk.shape", shape)
getHDF5DumpChunkShape <- function()
### TODO: Replace 'dim' argument with 'x'. This will allow the default
### **write** chunk dim to be set to the **read** chunk dim (i.e. to
### 'chunkdim(x)') if this is known (i.e. if 'chunkdim(x)' is not NULL).
getHDF5DumpChunkDim <- function(dim)
chunk_len <- getHDF5DumpChunkLength()
chunk_shape <- getHDF5DumpChunkShape()
makeCappedVolumeBox(chunk_len, dim, chunk_shape)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### set/getHDF5DumpCompressionLevel
normalize_compression_level <- function(level)
if (!isSingleNumber(level))
stop("'level' must be a single number")
if (!is.integer(level))
level <- as.integer(level)
if (level < 0L || level > 9L)
stop(wmsg("'level' must be between 0 (no compression) ",
"and 9 (highest and slowest compression)"))
### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
setHDF5DumpCompressionLevel <- function(level=6L)
level <- normalize_compression_level(level)
.set_HDF5Array_global_option("dump.compression.level", level)
getHDF5DumpCompressionLevel <- function()
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Dump log
### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
get_HDF5_dump_logfile <- function()
file.path(tempdir(), "HDF5Array_dump_log")
.get_dataset_creation_global_counter_filepath <- function()
file.path(tempdir(), "HDF5Array_dataset_creation_global_counter")
### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
init_HDF5_dataset_creation_global_counter <- function()
filepath <- .get_dataset_creation_global_counter_filepath()
.get_dataset_creation_global_counter <- function(increment=FALSE)
filepath <- .get_dataset_creation_global_counter_filepath()
get_global_counter(filepath, increment=increment)
### Use a lock mechanism so is safe to use in the context of parallel
### execution.
appendDatasetCreationToHDF5DumpLog <- function(filepath, name, dim, type,
chunkdim, level)
logfile <- get_HDF5_dump_logfile()
locked_path <- lock_file(logfile)
counter <- .get_dataset_creation_global_counter(increment=TRUE)
dims <- paste0(dim, collapse="x")
chunkdims <- paste0(chunkdim, collapse="x")
cat(as.character(Sys.time()), counter,
filepath, name, dims, type, chunkdims, level,
sep="\t", file=locked_path, append=TRUE)
cat("\n", file=locked_path, append=TRUE)
showHDF5DumpLog <- function()
COLNAMES <- c("time", "counter",
"filepath", "name", "dims", "type", "chunkdims", "level")
## The nb of lines in the log file is the current value of the dataset
## creation counter minus one.
counter <- .get_dataset_creation_global_counter()
if (counter == 1L) {
dump_log <- data.frame(time=character(0),
} else {
logfile <- get_HDF5_dump_logfile()
locked_path <- lock_file(logfile)
dump_log <- read.table(locked_path,
sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(dump_log) <- COLNAMES
fmt <- "[%s] #%d In file '%s': creation of dataset '%s' (%s:%s, chunkdims=%s, level=%d)"
dump_log$time, dump_log$counter,
dump_log$filepath, dump_log$name,
dump_log$dims, dump_log$type,
dump_log$chunkdims, dump_log$level),
create_and_log_HDF5_dataset <- function(filepath, name, dim, maxdim=dim,
type="double", H5type=NULL, size=NULL,
chunkdim=dim, level=6L)
h5createDataset2(filepath, name, dim, maxdim=maxdim,
type=type, H5type=H5type, size=size,
chunkdim=chunkdim, level=level)
appendDatasetCreationToHDF5DumpLog(filepath, name, dim,
type, chunkdim, level)
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