### =========================================================================
### Row and column summarization methods for DelayedMatrix objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Raise an error if invalid input type. Otherwise return "integer",
### "numeric", "double", or "complex".
### NOTE: No longer used in this file but used in DelayedMatrixStats.
.get_ans_type <- function(x, must.be.numeric=FALSE)
x_type <- type(x)
ans_type <- switch(x_type,
integer=, numeric=, double=, complex=x_type,
stop(wmsg("operation not supported on matrices of type ", x_type)))
if (must.be.numeric && !is.numeric(get(ans_type)(0)))
stop(wmsg("operation not supported on matrices of type ", x_type))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### row/colSums()
### The methods for ordinary matrices are defined in the base package.
BLOCK_rowSums <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
INIT <- function(i, grid) numeric(nrow(grid[[i, 1L]]))
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
init + MatrixGenerics::rowSums(block, na.rm=na.rm)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
strip_results <- hstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- rownames(x)
BLOCK_colSums <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
INIT <- function(j, grid) numeric(ncol(grid[[1L, j]]))
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
init + MatrixGenerics::colSums(block, na.rm=na.rm)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
strip_results <- vstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- colnames(x)
.check_dims <- function(dims, method)
if (!identical(dims, 1))
stop(wmsg("\"", method, "\" method for DelayedMatrix objects ",
"does not support the 'dims' argument"))
### base::rowSums() has a 'dims' argument. We do NOT support it.
.rowSums_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, dims=1)
.check_dims(dims, "rowSums")
BLOCK_rowSums(x, na.rm=na.rm)
setMethod("rowSums", "DelayedMatrix", .rowSums_DelayedMatrix)
### base::colSums() has a 'dims' argument. We do NOT support it.
.colSums_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, dims=1)
.check_dims(dims, "colSums")
BLOCK_colSums(x, na.rm=na.rm)
setMethod("colSums", "DelayedMatrix", .colSums_DelayedMatrix)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### row/colMeans()
### The methods for ordinary matrices are defined in the base package.
.row_sums_and_nvals <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE)
## 'x' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
row_sums <- MatrixGenerics::rowSums(x, na.rm=na.rm)
row_nvals <- rep.int(ncol(x), nrow(x))
if (na.rm)
row_nvals <- row_nvals - MatrixGenerics::rowSums(is.na(x))
data.frame(sum=row_sums, nval=row_nvals)
.col_sums_and_nvals <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE)
## 'x' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
col_sums <- MatrixGenerics::colSums(x, na.rm=na.rm)
col_nvals <- rep.int(nrow(x), ncol(x))
if (na.rm)
col_nvals <- col_nvals - MatrixGenerics::colSums(is.na(x))
data.frame(sum=col_sums, nval=col_nvals)
BLOCK_rowMeans <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
INIT <- function(i, grid) {
n <- nrow(grid[[i, 1L]])
.row_sums_and_nvals(matrix(nrow=n, ncol=0L))
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
init + .row_sums_and_nvals(block, na.rm=na.rm)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
FINAL <- function(init, i, grid) { init$sum / init$nval }
strip_results <- hstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- rownames(x)
BLOCK_colMeans <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
INIT <- function(j, grid) {
n <- ncol(grid[[1L, j]])
.col_sums_and_nvals(matrix(nrow=0L, ncol=n))
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
init + .col_sums_and_nvals(block, na.rm=na.rm)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
FINAL <- function(init, j, grid) { init$sum / init$nval }
strip_results <- vstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- colnames(x)
### base::rowMeans() has a 'dims' argument. We do NOT support it.
.rowMeans_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, dims=1)
.check_dims(dims, "rowMeans")
BLOCK_rowMeans(x, na.rm=na.rm)
setMethod("rowMeans", "DelayedMatrix", .rowMeans_DelayedMatrix)
### base::colMeans() has a 'dims' argument. We do NOT support it.
.colMeans_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, dims=1)
.check_dims(dims, "colMeans")
BLOCK_colMeans(x, na.rm=na.rm)
setMethod("colMeans", "DelayedMatrix", .colMeans_DelayedMatrix)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### row/colMins()
### The methods for ordinary matrices are defined in the matrixStats package.
BLOCK_rowMins <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (ncol(x) == 0L) {
ans <- rep.int(Inf, nrow(x))
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- rownames(x)
INIT <- function(i, grid) NULL
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
block_rowmins <- MatrixGenerics::rowMins(block, na.rm=na.rm,
if (is.null(init))
pmin(init, block_rowmins)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
strip_results <- hstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- rownames(x)
BLOCK_colMins <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
ans <- rep.int(Inf, ncol(x))
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- colnames(x)
INIT <- function(j, grid) NULL
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
block_colmins <- MatrixGenerics::colMins(block, na.rm=na.rm,
if (is.null(init))
pmin(init, block_colmins)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
strip_results <- vstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- colnames(x)
.check_rows_cols <- function(rows, cols, method)
if (!(is.null(rows) && is.null(cols)))
stop(wmsg("\"", method, "\" method for DelayedMatrix objects ",
"does not support arguments 'rows' and 'cols'"))
### MatrixGenerics::rowMins() has the 'rows' and 'cols' arguments.
### We do NOT support them.
.rowMins_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, rows=NULL, cols=NULL, na.rm=FALSE,
.check_rows_cols(rows, cols, "rowMins")
BLOCK_rowMins(x, na.rm=na.rm, useNames=useNames)
setMethod("rowMins", "DelayedMatrix", .rowMins_DelayedMatrix)
### MatrixGenerics::colMins() has the 'rows' and 'cols' arguments.
### We do NOT support them.
.colMins_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, rows=NULL, cols=NULL, na.rm=FALSE,
.check_rows_cols(rows, cols, "colMins")
BLOCK_colMins(x, na.rm=na.rm, useNames=useNames)
setMethod("colMins", "DelayedMatrix", .colMins_DelayedMatrix)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### row/colMaxs()
### The methods for ordinary matrices are defined in the matrixStats package.
BLOCK_rowMaxs <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (ncol(x) == 0L) {
ans <- rep.int(-Inf, nrow(x))
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- rownames(x)
INIT <- function(i, grid) NULL
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
block_rowmaxs <- MatrixGenerics::rowMaxs(block, na.rm=na.rm,
if (is.null(init))
pmax(init, block_rowmaxs)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
strip_results <- hstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- rownames(x)
BLOCK_colMaxs <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
ans <- rep.int(-Inf, ncol(x))
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- colnames(x)
INIT <- function(j, grid) NULL
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
block_colmaxs <- MatrixGenerics::colMaxs(block, na.rm=na.rm,
if (is.null(init))
pmax(init, block_colmaxs)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
strip_results <- vstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- colnames(x)
### MatrixGenerics::rowMaxs() has the 'rows' and 'cols' arguments.
### We do NOT support them.
.rowMaxs_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, rows=NULL, cols=NULL, na.rm=FALSE,
.check_rows_cols(rows, cols, "rowMaxs")
BLOCK_rowMaxs(x, na.rm=na.rm, useNames=useNames)
setMethod("rowMaxs", "DelayedMatrix", .rowMaxs_DelayedMatrix)
### MatrixGenerics::colMaxs() has the 'rows' and 'cols' arguments.
### We do NOT support them.
.colMaxs_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, rows=NULL, cols=NULL, na.rm=FALSE,
.check_rows_cols(rows, cols, "colMaxs")
BLOCK_colMaxs(x, na.rm=na.rm, useNames=useNames)
setMethod("colMaxs", "DelayedMatrix", .colMaxs_DelayedMatrix)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### row/colRanges()
### The methods for ordinary matrices are defined in the matrixStats package.
BLOCK_rowRanges <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (ncol(x) == 0L) {
ans <- cbind(rep.int(Inf, nrow(x)), rep.int(-Inf, nrow(x)))
if (useNames)
rownames(ans) <- rownames(x)
INIT <- function(i, grid) NULL
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
block_rowranges <- MatrixGenerics::rowRanges(block, na.rm=na.rm,
if (is.null(init))
cbind(pmin(init[ , 1L], block_rowranges[ , 1L]),
pmax(init[ , 2L], block_rowranges[ , 2L]))
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
strip_results <- hstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- do.call(rbind, strip_results)
if (useNames)
rownames(ans) <- rownames(x)
BLOCK_colRanges <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
ans <- cbind(rep.int(Inf, ncol(x)), rep.int(-Inf, ncol(x)))
if (useNames)
rownames(ans) <- colnames(x)
INIT <- function(i, grid) NULL
INIT_MoreArgs <- list()
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm=FALSE) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
block_colranges <- MatrixGenerics::colRanges(block, na.rm=na.rm,
if (is.null(init))
cbind(pmin(init[ , 1L], block_colranges[ , 1L]),
pmax(init[ , 2L], block_colranges[ , 2L]))
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm=na.rm)
strip_results <- vstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- do.call(rbind, strip_results)
if (useNames)
rownames(ans) <- colnames(x)
### MatrixGenerics::rowRanges() has the 'rows' and 'cols' arguments.
### We do NOT support them.
.rowRanges_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, rows=NULL, cols=NULL, na.rm=FALSE,
.check_rows_cols(rows, cols, "rowRanges")
BLOCK_rowRanges(x, na.rm=na.rm, useNames=useNames)
setMethod("rowRanges", "DelayedMatrix", .rowRanges_DelayedMatrix)
### MatrixGenerics::colRanges() has the 'rows' and 'cols' arguments.
### We do NOT support them.
.colRanges_DelayedMatrix <- function(x, rows=NULL, cols=NULL, na.rm=FALSE,
.check_rows_cols(rows, cols, "colRanges")
BLOCK_colRanges(x, na.rm=na.rm, useNames=useNames)
setMethod("colRanges", "DelayedMatrix", .colRanges_DelayedMatrix)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### row/colVars()
### The methods for ordinary matrices are defined in the matrixStats package.
.compute_rowVars_for_full_width_blocks <-
function(grid, x, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL,
as.sparse=NA, BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
stopifnot(ncol(grid) == 1L)
stopifnot(is.null(center) ||
(is.numeric(center) && length(center) == nrow(x)))
function(block, na.rm, center) {
if (is.null(center)) {
block_center <- NULL
} else {
viewport_range1 <- ranges(currentViewport())[1L]
block_center <- extractROWS(center, viewport_range1)
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
MatrixGenerics::rowVars(block, na.rm=na.rm, center=block_center,
na.rm, center,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose
.compute_colVars_for_full_height_blocks <-
function(grid, x, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL,
as.sparse=NA, BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
stopifnot(nrow(grid) == 1L)
stopifnot(is.null(center) ||
(is.numeric(center) && length(center) == ncol(x)))
function(block, na.rm, center) {
if (is.null(center)) {
block_center <- NULL
} else {
viewport_range2 <- ranges(currentViewport())[2L]
block_center <- extractROWS(center, viewport_range2)
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
MatrixGenerics::colVars(block, na.rm=na.rm, center=block_center,
na.rm, center,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose
.compute_rowVars_for_horizontal_strips <-
function(grid, x, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL,
as.sparse=NA, BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
stopifnot(is.null(center) ||
(is.numeric(center) && length(center) == nrow(x)))
INIT <- function(i, grid, x, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL,
as.sparse=NA, verbose=NA)
n <- nrow(grid[[i, 1L]])
if (!is.null(center))
return(data.frame(sum2=numeric(n), nval=integer(n)))
reduce_grid_hstrip(i, grid, x,
INIT=function(i, grid, n) {
.row_sums_and_nvals(matrix(nrow=n, ncol=0L))
FUN=function(init, block, na.rm) {
init + .row_sums_and_nvals(block, na.rm=na.rm)
FINAL=function(init, i, grid, n) {
center <- init$sum / init$nval
data.frame(sum2=numeric(n), nval=init$nval, center=center)
INIT_MoreArgs <- list(x=x, na.rm=na.rm, center=center,
as.sparse=as.sparse, verbose=verbose)
FINAL <- function(init, i, grid) { init$sum2 / (init$nval - 1L) }
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm, center) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
if (is.null(center)) {
block_center <- init$center
} else {
viewport_range1 <- ranges(currentViewport())[1L]
block_center <- extractROWS(center, viewport_range1)
block_nvals <- rep.int(ncol(block), nrow(block))
if (na.rm)
block_nvals <- block_nvals -
delta <- block
## 'delta' could be a SparseMatrix derivative. However
## adding/subtracting an ordinary vector to/from it is not
## supported so we first turn it into an ordinary matrix.
if (length(nzwhich(block_center)) != 0L)
delta <- as.matrix(delta) - block_center
## 'delta' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
block_sums2 <- MatrixGenerics::rowSums(delta * delta, na.rm=na.rm)
if (is.null(center)) {
init$sum2 <- init$sum2 + block_sums2
} else {
init + data.frame(sum2=block_sums2, nval=block_nvals)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm, center)
hstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
.compute_colVars_for_vertical_strips <-
function(grid, x, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL,
as.sparse=NA, BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
stopifnot(is.null(center) ||
(is.numeric(center) && length(center) == ncol(x)))
INIT <- function(j, grid, x, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL,
as.sparse=NA, verbose=NA)
n <- ncol(grid[[1L, j]])
if (!is.null(center))
return(data.frame(sum2=numeric(n), nval=integer(n)))
reduce_grid_vstrip(j, grid, x,
INIT=function(j, grid, n) {
.col_sums_and_nvals(matrix(nrow=0L, ncol=n))
FUN=function(init, block, na.rm) {
init + .col_sums_and_nvals(block, na.rm=na.rm)
FINAL=function(init, j, grid, n) {
center <- init$sum / init$nval
data.frame(sum2=numeric(n), nval=init$nval, center=center)
INIT_MoreArgs <- list(x=x, na.rm=na.rm, center=center,
as.sparse=as.sparse, verbose=verbose)
FINAL <- function(init, j, grid) { init$sum2 / (init$nval - 1L) }
FUN <- function(init, block, na.rm, center) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
if (is.null(center)) {
block_center <- init$center
} else {
viewport_range2 <- ranges(currentViewport())[2L]
block_center <- extractROWS(center, viewport_range2)
block_nvals <- rep.int(nrow(block), ncol(block))
if (na.rm)
block_nvals <- block_nvals -
delta <- block
## 'delta' could be a SparseMatrix derivative. However
## adding/subtracting an ordinary vector to/from it is not
## supported so we first turn it into an ordinary matrix.
if (length(nzwhich(block_center)) != 0L)
delta <- as.matrix(delta) - rep(block_center, each=nrow(block))
## 'delta' is either an ordinary matrix or SparseMatrix derivative
## (SVT_SparseMatrix or COO_SparseMatrix object).
block_sums2 <- MatrixGenerics::colSums(delta * delta, na.rm=na.rm)
if (is.null(center)) {
init$sum2 <- init$sum2 + block_sums2
} else {
init + data.frame(sum2=block_sums2, nval=block_nvals)
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(na.rm, center)
vstrip_apply(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
BLOCK_rowVars <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!is.null(center)) {
if (!is.numeric(center))
stop(wmsg("'center' must be NULL or a numeric vector"))
x_nrow <- nrow(x)
if (length(center) != x_nrow) {
if (length(center) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("'center' must have length 1 or nrow(x)"))
center <- rep.int(center, x_nrow)
grid <- best_grid_for_hstrip_apply(x, grid=grid)
if (ncol(grid) == 1L) {
fun <- .compute_rowVars_for_full_width_blocks
} else {
fun <- .compute_rowVars_for_horizontal_strips
strip_results <- fun(grid, x, na.rm=na.rm, center=center,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- rownames(x)
BLOCK_colVars <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL, useNames=TRUE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(useNames))
stop(wmsg("'useNames' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!is.null(center)) {
if (!is.numeric(center))
stop(wmsg("'center' must be NULL or a numeric vector"))
x_ncol <- ncol(x)
if (length(center) != x_ncol) {
if (length(center) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("'center' must have length 1 or ncol(x)"))
center <- rep.int(center, x_ncol)
grid <- best_grid_for_vstrip_apply(x, grid=grid)
if (nrow(grid) == 1L) {
fun <- .compute_colVars_for_full_height_blocks
} else {
fun <- .compute_colVars_for_vertical_strips
strip_results <- fun(grid, x, na.rm=na.rm, center=center,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
ans <- unlist(strip_results, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if (useNames)
names(ans) <- colnames(x)
setMethod("rowVars", "DelayedMatrix",
function(x, rows=NULL, cols=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL, useNames=TRUE)
.check_rows_cols(rows, cols, "rowVars")
BLOCK_rowVars(x, na.rm=na.rm, center=center, useNames=useNames)
setMethod("colVars", "DelayedMatrix",
function(x, rows=NULL, cols=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL, useNames=TRUE)
.check_rows_cols(rows, cols, "colVars")
BLOCK_colVars(x, na.rm=na.rm, center=center, useNames=useNames)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### TODO: Add more row/column summarization generics/methods
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