h5writeDimnames: Write/read the dimnames of an HDF5 dataset

View source: R/h5writeDimnames.R

h5writeDimnamesR Documentation

Write/read the dimnames of an HDF5 dataset


h5writeDimnames and h5readDimnames can be used to write/read the dimnames of an HDF5 dataset to/from the HDF5 file.

Note that h5writeDimnames is used internally by writeHDF5Array(x, ..., with.dimnames=TRUE) to write the dimnames of x to the HDF5 file together with the array data.

set_h5dimnames and get_h5dimnames are low-level utilities that can be used to attach existing HDF5 datasets along the dimensions of a given HDF5 dataset, or to retrieve the names of the HDF5 datasets that are attached along the dimensions of a given HDF5 dataset.


h5writeDimnames(dimnames, filepath, name, group=NA, h5dimnames=NULL)
h5readDimnames(filepath, name, as.character=FALSE)

set_h5dimnames(filepath, name, h5dimnames, dry.run=FALSE)
get_h5dimnames(filepath, name)



The dimnames to write to the HDF5 file. Must be supplied as a list (possibly named) with one list element per dimension in the HDF5 dataset specified via the name argument. Each list element in dimnames must be an atomic vector or a NULL. When not a NULL, its length must equal the extent of the corresponding dimension in the HDF5 dataset.


For h5writeDimnames and h5readDimnames: The path (as a single string) to the HDF5 file where the dimnames should be written to or read from.

For set_h5dimnames and get_h5dimnames: The path (as a single string) to the HDF5 file where to set or get the h5dimnames.


For h5writeDimnames and h5readDimnames: The name of the dataset in the HDF5 file for which the dimnames should be written or read.

For set_h5dimnames and get_h5dimnames: The name of the dataset in the HDF5 file for which to set or get the h5dimnames.


NA (the default) or the name of the HDF5 group where to write the dimnames. If set to NA then the group name is automatically generated from name. If set to the empty string ("") then no group will be used.

Except when group is set to the empty string, the names in h5dimnames (see below) must be relative to the group.


For h5writeDimnames: NULL (the default) or a character vector containing the names of the HDF5 datasets (one per list element in dimnames) where to write the dimnames. Names associated with NULL list elements in dimnames are ignored and should typically be NAs.

If set to NULL then the names are automatically set to numbers indicating the associated dimensions ("1" for the first dimension, "2" for the second, etc...)

For set_h5dimnames: A character vector containing the names of the HDF5 datasets to attach as dimnames of the dataset specified in name. The vector must have one element per dimension in dataset name. NAs are allowed and indicate dimensions along which nothing should be attached.


Even though the dimnames of an HDF5 dataset are usually stored as datasets of type "character" (H5 datatype "H5T_STRING") in the HDF5 file, this is not a requirement. By default h5readDimnames will return them as-is. Set as.character to TRUE to make sure that they are returned as character vectors. See example below.


When set to TRUE, set_h5dimnames doesn't make any change to the HDF5 file but will still raise errors if the operation cannot be done.


h5writeDimnames and set_h5dimnames return nothing.

h5readDimnames returns a list (possibly named) with one list element per dimension in HDF5 dataset name and containing its dimnames retrieved from the file.

get_h5dimnames returns a character vector containing the names of the HDF5 datasets that are currently set as the dimnames of the dataset specified in name. The vector has one element per dimension in dataset name. NAs in the vector indicate dimensions along which nothing is set.

See Also

  • writeHDF5Array for a high-level function to write an array-like object and its dimnames to an HDF5 file.

  • h5write in the rhdf5 package that h5writeDimnames uses internally to write the dimnames to the HDF5 file.

  • h5mread in this package (HDF5Array) that h5readDimnames uses internally to read the dimnames from the HDF5 file.

  • h5ls to list the content of an HDF5 file.

  • HDF5Array objects.


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
library(rhdf5)  # for h5write()

m0 <- matrix(1:60, ncol=5)
colnames(m0) <- LETTERS[1:5]

h5file <- tempfile(fileext=".h5")
h5write(m0, h5file, "M0")  # h5write() ignores the dimnames

h5writeDimnames(dimnames(m0), h5file, "M0")

get_h5dimnames(h5file, "M0")
h5readDimnames(h5file, "M0")

## Reconstruct 'm0' from HDF5 file:
m1 <- h5mread(h5file, "M0")
dimnames(m1) <- h5readDimnames(h5file, "M0")
stopifnot(identical(m0, m1))

## Create an HDF5Array object that points to HDF5 dataset M0:
HDF5Array(h5file, "M0")

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(dimnames(m0), h5readDimnames(h5file, "M0")))
stopifnot(identical(dimnames(m0), dimnames(HDF5Array(h5file, "M0"))))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## If a collection of HDF5 datasets share the same dimnames, the
## dimnames only need to be written once in the HDF5 file. Then they
## can be attached to the individual datasets with set_h5dimnames():

h5write(array(runif(240), c(12, 5:4)), h5file, "A1")
set_h5dimnames(h5file, "A1", get_h5dimnames(h5file, "M0"))
get_h5dimnames(h5file, "A1")
h5readDimnames(h5file, "A1")
HDF5Array(h5file, "A1")

h5write(matrix(sample(letters, 60, replace=TRUE), ncol=5), h5file, "A2")
set_h5dimnames(h5file, "A2", get_h5dimnames(h5file, "M0"))
get_h5dimnames(h5file, "A2")
h5readDimnames(h5file, "A2")
HDF5Array(h5file, "A2")

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(dimnames(m0), h5readDimnames(h5file, "A1")[1:2]))
stopifnot(identical(dimnames(m0), h5readDimnames(h5file, "A2")))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## USE h5writeDimnames() AFTER A CALL TO writeHDF5Array()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## After calling writeHDF5Array(x, ..., with.dimnames=FALSE) the
## dimnames on 'x' can still be written to the HDF5 file by doing the
## following:

## 1. Write 'm0' to the HDF5 file and ignore the dimnames (for now):
writeHDF5Array(m0, h5file, "M2", with.dimnames=FALSE)

## 2. Use h5writeDimnames() to write 'dimnames(m0)' to the file and
##    associate them with the "M2" dataset:
h5writeDimnames(dimnames(m0), h5file, "M2")

## 3. Use the HDF5Array() constructor to make an HDF5Array object that
##    points to the "M2" dataset:
HDF5Array(h5file, "M2")

## Note that at step 2. you can use the extra arguments of
## h5writeDimnames() to take full control of where the dimnames
## should be stored in the file:
writeHDF5Array(m0, h5file, "M3", with.dimnames=FALSE)
h5writeDimnames(dimnames(m0), h5file, "M3",
                group="a_secret_place", h5dimnames=c("NA", "M3_dim2"))
## h5readDimnames() and HDF5Array() still "find" the dimnames:
h5readDimnames(h5file, "M3")
HDF5Array(h5file, "M3")

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(dimnames(m0), h5readDimnames(h5file, "M3")))
stopifnot(identical(dimnames(m0), dimnames(HDF5Array(h5file, "M3"))))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
writeHDF5Array(m0, h5file, "M4", with.dimnames=FALSE)
dimnames <- list(1001:1012, as.raw(11:15))
h5writeDimnames(dimnames, h5file, "M4")

h5readDimnames(h5file, "M4")
h5readDimnames(h5file, "M4", as.character=TRUE)

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(dimnames, h5readDimnames(h5file, "M4")))
dimnames(m0) <- dimnames
    h5readDimnames(h5file, "M4", as.character=TRUE)

Bioconductor/HDF5Array documentation built on Jan. 16, 2025, 10:19 a.m.